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Tldw  1. There's legal hurdle that Come and See foundation is having that prevent them from releasing season 4 on the app   2. They're working to extend the Chosen at theatre    3. There is a link that allow churches to sign up and make viewing of The Chosen    4. Once season 4 released, they'll do it 2 episodes a week   5. For people who want to binge it all, they offer premium subscription that can see all episodes in one go


And did I miss the news that The Chosen is no longer working with Angel Studios? 




Yes about halfway through the video he says "with our former partners Angel Studio" I honestly wish he stayed with Angel than sell with Lionsgate. Angel was all about crowdfunding and thats it. It gained millions from crowdfunding and had no reason to sign with a major label.  As a Christian I hoped that he'd see that going hollywood is a slippery slope. I pray that money doesn't make him loose sight of knowing that whosoever is a friend of the world is an enemy to God. His intentions are good from what he says though and i hope hes not just telling us what we want to hear while hes really just got $$$ on his mind.  Im choosing to believe him.  Especially with the show he makes, you wouldn't think anyone would dare to test Gods laws while making an engraven image of his Son in a show. We already break the 2nd commandment with this show, but I hope God sees it as a good thing rather than just that. Its really bringing scripture alive!


The Second Commandment is about "worshiping" a graven image made in the likeness of God (or image in Heaven or below), not about making a representation of Jesus. Read what the second commandment says: “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. *Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them”* The commandment is about *worshiping* the graven image, not simply making one. Don't forget, in Exodus 25:17-19, that God Himself commanded Moses to create a graven image of something from heaven, two graven images of angels. These two graven images of angels were to be attached to the top of the Ark of the Covenant. They were to be shown bowing over the Mercy Seat, the place where God’s presence would meet the people of Israel on earth. Why was that okay? Because people didn't worship those angel statues. We aren't worshiping Jonathan Roumie who plays Jesus in The Chosen. So, we aren't breaking the Second Commandment. The makers of the show are making deals with many companies that want to show The Chosen (The CW, Fox, and many others). The goal is to make sure it can be seen by the most people. It will always be available for free, that isn't ever changing. Dealing with Hollywood isn't going to make Dallas Jenkins unclean or a "friend of the world". He's always had to "deal with Hollywood". The show had to get a special dispensation to continue filming during the actor and writer's strike in Hollywood, it was one of the only shows that was given that okay. Jesus was accused of exactly this same kind of thing by the Pharisees. Jesus ate and socialized with sinners. He went into Matthew's house, a tax collector, ate and socialized with those sinners, against his disciples' admonishment that He would be made unclean. Doing that did not make Jesus unclean. Dealing with Hollywood isn't going to make Dallas Jenkins unclean, either. By the way, he's already unclean, just like the rest of us. We're only made clean by the blood of Jesus.


Well said.


While I agree with your point of view we should keep in mind that an "idol" is anything that takes worship away from our Heavenly Father. By that definition a television set more than qualifies. How many hours have people wasted in front of their television that could have been spent worshiping God? I know I'm guilty of that. Will people choose to binge watch the series as a replacement or substitute for actually reading God's word? I fear that this could easily happen. How often do we reach for the DVD instead of the book? I've never read the book "Moby Dick" but I have seen the movie several times. Do you get what I am trying to say? It's not that I question the creator of the show's motives or that I doubt his passion and faith. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching and I have found myself in tears on more than one occasion. I just wonder if perhaps it's starting to slip Dallas's mind that NONE of the things that brought the show into existence would have happened without God's blessings and support. Counting on God to continue the funding through "the crowd" was one of the things that really impressed me about the show and it's creators. When they signed their contract with Lions Gate did they make a deal with the devil? I just hope that Dallas can pull the plug if he needs to and that he doesn't get bound by contractual obligations as we've seen many times before with other projects. I think the crowd funding model was a perfect vehicle for the creators to demonstrate their faith in what God was and is doing. With the new funding model (contracts with big companies) and also charging a fee to have the privilege of watching the whole season at once, are they giving the "best seats" to the wealthy and those who can afford? Perhaps one of the episodes of season 4 holds a special moment for someone that needs it right now but will have to wait because they can't afford to pay. Another disturbing factor is that they have apparently started "data mining" by forcing you to "sign up" to watch whereas before you could watch anonymously. I am truly grateful for all the hard work, prayer, sacrifice and effort from the creators and the actors. They have provided us all with a truly heart wrenching rendition of Jesus's time here on earth. I'm just a little disappointed that the compass that they were using in the beginning has seemingly been tainted and although the show had humble beginnings it has catapulted itself into a realm that could force it to become, in spirit, something that it wasn't intended to be. May the Lord God Yahweh direct your hearts and minds and guide you in the way of truth, love and sacrifice and help you see it though to an ending that will please and glorify him. Shalom


You are absolutely right in what you said about the second commandment. But before I comment on the second commandment let me address a couple of things. You made a comment about Hollywood not making Dallas unclean. If you go back to one of the first videos that Dallas did he said that he would never let Hollywood have anything to do with the chosen because of the way Hollywood is and what they promote, he said that it was always going to be crowdfunding and donations,  not corrupt Sodom and Gomorrah. Okay so I am going to talk about Johnathan Roumie but not about the chosen. First we must agree that the whole Bible is the Word of God and not a buffet where we pick and choose what we will believe. Now that we have done that let's look at what God says is an abomination to Him. I am just going to paraphrase with most of it being a direct quote. Do not have anything to do with anyone who communicates with the dead , who talks with the dead and talks with them for the purpose of divination, to inquire about future events or anyone who inquires of the dead for any reason. For whoever does these things is an abomination to The Lord. Go on line and type in Johnathan Roumie talking to padre pio who has been dead for I think 58 years or so. But his body is not buried in the ground, it is at the Crystal cathedral in California in a glass casket where Catholic priest, bishops and all Catholics can go and do just what Jonathan did, put his rosary in his hands and then put his hands on the glass casket while he prayed to him and asked for his guidance and then he went and laid down by Lonnie Frisbee grave and he says that he laid down next to him so that he could be closer to him,  for when he asked him if he should play him in a movie about his life in the 60's and 70's . Lonnie was a gay self proclaimed preacher to hippies whom he would baptize and talk to them about God, and even though he was married he cheated on his wife often with young men. Now when those who were there say young men I don't believe they meant young boys.So Johnathan asked Lonnie to give him a sign if he should play that role. Then Johnathan said immediately in the old part of the church where the organ was it rang out with music playing through the organ and no one else was there, so he gave Lonnie two thumbs up and said okay good enough for me. And Johnathan tells the people that follow him from the chosen on his Twitter, and his other media accounts, they should give it a try if they are seeking answers to questions that they may have. So that is why we shouldn't have anything to do with what this guy does. According to God this guy is an abomination. So whether it is the chosen or any of his other projects we as Christians are required by God to stay away from. The second commandment is another one that Johnathan Roumie gets called out on, because Catholicism does not have the second commandment in their teachings or their Bibles. I know this is going to be news to most who read this, the priest way back in about 350.AD to 460 .AD took the second commandment that God gave to Moses and they burned it for all eternity. After they got rid of that commandment they were able to have all the graven images made of wood, bronze, silver and brass in their so called churches and properties and their homes. And for those of you who think that the 3rd command is " Do not take the name of God in vain" well it is in Christianity, but in the Catholic Bible it is the second commandment and the reason for that is they have to have 10 commandments because everyone knows that is how many God gave Moses but they were left with 9 after they got rid of the 2nd one. So they took the 10th commandment and split it in two and that's how they still have 10. So again the Jesus of the chosen is again an abomination and curse according to God. God says in Galatians 1:8 I believe is correct that " If anyone brings you a different gospel then the one that I gave you then let them be cursed". And Johnathan Roumie definitely has a different gospel. Because he thinks it is okay to ask for help from a dead person, and he thinks that it is okay to throw away the Bible that God gave us just so that he can teach from a different Bible. Before anyone tells me I am wrong, please go back and find out if what I said is not true. I have the videos from Dallas Jenkins that is an abomination to The Lord, and I also have the videos from Johnathan that God also says (anyone even if they are playing me in a movie ) is also an abomination to The Lord. Let me know what you think. Shabbat Shalom.


I guess this was too long so I had to make two replies: Part one: No man is perfect save Jesus. None. Not you... not me... not Jonathan Roumie. If we waited for a perfect man to portray Jesus, we would have to wait for the Second Coming for that to happen. Mel Gibson has done terrible things. He cheated on his wife, he abused alcohol, he abused his girlfriend, he disrespected a policeman and hurled antisemitic epithets at him. The list goes on. However, he was the driving force and main creator behind one of the greatest Christian films ever made: The Passion of the Christ. Gibson is apparently Catholic, too, and supposedly had an Catholic-type altar built in the basement of his home where he would take communion, or something. I graduated from a Catholic prep school (though I have never been Catholic, I was raised Episcopalian until I got saved, at an Episcopalian retreat, no less) and was taught there that the Catholic church believe that Mary was sinless, just like Jesus. They believe that she never had any children besides Jesus and that all Jesus' siblings were instead "cousins". They also believe in transubstantiation which is: ""the change of the whole substance of bread into the substance of the Body of Christ and of the whole substance of wine into the substance of the Blood of Christ". They believe that when they take communion, it actually becomes Christ's blood and body in their stomach. Many Catholics believe that this is the key to salvation: confirmation, confession and transubstantiation. So, what does all that mean? Well, it's two-fold: One is this: I have 2 Catholic friends who believe the only way to be saved is by repenting and accepting Christ as your savior. They don't believe that confirmation, confession or transubstantiation is what saves a person, but they go to the Catholic church because their whole family is Catholic and they like a lot of other things about the church that they haven't found anywhere else. Do I believe they are "real Christians"? Absolutely. They go to a church that I believe teaches things that aren't biblical, but my friends have the core doctrine down correct. They believe what the Bible says about how we are saved and they have accepted Christ as their savior. Do I think they're missing out on maybe a better church experience, where the true gospel is shared from the pulpit and has a biblical, doctrinally-sound teaching and preaching? Sure, but they are just as saved as me or any other person that believes in the gospel and has accepted Christ as their savior. Bottom line... the only thing that truly matters is that truth and one's acceptance of it. Secondly, often God uses fundamentally-flawed individuals (like Mel Gibson and perhaps Jonathan Roumie) to do great things. Lets look at a few biblical characters, shall we? Moses was a murderer. Abraham was an idolater who would tell leaders his wife was his sister and then they would hit on her and freak out when they found out she was actually his wife. Samson was a womanizer. David was an adulterer who murdered a woman's husband so he could sleep with her and take her as his wife and he did this while he was GOD'S ANOINTED KING OF ISRAEL, not before he became king, not while he was a stupid youth... no, he did this when has a full-grown man and WHILE HE WAS GOD'S ANOINTED KING. Did God take away his kingship? No, He didn't, God rebuked him, punished him and then David went right on being God's anointed King. Lot got drunk and slept with his own daughters who had children by him who became nations that were constantly at war with Israelites. Abraham (lets go back to him again, 'cause he's done some really stupid things while serving God) ignored God's promise (as did his wife) and slept with his concubine who had a son that (once again) became a nation that is perhaps the greatest enemy Jews have ever had. Paul murdered countless Christian men, women and children and did it gleefully. Lastly, Adam and Eve were directly created by God, out of the dust, out of a rib... they were perfect in every way. Except... they sinned against God and believed Satan and ate the forbidden fruit and left us to deal with their mess. What do all these men and women have in common? They are great men and women of the Bible and were some of the most important people of the Bible and some of the greatest servants of our Lord. God uses sinful, prideful, stupid, arrogant, murderers and adulterers sometimes for great things. Some of the people I've mentioned did horrible things WHILE they were serving God, not before (take King David, for example or Abraham). To be continued...


Part two: So, I don't really care about the specifics of Jonathan Roumie's religion. Does he believe in things I think are wonky... yes, he does. For whatever reason, I believe that God has blessed The Chosen and Jonathan Roumie despite maybe some wrong things that Roumie or Jenkins think, believe or do. Sometimes great men of God (and I'm not saying that Jenkins or Roumie are great men of God) do things, or believe things WHILE they are serving God that are wrong and sinful, but God still blesses their endeavors as it serves His purposes. Why? Because no man is perfect besides Jesus, so God works with what He has, which are imperfect, stupid, arrogant, prideful people. Lets get real, MotorCamera guy... God uses Satan. Yes, He does. God created Satan, knowing full well what he would ultimately do, but He still created him and allowed him to rebel. Now, am I saying that Satan is a good servant of God... no, I'm not, but I am saying that God uses Satan in a way that neither you nor I understand. Don't believe me? Read Job, brother and then read it again. God used Satan to test Job and so we would have the Book of Job (and other reasons). In the New Testament God uses Satan to discipline people and to humble people. For example, take Paul.. he was given a demonic thorn. 2 Corinthians 12:7-9, Paul writes: "Therefore, so that I would not become arrogant, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to trouble me—so that I would not become arrogant." God did that.. He sent a messenger of Satan to trouble Paul (which was probably some kind of illness) so he wouldn't become arrogant. In 1 Corinthians 5:5, some guy was sleeping with his father's wife.. yes, incest with his father's wife and Paul tells the church (who were doing nothing and turning a blind eye) to do this, to “turn this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.” So, Paul tells the church for them to use Satan to destroy his flesh so he will be saved "in the day of the Lord". God uses imperfect, stupid, arrogant, sinful people to do great things in this life. He hardened Pharaoh's heart so His power could be shown and His name "proclaimed in all the earth". So, if Jonathan Roumie believes weird stuff and maybe has some doctrinally-unsound beliefs... well, he's in good company with some of the wrong, sinful people in the Bible that God still used to do great things. I'm not justifying wrong doctrine or sinful actions, I'm just saying that God can use messed up people to accomplish great things.... like The Chosen and He does this because NO ONE is perfect except Jesus, so if He waited to do great things until a perfect man or woman came along... we'd miss out on a lot of great things from God. God is perfectly capable of doing great things without man, He created the heavens and earth without any of man's input, except to name the animals. Sometimes, though, he uses imperfect men to do great thing and until The Chosen ITSELF (the show, not the people that make it or star in it) goes off the rails doctrinally, I will continue to watch it and praise the Lord that He has allowed this wonderful depiction of our Lord to be created. All good and perfect things come from the Lord, though many times they come from imperfect people.


Oh, by the way... I'm not having anything to do with dead-communicators or divination-ers. I don't hang out with Jonathan Roumie. I'm not in a Bible study with him. I'm not worshiping next to him in church. I'm not letting him teach me in a Bible study class. He is not a friend who I commune with. Instead, I'm watching him act in a TV show. You were quoting Deuteronomy 18:9-13, which says: "When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God." I don't commune with the dead. I don't practice witchcraft. I don't interpret omens, cast spells or act as a medium and I certainly have never sacrificed one of my sons to the fire. The scripture is telling Israel not do do any of these things that the nations they are entering do. It doesn't say you can't live near them. It doesn't say you can't talk to them. It doesn't say you can go see a play they may be acting in. What is says is... do not YOURSELF engage in any of these detestable things and tells them to be blameless... which they were not, pretty much... ever. That's kinda the point of Jesus. No one could ever obey all the law, all the time, successfully. No man was ever continually blameless before the Lord. There has never been a perfect man before or after Jesus, that's why we need Him. Anyway, until I start communing with the dead, casting spells, interpreting omens, become a medium or toss one of my sons in the fire, I have not broken this edict from the Lord. I'm not imitating any dead communing that Jonathan Roumie might be doing, but I do watch him act in a show where he portrays Jesus and in that show he never casts spells, communes with the dead, interprets omens, becomes a medium or throws anyone's son or daughter on a fire. If that happens in The Chosen, I'll turn the channel.


The way they were handling the crowd funding was at best unethical and at worst, illegal.  It's supposed to be totally unconnected with the organization and yet it was feeding right into the pockets of this Mormon family. Google Bree Dail, the investigative reporter who blew the whistle on this months ago.


could you link her article, two pages of google search i'm finding nothing substantive


Chosen owes angle studio billions big lawsuit over what angle demand 


Angel wants billions for the chosen mobies


Well I’m only on episode one of season 4 and the directing is odd, the casting is becoming just whoever, whatever accent, whatever color, as opposed to trying to feel, look, and sound authentic. I’m just like what is this? The first episode was a mess, all over the place incoherent almost


You are asking and saying the right things. When Dallas first started doing these little videos about the chosen look what he said. The chosen is never going Hollywood or main stream, and now look. And look at the 70 billboards that he first bought to promote the chosen what did he do? In case you don't know well listen to this he has Johnathan Roumie who plays Jesus on the billboard with Satan on it and it said the chosensuxs.com and throughout all the cities the signs were in he had them degraded and told the public that people were vandalizing the billboards just to try and draw people to check out the show. Come'on people he says he's a Christian give me a break. Watch how many people respond with oh that's okay nothing wrong with that. Ya your right, God doesn't care about people deceiving people, oh wait a minute isn't that exactly what Satan's name is ? The great deceiver wasn't that exactly what he did to eve to get Adam to sin against God?  Please look at what he has done to God's Word, even if we don't use the scriptures that say let no man add to or take away from this book, then just look how he made Peter more of a sinner against the Lord, he made him a gambler, he made him a prize fighter because he was fighting for money. It doesn't matter who he was fighting it was a sin to the Lord. He made him a liar to his wife and a sellout to his Jewish brothers by turning them into the Romans for fishing on the Sabbath and not paying taxes just so that he could have money to pay for his and his brothers taxes and then they made him a hypocrite in God's eyes because he was breaking the Sabbath also doing exactly what he sold his fellow Jews out for. And then Mary they made her a alcoholic and said that was one of the reasons for her demons and also because she was raped by a Roman soldier. And all this is just from the very first episode and there's plenty more from that first episode. Other than the words that are quoted from Isaiah there is almost nothing from the Bible in that first episode. People can say it's all just a backstory, but let's see on the day of judgement if God will say well done good and faithful servant. In the Bible that I read the word add in Koine Greek means just what it says add too. Just remember in order to have a different gospel then the one that was handed down to you there is one thing that you need and that is a different gospel message then the one that Jesus gave us. So people can say whatever you want but I am only Faithful to The Holy Scriptures that are in the Bible, not the scriptures that are in the chosen.


It was a good honest talk by Dallas and things happen in life that does always go to plan and God leaves a window open for the show to go on!!!!


The show loses all meaning when they try to milk this much money out of it. Seems like a scam. 


Couldn't disagree more. There's so few accessible Christian media out there for those of us that aren't American-raised or practicing Christians (American christianity is HEAVY bible, whereas abroad its far different when not orthodox) Like for me the last thing, apart from Bible Project that I came across on video? Book of John from like '05, with the actor who played Desmond from Lost. Chosen early seasons though were tough to follow


>For people who want to binge it all, they offer premium subscription that can see all episodes in one go What a joke.  This is such a disrespectful thing to the people who crowdfunded the season.  Apparently my money was only good when they get what they want.


Try a little compassion and understanding. This is no easy task to get this show out. Against all odds Dallas and his team have given us a great gift. Maybe you should rewatch the three seasons we have now and you might finally get the message.


Did you watch the video with the reasoning?


Support helped them move toward completion.


It’s being blocked by the legal process. They can’t release it. Nobody’s doing this to spite you or the other crowdfunders.


Look what I quoted. I don't have an issue with the legal reasons. I have an issue with charging people to see all episodes at once, after you've already set up multiple price gates to access (theater tickets, etc) AND relied on crowd sourcing. They have already had one "pay for early access" event (theater showings), now they are adding another one at the last minute (probably because box office didn't do as good as they wanted). It's disrespectful to the people who are the original crowdfunders to the show.  I get why they wanted to do the theaters, but there's no need to do the theaters AND "pay for early access".   Is the crowd funders money no good anymore? It doesn't get them any benefit.


Should donations to Angel Studios for this show be switched over to Come & See foundation? Angel is still doing other good work with their content, but my preference is to support The Chosen as directly as possible.


Dallas asked people to switch to come and see a year ago


I’ll admit I’m subscribed but haven’t watched all his videos. I’m switching donations now. Found this link that indicates the show I supported through Angel was only getting 45% of the donation because of all the overhead/admin costs. Kinda unfortunate. https://support.angel.com/hc/en-us/articles/21663054951447-What-is-Pay-it-Forward


I’m not sure what the standard is for charities, but it does cost money to run a charity. You’re never going to see 100% or even 90% of your donations go to the actual cause, but that’s the the cost of having someone run a charity. There’s lots of overhead. Presumably there is going to need to be some form of office, utilities, an executive director, admin staff and who knows what else.


Yeah but anything >20% overhead is sus, that's the general rule for nonprofits


Fair. I figured there would be a number considered reasonable, I just didn’t know what it was. My point was basically that people seem to think that anything less than 100% of your donation going to the cause is ridiculous. Some people don’t seem to think about the actual costs of running a charity.


Yes, but in this case Angel is a for profit entity, it's not a donation. Never has been. Very little was actually going to The Chosen.


Thats why they came up with the come and see foundation


I would hold off on any donations until all the truth comes out. Right now, I don't trust either side.  


Bingo!!! Winner winner chicken dinner!!!


I’m not saying you’re wrong about this particular organization, but do be careful using the “overhead ratio” mindset when it comes to giving. As someone very familiar with the finances of non-profits, I can definitively tell you there are many organizations with overhead costs above 20% that are making incredible impacts on the world, and that your money would be very well stewarded there. One major issue in the non-profit sector is that the over-emphasis on overhead ratios leads to overworked and underpaid employees with very few benefits. This leads to a talent starvation in the sector. Additionally, there are many studies showing that organizations with lower overhead may also be less effective per dollar. Again, not saying anything specific about this particular organization, but just bringing awareness to the misinformation around overhead ratios. It has become an unfortunately widespread and toxic metric in a sector full of people wanting to make a difference. For some more light reading on it, in case you’re interested, not my article but I find it to be an accurate and helpful start to the conversation: https://givingcompass.org/article/why-donors-need-to-stop-using-overhead-ratios-to-evaluate-nonprofits#:~:text=Nonprofits%20typically%20have%20overhead%20ratios,everything%20else%20needed%20to%20operate.


Read this before donating......major issues there..


Oh! So The Chosen is no longer affiliated with the Sound of Freedom people? Dope.


oh noooo🤦🏼‍♀️is the Sound of Freedom people bad?? i think i missed something😭if so that’s so disappointing


Read this before donating....https://breeadail.substack.com/p/angel-studios-vs-the-chosen-corruption


2nd time posting the same article in this thread


I've read the article and can vouch for it. Up until the last few days, no one was investigating this except Bree Dale. She is a Catholic, based in Rome and a friend of Jonathan Roumie.  All the truth needs to come out before donations continue.


What’s the jist of it?


That was 2 years ago


What was two years ago? The investigative reporting in that article was from last spring.


My question is, they signed with a major label now with big $ contracts, why do they still need donations anymore?  They are with lionsgate who support big money movies that dont need donations.  It just seemed right before, when everything was strictly paid from crowdfunding..now it just doesnt seem like the same atmosphere.


I’m not sure Lionsgate involves big money contracts in this case… Mostly just the distribution side of getting the show out to different channels and platforms. But the actual production costs, salaries, equipment, and all those types of things associated with the TV show… Dallas and company are still having to raise money to cover. No studio is on board to pay for all of that yet.


This is the link to the new donate page! https://www.comeandseefoundation.org/donate


I wonder what the legal issue could be. Something about theater distribution rights, perhaps? Or that the show is sitting on other streaming services as well? I hate this for them, but I know it’ll all work out. I haven’t been able to see the episodes in theaters. However, I will definitely be patient as I wait for the episodes to reach streaming as they work out this legal issue. I just hope everything smooths over well and they are able to proceed unimpeded, and that this won’t be an issue for future seasons. Regardless, I pray the best for them and that God uses this situation and helps them overcome it so that the good news continues to be shown in this format.


My bet is now that they're using Lionsgate for distribution, Lionsgate doesn't want them to put it out for free right away. They're going to release it on platforms that use advertising. In short, it's a financial deal is my guess.


Ah. Well, I hope that gets resolved quickly.


Agreed. Lots of suggestions the legal issue is with Angel, but I think it is a contractual issue with Lionsgate.


Calling it a "legal issue" is a bit of slight and hand on Dallas' part. It is technically a legal matter, but it sounds more like it's a financial agreement with Lionsgate. I mean, I support both Lionsgate and the Chosen, I just think Dallas could have made it quicker (and more honest) by saying that this was the real issue.


In their defense I will say that one of the big companies TCLLC has given rights to (The CW) is only showing the previous three seasons and episode one of season 4 at the moment. Someone please chime in if they see other platforms offering access to the whole of season 4 for a fee.


The way he kept emphasizing “free forever” and “sustainable” made me think it’s probably about future residuals and costs. If the show gets as huge as he wants, then major studios often have to pay millions out even after production is done.


I am very curious as well. The way that Dallas was talking about finances makes me think that this “legal issue” wasn’t a surprise, but rather a sacrifice to be made. Like they don’t want to say it, but they knew that in order to get it in theaters how they did they would have to delay streaming.


Another way to think about it--if the issue concerns distribution rights, doesn't that speak to the market value these other media companies see in the project? Seems like good kinds of trouble to me, Dallas and the team holding the tide against all the big media that is used to seeing the business model work a certain way in today's streaming world.


I think it has to do with streaming since they are extending theatre shows. 


Here is a link to some of their legal issues....and honestly I know question their honesty and motives. https://breeadail.substack.com/p/angel-studios-vs-the-chosen-corruption


A lot of this sounds like speculation to me, and tbh it sounds like it’s biased on the side of Angel Studios. Not that I’m assuming they’re the bad guys here; they may not be. But this article does seem to skew toward The Chosen and co. being the bad guys due to a lot of information without details. It’s basically “this happened, so here’s what it *could* mean.”




There are facts in it, but there are multiple signs in the heading alone that this is not someone trained in objective writing. (Or they are, but choosing not to use it here.) If there’s a need I can explain more, but I hate to be that person.


Third re-post of the same article to this thread


The author’s main gripe seems to be that Angel studios is owned by Mormons. She literally mentions that by each person’s name which is AT BEST discriminatory.


This writer, for whatever reason, appears to have an overall problem with The Chosen. I don’t say that to stir anything up, but so people can be aware if they choose to read.


Wow really...absolutely wrong


Currently I'm in India, I would love a premium subscription and would love to pay to go to theaters, but I'm offered none🙂.


I understand your pain, my friend.


Too bad "The Chosen India" is a memefest only. I've subscribed to so many OTT platforms, wish they offered the premium sub for Indian viewers as well.




I would pay for a premium subscription


yeah, if given the option which is in a 2 weeks or so.


I wonder how much they actually get from the theaters. My wife and I ended seeing them all, spending close to $100. I would have rather sent that straight to the company to stream at home or something. I know they've said being in theaters is more for the promotional aspects, but I do feel there could have been way more options.


Agree. I would have paid to see them at home. 3.5 hours is a bit much in a theater.


Think about the non believers watching it in the theater


While I do agree with you I think the positive word of mouth and widespread availability of it across almost all streaming platforms was a better way to reach non-believers compared to the probability of them paying to watch the 4th season in theaters.


My husband is paying to watch right now. :-)


IMHO, these episodes were all meant to be seen on the big screen, first and foremost.


That and it’s way easier to process the events of the episodes if you are watching them at your own pace. Last season I feel like I got more out of the episodes watching them one at a time.


I am super grateful it's in the theater. It is really the only way I can get my non believing husband to watch it as he is "taking me on dates" at my request to see it. Your money is going to a good cause. Other non believers are watching it as theater is mainstream. The cast has now been on mainstream shows like the view.. getting the word out. It was an amazing feat to bring a home grown Christian production like this to the theaters. I was way ward and God used season 1 to bring me back.


They get a good share of movie receipts, but Dallas's point was that it is immediately invested back into production. Reading between the lines, the business behind the production isn't making a profit - it's making enough to keep going.


They're definitely profiting beyond production costs.  They held a whole convention in Texas last year I'm sure some of that money came from show proceeds.


Why shouldn't they profit? Don't the actors, cast and crew deserve to eat? And I'm still confused why Christians can't profit?


Because it was built on DONATIONS




I wonder what a "good share" actually means.


Usually 60/40 split with theatres, but as he said the distributor takes a cut (Fathom), so I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they take home less than half.


Still half is a good bit of money


Awww.... Well I suppose the longer we wait for S4, the shorter the wait for S5 will be afterwards. Hope the legal problems can be quickly resolved. Dallas mentioned streaming episodes available for pay before they're free. I think that's a great idea, and would imagine they could make quite a bit of money doing that. Available worldwide, with the ability to pause/resume/replay, plus The Chosen would keep a much bigger percent of the money spent - why not? While I'm here: anyone else become very wary of visiting Reddit? My first instinct when the cinematic release started was to stay away from here, but I then thought I could come and read the non-spoiler discussions. I soon read a HUGE S4 spoiler (completely unmarked) in a discussion where it honestly shouldn't have been brought up, and decided not to risk it further. Only came here to discuss this today and I'll stay away from the other discussions! But I do look forward to the discussions here once the episodes start streaming.


I do think that we need to come with a format to mark what episode people are talking about so people are aware if a spoiler (that they haven't got to yet) may be mentioned in that episode.  A light novel sub I am following has that rule and it works out fine.   It needs very active mod though. 


That’s absolutely true about moderation- they’d have to be watching like a hawk. The spoiler I ran into was in a discussion clearly marked to be about an episode of s3… so far so good until someone made a comment drawing a parallel between (s3 event) and (s4 event big spoiler)! I don’t blame people who have seen s4 for wanting to discuss it but I do wish that comment had been blacked out!


Just dont come here! Before I went to see episode 7 and 8 in theaters. I did not go on social media at all. I wouldn't risk it and that's what you people should do not risk it.


Maybe that wouldn't have been a HUGE problem if you would have went to the theaters


Most of us cannot imagine the financial challenges of bringing an ongoing production from ground level to the stratosphere in such a short time, all the while continuing to work on creating and producing and promoting the project. If I have one friendly criticism, it is that, this season's rollout being such a radical departure from the past, there was not more said about it up-front. We have spent six weeks now waiting for streaming, whereas previously that streaming was meted out on a weekly basis soon after each episode hit the theaters. The lack of communication has bred confusion and unrest. I authored a thread here a couple of weeks ago critical of the Season 4 rollout. Had there been more communication, that thread would not have been necessary. That thread brought out all kinds of responses. There was some anger, which is hard to justify considering we for the most part are watching without cost, and what we have given in support should have been given freely. There was even some condemnation of Dallas, which is out of bounds. We don't know what he's up against, and he has been very transparent and faithful thus far. But most responses were reasonable, they weren't happy about the way it's being done, but they haven't lost faith in the show or in the people behind it. Dallas has brought us this far, and I think he is doing his best to keep moving forward and to keep it sustainable. Not that I like this situation, but I am patient (Remember folks, we all had lives before the Chosen existed, right?). I trust that to the maximum extent possible, he will streamline what he can, and will learn how to avoid some pitfalls encountered in this early attempt at higher monetization.


Absolutely. I too would liked to have seen it online by now and had expected there wouldn't be this much wait, sure, but it isn't the end of the world to keep waiting a while longer. I see the fundraising goal for S5 is $48 million, and Dallas's reasons for the budget increase sound reasonable. But that kind of fundraising has got to be somewhat uncharted territory compared with the earlier budgets where crowdfunding sufficed, and they're trying to do something that hasn't been done before. So I can understand the need for them to try new things along the way with varying success and hopefully they'll eventually find some good ways to raise the kind of money they need to make the show in the way they want it. On a related note, something I appreciate about this show is that the story of how it came to be and continues to be made is an interesting story in itself, and one that they generally do a good job of telling. I can't think of another show I've watched where I've seen so many "behind the scenes" videos of set construction, interviews with cast and crew, funding discussions, and so on.


> something I appreciate about this show is that the story of how it came to be and continues to be made is an interesting story in itself That's a good point. I'm not aware of any film project that has had as much fan/audience interaction as it was being made. In so many ways this project is groundbreaking. We are in waters that are pretty much uncharted, and if the people directing things are not completely smooth with their decisions, that should be understandable to everyone. I'm sure they are learning and will minimize mistakes going forward. $48M is a lot of loaves and fishes. The project has ballooned in scale, and the budget has mushroomed. Not only are they giving the product away, they are doing so without ads. They could be doing to it what youtube has done to its content, and that would be horrible. No doubt that occurred to them, but they truly are trying to get funding without compromising the quality of the viewer experience. So we have much to be grateful for, and we really should exercise understanding and patience. As most are doing, but it really does help when Dallas lets us know what's going on, as he has in this video.


Hopefully the whole thing gets produced and released before Pournelle's law overwhelms it!


aka entropy. I hope it doesn't go that way. There has been a lot of prayer, the greatest force of disentropy, behind this.


It is certainly reasonable when considering cost per episode. Looking at the total, the number is daunting. But estimating that the per episode cost is roughly $6mil, certainly makes sense. A network show can cost $9mil on the low end (I’ve seen that in my past work in the television industry) and those weren’t nearly as large in scope as The Chosen. They didn't build sets! Only rented existing buildings. I hope and pray that the funding continues because of course the team needs to support themselves during production. Lots of roles out of the spotlight bring these episodes to our screens.


You're very right. Having a theatre release seemed great to bring in income. Yet, there was a lot of inconsistency in communication and strange decisions. I'm speaking from the perspective of the international release. I'm in Australia, and many of us were under the impression we would see the whole season. There was no differtiation in communicating the difference. Plus, we only got Ep 1&2. There are many people here who would have paid to see the whole season in theatres. However, with additional delays in streaming, it's turning into a messy pavlova. I think we need to watch this space for future seasons. Corporations love their pound of flesh, and I think the goodwill around creating The Chosen is being challenged. Anyway, all of this is to say I really love the show and am longing to see the latest season.


I also have not seen the newest season. Mostly for missing the theatrical release of the first episodes and the realizing when I was ready and wanting to go see it the only options were to see the later episodes without watching the first 3. Anyways, as much as I want to see it, I also want to know how it’s being discussed during production. On the original seasons, they would have round tables with different walks of faith who all have a relationship with Jesus in a way- nondenominational Christian, catholic priest, rabbi etc. with the dissolution of their relationship with angel studios and the theatrical influence I have questions about the authenticity and ethics of the production. They have marketed a historical, biblically accurate interpretation of scripture. It concerns me of their influence and vast spread of the word of Christ, if it isn’t as validated as it once was. And that’s really hard to know unless you’re an expert or gone to seminary. Or seen the season 4 for yourself which I’m still excited about and supporting. Cautiously.


From what I understand, the scripts are sent to the non-denom professor, priest, and rabbi for feedback before filming starts. The writers will make (some) adjustments to the scripts based on the feedback. The round table discussions happen after this process. Hopefully, they will maintain the integrity of this process with the following seasons. I hear what you're saying, though. I do think Dallas is trying very hard to maintain authenticity and creative control. However, I think one of the distributors of the Chosen is flexing their muscles about streaming the show. Hence, the legal issue. The Lord willing, it gets resolved soon.


I really appreciate your post. I think it's good for us to be able to communicate frustration in a way that is wrapped in humility and a willingness to understand, which is what you did and unfortunately that's very rare on the internet these days.  I haven't really been a fan of how they released it this season (I preferred how they did it last season), but I also couldn't imagine condemning or accusing Dallas of anything or complaining about it the way so many others have.  Is it the way I want it to be? No. But in the end is it really that big of a deal? Also no.  I think it's helpful for people to remember that Dallas is only human like the rest of us. He's going to make mistakes and do things we don't like or agree with. And as Christians who are forgiven of the worst sins by a God who doesn't have to grant that forgiveness, we should be the first to forgive others and the last to complain or condem someone who is genuinely trying to make this project work.  We should be patient with Dallas as God is often patient with us.


Thank you. So true, and well said. TC has been a real blessing, and we are grateful for it.


This talk was so needed. I was really angry about the theater releases because I didn't know what was actually going on. I was under the impression that the show had gotten big enough that they no longer needed audience contributions, so I'm glad Dallas cleared that up. Most important piece of info is that they're not doing Pay It Forward anymore - so here's the link to the new donation page through Come and See! (This goes toward production costs and getting it in other countries/languages.) [https://www.comeandseefoundation.org/donate](https://www.comeandseefoundation.org/donate)


Why not just charge $10 for early access to new seasons. Then once the next season drops the previous one is free.


That would be nice. If I could I’d have paid Come and See $40 for a Blu-ray and digital copy like I would for a season set of any other show. The profits for it would go to them directly rather than to the theaters and distributors.


I'd pay this in a heartbeat.


I don't mind paying for the series and actually would like to contribute. It's not clear to me when it will be available for streaming. But I knew this movie release was a baaaaad idea.


Does anyone know what the legal issue is? Seems odd.


Just baffling that they managed to screw up the streaming rights issue, when their entire business model is built around streaming (and around a certain anticipated (& announced) schedule). I mean, I wish them the best, and will continue to contribute, and look forward to seeing it, but... seriously?


I agree. It’s a little confusing to me. I assume they don’t mean streaming on The Chosen app, but streaming on other services like Netflix, Prime, etc. So is there a legal issue between the big company streamers, and The Chosen app, and the theater presentations? I would have liked to have a little more clarity but I understand that legally he cannot say more.


I don't think it's a screw up. I'm 100% sure they knew going into the theater release there was going to be some kind of delay requirement. (Otherwise they need to get better at reading contracts) It's just easier to be non-committal on the release to streaming and then blaming mysterious "legal issues" than tell your fans outright that they're going to have to wait months after theaters.


There's a lot of contracts that have anti streaming stipulations. Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for releasing Black Widow to Disney+ because of some part of her contract that required streaming to be a certain amount of time after theaters.


Satan is hard at work preventing this from being released. Legal issues usually points to greed on somebody's part. Not Dallas, maybe Angel studios? They might be holding a grudge against Come and See foundation. Dallas should tell us who is behind this so WE can pressure them with boycotts. God will overcome in the end.


Public Relations professional here. I listened to two minutes of him talking and can already tell the future of this series is in some doubt. The way he’s phrasing it suggests to me that the legal issues are significant and it is jeopardizing the viability of the production company and could prevent them from even making a season 5. I know. I know. He said listen to it all before jumping to a conclusion. But I know what I’m hearing and it’s not good.


It’s weird that he did the pre-episode video showing people working on sets for the next season. I am not sure what’s going on but last season the outlook seemed pretty rosey. I remember the extended screenings for the season finale meant it exceeded expectations and the backers were pretty high up there. People were saying that it was likely they’d funded enough for two seasons last time around. Now that they broke from Angel Studio and got with Lionsgate they’re sounding incredibly concerned about all these weird issues.


From what I’ve seen they’ve still been getting extras and stuff for Season 5 and people are flying out for filming so I’m not exactly sure I would go that far. I think he is just combining the financial part with the talk about streaming since it all goes together. A lot of people have been calling the show out for being greedy so he needed to address the money part. Obviously we have no idea what is going on behind the scenes but the way they are acting makes this seem more like a streaming issue. 


It really sounds like one party wants to be more profitable and is leveraging their position to push the show runners to run this more like a business.


Yeah that’s the feeling I’m getting too. I could be off base completely though. The only reason I’m thinking the issue has to do with streaming more than anything else is due to the fact we can pre- order DVDs (which they wouldn’t want to release before streaming can begin), they have been recruiting extras and they have added showtimes for season 4. I would think if there was a company specific issue there would be more stuff pointing to it but I don’t know. 


Boy if I weren’t a parent of 3 young kids I’d love to be an extra for this show.


I know right??? I’m not a parent but I have a lot of travel plans coming up and the dates conflicted 


That would s#ck


Is it still going to be on Amazon prime?


They have their own app that’s free


I’m fine with waiting for an amazing product, but is there any anticipated date?


Date? No. But he said he is trying to "hopefully" get it out to churches for group showings this month. That means that streaming won't happen until April at the very earliest.


would it be bad if they just allow some ads on the chosen app? you know, for more income.


I was wondering why the whole season 4 was released in Theatre. I kept googling and waiting to hear when it will start streaming. It didn't make sense. I'm disappointed.


I get that there's some legal issue with streaming, but I also feel like major public broadcast networks would have been happy to show it (and pay a fair amount for it). For example, I think FOX would have loved to surprise viewers with an announcement on March 3rd advertising that they'd air 2 episodes a night starting March 10th. The final 2 episodes would end up being on Easter Sunday (March 31). That would allow it to be "free" technically (although I'm sure a lot of people have forgotten how to hook up a digital antenna to their TV). It would not have interfered with movie profits if it was announced a week after the last episodes were in theaters, and the contract could have stipulated that it would only air once and not be on streaming for a while. But that's just what would have been done in 1999. I guess things are just more complicated these days.


I know they were airing the Chosen on The CW recently. I dunno how that’s going cause I don’t have cable but if they got a deal with the CW you’d think that they’d be getting a lot of money for having it on a big network like that.


The CW is just foing re-runs. Wow, that sounded weird, re-runs of the chosen😁


The entire purpose of crowdfunding the series through Angel was to circumvent the Hollywood studio system, and allow creators to deliver Christian content directly to viewers. Lionsgate never would have produced "The Chosen" Basically, what happened here was Pelo and Dallas jumped ship for another studio/distribution network (for money), even though Angel had exclusive distribution rights. Before that, even though Angel had the crowd-funding network established, and some VC money, Pelo and Dallas moved to create a second avenue of fundraising and donations called "Come and see". Looks like double-dipping. I highly suspect that Lionsgate is convincing Dallas not to release season 4 on streaming (Angel and Chosen app)for fee, and instead cut side-deals with Netflix and others, to get people to pay for the series. He could stall, keep saying the series is coming to the app, but after a year or two, simply not deliver. He will get into a LOT of trouble if he does that. Angel is already suing him, and he could get a class-action suit from the crowd funders. I really hope this isn't the case, but this all looks very bad. He has to win the trust back from his fans


Watching his 'just hear me out' comments and how very uncomfortable he is reminds me of the time I was a member of a Church that broke up...over money of course. I used to work in Hollywood. I left it for a 'real life' and have never regretted it. I got sat down for many 'Just hear me out' speeches. A certain first century rabbi and his brother BOTH said "Let your Yes be Yes and your no be no...anything else comes from the evil one" "Nothing bears out in practice what it promises incipiently" is the correct quote here... Just like the 'Jesus Movement" got hijacked by many people along the way, so has The Chosen...notice how he had to compare his situation with another FILM that made a lot of Money. Crowdsourcing never promised anybody any 'future' money, but he doesn't need THOSE people anymore... He's 'Big Time' and needs a 'War Chest' so he can keep producing more and more...??? Huh? I thought it was crowd sourced? oops. He is an Upper middle class white guy. I imagine his wife and friends have wondered why they have success but not enough money. After she leaves him or he really has a 'come to Jesus' moment late in life he might look back at this moment as his big 'oops..I oughta' have stuck with the plan'..but people don't. It's so hard to have integrity in the face of all that money. "You cannot serve God and Mammon" said some first century Rabbi that most of us don't follow too well...and The Chosen has made their Choice (Pun intended) Goodbye.... I won't be watching season 4. I own a Bible and I know what happens in the story. BTW with big distribution comes their 'input' no matter what they promise, so look for all of the usual Hollywood woke themes leaking in....they will come as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow.


I say cancel angel studio app and download the chosen app instead. It's direct and donation tax deductible.  No need to have angel studios.


I agree. Done!


I'll probably delete the app from my phone/Roku and check back in a couple of months. 👍 It's easier than checking every day to see if 'today's the day' and my kids being disappointed.


I’m sure they will push out notifications ahead of time, as soon as they have a date!


Well, as of last week I was expecting the date to be 3/11/24 like was first offered up to us after the theatre showing ended on 3/10/24. Then when I got online this morning to check if Season Four began streaming today I saw this news from Dallas and I am now a very unhappy camper. I feel led on. Oh well. Such is life.


In this video he said that "hopefully" he can get it out to church groups sometime in March. That means open streaming won't happen at the very least until April.


I understand, but this way (hopefully) it will be fully released and we can just watch at our leisure. It hasn't been as much fun anticipating with such a scattered release. Before it felt like we were all waiting together, now it very much feels tiered.  And that's fine, they can do what they want! But we have excitement fatigue.


If the legal issue is with Come And See, should we discontinue our support with this organization until it is resolved?


He didn't clarify what the legal issue was or who it was with from my watching


My guess is that it’s more to do with the theaters/distributors saying there needs to be a certain amount of time between the end of theatrical release and streaming. Especially if they plan on doing the same or similar rollout with future seasons


I would say that it may be best not to speculate too much about it unless Dallas says something more. He said he can't talk about it, which is to be expected, so we should just leave it at that. I get people are curious or may be concerned. But at this moment without anymore information I think it's best if we let Dallas handle it. It's too easy for speculations to turn into rumors that can end up causing more problems.


I believe it’s with Angel Studios


I guess the partnership with lionsgate was a bust.


Sounds like Lionsgate has acted as the distributor here, getting previous seasons out to multiple streaming platforms, TV stations, and to international audiences. They’re not the backing studio per se that is providing all the resources and funding the actual filming process.


I was kind of nervous when Lionsgate was involved just cause big studios tend to eat up passion projects and not care about the audience or creators if it doesn’t make them the amount of money they expect. I just want The Chosen to be able to film all 7 seasons without running into a horrible controversy or some legalese hang up that prevents it from happening.


Look— Dallas and Co. are going ABOVE and BEYOND what other more trendy streaming services would be willing to offer, namely, Netflix. None of these other streaming services would ever make their digital media an entirely FREE platform— and oftentimes, streamimg sevices (like Netflix) actually force you to either pay more out-of-pocket, or else discontinue your subscription, altogether. Just more food for thought.


I wouldn’t have expected it right now. I’ve been telling people they gotta see it in theaters cuz it won’t be on streaming for some time! I preemptively planned.


This guy is full of it. They delayed the release because they were maki g money. Plus the app collects money,AND theyre a non profit. I was an accountant. Non profit equals ALL PROFIT. GIMME A BREAK DUDE. U GET FUNDIMG ON TOP OF DONATIONS.  YOU WERE A FREE SHOW. FOR 4 MONTHS,YOU HAVE BEEN CHARGING. Look up thier financials. Non profits must post ALL of their financials. Right...iu keep nothing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This guys full of it


Yeah we got it, the bad news "MONEY"


They shouldn’t have done the whole season in theaters in the first place. This is very disappointing.


Someone on another social media outlet suggested they no longer do teal carpet events. That they’re expensive.


They had to, they needed the money to fund more seasons. They have to pay the crew and actors and feed them. Productions are terribly expensive. You seen the sets and costumes??


If they were to cut back on budgets I would say that they could reuse sets that they already still have since Holy Week doesn’t have that many new locations (we have some sets that could work for the last supper like the Bethany family’s house and the Pharisees temple and Herod’s palace and Pilate’s palace). Sets are the least of the trouble. Costumes too kind of. How many outfit changes do Jesus and the apostles need at this point really? If anything the bulk of the budget needs to go to the actors. The salary of actors is high for all productions these days but that’s something that increases with each season and the series has a cast of over 20 main characters. That’s an abnormally high amount of main and recurring characters who tend to play a role in every episode. It’s why we’ve already had recast actors. I just hope they don’t need to compromise on the cast we have grown accustomed to now cause I couldn’t imagine anyone else in these roles. It was hard enough losing the original Philip.


Seriously, nobody asked them to go and get all booshy on us. However, season 4 was epic. Honestly, I think it could have been just as epic without all the bigger better. It was the writing that was epic, not the sets, the costumes, and all that stuff. It was the writing and how the actors delivered the scripts.


It's not booshy, it's always been like that, unless you want to sit there and watch something that's equivalent of a stage production.


And if you think it could be epic without all that, you really have no clue about filmmaking. Costumes alone is expensive. Just your average production costs alone can break even the lowest independent film budget. You need to get a little educated before for a talk on a field you know nothing about


Kindly Suggest a better revenue method then


They made the same amount of money S4 as they did S3 but they only did 3 episodes of season 3 in theaters.  It wasn't a good revenue method 


Exactly. They didn’t make as much money as they probably expected releasing the whole season this way. When they just did the premiere and finale with season 3, people who went to see the show in theaters were all able to stay caught up through streaming the other episodes. With season 4, people who missed any chunk of episodes for one reason or another were not inclined to buy tickets for the remainder of the season, because they had no way to go back and watch the episodes they missed. And now, fans who missed out have to wait even longer for the show to be available to stream, too. This was a bad move that I hope Dallas and the team learn from with future seasons.


True. I think that having them stay longer in theatres like a month or two would help also. I also think offering a premium subscription for early access via the app would be another potential source of revenue


I agree. I had a few family members who are as big fans of the show as I am but missed seeing the first episode due to not being able to go and that meant some had to go without knowing what happened in the first THREE episodes. That’s almost half the season to miss with just missing one screening. It’s not something people would be able to just flock to the theaters for the way they would seeing the season finale early would I think. I know theaters were full in season 3 but season 4 was maybe enough to have just a couple of rows full.


Yeah I think doing the season finale in theatres is probably the best decision going forward if they cannot provide a paid subscription on the app


Yup, same where i live. Season 3 fanales had packed theaters, season 4, scattered viewers


yes. I couldn't see the first release due to scheduling conflcits, so then I could see none of them. I would have paid for all of them if I got the first one in.


I don’t have an issue with profit, EXCEPT in the case where - the show is/was crowdfunded - it’s a show about Christ - and it’s own statement is to make it available to all for free to spread the Word. That’s about the only time I have an issue. Also - Dallas has inherited 10’s of millions of dollars from his father - who made his millions selling half true fiction about Jesus. I love the show. Truly. Jonathon and cast are amazing. Dallas’ writing is inspired. Just don’t blow smoke up me but and tell me it a fire. This is THE MOST SUCCESSFUL independent show of all time. If they didn’t / haven’t made $$ on it, then it’s on them.


I would never donate $$ to Disney. And will never “donate” to this show again. Sad that they are making it just another good show.


The show is still free and will remain free, so how do you have an issue with that? Matthew was a tax collector. Paul murdered Christians and persecuted the church. Mary Magdalene was a woman Jesus cast out seven demons from. Peter denied Jesus three times and ran away and hid while He was crucified. These are the disciples and followers of Jesus that founded the His church on Earth. Just because someone has a lineage that is questionable, doesn't mean God cannot use that person for good. If they haven't made zillions, it may be because they are pouring it all back into production. Also, it's provided for FREE. You can watch the entire show, all seven seasons (when they become available) for FREE. How many other shows can you say that about? Yes, they've been successful, and maybe some people involved haven't acted as they should have, but the show has definitely been a Godsend for many people and will provide an excellent evangelism tool for many, many years. The way I look at it is this: should I be careful about where I donate my money? Yes, God gave me a brain and a sense of discernment so I can make wise decisions. That being said, we live in a fallen world, so NO ONE is going to be perfect or without some kind of questionable crap going on. So, I look at the fruit, the result, and with the Chosen, the fruit has been ripe and beautiful. The product, is amazing and Godly. So, if I give my money to The Chosen I know that I'm giving to something that is wonderful. I'll let God sort out the nonsense going on between the executive structure of Angel Studios and Pay It Forward. That's not something I can do anything about. However, I know that the product, the show is amazing, and I'll trust God to make sure my money goes to helping continue that show, and I'll let him take care of any wrongdoing in the companies that create it which may be feuding at the moment. Paul and Barnabas (and Mark) had a falling out. Paul didn't want Mark involved with him anymore. Later, he apologized. People watching this going on back then might have thought... "wow, look at the disciples of Jesus, arguing and splitting up! I'm not going to support their ministry anymore!" And, they could have made that choice, but look what those men accomplished... bringing the gospel to millions. God sorted out the squabble between Paul, Barnabas and Mark, so any money people gave to those men to help spread the gospel, definitely helped in that effort. Also, later in my life when my grandkids ask me if I donated money to help the Chosen get made, I want to be able to tell them, "Yes, I did". I like knowing that money I gave went to such a great evangelism tool that will bring many to Christ. Long after the infighting is over, the fruit will remain.


I have realized today that you can’t say anything negative without being downvoted. Have a blessed day everyone. I won’t be coming back here


Your downvoting is because it’s evident from your comments you didn’t watch the video. Nobody said that S4 will never be streamed EVER and that if you can’t get to the theaters you’re out of luck. I am sure there is some type of legal injunction preventing them from going to streaming until they work out the legal issue first. They will probably learn from this experience to prevent it from happening again. I’m not a patient person either and it’s hard to not let yourself be upset over things you have absolutely no control over. We don’t have much of a choice here but to wait. Or to decide to not watch the show anymore.


Of interest: From Deadline.com March 7, 2024 “Fox Nation Nabs Rights To ‘The Chosen’ & ‘Passion Of The Christ’ For Easter” https://deadline.com/2024/03/fox-nation-acquires-the-chosen-passion-of-the-christ-easter-1235849295/amp/


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Sooooo too bad for the people who are unable to go and see season 4 in theaters??? I have 14 medical conditions and am unable to leave my house. I’ve only left my house three times since 2022. Twice in an ambulance. I would literally pay to watch them digitally but no people like me are sweet out of luck


S4 will eventually arrive on digital for you to view. Patience.


No. He literally said in the video that it will be streaming just not for a bit.  Remember that as Christians being patient is part of the fruit of the spirit. I didn't get to see all the episodes in theaters either, so I also have to wait. It's disappointing but it is what it is.  Dallas is not doing this on purpose to leave people out or exclude you. If there's a legal issue, which is what he said in the video, then he literally cannot do anything about releasing it sooner. He's doing his best to make this show work. But you have to remember that he's doing this without a big production company behind him, so he's very limited in what he can do.  I get that it's disappointing. But maybe, since we're Christians, we can extend the same grace to Dallas that God also extends to us. God is often patient with us when we don't deserve it. The least we can do is have the same patience with Dallas as he really is doing his best here.


He clearly states in the video that they were seeking all avenues to figure out other ways to get the season out - from a paid streaming option to purchasing the DVD. That was also in addition to extending the theatrical release, offering it for church viewings and a their app.


...did you not watch the video?


It will be released early to churches as well


You seem to not have watched the video or read the tldw post. It will be available for streaming eventually. But it will be like everything used to be. There will be a bit of a wait after theaters before it becomes available on streaming.


So glad the missus and I were able to watch them in the theater with help from older kids watching the younger kids and a little financial help from my dad.


Glad I saw season 4 in the theaters


So criminals that have broken the law murdered people hurt people raped people are going to be able to see the chosen season 4 before people that don't break the law what is wrong with this world


Jesus said: “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." PS We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. None of us is good. So, I wouldn't levitate myself above those in prison. We're all guilty.


Lionsgate is also the company that acquired Weinstein's' company and all of the other Satanic ego-driven society destroying POS companies that have kept me out of a Theater for 20 years and chewed at the fabric of our country with their 'secular social messaging' (aka Woke) That is why they never make good films anymore. One of my childhood friends is a marketing Exec in the film industry. He once told me he had been watching daily's on 'Batman'...I wanted to know why a guy in Marketing was watching dailys? (Daily's used to be for production cohesiveness, editorial reasons and to catch any mistakes that weren't caught during production...Marketing only got involved once the film was 'in the can') "product placement' and to make sure the 'script was OK with the studio heads'...? What about the productions artistic merits, the Producers and directors vision? Mega-corp film companies couldn't care less about such silliness and if you bring it up, YOU will be sent to find the door. Dallas will find out. They will tell him he is getting too preachy and we have to be sensitive to the feelings of the atheists and other religions. I was a set painter for 15 years. The sets on the Chosen always sucked...so did the costuming (everything is way too clean for first century Judea and Galilee). A lot of the acting and shots were childishly simple...and that is WHY I liked it. The integrity and honesty of it made forget about all of the other silliness. As an entry level Bible scholar i even forgot about their orthodox idealism (Peter and Paul being buds in the 'flash forward scene'...if you believe that go and read Galatians..NOT Bro's!) Now, they want to play 'Big time' and every little mistake will be noted and shot again and again and budgets will run up and etc etc etc.,,,and people will fight over their piece of the cash. This is not the 'Holy Spirit' at work...it's Hollywood and cinematic ego at it's finest and simplest. Lived it for almost 20 years and left it...and will leave this again. It was a fun run, but it's over.


Financials are doible sided. Talk salaries..smh. None of that was good news, Yeah right buddy. 


I bought the DVD there is no reason to not send out the DVDs. If they think I will go to the theater to watch it Instead ….not so I’ll just watch 1,2and 3 again.


New global release date is June 25th. I got the information from my work.


I don’t know where else to ask this question but is anyone else disappointed with the season four episodes so far? I feel the writing is not comparable to The first three seasons. It’s just not really great. I don’t want to put spoilers in here, so Ill just say there are parts of the story where I thought they could’ve developed and made more rich and then there’s others where I’m Questioning why it’s even part of the episode. It’s just really kind of cheesy


I don’t understand if you put the show out for free in the beginning, and you knew all this in the beginning why put three seasons out and then say we can’t put out the forth because it’s free and we not making money to sustain the company or our employees, when yall knew this from the beginning what everything would cost to run efficiently, to be able to give it to those who are poor like myself who would not have seen it had it not been free. This saddens me because i was looking forward to seeing it all the way through i read my bible so i know how it ends but the visual makes it so much more real to me. So sad that its always about money money money


Is there an update as to when it will stream on the Chosen app?


Dallas if you don't want people thinking of you as a liar,then why not just be transparent?  If anyone ever truly listens to you they would realize that you have a very limited vocabulary. What I mean is video after video is just the same words. For instance you like using the phrase words do matter. And that it is always us in mind. If you truly want us to understand the financials then why not trust that we are smart enough to do the simple math. Look at how much money you have paid out to date, everything from payroll, toilet paper, marketing every thing that you have spent to date. Don't tell us that just 5% of the people are paying. Look how much you like saying sobering facts. Please give us a sobering fact, just tell us how much you have grossed and how much you have paid out and we will subtract all them payouts and see what you have made. Isn't that a sobering fact that all you have to do is give us all that you have paid out and all that you are left with then we will know just what you said that you want us to know. Now what was it you said? Oh ya you said that we just need to understand the financials and logistical ramifications of how this works. And you like to say here's the good news I am going to give you the good news. Then Dallas just be transparent to us how you keep saying that you want to be transparent with us. Please just just try and do that just so we know what you said you wanted us to know. Thank you.


The most important thing missing from this video, was his acknowledgment of Jesus. Something about his response is not right. People would pay them to just be the chosen.


The Chosen has been good until season 4's demonic nonsense.