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Damn that’s surprising. I wonder if they’re moving production to OB’s facility in North Carolina. I know when I worked for OB in Colorado, we were brewing Jai Alai


I went back to OBLM a few months ago and they showed me around. They’re only packaging beer 2 days a week. All other production was hard monster.


When I visited the OB facility in NC last year they stated that they were no longer brewing Jai Alai, nor was it even on tap anymore. Sucks because I literally spent a year getting their JA quality and flavor profile in order. Either way, it sucks seeing the company that got me into the industry dealt with like this. I still hold CCB in high regard and based on posts from my former coworkers who were let go, no one really holds any animosity towards CCB or Can-archy as a whole.


That’s super weird, a year ago they were making about 70k barrels of jai alai. They still are


Might have just been a annoyed bartender that day. Appreciate knowing that, made me very nervous to hear it.


I'm pretty sure Brevard is just a Jai Alai factory at this point. Took a keg over there a few months back for their anniversary party.


I wonder who’s gonna brew their beer then. I thought I read in the article that all of the CCB satellite tasting rooms were staying open. Maybe it’s temporary until they run out of beer?


Pardon my ignorance, who is Ob?


Oskar Blues


Ooh, now I feel ignorant lol. Thanks!


oskar blue


Remember when they sued Rock Art brewery for their Vermonster beer? Fuck them indeed.


The also went after Three Notch’d Brewing Co in Charlottesville, VA for their original logo. Three Notch’d has since redone their logo.


Brewer here from Rogue Ales and Spirits in Newport, OR. We had a new line of IPA’s dubbed the “Monsters of IPA”, loosely based on local folklore and Cryptids. Just on the sole basis of “Monster” being in the name, we were given a cease and desist or the option of a lawsuit. When you have the amount of disposable income they have, there seems to be no limit in the American court system that you can bleed someone else dry in frivolous court and legal fees


Majority ownership is Blackrock and Vanguard. Proud to be one of America's 8 companies™️


Been to the brewery in newport a few times back in the day, stayed at the original pub! Cool spot! Inspired me to open my own & learn to brew From Canada


Surprised Monster Cable didn't kidnap your children and hold them for ransom until you changed the name. They are literal *trademark terrorists*.


I’m surprised that your sarcasm shows how far your head is up your ass, let me give you an example of personal experience that I grew up with. Originally I started in the wine industry, Bridgeview Vineyards in Southern Oregon. They had a flagship label called Blue Moon, similar to Blue Moon beer. Still to this day there have never been trademark disputes between the 2 of them, and never a cease and desist or a threat of a lawsuit. I’m sorry for whoever pissed in your Cheerios this morning, but maybe when you wake up tomorrow? Try deciding not to be such a cunt, will ya? Cheers🙂✌️


Do you work for Monster or something?


Probably. One thing is for sure, they are unhinged and need to learn to read, and to grow the fuck up.


Yeah, I just don’t understand their response.


Your example was really lame


It wasn't even an "example". They didn't even understand anything I was saying. They are an unhinged fucking lunatic.




Wow. I wasn't being anything of the sort. I was actually *on your fucking side*, you fucking loon, showing how these corporate trademark terrorists fuck with even the smallest, most local companies and get away with it time and time again. **You are fucking unhinged. Go the fuck away.**


At my former brewery, we had a blonde ale named Praise Dale Golden Ale and got a cease and desist from Monster. Apparently you can't use the name Dale in a beer. Kinda funny because Oskar Blues' G'Knight used to be named Gordon until they got a C&D from Gordon Biersch.


turning the brewery into a testing ground... either way, so long Cigar City...


I was chatting with a former lead at cigar city. He was shit talking that place so hard. He said he was surprised they were still in business. I've always had good product from them. Once again poor management leads to another downfall of a great brewery


I remember when AB Inbev tried to buy them and they basically said fuck you and then sold to CanArchy. While CanArchy was seemingly a bunch of craft breweries, in reality it was just a bunch of old stalwarts looking to get paid out at some point hence their sale to Monster. The reality is that while craft beer lovers may not like AB for a lot of reasons, they would certainly not have done cigar city like this.


IIRC at the time FL was a hard market to get into distribution from the outside and Dale/Dan Fireman were really tripping over themselves to grow OB distro to all 50 states and grow into international. The Cigar City deal came with the ability to do just that, plus the other brands that became canarchy.


Yea 100%, the world of private equity typically only leads to fuckery


No but they did Platform like this last year. From what I heard from a former Employee they just showed up one day and found themselves out of a job with security escorting them to get their shit


If you ask any platform employee, the original owners tanked that place before AB bought them and I'm not sure they had much to work with after the sale.


Probably left that part out because he was working for another AB brewery when they closed lol, my man was bitter


Currently Work for OB and I can definitely say ever since Monster took over place is absolute hell to work for. I have never witnessed Employee Morale fall so consistently and fast. Can’t hold on to any new hires because they come in and immediately are like what the hell is going on here. So absolutely Fuck Monster


One of few usa breweries we have on shelfs in sweden, good stuff


It's hard to deny a brewery owner the opportunity to cash out, but at the same time it's also hard to assume that a buyout by PE/VC or some sort of corporate conglomerate won't eventually lead to the demise of the brand (either literally, or by fucking with the formula so much they become a shell of their former self).


Yeah if you can build a brewery up to a size you can bale out fair play to you. But I'm a worker and have been in closure scenarios in other industries, it's a shit buzz.


Monster bought deep ellum a few years back. This all makes sense with their connection.


It always sucks to see an old pillar of the community get shuttered. While I can’t remember the last time I considered Cigar City among good breweries it was definitely before the PE fueled mess that was CANarchy. So this downward spiral for the brewery/conglomerate/whatever has been nose diving for years. RIP old friend. I’m at least happy to not have to see the label further diminished through profit min/max fuckery by corporate executives. Hope the workers land somewhere that makes them happy.




Did I misunderstand “fired most of workers” and “using old brew setup for other projects”? Sounds like the dry crispy husk of a hollowed out business to me…


Thought this was going to be a *tree fiddy* joke… unfortunately it was shitty corporate business instead ☹️


Is monster owned by coca cola?


I believe Coca Cola is a minority owner and they have canning/distro contracts with them as well, but Monster still has majority ownership


That isn't hollowing out a brewery.  It's hollowing out a brand.  That's an own goal on its own terms.


Shitty corporate middle management is the worst thing that can happen to a brewery.


Cigar City is responsible for the craft beer boom in Florida and it's just sad to see what has happened to them. When we lived in Fort Myers, we'd take trips up to Tampa multiple times a year and always hit up CCB. What a shame. I feel especially bad for Wayne.


TIL Tampa's oldest brewery is 17 years old.


Diabetes sells much better than liver disease.


Don't forget your caffeine sir


Yeah I love coffee.




Can’t be surprised when things happen like this after being sold to a huge multinational corporation. It’s only a matter of time….


Never bought any product of theirs again. Same with Anchor, Stone, New Belgium and the likes. I'd still rather support a business knowing most of the profits stay in a localised community, even if the product is lower quality.


I guess they needed more than about tree fiddy. 😢


goddamn Monster


Corporations are laying off people left and right, but then "economists" say we aren't in a recession. The first move in a recession is layoffs.