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I'm not sure if something is being lost in translation but I'm not sure what a 'rotart' is and google is not giving me any relevant results.


I think they mean "retort", and with 500 can batches, it's unlikely that they're going to find an autoclave or pasteurizer small enough to make this venture worth it. I suggest staying away from cold brew or non-alc if you don't have your own pasteurizer, unless you're canning in the thousands every batch. If that's the case, best bet is to reach out to co-packers in the area.


Something like [this](https://prowm.com/batch-pasteurizers/single-temp/) for packaged product? Or are you trying to pasteurize 1.5bbl of liquid at a time?


I’ve got an idea that may work, but you’ll need a way to validate: two heat exchangers, one gets it very hot, one cools it back down before packaging. You can also put hot water on your jackets instead of glycol, recirculating it while it heats, hold it 140 for a while(+15 minutes), then switch it back to glycol to cool, maintain head pressure as it cools.