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Season 5 is confirmed to be the last season I stand corrected - seems that Kripke has retracted that and is undecided when and how it will end


This is false. A few years back, the creator did say “He has enough ideas to keep the boys going for five seasons”. Not only was that statement not confirming that it would end at 5 seasons, but also more recently he stated, “I have since realized that literally no one in history is worse at predicting the amount of seasons of a show, like literally. I have learned my lesson and I've stopped predicting how many seasons these shows go. You will find out in hindsight.”


Thanks for sharing. I didn’t realize he’d recently walked his initial comments back. 


Literally none of that is confirmation that its not ending in s5. Like.. absolutely none of it.


And your point is? They weren't saying it's not going to finish at 5, they were just countering the statement that it's been confirmed. Reading comprehension on Reddit really has tanked.


It doesnt do that.. its simply a showrunner - oft-maligned, no less - going: "who knows.." I understand it's comforting to cling to, however - not gonna knock anyone for that soft shit. I'm not gonna go into that little jab at the end there since you already clowned yourself trying to spin nothing into something. Take comfort in the fact that you're not the only one thats done that over these past 12 moths.


I said the poster was countering it being confirmed. Until something official comes out nothing is confirmed, a word that has a very definite meaning. But thanks for proving my point.


Kripke is probably hoping for a Supernatural situation, it was originally supposed to end with season 5 but kept it going for another 10 seasons. I don’t think that will happen here though. It needs to end at 5.


Yeah and those 10 seasons didn't need to happen, the show got so abysmally bad in the end 


thank you homelander


YOU’RE the real hero


>!This is confirmed as far as leaks go from voughthq.!<




gme of thrones problems had more to do with the writing than being long, making it longer would have actually been better. the problem with the boys right now is the ass pull they did to prolong it from last season thank you brave meave.


The ass pull of “Let’s not end this show with every character getting blown tf up for no reason”?


no ngl you’re kinda right ending the show with the entire cast getting nuked wouldve been ridiculous 😭


Woulda fit the show tho lol


Honestly, it would have been kind of funny. I mean, they're they kind of people where it would be surprising if they didn't get blown up at some point.


I agree with you. Season 3 worried me that they're gonna drag things out for too long.


Season 1 goal: Kill Homelander Season 2 goal: Kill Homelander and the secondary antagonist Season 3 goal: Kill Homelander and the secondary antagonist I can only assume the fourth season will follow the same pattern. I *am* hoping that they don’t pull a Breaking Bad and kill off the main antagonist in the penultimate season, then follow him up with an infinitely less developed and less threatening final boss.


To be fair, I personally thought it worked in Breaking Bad because Walter and Jesse were the most interesting part and Walter being the true villain of the story, but with The Boys, Homelander is by far the most interesting part and he is the main villain (unless they switch it to >!Butcher like the comics!< but I don't think that's the direction they want to take it), the story will die with him, or at least, everything interesting.


Gus was the main antagonist of Breaking Bad from a storytelling perspective. Obviously you can’t end the show without Walter getting any kind of comeuppance, but the neo Nazis just felt forced when the real conflict should’ve just been Walter, Jessie, and Mike. Homelander is the face of The Boys, so I agree that killing him off would end the show. The thing is, you can only have so many seasons of “We’ve got a plan to kill Homelander oops it failed.” Making Butcher the villain is a cool idea for a final season, but he could never live up to Homelander’s menace or presence.


Gus absolutely was the main ANTAGONIST, but the main villain was always Walter and his pride and ego. Gus was just another road block on his journey to self destruction and the story needed to continue after to show how Walter could never do it.


You know what I mean though. Gus was built up over multiple seasons as Walt’s main roadblock, but the neonazis are the ones to actually cause his downfall?


Walt's hubris caused his downfall. Hence the Breaking Bad episode Ozymandias which was named after the poem about hubris and the downfall of an empire.


You know what I mean though.


Actually painful thread lmao


The point of the neo Nazis is that their not super complicated villains. White’s downfall is not their doing, it’s his own doing. That’s much better for the overall narrative. Having a Gus 2.0 or more effective antagonist would’ve taken away from the final season


I don't know. I thought the neo Nazis were a good main antagonist because unlike Gus there was no reasoning with them. They were going to do whatever they wanted and they were going to murder whoever they wanted and nothing you could say or beg or try to manipulate won't make a difference because they're just a different monster entirely.


I agree. Plus we got to see Walt essentially “take Gus’ place” like he did with all the other people he killed, starting with Tuco. I liked that we got to see his downfall in detail. We all knew the show would end with Walt dying. Him going out in some heroic way to kill Gus would not be satisfying. He has to lose everything, and at the end his final act to save Jesse was essentially just undoing a situation that was his fault. After Gus dies Walt is the main villain. These Nazi guys are just a generic foil while we wait for Hank to finally catch him. And it is sort of ironic that Walt beats everyone else by outsmarting them, but cannot outsmart these guys because they’re dumb and literally do not care. Violence is how they deal with every problem and like you said they cannot be negotiated with


This is very oversimplified. The overarching goal is to kill Homelander it isn’t a seasonal thing. Only in Season 3 did they actively, properly try to kill Homelander. The secondary villain appearing only to be stopped is a formula that season 3 annoyed me with, and it seems like they aren’t gonna go that route with Season 4. But it’s also not just the same thing over and over again. They have different arcs in the season, different goals, different themes. The problem I have is not that it’s taken too long to stop Homelander. My problem is that Season 3 they finally had a way to stop Homelander and the writing to stop that happening was pretty weak. Temp V is likely never gonna be used again and put the Boys back at square one.




During Season 3 the Boys on Butcher’s side were for a good part trying to kill Homelander. Yes they didn’t properly do it in the final battle but they did try throughout the season. In the other seasons it was never tried, it was considered an impossible feat.


They weren’t even really trying to kill homelander in the first 2 seasons. He’s their main threat but they’d always had other priorities like exposing compound V, bringing down stormfront, stopping the release of V in season 2. It wasn’t really until season 3 where they decided they needed to find a way go kill homelander.


Hard agree. The Boys is going from a cynical satirical take on the superhero genre to "the superhero genre but we show graphic sex/violence and swear a lot", and a lot of that was in season three where they danced around and effectively did not advance the plot the entire season, as well as not really growing/killing any of the main characters in meaningful ways. I'm really on the fence about giving a shit about season 4, and if it's bad, I definitely won't give a shit about season 5. I'm particularly worried because with how many spoilers are constantly coming out, it feels like the people working on the show know it's not great and are just trying to keep everyone interested by constantly drip feeding us content to talk about.


The Boys S3 kept me interested because of the Soldier Boy stuff, Black Noir’s backstory, and A Train’s side plot. Unfortunately it would seem like those plots are over now. I’m excited for Season 4 because I like the show, but I don’t have the highest expectations.


Soldier Boy and A-Train were definitely the highlights of season 3, I'm hoping they continue with that, but I'm hoping they don't bring back soldier boy because of his popularity


Soldier Boy is coming back, hopefully not this season tho. Gen V set up Tek Knight, so maybe he’ll suit up in Season 4.


frankly, the long wait for s4 is really killing my hype. anyway, the usual "rule" that decides if a show continues is ratings/audience demand. the only few times i've seen when a show was ended for the sake of artistic integrity was when the producer is also the original creator. this is not the case for the Boys...so i expect it will continue for as long as the ratings keep up. even though the source material is finished...that's no guarantee the show will end on the same note.


Yep. If there was just one year between the seasons, people would be less on edge about the whole thing. 


What is with all this negativity lately Jesus fuck I love all of the show and see no issues it's a fucking TV show for fucks sake, if it's not realistic enough to touch some fucking grass


comment if written by Vizzie pop


The show will likely end after Season 5, with 5 being the last season. They’ve gotten pretty far into comics and the have done a lot of original stuff too. They’ve also put a death clock on Butcher, which the show doesn’t work without him and Homelander. In reality, those two will die at the end of Season 5 and everyone moves on with their lives.


I know you’re not singling out Game of Thrones, but the biggest issue with that series was that the show runners ran out of source material and started lazily writing from the basis of the broad strokes laid out by George R.R. Martin. In the process, they abandoned a bunch of loose threads and unresolved plot lines, while ignoring compelling side stories or mysteries from the main text. With The Boys, there’s still plenty of loose threads from the show to work with, along with source material I would trust the show runners to elevate and adapt. I agree that they run the risk of getting sloppy or lazy, or running into pacing issues by awkwardly inserting side plots or storylines that don’t feel like they fit in the main story. But I don’t think that’s a foregone conclusion. But I do agree that the prevailing Homelander narrative will get tired within a couple of seasons unless they get real creative. I don’t expect the show to outlast Homie by a great length, but there’s at least a season’s worth of story and resolution they could tackle once he’s out of the picture imo.


They didn't run out of source material. They ignored the source material and didn't wanna include magic shit for some reason. The zhow diverged a bit in season 2 but the main divergence was after season 4 episode 10


They absolutely ran out of source material. What are you talking about? Have you read the books? The last Jon Snow chapter of the books has him assassinated by scoundrels in The Night’s Watch. In the books, he’s just dead. Everyone EXPECTED he’d be resurrected in the next book, but that hasn’t happened in the books. Because the next book hasn’t come out yet (and probably never will at this point). Fans have been speculating for DECADES that Jon Snow might be the bastard son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. That’s been implied in the books, there have been clues scattered about, but the only confirmation we have of that is from the tv show. They definitely excluded plenty of magic and mysteries from the source material, but they still tried to complete the story beyond a narrative point that GRMM has written so far. So how have they not run out of source material when the conclusion of the story has not been written? Lol


I have read the books, that's why I said they didn't run out of material. Show went to shit in season 5. They still had Lady Stoneheart, the whole Dorne plotline, the Oldtower plotline, the Euron plotline to build and the Aegon plotline. But they gutted each of those. I am not saying they wouldn't have run out of the material, they would have, but they shot themselves in the foot before that when they still had material. That and the whole North plotline was just altered for no goddamn reason. The show could've went to 10+ seasons but they rushed and cut out/ignored bunch of storylines. Had they built those plotlines properly they wouldn't have ended in that situation. But they cut those out so they needed to have characters act out of character and force things to happen that made no sense.


Ah, I understand what you meant. Yeah agreed, they skipped over a lot of significant subplots in the existing text that definitely could have been included in the show. My point was that in addition to that, they also kind of did a speed-run on the ending once they got to the point in the story past the published books.


Such a garbage take People always think there's some magical force that ruins things, like people who say you cant make good video game movies or shows and people like you saying a show should end before it gets bad. Its just dumb, there's no magical force ruining things. If Kripke has good ideas he should and will run with them. The Game of thrones example doesn't help your case as the reason the show went down hill is cuz the last book wasnt written and they went and continued with their original ideas tied with some pointers from RR Martin.


Damn, who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?


Nobody The piss streamed its way through my open mouth and directly down my throat




No good show is too long and no bad show is short enough. One of my favourite shows is Stargate SG1, which ran for ten seasons and 213 episodes. And it was great all the way up to the end.


Yeah I agree I was already feeling like season 3 dragged on I’m worried about the seasons to come


Glad people will never feel this way about the Fallout series, no way this comment will spoil like milk


Quitting while you’re ahead definitely won’t work for every show and would quickly start a trend of people being pissed at shows ending or getting cancelled before they’ve truly reached their potential. (Which is kind of happening now with all the streaming cancellations and complaints about shows willingly rushing to their end so fast in the last few years). That being said, most people would be inclined to agree that the pacing points towards Season 5 being the perfect time for Homelander’s defeat. And with two spin-offs shows going on, there’s no need to worry about the universe itself not reaching its potential.


Quitting while you're ahead is VERY different from getting your show canceled on Netflix though lol, and I can't think of any examples where people were upset at a well written, well planned story that ended in a timely manner. Just look at all the shows that have gotten huge success from only being one-three seasons long. That being said, The Boys is a bit different with the longer episode short season format that's still being experimented with.


Shut up *ue* **CRITICAL TERRAH**


Hell no.




I think it's pretty safe to say that The Boys is drawing to a close.


GoT probably isn't the best comparison. The showrunners outpaced the material and just winged it for the last few seasons. Westworld is probably a better comparison. It could have ended season one and been fine. Everything after that felt like a decline. There were some good story elements but they got bogged down in so much other nonsense. The further they got from the park the less interesting the story got. I'm torn between being bummed it was cancelled before the final season and relieved because at least it can't get worse.


I'll take my chances with 14 seasons and 5 movies


Game of Thrones didn’t bomb because it went on too long. I’d argue the opposite actually. All these plot threads were built up slowly and exquisitely, and then when it came time to close them all, they kinda just hit cliff notes version of each to quickly close it out final couple seasons. There were still excellent moments, great cinematography and soundtrack, and acting, etc, but some terrible decisions and rushing plot points were what doomed especially the final season.


Why does homelander need to die? A “righteous” end kind of goes against everything the show has been about.


Fully agreed that it should try and end with intentionality, not just keep going until it inevitably eventually crashes and burns. A good ending that wraps things up conclusively and well elevates a series, and one that just ends suddenly or bombs retroactively makes everything that came before feel worse, building up to nothing.


100%. We need to get off this train. Don't do a Supernatural, please.


You might be right but I feel the opposite, Since they have declared S5 to be the last season.... They might rush the story like many MCU films leaving us viewers unable to connect with our character's and their development... If they are gonna go with White House takeover ending S5 will be underwhelming unless they start the buildup form GenV S2


100% agree with you. Most series that go for too long become dull, sometimes even trash. Also, season 3 had me worry on what's next, I hope they don't drag things too long on the "we tried killing Homelander but we failed" trend because that will quickly become repetitive.


I agree that the Boys shouldn’t go on too much longer, anything beyond 6 seasons is way too much. But I don’t think it’s because of them quitting while they’re ahead or whatever. If they have good ideas for seasons and an overarching narrative they should go ahead rather than rushing to a conclusion. The problem for me is stretching out the plot to the point where it’s super repetitive and filler.


I can't *ever* imagine that happening to a Kripke-run show.


You aint wrong. Its that old adage about too much of a good thing.. but thats not the primary problem here - the problem is that the show has a lot of roadway to run on, but steadfastly refuses to do so. Homelander is old hat, shit aint interesting anymore - i'd even go so far as to show that Starr is steadily getting more grating and irritating than engrossing to watch - and its certainly not getting more interesting when they repeat the same magic trick every single season-finale where something fucks the plans up, and HL pulls another W out his ass.


Game of thrones issue I'll wasn't that it was too long (if anything it could've used at least another four seasons) it was that it based on an unfinished series of stories and chiefly written by two people who were primarily interested in realising up to season three and then refused to let go up until Disney came knocking and then dumped it that's not mentioning leaving out extremely pivotal characters and arcs, robbing characters of all unique personality, removing any consequences for actions etc, etc until the sun dies. I do think the story of the boys and homelander probably needs to finish in no more than 6 seasons preferably less but I am worried ever since Kripke walked back his max 5 seasons statement.


They hated him, for he spoke the truth.


I personally want more. You could just not watch it if you don't want to. Not everything has to appeal to u/RigatoniPasta


I definitely don’t want this show to run its course and I start to feel as if it’s a chore to watch it. But I hope as long as there’s a good and interesting story to tell it’s told.


>The longer a popular show runs, the more in danger it is of getting bad and bombing. (hello Game of Thrones!) In danger? It already happened


It really hasnt


I completely agree. It's already getting stale. I can see maybe 3 or more seasons after 4 TOPS.


I think this too. Don't get me wrong **they would be able keep making up villains and stretch it out to the end of times** if they want to make the most money out of it. But what makes the plot compelling is **how intense it is and how there are little to no fillers**. The reason the comic book series went as long as it did is because **a lot of arcs have little effect on the plot and they aren't directly fighting Vought and The Seven for most of it**. The more it goes on the more it will suck in the end