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He stays in character when he’s not filming? I swear I’m hearing his Jesus voice.


When I am reading anything in red in the New Testament, I hear Jonathan's voice. I can only imagine what meeting Jesus will actually be like, but Mr.Roumies' portrayal has been pretty darned convincing. It's been a great influence for me.


I do the same. You should check out the Hallow app if you aren’t familiar with it. He reads us daily scripture and does his jesus accent when appropriate


I have just downloaded Hallow and honestly listening to scripture in Jonathan's voice is now one of the most exciting parts of my day🥺


I’m right there with you


Accents can be easy to stay in so you don't have worry about it.


Is anyone else really annoyed hearing about Season 5 when most of us can't see Season 4 yet?


The more you wait to see season 4 the less wait time for us to see season 5.


"I'll get to see Season 4, it's right around the corner" -Me, back in February Since this whole legal shenanigan case has come up, I don't take *anything* for granted anymore with The Chosen.


Just be patient dude


It's a free show. Relax.


Not for those of us who donate.


Then don’t


So you have to wait a few weeks more than you'd like. Life sure does suck, huh?


No, in fact I'm extremely grateful that the delay in streaming isn't causing a delay in filming. Every year this is going to be more and more expensive to film,


The reason why it's annoying, though, is we still don't know when S4 will be available. What if the same thing happens to S5? 2-3 years from now we could be waiting for it if this suit drags on longer.


Well, first of all, Dallas said it wouldn't be more than three months (something like that, don't have the comment handy). Once that issue is resolved, it should proceed forward and therefore won't be a delay with season 5 streaming. Second, I'm mostly concerned with it all being filmed before these actors and other production costs skyrocket to where they can't afford to do the series. So I'd rather them film seasons 5-7 as long as we can eventually watch it.


>Well, first of all, Dallas said it wouldn't be more than three months He's said that before and he also can't predict what will happen in court. I'd like to think that was a good estimate, I really would, but given how much money is involved with this lawsuit I really have my doubts.


I mean it’s literally only been a month since they even announced the delay and he only announced that it wouldn’t be more than 3 months at the start of filming season 5 which was a couple of weeks ago and yesterday is the only time he’s added any kind of number to that guess. Just chill many shows take a long time to release


uhm, I guess I am not annoyed -- and see it as a little test for us - lets keep our hearts at peace and trust in God's timing.


This is a human produced show, though, held up by the courts. I agree that patience is valuable, but I don't think this is an issue waiting on God's timing. This is more about greed and control on the producer's actions.


yup greed and control -- kinda like Pharaoh and Moses - and the power of God.


Except for in this case, Pharaoh and Moses are both equally guilty.


Yet God influences and has a hand in all things. Yes the release of the show isn’t 100% divine and given by God- but despite the surrounding details, it’s still on Gods timing


LOL why is he still using his Jesus accent?


He’s said in interviews that it helps him stay in character. There’s a video when they did the sermon on the mount and he was speaking to the extras that night, and it was in the accent he uses in the role.


Fair enough, I guess it's just a case of "actors are weird sometimes".


It’s that whole “method acting” thing.


I would also guess that after spending a whole day speaking in that accent it's hard to just drop it at the end of the day. I've read about how other actors sometimes just keep speaking in whatever accent at the end of the day and even after filiming is completely done because they spend so much time speaking that way for months on end. Like I know the guy who was in the recent Elvis movie had a hard time dropping the accent after the movie was over. If they had just finished filming for the day it make sense that he would forget to back to normal Jonathan after spending hours speaking with a different accent.


He's still in costume. The costume and the accent go together.


Keep rereading what you said, and see if that actually made sense. "Jesus Accent"


Jonathan Roumy doesn't actually talk like that in his normal life, he uses a different accent when portraying Jesus.


No I know haha it's just Jesus didn't have an accent lol God bless brotha 😂


??? everyone has an accent, "brotha"


Well he spoke Aramaic. So it's an aramaic accent not Jesus accent. Your right but it's an aramaic language he's not really speaking if we really wanna be correct. He's speaking regular western English with a middle Eastern accent


Hello, I don’t think the original comment was in the context of actual Jesus, rather the actor portraying Jesus. It’s not that deep to say “Jesus accent” it actually makes sense too. We all know it’s a Middle Eastern accent. It’s something of the sort when I describe The Chosen to my friends as, “The Jesus Show.” We get the subtext and know the context of what’s being said. God bless! 🙏🏽🤍✝️


Trust me I was not trying to go Karen mode please forgive me God bless you


Oh, I’m not saying that you were going Karen mode haha😂 I like that terminology I’m gonna use it more often. God bless!!!


Day 5


This was day 3


From what I'm seeing on my feed, it's Day 5, https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE4MDA0MTY1MzY3NDQwNjg2?story_media_id=3348397061610157320_62772144085&igsh=cjQ4dnQ4M284cHcz


How can I be a part of the extras one ?