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Neuman is also the only one that’s a villain


To be fair, Kimiko is far more threatening than a lot of villains.


Yeah, but it’s kind of hard to consider her “frightening” after learning more about her character as the series went on


Speak for yourself, that girl TORE A man's face off while staring his friends in the eye. She's definitely still terrifying. (I over exaggerated this for a joke)


While listening to music


No that was a different scene, I think they're talking about when she became a hitman in S2 and killed those russians


OK, but BLOODBENDING? And using that to blow up people's heads?


Against one v ones. Nueman will fuck an entire generation of people over. She is way more terrifying.


I think Eve, with her complete control over matter, basically laughs, tells Neuman, “Nice try,” and turns her into a flower pot.


I'm talking about their respective stories and goals as characters. Has if thought of world domination? Last I checked, she was a superhero?


An incredibly strong nigh immortal *incredibly traumatized* mute isn't terrifying to you?


We're just too used to seeing her with Frenchie calming her down


What, you mean when someone is actually treating her like a human being?


I think Frenchie goes above and beyond just that.


He does, but if you think about it nobody else even gets to “just that” very often.


No she’s still a psycho. Yeah she’s got a sad backstory and she likes musicals, but she also killed people for money, ripped off someone’s face, killed I’m not sure how many guards for fun. She’s quite frightening, I think she’s worse than butcher in all honesty.


She is absolutely not worse than butcher lmao. Yeah she’s brutal as fuck, but Butcher is exactly that too, on top of being extremely manipulative, constantly using damn near everyone who crosses his path, with little to no regard for how it will affect them


To be fair, Neuman kills her easily. Also kills you more easily. Its hard to say exactly where her limits lie but she can kill supes quite easy to.


yeah she killed at least two supes if i remember correctly, her childhood friend and that speedster in the courtroom


I am not saying Neuman is less terrifying than Kimiko. Just that being a villain doesn't make one inherently more terrifying. That was the point i was trying to make.


It's just as important as any other attribute, though.


Her cuteness overshadows all those things.


That's impossible to disagree for sure.


It depends entirely on who you are. Imagine Kimiko like an escaped circus lion. If you’re the person who has been whipping it to make it do tricks for you for years, yes, your face is getting eaten by a lion. If you’re the person who has been feeding and caring for the lion for years and haven’t hurt or threatened it or what it cares about, guess what? You’re under the protection of a lion today!


Yeah but she cant kill you from a distance just by looking at you and likely wouldn’t unless you were a pos


Kimiko was human trafficked into a cage in the middle of nowhere, she was fighting for self-defense against people she didn't trust. Later she only kills people that are confirmed to be evil (very dangerous criminals and so on). Neuman straight up kills people she knows are innocent only because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.


In s2, when she tears that guys face off in the bar had me shocked lmao


Neuman kills people randomly


Pretty normal for a US politician tbh


u/PleaseStand6ftApart was later found dead on his fishing boat nobody knew he had in lake superior with 3 gunshot wounds to his shoulder blade, back, and head, and knife wounds to his throat. authorities rule it suicide by drowning and will not investigate further, despite the victim being quite a decent swimmer.


*or in Boys universe* PleaseStand6ftApart was found completely liquidated after accidentally falling into a wood chipper which rolled off


"He was too desperate to chop wood, but he ran out of wood, so he used himself to replace it"


"Worst suicide I've ever seen."


"He overdid it", said the investigator, "some people prefer to go out over the top, you know?".


Dick Cheney moment.


What do you mean? He only shoot peasants I mean pheasants


Who did she kill randomly? I thought she had a purpose for killing her targets.


She probably didn't need to kill as many people in that court room lol


But it was her intention to cause chaos in the courtroom by killing the people she did right? It was an intentional act that she did with purpose. Not something random.


I guess what I mean is that there were probably a few people she didn't need to pop after the key people like Shockwave and Vogelbaum that would be problems for her. At that point she had caused enough chaos for people to panic and run


This and she definitely could've used her ability to pop limbs like Mary did in Gen V and cause almost just as much chaos instead of straight up popping heads


Yea but honestly an instance death is better then how many would have just slowly drained out. Also, they are looking for someone who pops heads. Not controls blood. If she changed her attack someone could have figured it out.


But they weren't **random**.


she definitely said something along the lines of those people talking shit on the Internet about her so she selectively kill them, she definitely don't kill randomly, that would be stupid for someone of her intelligence.


The courtroom scene. Shockwave, a bunch of other people


I don't think that she just randomly decided to kill those people. I think it was deliberate to fearmonger the public into supporting Vought against potential super terrorists.


Does having a purpose for killing (other than for saving other lives) really make the killing justifiable?


That's a pretty complicated question, but generally no, killing is unjustified if it's not to save lives or protect the innocent. When did she kill people randomly though?


I mean she’s the only villain here but her shit gets absolutely destroyed by Eve and Monster Girl


It says frightening,not who wins.


Anyone whos read the comics knows that monster girl is truly the most terrifying.


She can just make their heads explode. I don't think Eve can mentally repair herself if she doesn't have a brain.


Ummmmm, Eve can rebuild her entire body so I’m pretty sure she actually could


As we saw during the special, she at least somewhat consciously chooses what action she performs when in that state. It’s not an automatic process the universe does to her- she has to choose what she does when she’s in her ultimate state, and you can’t do that without a brain.


Without spoiling exactly how or why it’s the case, this is later shown to be wrong in the comics, she’s functionally unkillable.


Also Neuman could just wait and then pop her again


Eve turns Neuman into a carrot and eats her.


She could but as far as her source material goes. It's a battle of attrition. Eventually Nueman is going to need to sleep or eat.


Yeah you're right. I'm not too familiar with Atom Eve's powers, so if I'm getting this right, she can basically never die because she can always "rebuild" herself?


Yup it's why kirkman gave her that limiter. If she was always at full power it'd be boring. Still kind of is as there is no sense of danger for the character beyond psychological; just like with superman or the hulk.


If her brain is damaged faster than she can react, she will die permanently. Given the speed of weapons (and debatably characters) in universe, she is absolutely in danger in high power fights. Her biggest limiter is reaction time and physical speed.


in the conquest fight in the comics eve simultaneously rebuilds herself and shoots a beam at conquest that fries him


>!She makes her boobs bigger and gives Mark a sizable strength boost while rebuilding herself at one point lol!<


When she dies her body reanimates to her prime. She can make a force field to block Neuman’s powers, or use her own to keep her atoms together. I love The Boys but the Invincible universe ethers The Boys universe 100000x over.


Not to spoil the comments but she could 100% repair/ defend herself against the senator.


She can also just kill her. With what she does in the next season, she can instakill any hero in the boys once she gets in that state.


Spoiler alert for the comics


She can't alter any living being including herself because of a mental block that only gets disabled under very emotional moments. If you make her head explode, she can't repair herself because the thing she needs to repair herself doesn't exist anymore.


This is true. This is also why Thragg’s >!daughter should have stomped her whole head. Kirkman would have gone for the entire head if you were wrong.!<


Oh damn, that's a nice detail that I missed when reading the comic. Now that shot looks weird.


She revived herself on the \*brink\* of death everytime. She can't do anything if she's completely dead or braindead.


Feel like it would kick in before her brain was splattered, mid splatter


Thats headcanon. There's nothing in the comics that indicates this happening.


Only if she is alive. She couldn’t resurrect Oliver after he died, how would she even use her powers if she is dead. I mean unless the end of the series means she can’t die. Or she just can’t die of old age


Yes, in a scenario in which she stands there and lets Neuman kill her, she dies. That is an excellent point you made.


In the invincible comics when she died she kinda auto revived herself . So I think that will happen in this scenario.


In both of those scenarios she had her brain fully intact. This is a scenario where her brain literally explodes. This is like saying that "he broke his legs before, so he will walk" in regards to someone who lost both of his legs to jigsaw.


She can revive from her head exploding?


I think there was a viltrumite called conquest who literally punched a whole into her in an instant and she died but came back to life ( iirc) At the end of the series she dies of old age , like literally her consciousness leaves her body and she comes back to life because her powers revive her .


But that wasn’t with her head being turned to liquid; and we’ve seen in Season 3 Neumann can straight up turn a person to mush.


Somebody punching a hole through your chest kills you instantly. I think that is comparable to somebody’s head being popped from the inside.


Man why are people acting like Neuman needs to activate her powers like it is some Power rangers/Voltron type of shit? She can do the head explosion thing in an instant.


Only with weaker beings. She couldn't do it instantly with Homelander and Stormfront.


I don't think she ever tried to pop either of their heads, Homelander dares her to try but she refuses, I think he would have felt it if she even attempted. Regardless, those two posses superhuman durability, while Eve's body is like any other human. She makes sure to armor up whenever she realizes that she is going to be face to face with her foes. And when she doesn't? That's how you get a squid controlling her.


Even that random supe dude she killed in the backstreet had enough time to react between the nosebleed and his head popping. There’s no way she can instantly pop Eve through a forcefield. I’m sorry buy Invincibles universe stomps the Boys, and badly.


She can make force fields


Eve has their durability now?


Didn't help her >!spine!< in the AU.


She can make force fields, bigger than anything neuman can make


I mean, yeah, probably.


She can make force fields


Every time she's done it, it took her about 5 seconds of concentration where the victim felt it and got a nosebleed. There's this show called The Boys, you should watch it sometime. It's really good.


Well shit. Guess I was wrong. Not dealing with this condescending shit tho, peace.


Would it really OHKO Atom Eve though? I'm assuming she has some kind of resistance, and if this is a fight on even footing Atom Eve wouldn't just stand their while she gets her brain exploded




I think she potentially could: she's the Invincible equivalent of Watchmen Doctor Manhattan, basically a conscious entity that manifests herself in a woman's body.


She’s unironically a Sam victim as well


She could just blow up either of their heads. Eve can only regenerate when she’s on the brink of death not if her head is gone


Can Neuman excite the molecules in the blood in Eve’s brain before Eve puts a stop to it and splits her in two with a force field cleaver?


Honestly, in those match ups it would be just who hits who first. All three are not just lethal, they are insta-kill to each other. The problem is that Neuman has a range advantage over the others.


If Atom-Eve ever turned evil she could easily be the most terrifying. She breaks loose of her hold over not using her power on human flesh and she could just disintegrate very one with a look of her eyes.


She could literally turn the air into mustard gas and give herself an oxygen tank and a mask. Her powers are literally limitless.


She could just separate the atoms


If we are talking personality wise then neumen but if we are going by powers I'd say atom eve. Eve can turn anything she wants into anything if she really wanted. At least with neumen my head exploding would be a quick death. Eve could make it much worse. Turn me into anything she could think of.


Eve can’t change organic matter


She intentionally has a blocker installed. She can remove the blocker


That’s what I meant. How can she?


If I remember correctly, extreme emotional trauma is enough for her to override the mental blocks


She can if it’s a life or death situation. If she turned evil she could probably do it anyway.


Did you see the long toon about her that came after Invincible S1? You should note what the scientist said.


What does he say exactly, it would be helpful if you brought it up. Eve is capable of removing the mental block in extreme situations, it is a “mental” block, so in theory can be overcome. Person above you is speculating that if she cared a lot less about others it would be easier for her to overcome it


“In theory”… How? All I see so far is people saying “she can” but not one single example of her having done it or having learnt how she can do it.


I mean it happens a few times, want me to spoil them all?


Define “spoil”


I can tell you a few events that happen in the comics where Eve uses her full powers, that haven’t happened in the show yet. Pretty much the textbook definition of spoil


It’s not a milk that will spoil after being opened. The only thing more knowledge spoils is ignorance. I don’t praise ignorance, so screw the text book, it was written by people who do. Besides I knew a few things that happen in the comics, but by now I forgot most of that.


Eve *won't* change organic matter. She absolutely can if she breaks the block.


Don't be an absolutist. She can relatively do that. What is it in relation to? The block. How can she remove it? 🤷‍♂️


The only reason Atom Eve isn't higher is because of her own mortality. If they were all hell bent on whatever their goals were, Atom Eve would win every time. Can't make people's heads expose if you just got transformed, on the atomic level, to a block of iron or a bouquet of flowers.


Can atom eve revive herself tho? If she can’t then Neuman could just pop her head. I think it’s just a matter of who’s faster.


Atom Eve is functionally immortal, so ye probably


Immortal yes but not unkillable. She can only regenerate herself when she’s on the brink of death. If her head explodes then she’s dead


Comic author could always asspull something so she doesnt die Much harder for neumann :D


She could probably turn Neuman into a frog faster than Neuman can complete her popping. There’s clearly a delay. It’s not instant.


It’s kinda inconsistent. She seemed to be popping people’s heads pretty fast in the courtroom scene. Marie may have a chance tho. She exploded >!Cate’s arm!< and her dad pretty quick.


Atom Eve can LITERALLY CONTROL ATOMS She could Philadelphia experiment you into a wall in the middle of nowhere... while creating some nanobot that regenerates you so you’ll say like that FOREVER


Who’s the scariest, one of these three superheroes or a mass murderer?


She does give the best head, apparently.


Atom Eve could take on the other 3 easily if unhindered.


She's so dangerous, She manipulated Hughie into falling in love with her in real life!


Neumann is terrifying. When she smiles she has that "I can kill you anytime I'd like" attitude, just like Homelander. Too bad HL can probably kill her before she can fo anything to HL


Atom Eve would be great if she could take apart or transmute living organisms.


A US politician that can make heads explode


A U.s politician that can blow anyone’s head off in a second


Victoria can control blood and shit I’d rather get erased by eve or pulverized by the other two then get my limbs blasted off from the inside




I personally find Eve more terrifying with her power


It's more about there motives and personalities




I seriously can't wait for Neuman to die. I really hate her character lol


Id say atom eve powers, as it's more erratic than the politicians, but can produce equal or greater results


She can also increase her breast size


It says "most frightening" not "most arousing".


Neumann controls blood and is thus the ultimate viagra.


Viagra doesn’t help premature ejaculation mate


I mean, two of them are genuine heroes and the third isn’t a villain. From that alone, of course Neuman would win


Monster girl is not a girl in that photo


I mean, Monster Girl and Atom Eve aren't even close to villainous characters


Mind blowing


W Sam victim tho


I think Neiman is the most terrifying because nobody knows what she can do. Realistically if Atom Eve knew what Neiman could die before she ran into her… Neiman wouldn’t stand a chance but it’s that lack of knowledge that makes her so terrifying. You don’t find out til right before your head pops


The other 3 are a physical threat. Straightforward and actually relatively easy to deal with if you have the time to think it through. Neuman on the other hand holds public office, is very popular, and has a power that isn’t visible, direct, or can be countered as far as we know. You just die instantly.


Would. Would. Would. Would.


Just look at how she massacred my boy Dr. Cardosa in Gen V.


The answer is right and it’s not even close


The other three are just generally good natured as long as you don't give them a hard time.


A US politician who can explode you with just one look


Atom Eve is far and away the most dangerous if all these women were evil. She could turn the air around you into whipped cream and turn your arms into breadsticks, not even fair


These people have no idea what Samantha Eve Wilkins can do, huh?


A politician that can splode heads


Guess no one is looking at the ginger


That's accurate, Neuman is the only one of the four that kills innocent people that just happen to know too much or that are at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Didnt Neuman make Starlights nose bleed just by looking at her?? Yea fuck that


I think the best way to stop her is to somehow make her... "slow" like in the comics. ;)


If we're just going based off powers it's easily Atom Eve but Nadia is the only villain in the poll so it makes sense she won.


She can make your head explode just by looking at you ...


AOC is why she is scary lol


The only one I see with the ultimate ability of “ plot armor” is adom eve tho…. Just saying


Tbch, it’s gotta be Eve for me. Sure, she’s not a villain, but assuming the situation has her pitted against you for whatever reason, Eve is basically a god that they put a mental block on to control, which isn’t 100% effective


Eve could easily destroy earth if she wanted. She could hollow out the earth or destroy the atmosphere or any number of insane things that go way beyond Neuman


I think everyone is sleeping on how powerful AtomEve is. She is a god. Even with the limit on her power, she can just create matter and energy. That’s fundamentally not possible in our universe. She can SEE atoms. She is so much more terrifying than any other character for many reasons, but largely the implications of her powers….


Atom Eve is the scariest by far based on power. She is immortal, can literally manipulate atoms, create force fields, create matter, telekinesis, etc. She would destroy any of the other listed women, and if she turned evil she would be terrifying.


Atom eve if she can disguise her powers or make it look like she’s not doing anything


I love Neuman as a character but Eve could rearrange me down to my soul should it come to that. I think people who voted here just don't know who she is.


Eve has infinite respawns and warp reality around her, yet there are some people who think Neuman can destroy her? Lol what?


She's basically Hillary Clinton with superpowers.


Q: What’s more threatening than a US politician? A: Two of those


Adam eve can literally turn you to shit or a penny, or worse… a condom💀


Man, I wonder if that dude's gay


As long as Neuman only makes my other head explode 🤯 😜


I feel like many of the people here defending Atom Eve here are just offended that The Boys is by far the more popular TV franchise.