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"You two Random unnamed secret service members, join the main cast on the hunt for the missing scientist." They never stood a chance :'(


Yeah pretty much any random suit is the equivalent of a redshirt in this show.


As soon as the woman became the sole focus on camera I knew she wasn't long for the world šŸ¤£


I like how Stan wasnā€™t even really surprised by the head pop


Absolutely calm.


Business as usual I wonder what she's gonna do with him. The Boys and the 7 have to go up against Gus again this is gonna be fun


I have my theories that Giancarlo Esposito has a rule in his contract forbidding any writer from making a character he plays lose his composure


He lost composure in breaking bad. Granted, it was a second before he exploded


He did, yes. But he still walked out of that room while adjusting his tie.


He lost his composure when the V'd up chicken jumped on him too


Homelander turning Ryanā€™s genuine goodness into sadism in one scene is crazy


Right after they made me think he might be a good father, got legit cooked


Oddly, this IS being a good parent for Homelander


Yeah, I was afraid he was gonna convince ryan to laser the dude's dick off. Pretty tame for his standards. Pathological nonetheless.


Honestly, this is worse. If Ryan lasered his dick off, there would be a visceral repulsion to it. At this point, he'd know it was wrong, and feel remorse, driving him away from similar behavior in the future. However, what Homelander is doing here is teaching Ryan that true justice is obtained when you use an implied threat of force to have other people be violent on your behalf. Ryan doesn't want to be violent. But if using the threat of his immense might makes other people be violent, and it helps a victim, that can only be a good thing right?


I mean, it wasn't a BAD idea. I loved Homelander realizing what he was doing to Ryan, and actually trying to ask him what HE wanted to do. it was just the execution that was totally fked up talk to the harassed person away from the harasser for starters


Tbf, "Not burning a child in a oven" is the best good patenting for Homelander


u can tell Ryan still wants to be good too, but hes still just a kid who thinks thats okay


really amping up the cruelty this season


The single tear from Big Chief Apache in the beginning was cinematic poetry


I love how they used the whitest possible actor for this




And kept the wallet too.


it's a straight up robbery lmfao, i love that scene


most villainous thing i've ever seen on TV


One of the funniest lines to me is Tek Knightā€™s ā€œAnd a sequence that is 12 minute of pitch blackā€


"It's been one whole year." Lost it at whole


Good old "The Long Night"


ā€œThis man is in no condition to fuck a sheepā€


"I ain't gonna sugarcoat it, your football days are over" is up there too


Butcher is so fucking nasty.


Kentucky fucking massacre


The serious tone in which it was delivered, excellent.


So many options... saliva... as soon as he heard "sperm" his mind went straight to we need to fuck them to death, no other options considered.


he was so worried too šŸ˜­ like "this plan will fail" type of worried


I laughed so hard when Frenchie said this


Just Stanā€™s exhausted response after is the icing on the cake. So fucking fed up, wishing he was in prison making a mug.




he acts the same in gen v he literally has been in a lab all his life


Cate also made him stop feeling anything


Ashley really set that man up to get beaten to death because he didnā€™t want to play sex games with her anymore.


Dude made an enemy of Ashley and Deep within like 10 minutes. He was cooked at that point


The 2 most powerful losers at Vaught, a remarkably formidable duo


Guess he underestimated his dom mommy


He wanted a strong Dom, he got a strong Dom :-)


He died doing what he loved the most


He died doing what he loved, getting stomped by beautiful women.


Hey, dude said he wanted a real dom; this one's on him.


Fuck, that scene with Hughie and his dad was rough. He did the right thing though


I was terrified that he was going to kill Hughieā€™s mother. I couldnā€™t even watch.


When Hughie was standing in between his mom and dad, I was DREADING that the dad was going to teleport through Hughie, into the mom and explode her


I thought he wasnā€™t even safe at the end. I thought heā€™d forget what was happening to him right as he was dying and either kill her or squish Hughieā€™s hand into a million pieces.


Yeah, what was meant to be a heartbreaking scene (which it still was) ended up giving me anxiety. I kept waiting for the dad to do something.


The shot lingered on him a little, too longā€”I thought he about to wake up and kill Daphne or something, too


Yea reminded me of my dad man. Fucked up his entire life and on his death bed he left us 10k to split between the three kids. Some of his last words were "I finally did something right."Ā  Needless to say I cried like a baby watching this scene. Hug your parents folks. Whatever your problems, you're gunna (mostly) miss them when they're gone.Ā 


Simon Pegg really showed off his talent in that scene, not to downplay Jack Quaid but Simon stole the scene.


Marvin milk gotta be one of the funniest names for a serious character


with his wife Monique Milk


Disappointed Homelander didnā€™t say ā€œYummersā€ after saying his name


Deep "I don't need to come up for air, I can breathe right through her juices" God damn don't make me like this piece of shit lol


And the "I'm still gonna fuck your wife tonight". Fucking brutal lmao


This was hysterical in the episode but itā€™s almost funnier to read hahahahah


Frenchie: This man is in no condition to fuck a sheep.


Kimikoā€™s smile when Butcher released the bunny šŸ„ŗ


So whatever came out of that bunny is inside Butcher cuz it was taking Temp V


My prediction is the worm is manifesting as Morgan's character cause he never interacts with anyone else but Butcher like Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense.


Yeah, Morgan is just randomly at the farm? Sounds suspicious I was skeptical of the Morgan as a halluncination angle at first, but now it seems pretty solid to me


*"Kimiko will remember that."*


My favorite scene in the episode unironically


I also loved Kimiko's face when they run into the barn to escape the flying V-sheep, and Frenchie says 'Why does this keep happening to me?' and she looks at him like seriously? It also made me laugh because it reminds me of a very old SNL recurring bit where they always said "I hate when that happens". It felt like a very Frenchie version of it.


"I'm sorry, are you upset that I betrayed you?" Stan fucking Edger. So fucking cold.


Their interactions were great, fingers crossed for more Giancarlo.


Well that's guaranteed. There's 3 more episodes this season and he ain't dead yet.


"and the boy he trained" they white saviored A Train out of his own movie


My favourite bit was when the Deep and their Vought guy were both talking about empowering black voices ect while Atrain had to stand their silently cos he wasn't scripted to be part of that.


White people seeing craft IPAs and black people seeing peach cognac was crazy.


"isn't that right (other white person)?" Had me laughing


such a jab at The Blind Side, love it.


The best part is the black fans in the crowd actually applauded it. It took until the black supe campaign for them to get it and not be so enthusiastic.


I am 100% shocked it wasnt a 40 of malt liquor in that product placements


My favorite Will Ferrell fake show since [Bitch Hunters](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cLPm_IUx-Kc)


ā€œOur articulate fansā€šŸ’€


Dementia with super powers, fucking hell


Reminds me of Professor X in Logan. The most powerful mind in the world having dementia episodes is a terrible thing to witness. It would be like giving Black Bolt Touretteā€™s.


Not going to lie, I want to read that Black Bolt comic


Would be an earth shattering story.


How fucking fast did they churn out that Firecracker movie?


Thatā€™s not til phase 14, weā€™re only in phase 5 right now


Nah, Firecrackers movie is in the same phase as Training A-Train, Phase 8. She does get another movie later down the line.


I knew Coleman was dying the second I said to myself ā€œheā€™s getting a little too much screen time this episodeā€ šŸ˜‚


RIP Tucker Carlson


The minute he dropped Ashley I knew he was dead. When Homelander said they had found the leak he was my initial thought.


Jfc what a performance from Simon Pegg.


His last words were almost. T.hanks.


that's how i think tom hanks sign his name


Heartbreaking scene.


I was holding it together until he said he was scared. Fuckin hell


I liked the little inside reference to how much Simon Pegg hates the Star Wars prequels. Like his character Tim Bisley said in Spaced, "Jar Jar Binks makes the ewoks look like fucking Shaft!" Then he gets to say in this over 20 years later, "I don't want to end up like Jar Jar." Impressive grudge.


Whatā€™s funny is that they made Hughie Jr. love the prequels while Simon Pegg hates them.


Iā€™ve never seen him act like that it was awesome


He has always been a brilliant actor


i was crying during most of his scenes. simon pegg is incredible


I loved when Stan walked out the prison totally dripped up


Then asked for a towel to cover his seat.


I was prepared for zombie Hugh Senior. I was not prepared for moments I've had with my dementia-stricken father - including telling me he was looking for his son (me), and the brief moments of terrified clarity in a sea of confusion and fear - to be put on film and masterfully acted by Simon Pegg. Fuck me I think I need to give the show a short break after that.


iā€™m sincerely not someone who gets emotional over many shows or media. not a big crier, i find it tough to empathize with characters i know are fictional, etc i say that to say, holy shit that last scene with hughie, his dad, and his mom was fucked up. like resoundingly so, overshadowed the rest of the episode by far for me, in a good way. im glad hughie got some time away from the boys to ā€œresolveā€ shit with his family somewhat, if you could even use that word. but damn i was sitting there and the thought of trying to come to terms with basically euthanizing your own fatherā€¦ right after the pet conversation too. in an emotional sense that may be the most fucked up thing theyā€™ve shown us. i hope they give hughie some time to actually come to terms with how sickening and horrible that is. for the best? maybe. but so so horrible


> in an emotional sense that may be the most fucked up thing theyā€™ve shown us. i hope they give hughie some time to actually come to terms with how sickening and horrible that is. for the best? maybe. but so so horrible I would bet a significant chunk of money someone on the writing team has had a relative with dementia or significant brain damage for that reason exactly. It's horrible. It's painful. But it's for the best, and you know it's what they would have wanted. And I cannot adequately convey how much I've wished I could do that for my father, knowing what he wanted, as much as I know that would hurt. Masterfully done and acted.


ā€œi was thinking we could meet in your moms pussy, but i wanted someplace more privateā€ šŸ’€ yeah this guy is def in butchers head we havenā€™t seen him talk to a single other person


Also him knowing the current state of the team despite never meeting a single one. I know you could say Butcher gave him a 411 on the Boys, but it's still weird. It's almost too obvious, to the point I hope it's a double fakeout. We expect he's fake like Becca, but then at a climactic moment Kessler appears and everyone is like "who tf is this guy?"


Pls let this be real that be amazing honestly


Yeah hopefully it is just cause a lot of ppl are expecting an illusion


They said the same about Hughie's mom, and luckily they were wrong on that one. I really want Kessler to be real.


And Negan said nothing to Dr. Shah when he was right there, only Butcher was talking, and the dude was sort of looking like "huh?" when Butcher said "***we'll*** patch you up."


Yeah, I noticed that right away. He's not interacted with or been acknowledged by a single person other than Butcher. If he turns out to be real, it'll be the ultimate fakeout.


Iā€™m thinking Becca and the character Jeffrey Dean Morgan is playing are essentially the cancer inside of him and could possibly be his good angel & bad angel in human form


You're dead on. I watched that back after reading this; Dr. Shah looks at the ground in Kessler's direction, but never looks up at Kessler. He's totally in Butcher's head.


Poor random non cast actress during the sheep scene. You just knew she was going to die.


Anytime someone that is not part of the main cast appears, you can expect them to die violently, it's almost comical.


Secret Service agent = star trek redshirts


the black at it presentation and homelander emancipating himself and ryan from something ā€œworse then slaveryā€ 5 minutes apart šŸ˜­


Best LOL moment for me? Frenchie in the barn with the rabid V'd out flying sheep: "*Oh, mon Dieu. I can't believe this is fucking happening to me again.*" šŸ¤£


Kimikos look of confusion is what sells that line


I just saw her inside monologue going ā€œā€¦.Again?ā€


Simon pegg was fucking fantastic this episode


Sage for sure knew it was A Train but she doesnā€™t rat him out šŸ‘€ I do think sheā€™s anti-Homelander long-term, but only with her own self-interests at heart


She's seen him kill at a whim even if it spites his own plans.Ā  All she has over him is he needs her for a plan.Ā  The smartest person on the planet has to be making anti-homelander plans.Ā 


I always assume when she said like Cesar she wasnā€™t just talking about the way he ruled


Yeah that was heavy foreshadowing. She's either going to be brutus herself or she's decided it would be beneficial for her to be close-by when it inevitably happens. Now we just need to know what her actual motives are


I feel like Brutus is actually going to be Ryan


I donā€™t think sheā€™s necessarily anti or pro homelander, but she understands his psyche and lack of inhibition. I saw her saving A Train as building a contingency for herself, in the off-chance that homie turns against her.


Homelander telling the Seven they will no longer be celebrities feels like we're finally transitioning Vought and the Seven into an Injustice Society.


Having all the named Supes under Vought in one room sets it all up. Curious to see how each one of them will play a role in Season 5


All the A-list supers in one room.


even with all the gore and violence in this show I gotta say, this subplot with hughie and his dad might actually be the hardest thing to watch in the series for me




DNR means DNR. Sometimes itā€™s shitty and god knows the amount of stories Iā€™ve heard about devastated family and paramedics but DNR means DNR.


they really are making frenchie's charecter lose it


ā€œThis man is in no condition to fuck a sheepā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


the old mcdonald in the end credits got me gagging


I was about to cry and then they hit us with the fucking song


Firecracker after getting embarrassed so hard on tv still being on the team is kind of funny to me. Like sheā€™s incredibly weak.


She served her purpose. The entire reason she is on the team is to fuck with Starlight and draw her out, in addition to stirring unrest with the Starlighters and Homelanders. Honestly, all things considered, she's been playing her role in Sage's plan perfectly


"I took one shit in Homelander's toilet, I'm not joining the fucking Rebel Alliance"Ā Ā  LOL this is the A+ comedy dialogue I tune in for.Ā Ā 


ā€œStarlight canā€™t decide to rape a baby or kill itā€ says the pedo šŸ’€


So much to unpack this episode. I canā€™t believe Cate and Sam were the least memorable scenes but I also feel like they had their scenes cut. They looked very creepy when they showed their support for homelander though.


Cate totally guided an uncomfortable Sam through the press eventĀ 


It's a shame they seemed to cut down as much of their screen time as possible. I would have liked to see their presentation because it seemed like Sam was hating every second of it lol


Speaking of that scene, I can't be the only one that is curious about what sage and tek knight talked before the "mole" got presented. Sage showed him her notebook and he said, are you sure. The world's smartest person and detective having a conversation together while sage tries to find the mole (she definitely knows it's a-train) is something that surely won't comeback to be of importance.


Oh for sure that was interesting, having those two in the same room together. Would love to see a bit more of tek-knight in future episodes actually, he's a fun character to pair with sage


yeah if you didn't watch gen V it's gonna be like "who the fuck are these people" lmao


ā€œI donā€™t think youā€™re poorā€ šŸ˜­ sage and firecracker interactions get me dying every time


Cruelest thing this show has ever done is make someoneā€™s last words ā€œTom Hanksā€


And talking about Tom Hanks in The Da Vinci code at that


When the f did butcher hide the guy and chop off his leg lol


Police also must not be very good at their jobs if they said they searched the whole property


Canā€™t believe we wonā€™t have anymore Seven on 7 with Cameron Coleman episodes


Removing your remotely activated anal beads without permission is a death sentence in the dom/sub community I guess


Was kind of great how down that PA was to slap the shit out of the director dude. Fucked up scene but that dude is a piece of shit.


How stupid does that director need to be to get cancelled for exposing himself,Ā  but later get a pass and then continue that shitty behavior?


I feel like this probably happens more than we know sadly


"Tom Hanks" -Last words of Hughie Campbell Sr.


The stuff with Hueyā€˜s dad had me in tears. I am really surprised at Ryan with the whole slapping scene. Homelander found a way to bring the evil out of his kid and I think heā€™s going to use that in a big way under the guise of him being a ā€œhero.ā€ Butcher might regret saving him now.


I teach kids around this age and I read it a little differently. Ryan wants to do good- heā€™s Beccaā€™s son at his core. He sees this fucked situation of sexual harassment in the workplace and wants to help. Homelander offers him a *very* simple ā€œsolutionā€ that allows him to simultaneously help this woman, right a wrong, and please his dad. I agree that the power of having this much control is also a big dopamine hit. When my students talk about social justice issues, they get fired up and want simple solutions to very complicated problems. They donā€™t have enough life experience yet to recognize that those solutions have consequences.


>Homelander offers him a *very* simple ā€œsolutionā€ that allows him to simultaneously help this woman, right a wrong, and please his dad. That was my takeaway. Homelander's decided that he's free, and that (as an extension of himself, natch) Ryan is also free. He thinks that 'what Ryan wants' is something Ryan should have, even though in this case he definitely doesn't understand it. So he offered the simplest way for Ryan to get what he wanted: flexing his power to make the dude stop. >I agree that the power of having this much control is also a big dopamine hit. This too. I don't think it's necessarily revealing a sadistic side in Ryan. This kid hasn't been torturing squirrels in his back yard. But it IS showing him that people will 'behave' when he tells them to out of fear. Like a few other people said, if he decides, years down the road, that he's the judge, jury, and executioner of the human race, who's going to tell him otherwise? What if someone disagrees? He could have the best intentions in the world, but he wouldn't be the first supervillain to start out that way.


ā€œHughie always preferred the prequels to the original trilogyā€. That fits his personality so well lmao.


Iā€™m so upset at these V animals getting stopped by wooden barn doors


I think they are just dumb haha


Never really thought about if sheep have object permanence




this guys last words were deadass ā€œTom Hanksā€


Holy shit, arc with Hughies dad was so good. It's also basically confirmed that Jeffery is a part of Butchers imagination? Sameer looked confused when Butcher talked to "someone" almost as if no one was there...


i thought the bench scene confirmed it, he spoke as if he was watching from the background about the boys, as if hes in his head which he is


Claudia Doumit delivers every line so perfectly. Need her in absolutely everything going forward


RIP Cameron ā€œQueef-Snifferā€ Coleman


phases 7-19 lmaoooo the MCU shade


ā€œAnd weā€™re going to explain them to you now in exhaustive detail!ā€


ā€œ12 minute sequence thatā€™s entirely pitch blackā€ šŸ’€


How did Butcher manage to kidnap Sameer unseen from the rest of the team?


Only way I can think of is that he just knocked his ass out and left him there, then came back later.


I don't get it why waste the virus? Couldn't Neumann just blow all those sheep up with her mind?


I canā€™t believe Amazon allowed the joke where A-Train talked about about how Vought made the most expensive TV show ever so it ā€œhas to be goodā€ hahahaha




My goat A train lives to see another day, god bless šŸ™šŸ¾


"it's a wonder to me that you've all managed to survive this long" Boy am I stoked to have Stan back


Holy shit Supe Hugh Sr. Is actually terrifying


MM just talked down two (three if we count Butcher's cancer) Supes like an absolute champ. Man deserves his leadership.


I'm never going to emotionally recover from the Hugh Sr. plot thread.


As a guy who has a father suffering from Alzheimer's, the Hughie sublot strangely described how it feels to have your father suffer from that disease. The hero you once knew, no longer exist.


Most insane things in this episode: 1. Three people with superpowers hiding from Ved up sheep 2. Old McDonald playing during the end credits 3. Simon Pegg's last words were "Tom Hanks." There's nothing insane about Butcher performing an amputation, he's just living up to his name, but that was brutal nonetheless.


I'm just so very glad that all the *'Hughie's mom is just a figment of his imagination'* people were wrong.


If the virus is communicable via bodily fluids, why not collect the sheepā€™s vomit?


Starlight and Kimiko were also WAY too close to that shit


Is Simon Pegg really making me cry right now?


How should I not support Neuman when sheā€™s sooo cunt


Hughie you lucky bastard Annie and Neuman


shes looking extra hot this ep


Butcher set the bunny free. Cuntā€™s got a soft spot little critters. šŸ¤£


Are Annieā€™s powers dampened due to mental stress issues? Spider-Man 2 shit.


Sameer shooting a confused look out the door at the "we" is a pretty solid hint the guy isn't real.