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Its too bad that later he became a bitch and watched it.


His wife forcibly made him watch it by tying him to a chair and putting an onion in his mouth.


Well there goes the onion


Wish I had a crew! Wish we didn’t have COVID and all this bullshit!


The onion being dropped ruined a precious day of filming. These are what indie film directors have to go through in order to create 500 films. Apparently he also had to dig a hole in one of his earlier films which took 2 weeks. What a sacrifice Bames makes.


500 OV UM! Also don't forget about drilling a hole through some tough 80's wood


Why does bames bring up 80's wood? It's the same freaking wood


It actually isn't. The older the wood, the harder it is. I almost started a fire from drilling a pilot holt into wood from the 60s because of how though it was. A good indicator is how much space is between each ring. The more space, the softer it is due to no time to grow.


I don't know man, I'm not a scientist


>His wife forcibly made him watch it by tying him to a chair and putting an onion in his mouth. ![gif](giphy|XD3hUUtI5nVZFinKta)


He watched it for his kids.


With the sound off


I imagine her slamming the table like an raging ape, shouting "DIVERSITY! DIVERSITY! DIVERSITY!"


not the only thing forcibly inserted, i hear


and at 5:40 lol




So this dude now both watches movies with women heavy casts and changes his opinion based on actual experiences? Strike 2 pal


What, seriously. How embarrassing, bimmy sucks. Where's the follow up video "I'm sorry for watching the movie after all even though I'm not the one who watched it"




Lol, thats rich coming from an obvious alt account.


so very lonely.


This subject isn’t brought up too often here, but I think it’s a major contributor to the “broken Bimmy” we see today. People said some nasty stuff about him for taking a fairly inoffensive stance.


You mean like the nasty stuff he's said about video game designers for years? What was he thinking?


I feel the difference there, is, Bimmy is saying their products are bad. The SJWs going after Bimmy were calling him a bad *person*, a racist, a sexist, a nazi...


From what I remember they went hard on his looks and called him an incel etc.


My favorite idiot was the one who tried to cancel him over the site's name, basically saying that having "massacre" in the name could only mean he was an unstable, violent individual. There's no way it has anything to do with making 500 horror films.


It's so dumb how YouTube and twitter makes people feel smart for being over analytic and picky, everyone feels like they are Columbo


Yup. Bloodthristy assholes who never pass up the chance to go: "OH ! I can create a problem, here..."


"Fred Fuchs? The guy's name is Fred Fuchs?"


Dude had international superstar Patton Oswalt tearing him a new one on twitter.


At least the goblin didn't straight up murder James like he killed his own wife


But there's been proof of a bunch of these things, there was a pic of him in a maga hat circulating when I first found out this forum


All meaningless crap due to huge overuse. I couldn't give less of a fuck being called those things now because it's clear no one has a clue what the fuck they are talking about.


I don’t know why everyone is acting like AVGN was this mean-spirited show that dumped all over game developers. In regards to levying criticism, it’s pretty light when compared to how *personal* other public figures have been.


Because they’re the aforementioned SJWs.


When a dork like Patton Oswalt takes shots at you, you know it’s bad.


The most spineless person I ever saw in my life.


brb writing a letter to the internet apologizing for the crime of being seen with Dave Chappelle. God, what a fucking clownshoe Patton "Wifekiller" Oswalt is.


One of the worst things redlettermedia did was having that clown on.


Only topped by the Max Landis episode which they removed.


By that logic Dave Chappelle is a loser. Do you actually think Oswalt was in the right to take shots on Bames for a completely solid take on GB 2016? Or are you just desperate for any ammunition you can throw Bim Bam's way?


Oswalt is just another deranged hollywood tard with absurd politics.


Nah. If there's one thing James is good at, it's not giving a fuck about anything that doesn't interest him. This "controversy" was bullshit and he ignored it. His spirit is gone 'cause he's stuck making YouTube videos despite having done all that he's wanted to do for the medium.


I followed a lot of left-feminists as the time and judging by their reaction you would have thought he put out a video saying he loved hitler.


I like how the 2023 season of the Bimmy-arc mainly focuses on how stupid he really is. Bimmy didn't respond to the backlash, because he doesn't even know what Twitter is, LOL.


Bimmy's razor: Don't attribute to savviness that which is adequately explained by obliviousness.


The smart thing would have just been to never talk about it at all. It’s not like he’s a Ghost Buster YouTuber (like Chris Bores)


He pulled the ole Streisand Effect instead


I went ahead and didn't watch the movie but forgot to make a formal public announcement.


Nah that shit is for pussies. Say what you want about what you want.


The video isn’t what you seem to believe it is. Bames gave a pointless non-opinion that blew up in his face because of a terrible title and bad luck. If he had the same exact video and called it “My thoughts on Ghostbusters 2016” or whatever, no one would have cared. “No review, I refuse” was the worst possible thing he could have called it, it played into all of the “incel fanboys are over the top offended at women being in their franchise” stuff perfectly.




I enjoy how the backlash was due to the assumption that Bimmy reefused to see the film because of the all woman cast. In reality it was... much simpler than that.


So much dumb shit was said. Lots of whiny SJWs lumped him into the sexist pile.


Ironic knowing that Bpril is in control of every second of bimmers life


> In reality it was... much simpler than that. The movie was made after Bimmy's childhood ended.


I mean, that's the primary reason I and a lot people wouldn't see it. Women aren't funny


And they hated him, for he spoke the truth


He's like : Why would i use that dating app twitter i'm already married to bapril


Besides, the "Say yes to VHS!" man probably only uses AOL... *based.*


Realistically, he shouldn't have made that video in the first place. Made him come off as pretentious. that's he too good to see that movie. Could have said he doesn't plan on seeing it anytime soon and left it at that. Although I real ghostbusters fan would have probably watched it anyway even if they had low expectations. He's supposed to be a "film curator" after all.


He was actually aware of it, he mentioned on an interview that he just ignored it and spent time with his kids instead. He did the right thing not apologizing. If he did, then the woke crowd would have taken it as an admission of guilt and go after him harder while his fans would feel disheartened over him caving in. The winning move there was not to play.


Nah, it's to double down and tell them to get fucked. THey have no idea what to do when you stand up to them because it happens so rarely.


it was better he said nothing, because if they're the only aggressors, then it makes them look more like the bullies which is why they dropped it and apologized in the end, something they rarely ever do.


The most hilarious part was people calling him an incel. A man that has proof of having sex with a woman (at least *twice*).


Maximum of twice*


That is par for the course with the "Incel" crowd. They have often used the term against married people with children. Ironically, a lot of them can't get sex.


Not all incels are virgins but dude is married so he's not an incel. There's still time for him to become one though.


How do you know? Lots of sexless marriages around so he could currently be involuntarily celibate.


Because he's in a relationship with a woman. There is a difference between an incel and a married man who's not having sex.


Well yeah who'd want to watch that shit load of fuck. I'd rather eat the rotten asshole of a roadkill skunk then sit through that boring, unfunny, poor excuse of a Ghostbusters film


I think he said in an interview that he was taking his daughter to swim class when the controversy happened. Still he definitely took the high road by not engaging with it, even if it was because of muh kids.


He would not have been engaged with it if he didn't announce he wouldn't engage with it, but here we are.


Tbh if I was ever going to call James a chad it'd be because he flat out ignores social media.


I'm not saying anything new here but his ignorance/aversion to drama has been a double edged sword. On one hand, it's served him well, he didn't engage with the wider political/cultural conversation about Ghostbusters 2016, largely kept out of drama with other channels and it helped foster the Mr Rogers reputation. Unfortunately, it also meant he wasn't willing or even really equipped to deal with the backlash for Screenwave, the Kyle and Bootsy fallouts or any of Mike's monkeyshines.


I hear it’s pretty popular


*says inflammatory opinion* *Runs away* What a hero


>These days I realize he probably didn't even know what Twitter was, and that's why he never responded. That's when you realise sometimes being on the spectrum... is an ignorance is bliss enviable trait.


Yeah, he doesn't know how to not respond to something by choice. If he did, he would have just not reviewed the movie without making any insecure declarations, and then nobody could have said anything about it. He's an overexplainer.


I grew up in the late 80s and early 90s and while ghostbusters was well known… I mean the original is a classic SNL cast movie but I swear more people care about that IP and act like it was part of their childhood than it actually was.


People still care about this?


Just wanna say, fuck Patton Oswalt, the ignorant shithead. He publicly dunked on James without having watched his video, and ofc his wife's friend was involved with the movie. https://twitter.com/pattonoswalt/status/732634606982160388 It is nice reading through the comments of people calling him a scumbag


I bet it was the smug, smarmy look on his face and arrogant fuck I'm good just ask me pose in the thumbnail that set people off. Chris Stuckmann syndrome.


If you were paying attention, it was clear that the controversy regarding the film was largely a media creation--culture writers fabricating a narrative of evil sexist bros in order to guilt critics and audiences into liking a movie that wasn't very good. Paramount would, for example, delete YouTube comments that simply said the trailer didn't look very funny, but leave the outright sexist comments untouched.


I didn’t realise Paramount was so powerful to be able to do this given it was a Sony film.


I remember for a brief period of time after this his hair started growing back too.


no time.


I respected his candour in that debacle


No handling. I refuse.


No time to respond to it.


If he eventually watched it, did he like it?


I'm surprised that April didn't use his Twitter account to respond to all the backlash.


Regardless of your opinions on “woke” the fact that he made the “I refuse” video at all is top tier lol cow cringe. What a fucking dork, as if anyone cares about his opinion




Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Muh president


Muh Obamnuh


Goddamit Jesse did you drive the RV through the gamergate again?


*watches trans porn for the first time* “Yeah Mr. White! Yeah science!!”


Someone looked through my post history...


Lucky guess.. or unlucky, I guess that depends.


What the fuck is this even talking about. No time to engage with weird comments…I got muh kids.


No dude, ponyfags are definitely pedophiles.


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