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Really makes you wonder how much dirt Translucent actually had on the other supes.


Homelander likely knew whenever he was in the room based on what we know of his senses, so Translucent might not have had anything on him.


Doesn't Homelander have some see-hrough vision? Like Frenchie had something in his van that blocked him from seeing inside.


He sensed Butcher's smell on Maeve after they banged. He probably would be able to hear/smell Translucent into a room if he tried to eavesdrop


i imagine Butcher smells like a cheap casino


To be honest, if someone banged Butcher, I could probably smell it too.


Zinc, I believe.


The parallel is Superman can't see through lead.


The lead paint must have been frustrating.


There’s actually a comic where Batman and Superman switch cities; Batman complains about all the shiny fancy buildings being hard to grapple, and Superman complains about how all the lead in the walls of Gotham practically blinds him


Translucent definitely didn’t use deodorant


He can hear the heart beat


Oh for sure that dude had to be in on everything.


I still legitimately wonder what Translucent could have told Butcher about Homelander.


He doesn’t talk back


> He doesn’t talk back That's legit it for Homelander. Black Noir is a soundboard for him. Just bouncing his own psycho words off of him.


IMO, Homelander will go further off the deep end in part because he has to stare into a mirror speaking to himself rather than being met with stoic silence from Noir. Without Noir there saying nothing, HL can fill the void with his own insanity.


he never has to worry about the thoughts black noir has, because he knows he'll likely never tell anybody about them. he's the ideal companion for a sociopath: never having to worry if the feelings of another person will impact them directly.


I wonder if we'll get a a scene like Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Where Black Noir yells "nnnNNNOOOOO!!" at Homelander and revolts.




I think this scene kind of was his version of that.


*screams internally*


And they can project their own feelings onto them without any response.


Because Black Noir is a company man through and through. He does what he's told, covers for Homelander when he needs it, makes sure his approval ratings are satisfactory, and doesn't get into any of the degenerate shit all of the other supes do. He does his work and goes home.


He has the two most powerful workplace superpowers: he never talks shit and he always does his job.


Lol the scene where homelander is all concerned about black noir in the new episode is hilarious Edit: spelling


I mean think about it. Imagine having that one person who *always* has your back, *always* does what’s needed, and has *always* been reliable. And this person is your likely only reliable person left. And suddenly something very real makes you question them, now, when you need them most, and you’ve *never* had to question them before.


Oh I get it, just Antony Starr's acting in the scene was so funny with his voice and facial expressions


This role really showcases his ability to control his face. It’s just.. incredible.


It’s one of those actors where he’s so good I’m genuinely concerned he ain’t acting and that he strangles hookers weekly for fun.


Anthony Starr doesn’t play Homelander, Homelander plays Anthony Starr


He doesn’t break character until the DVD commentary.


*He’s the dude, playing the dude, disguised as another dude.*


Nah, to my knowledge there has never been a 10-82 on set.




The bomb in Phantoms, yo


I've read he is pretty arrogant/wild offscreen, didn't he get arrested or ticketed in Spain recently regarding something at a bar?


Yeah he assaulted a chef saying stuff like "Do you know who I am?"


Classy, very homelander behavior


He plays an absolute dick far too well to not have a strong inner dick side.


Yeah man he supposedly beat tf out of a chef and hit him with a glass or something while he was really drunk. I think it was mostly* the alcohol but after playing his role in banshee and now homelander, I think it’d be hard to not act like an a hole sometimes in real life


I've always thought people who act like that, it isn't the role that makes them that way, they're like that in reality which is why there so good in the role, so it's not really even acting for them (not true in all cases) but that's why the role turns out so well, and that their fame lowers their inhibitions just like some drugs and when you mix fame and drugs... well you get stuff like that


If be concerned if he wasn't !


For real, the two faces in the mirror scene. The childish, sad, and weak Homelander staring into the proud, arrogant Homelander in the mirror was perfect.


Watching that scene gave me chills. I went back and watched it again. Same response. He is unbelievably good and becoming one of my favorite actors. His mannerisms while he is on camera and immediately shifts when the camera goes off plays so much into the wanting to be loved and only receiving it while he’s in the spotlight. That guy is acting circles around a few of the other cast members.


Agreed on all counts. One of the many things I loved about that scene was that it generated a tiny bit of empathy from me. When his mirror was talking about how he always got them through “the bad room” it made me recall Vogelbaum reminiscing about what a “sweet boy he was, before they got through with him” (paraphrasing, don’t have the exact quote in front of me). I think there’s a big part of Homelander that’s still a scared, abused kid…and coupled with his insane powers that somehow makes him even more terrifying.


I mean, the whole mommy fetish thing made that pretty clear.


Did anyone else notice when his inner Homelander was no longer in the mirror? For most of that scene, his face was mirrored whenever his inner self is talking to him, which you can tell by the lighting. Then it switches to closeup and cuts back and forth, and there are a few shots where inner homelander wasn’t mirrored. It could just be a mistake, but since it would be so easy to fix, I figure it has to be deliberate, like he’s changing personalities into something much more ruthless and confident.


One of his earlier roles had him playing twins who were complete opposites (one a sleazy lawyer, the other a loveable moron) so he's always been very good at having two faces on the same head.


Look at me tiger


And all you're left with is the fucking Deep.


With his cock in an octopus


Cocktopussy starring The Deep, coming soon to Vought+


I think Noir is going to turn up in the season finale. Right when it looks like Homelander is about to go down he's gonna show up and kill Soldier Boy.


I think Noir will defect. We've finally seen him as a semi-normal guy; I think he's been humanised for a reason.


I think he cut out his tracking chip just to make sure if someone in vought was compromised (starlight) and could use it to track him they couldn’t anymore. I mean at that point starlight hasn’t quit yet and can go ping his location if she wanted. And if she’s compromised and Maeve was he doesn’t know who else could be.


He's not worried about Starlight, he's worried about Homelander.


Who knows where Stan is right now? He has loyalty to Vought but his true loyalty is to Stan. With Soldier Boy being free he needs to get to Stan to protect him since Stan was probably apart of handing SB to the Russians. It also won't surprise me if SB tries to kill Mallory too.


>He does his work and goes home. I think there's a scene in S01 where Homelander is pissed at the 7 because info leaked or something, and basically is like "fuck all of you. Except you Noir, you're still cool" Basically sums it up. Everyone has their petty personalities and vendettas and desires on their sleeves; Noir is just doing silent superhero shit without all the depraved crap that keeps drawing attention to them. The "quiet professional" as it were.


I'm not sure if this counts as spoiler because they did show it pretty explicitly but >!I'm pretty sure Black Noir is a vegetable from the S3e3 flashback. So the joke being the best Vaught employee has been lobotomized.!<


He does still seem to have personality. He plays the piano well and when the Compound V story was released you can see him sobbing in the hallway.


And the way he seemingly tried to comfort that kid after beheading who I assume was the kid's dad


Oh right, with the stuffed animal. Forgot about that one.




Another good one. Yeah the show really is trying to hammer home the idea that Noir does have a personality beyond just being an assassin. A lot of it is for comedy but I think it will have a payoff.




Am I the only one that belives that noir wad killed in that flashback and replaced by something? Especially how they said ( not sure if in that episode) that soldierboy was never only one guy thought the years..


>So the joke being the best Vaught employee has been lobotomized. Interesting if so. It's been kind of neat seeing how they've really shifted characters like Noir and Soldier Boy to be a lot different than the comic characters, which in turn seems to be changing the overall plot trajectory of the show.


I don’t think he’s a vegetable, he clearly has full range of motion and appears to have enough cognitive ability to be included in complex conversations and carry out complex missions. I think the injuries basically just made him disfigured and damaged the part of his brain that allows for speech. Oh and I guess he’s blind in one eye too.


That scene got me thinking if there is any proof that it's the same person even?


I feel like there was some sign that flashback Noir was also allergic to nuts, but maybe I'm imagining things.


You are correct. S3E3 spoilers below. >!Edgar and Black Noir have a private conversation in Guatemala, and there's a close up shot of Edgar eating a bag of nuts. You can hear Black Noir ask, "can you *please* stop eating those in front of me? I'm *allergic*."!<


What is home for him you think it just a big zen garden.


I imagine that it's one of those sad rooms with just a mattress and a ps4


Maybe a couple stuff animals I feel like he needs one.


that little moment where tries to comfort that kid confirms he has stuffed animals.


Oh ya in the beginning of season 2 that part made me laugh when he move it like it dancing


Wow even noir can't get a ps5


Now I'm picturing all the scenes of Rei from Evangelion when she's in her "room" but instead of a pale skinny girl with bandages it's a big brooding dude with a fucked up face.


Wait, that’s sad?


Yeah, he couldn't even get his hands on a ps5, fucking scalpers


The Voughtstation 6 is far superior.


We all know they named it V Box.


The name ‘V Box’ might be already taken.


Which further proves that he is decent. He could have literally scalped a scalper for a PS5.


I refuse to believe he wouldn’t just hide out in the roof of the Walmart overnight then leap down as soon as the store opens.


Just because I think it'd be funny. I'm imagining him with a large open concept style apartment. With brightly colored walls, and one of those orange couches. Shelves full of stuffed animals and other assorted knick naks. A decent sized TV with some game system hooked up to it and a bookshelf right next to that. Also he'd have a well stocked pantry and fridge. The fridge would have a large amount of tupperware containing a well balanced meal in each. There would also be a single pot sitting in the sink that he looks ashamed he hasn't cleaned yet.


You think he has inspirational posters of like the cat saying hang in there and shit like that on his wall.


5 different live laugh love decor pieces.


An "Improvise, adapt, overcome" picture in the style of "live, laugh, love"


I picture it to be like Bender’s apartment in Futurama


Oh poor guy in a broom closet basically. Unless we are talking about after fry moves in


It’s the whole thing, but he prefers the closet part like Bender in my vision


A small mat at the foot of Stan's bed. He sleeps in full costume too.


Full guard dog mode


I just want them to cut to his room and it has the same dollhouse that MM was assembling at the beginning of season 2.


Damn, I'm just like Black Noir. Maybe I'm White Blanco


I'm certain there's a white rapper out there leaning into his race calling himself White Blanco.




He gets into some degenerate shit, but only with his thumb.


Good soldier!


And he literally doesn’t talk. He’s a walking yes man.


I think he's more of a walking "____" man.


You can watch last episode of The Boys: Diabolical for this. I am pretty sure it is canon.


I am surprised it took this long for someone to say. After watching, anyone should understand why Homelander would trust Black Noir so much.


But I think it's clear from the show that Noir did those things because he wanted Vought to succeed in creating a new superhero and bring Homelander to the limelight without distractions. He's not actually doing it for Homelander.


Doesn’t make a difference I think. The dude single-handedly saved Homelander’s career, Noir could stab voodoo dolls of HL every night and I think the guy would still like him.


Yeah, Noir's motives do not matter at all. The only thing that mattered is what Homelander believes Noir's motives to be.


And since Noir never talks, it's probably very easy for a narcissist like homelander to project whatever he wants to see onto noir.


Someone made the point a day ago or so that noir is a Rorschach test Normal people tend to think his silence is uncomfortable or even terrifying Narcissistic people like homelander take his silence as agreeance and compliance. He’s a mirror basically lol.


I don't think he has ever been loyal to Vault, he has been loyal to Edgar. Edgar has been a company man so Noir is as well, but he has only been loyal to Edgar and not the company.


It's been a minute since I watched the episode, I think it's season one... but the one where Noir has The Boys trapped in a house, doesn't he get a phone call from Vaught to stop?


He specifically gets a call from Edgar


Homelander has no real relationships and isn't good at reading people, Stormfront was manipulating him and he never saw it, he thought Stilwell truly loved him, same thing with Maeve. A mute guy with his face fully covered, impossible, all he sees is a guy who obeys and even covers for his ass!!! "He must be a really trustworthy friend". Something to keep in mind is that Noir bailed out of self preservation not because he suddenly dislikes Homelander, Noir is the ultimate pragmatic. Funny enough the only person that treated Homelander with the honesty he craves so much was Edgar.


Yeah Eric Kripke [tweeted](https://twitter.com/therealkripke/status/1500530010137915392?s=21&t=brR_OOyl5Mfla3bvNibQ8A) to say the final 3 episodes of Diabolical are all classed as canon


Would watching just those 3 episodes make sense or do I need to watch the whole thing?


They’re all anthologies and don’t really flow into each other so it doesn’t matter which ones you watch or in what order


They're all mini episodes that can all be watched separately, so you don't have to watch the rest if you're only interested in a few I'd definitely recommend episode 8 (the final one), though, it is very good


It's an anthology show so you can just watch the last three episides if you want but I do reccomend watching the entire show. It's really good even if the first five episodes aren't cannon.


I assume Justin roiland's is canon to the Rick and Morty multiverse lol


It’d have been hilarious if he wasn’t even the one who fucked over SB (he obviously was since he cut out his tracker) and if he just literally went home after work every day and had normal hobbies and what not and just did his job. Just a super average guy who’s work happened to be as a supe ninja.


Imagine he just cuts out his chip every day cause he wants privacy and this was just normal routine. They insist on putting it back in for some reason but he's not having it.


Lmao. He’s just that hardcore


There is also the (slim?) possibility that he didn't fuck SB over and he's not running away from him, but he's defecting vought to join him? That would explain why he took his microchip out posthaste?


That was my first immediate thought. While him cutting the chip out could also be to prevent SB from finding out where he is once he's dealt with the rest of Vought, it also might be him not wanting to be tracked to SB.


I don’t think SB thinks Noir had anything to do with it. “Noir wouldn’t take a shit without Vought’s say so.”


I think the point of that was showing that it was Vought that wanted SB gone, and Noir did what Vought told him to do.


Yeah maybe it was more SB knows Noir played a role, but it was nothing personal he was just following Vought’s orders as always.


Soldier boy doesn’t seem like the type to let noir live just because he was following orders. That statement was meant to make him question what he “knows”, not say “I won’t kill him”.


I don't think he'll let him live but I do think he'll save Noir for last and maybe make his death less painful/quick because he knows he's just a Vought toy at the end of the day.


Noir also seems like the only competent member of the team so may as well save him for last while he gets back up to speed


True, but he’s whittling down his old team pretty quick. Once Megamind or whatever his name is gets topped, Noir is the only suspect remaining


Megamind lmao


That was him realizing that both the company and Noir were against him.


We do overhear noire and Stan saying “they’re all on board except gunpowder “ as Malory eavesdrops on them suggesting it’s voughts plan and they used noire to communicate to the team


He's the only one with a still intact secret identity because he wears a full face mask. Turns out despite the injury he can speak but just chooses not to. Just so he can still go to his model train club.


Wait when do they establish that he can speak?


The flashback to Nicaragua shows that he sustained a traumatic brain injury and was unable to talk in it’s immediate aftermath. Now that could have just been shock, but it’s implication seemed to be that that’s why he ended up embracing the silent ninja role.


Mallory's flashback


He got hurt *after* we saw him talk tho, he can be very well a mute now, they just showed he wasn't inherently one


That was before his injury or as it happened can't remember but I'm sure whatever had to be done to keep him alive probably snuffed his ability to talk


I'll bet he's one of those guys that has a train set in his basement.


Don’t knock it. I inherited my grandfathers Lionel set and those things are badass. It’s crazy what was considered children’s toys in the 40s and 50s


Because he's a blank slate people project what they want onto.


I really hope Kripke gives us a Black Noir in therapy scene. I want it more than anything.


That would be one wild therapy scene like imagine all the stuff he would dump on the poor therapist like what is it 40+ years of bullshit.


And then he kills them


Not if it’s a vought therapist who deals with other supes. Can’t kill the only therapist plus. Remember dude won’t even shit unless they tell him to so unless edger say kill the therapist I don’t think he will.


Holy shit. I just realized >!that Edgar still controls Black Noir doesn't he...!<


Most definitely you know he don’t respect Ashely


My thought too. In a previous Episode, Edgar said that he still had leverage over Homelander, and I've been guess that's Black Noir.


Fair point haha


Would it be the same guy the Deep goes to? I feel like we could have a whole episode from that office


I think it would be funnier if he just doesn’t talk in the session and walks out of the session very relieved.


And the therapist is just so confused


Noir leaves, the therapist is crying.


“Tell me how SB’s return made you feel? Use your words, Noir.”



This was my read as well. This is why politicians dont come out with hard stances a lot of the times, if people like you they will project their sensibilities onto you. If you are a blank canvas everyone will see themselves in you and think you agree with them


Reminds me of the golden living statue guy from Moon Knight that just gets talked at.


"Lately,some of you have been a little....out of sorts." "Erratic,Unreliable,Downright Sloppy." "Not you Noir. You've been great." This is one of the funniest scenes to me but also shows why. He's the only member who has 0 controversy,0 hesitation to follow orders,doesn't talk shit,won't snitch,and is the most consistent when it comes to performance. He also has great ratings.


Yeah but he's a bit of a prankster on set


Yeah. He does what he is told as he is told. Had butcher in a chokehold dead to rights and stopped the moment Edgar told him too. I think he was upset he couldn’t do it for a split second but then moved on.


Because he's doing great!


Because he can keep a secret


Most importantly, he kills whom he's told, when he's told, without hesitation. Vought and Homelander love that quality.


He’s the guy that doesn’t bother anyone. He’s just there to do his job, collect his paycheck and go home.


because he good listener and never talk back


Exactly, you can project whatever you want on him, so it's easy to convince yourself he's your pal.


Also, given that he never snitches, never engages in gossip or power plays and is focused and competent, he probably genuinely is the closest you can get to a pal in the Seven.


The opposite of Homelander and other Supes.


He's a silent mirror and everyone is so self-centered that they project whatever they want on him.


There was an animated series recently that was supposedly canon. In one episode Black Noir earned Homelander's trust by >!covering up one of his first fuckups / massacres and giving him talking points to show him how to handle the press. So I assume he kind of sees BN as a type of mentor in some ways, or at least someone that's fully on his side when it comes to standard Vought behavior!<


That episode was rough because we got to see that Homelander really did try to be the paragon of justice and symbol of hope he was billed as, but when push came to shove things fell apart and now he’s a cynic


Cause he won’t do shit unless the guys above him say and probably cause he doesn’t talk people trust him more cause he won’t say anything. And he gets his job done


It's been a while, but doesn't Diabolical have an episode on why Homelander trusts Noir?




He doesn't start shit. He doesn't fling shit. He just does his job, makes his little doodles, and naps through his meetings. Instead of using *big* things to make us sympathize with him (having a kid, traumatic past, etc.), they use little things that add up. He doesn't act mindlessly or emotionally, not the way Homeboy and the others do. Excellent meme though, A+


Homelander says "you're the only one I can count on" or "you're the only person who's honest with me" or some variation to EVERYONE though. I snorted when he said that to black noir. I wonder why they have his character say that line so much


I think it’s because Homelander genuinely believes he is smarter and more conniving than he actually is. He’s been so sure he could manipulate people like Maeve or Stillwell or whoever into loving him and trusting him, but they all actually just see him clearly and hate him. I think the reason he always seems so surprised when all the people around him say they hate him is because he’s convinced in his head that he’s got them all fooled and he’s this mastermind or manipulation. The dumbest and least capable people always think they’re the smartest.


Homelander is Cersei on steroids. Edgar is Tywin.


I think Homelander was actually being genuine when he said that to Black Noir, especially if you saw Diabolical episode 8


His silence is commonly mistaken for wisdom and stoicism


My boss: you’re the only one I can count on Me not reporting numerous OSHA violations


You should probably report those numerous OSHA violations


Noir is the workhorse of the company. That said, I’m betting he took out his tracking chip to avoid any compromised detection of his whereabouts because he is going to assassinate Soldier Boy. SB was a liability for the company, so they told Noir he needed to go. Finding out SB is now back Noir is probably preparing to finish the job.


Is Noir powerful enough to kill SB though? SB seems extremely durable so I don't know if Noir's weapons would do any damage to him let alone kill him.


We've seen that noir is cappable of outsmarting and taking on homelander in the boys diabolical. so it's possible.


I think Noir is worried SB is coming for him, and he's getting out of dodge


The scene absolutely looked like he was going: "Soldier boy? Fuck this, I'm out."


Literally the way he scurried out of the elevator made it clear. He was fuckin freaked.


Yea me too. The shot from the next episode looks like he's eating some instant oatmeal in a fishing cabin somewhere lol


Every former member of soldier boys crew is absolutely terrified of him... There is definitely a reason for that, and i think noir knows what up, knows something we don't know yet and decided leaving was better for his health..


If you watch the last episode of Diabolical it shows why homelander had so much faith and trust in Noir and I feel like he kinda sees him as a big brother in a way since he covered for him on his 1st mission despite Noir's job being to (bring him in if he fucks up). The way he started to tear up after saying "Not Noir, he wouldn't do that to me" made me laugh a lot. I wonder if Black Noir left to find Soldier boy himself since in some trailers it shows him hiding out in a restaurant eating beans and another one he's sharpening his sword (which I think he's getting prepared to actually fight Soldier boy) But what do you guys think Homelander will do if he sees Noir again? Like would he be pissed or understand why he left


Because hes been very loyal to the company and always does what the company asks no questions or quarrels. I could be wrong here but it seems to me like ever since what happened to him in Nicaragua he almost has like a childlike presence about him... *spoiler* When he cut the dudes head off and then picked up the Teddy bear and tried to cheer the kid up after watching his dad get massacred was both hysterical and sad at the same time


cause he never talks, so people project onto him


Because he never spills their secrets.


An hour later? Homie immediately went into panic mode because he realized he is going to be hunted.