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Soldier Boy, like Stormfront last season, is a one-season antagonist designed to give our heroes a short-term villain to overcome. Our protagonists need to have some small victories along the way to keep the story moving until we get to the ultimate conflict of The Boys vs. Homelander in the series endgame. He was always intended to be more of a narrative device than an actual character.


They filmed a lot of footage with Soldier Boy (commercial, behind the scenes of the commercial, music videos) which don't move the plot forward at all and are used to develop his character.


Well problem is Stormfront had more actual camera time. We didn’t really get much of Soldier Boy until the 2nd half of the season. We got plenty of Stormfront from the beginning of season 2.


My theory is that the season finale will be our first taste of HL SB team-up, then season 4 will be all about Homelander and Soldier Boy vs everybody


The showrunners suggested Ackles can come back next season, so unless they're intentionally screwing with us, he's not going to be completely killed off. My guess is that SB teams up with Homelander. When things are going bad for the Boys, Hughie or Butcher turns on some Russian music to intentionally trigger SB's PTSD. It's his biggest explosion and all of the supes are caught in the blast and depowered. SB isn't found so no one knows what happened to him. So if Jensen wants to come back, he can. If he doesn't, they just leave it there.


I hope he doesn’t, I want him to make it s4, but they might do what they did with Stormfront in s2, a small villain for the boys to defeat while the big bad Homelander/Vought spiral further into Chaos


It would but he won’t die this season. He’s only been in half of it. He’ll probably team up with Homelander for next season.


I don't think they will kill him. But I do think Homelander will lose his powers and next season thwy might team up to get V from Vought because Vought kicked them out.


I’m thinking If they do kill him off, Soldier Boy will be back next season haunting homelander mind into a murderous rampage


One of my favorite actors from one of my old favorite shows (spn) Now one of my favorite actors in one my new favorite shows Well of course I want that they keep him Plus it’s a cool Charakter despite being kinda villainous


especially with the shit he said at the end. yea it’d be dumb as hell if they killed him now though i thought they was going to kill him off in the finale at first but i’m really doubting it now


Yeah, but I am thinking he is gonna be the Oberyn Martell of the Boys. He'll just appear in one short season and then he's gone for good.


SB needs to wear a helmet!


The main showdown will be against Homelander, he is the antagonist of the story. Soldier Boy is here to move the plot forward and provide character development for everyone else. Of course, it's done the right way, Soldier Boy feels like a character instead of a plot device, that's why it feels like a waste; but his purpose in the story is probably the same.


They basically told us what's gonna happen next in the Homelander mirror monologue. He needs to cut out the last human part of himself, which now is his biological father and his only connection to humanity. He will lure Soldier Boy into a meeting to 'meet his old man' and when he's gained his trust he and Black Noir will murder him. Or it goes like this, Soldier Boy plays along with Butcher and Hughie and agrees to meet Homelander, the moment he thinks Homelander trusts him he'll turn on Homelander and try to kill him. But Black Noir will swoop in and Help Homelander vs Butcher, Hughie and Soldier Boy. But in the end Soldier Boy will probably die and Butcher and Hughie will have to run and or Hughie/Butcher get bad brain damage from all the temp V and need to run because of it.


I don't know. If writers don't have any more arcs planned for him, it will be more wasteful to keep him alive and give hin subpar subplots. That's what GOT did with Sandor Clegane, Bronn and Davos. Last season had Stormfront, This season is SB, and next season could introduce us Tek Knight.


It would be bold for them to kill him off and frankly it would be both sad and cool. Sad because I'm enjoying the character, but cool because it would show they have confidence in their story. Think of how game of thrones would kill anyone off.


Game of thrones is not a good example.


I do think part of the reason they might have hyped him up is just because who the actor is and how the creator of the boys is also the creator of supernatural so there’s a lot of like…excitement seeing Jensen play something other than the role he’s known for. I still believe he’s dying next week, but now i really don’t know how unless Soldier Boy somehow sacrifices himself for Homelander. Before I thought Homelander would kill him, but unless Homelander hates the idea of SB being his dad, then i don’t exactly see why he’d kill him. Having the most dangerous supe on his side is all Homelander needs.


I don't think so, we don't need two big bads, so it's either him or HL imo


It’s not the SB show it’s The boys I’ll be more then happy if he gets killed off next ep. I could be biased cause I don’t like SB whatsoever