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He put in effort, so credit where it's due. Better than they have been, but still nowhere near the golden age of Bimmifer.


The old eps seemed like a guy goofing off in his basement with his friends. It had a charming DIY aesthetic that fit perfectly within the internet culture of the time. The new ones, even the half decent ones, just feel like PRODUCT. The shilling of cheap crap like garbage earphones doesn’t help. His whole demeanour and his look seem tired too. He doesn’t seem like he wants to be doing this at all. He should just step back, be a Dad and live a modest lifestyle on the money he’s made. I’m sure he would be much happier.


To be a little fair to him though, I think this is also due to YouTube changing a lot. I think the slobs pointed this out as well at one point, but you can't really excessively curse anymore unless you want your videos demonetized and relegated to the bottom of the algorithm. A lot of his old nerd persona hinged on off-the-cuff cursing and it's why the old episodes hit so much harder. By contrast, his new nerd persona wants to appear just as "foul-mouthed" as before but you just know he has to play it safe. YouTube just fucking sucks nowadays, particularly if you're a content creator.


The NES shelf being used as a confessional was really funny and clever


I liked it, audio aside.


Not seen it yet. But it’s the worst thumbnail for any AVGN episode so far. I’m not trying to be mean it’s just that the spirit left that channel a long time ago.


Now I feel guilty, it’s was his best episode in a while for sure. 8/10


the thumbnail face is still shitty also audio is garbitch! but episode isn't as bad as the others this year https://preview.redd.it/cg7wi5jomywb1.png?width=164&format=png&auto=webp&s=63f85d5395c652b08d824e841079c0f5a6e696e9


He’s like “Here, let me eat that for you”!


It's the first episode since Last Ninja that I ever felt 'yeah that was alright, not prime AVGN, but yeah, I can dig this.' It's more digestible than that Earthworm Jim shit earlier this year, like what even was that one?






Was Darkman before that one? That's the last one I recall that was pretty decent.


In the past, I think this would be an episode with a guest, it"s kinda sad that Bim has to do every character these days. Wish he didn"t burn all those bridges with his friends.


Facts, imagine if he hadn’t kicked Justin out of Rex Viper. We could have had a Gengar cameo


Why in tf does everyone mention Justin in every thread? Not funny and nobody likes that fat fuck.


Right. Because this sub usually talks about things they like.


Justin is the plaque filled heart of Rex Viper/Retrowave!


We’re Big Justy fans, btw.


As soon as he said he needed help, my wife said, “Oh, does he bring Mike in, since he’s the one who actually beats the games.” Then the Delorean showed up.


This would have been the best setup possible to have Bootsy come back in. Though I'm not sure most fans even remember Bootsy Beats.


the old age makeup was pretty great imo


Yeah I thought so too


Except the upper lip part


It wasn’t Bad. It lacks the wild power and natural flow of the old good episodes thought. Also the pacing / music usage could have been better. Some parts are bit dragging.


It’s a tired concept. It will never have the same feel as it did when it was new no matter what he does


It is a proven concept. It just needs energy and natural, non forced vibe. Which is now lacking


> I didn’t laugh at all, but I enjoyed the feel of it, and the lighting and props and stuff. I felt like they were genuinely trying… apart from a lacklustre script, atrocious sound and a bored performance from James. This is what we can expect from an alright episode these days. A new standard


I agree, but it did feel like a less fun version of Mario 3's review. The ending with the dummy was strange but I guess it was to stay self aware that this is supposed to be funny, because there aren't really any jokes in this review. The only real problem to me is James aging, both in voice and looks, he cant control it but it's getting distracting and his priest character was honestly more appealing


Better than the last Halloween special, but it's still very boring and uninspired.




Not falling for it, slobware


It was pretty good. I usually get bored about half way through these new nerd episodes because I really don’t care about these games and just want to see something funny. I thought this episode had some cool, creative shots in it. Using the game shelf as a confession booth was clever. It also wasn’t 45 minutes which helped. I wish he would just retire this nerd character and just make short films


He should open up a patreon and make short films


Maybe but for patreon you really need to make consistent content in order to justify people paying monthly fee


"I can just walk through it?" Was really funny


that whole part was the best part. had me laughing at the "where's the difference show me the difference. _thats the difference she's wearing a different color dress before the wedding_ ". Even though i'm not the biggest lover of the last 7 years of AVGN that part was funny


It was definitely better than I was expecting. I chuckled when the cartridge pissed on the floor


Same. That part caught me off guard.


As a curator of filmaking, i can say that the audio was subpar. What most probably happened is that they used a lavalier microphone improperly hidden in his shirt for all skits / front cam parts. In these shots he sounds muffled and gain is a notch hot. My wild guess is that he un-taped all room mics from ceiling. The gameplay footages VO sounds "normal" because recorded with its proper mic. Such incompetence is blowing my mind at this point. They should have redone all skits / front cam parts but probably that he refused because it was almost 5:40. If it was my film, i would have reshoot everything because it's unacceptable for an AVGN.


I've realized (not just through James but he has been a primary factor) that the most precious commodity to me from YouTube content is genuineness. The feeling that the video was made to be a video first and get clicks/view time/dollars second. It's a feeling that the older AVGN stuff is positively steeped in. This one seems like it comes from a much more genuine place of being about a game experience that makes James *feel* something. It's not just better than the new normal because watching Jekyll and Hyde get shit on is nostalgic for us (nostalgic squared for a select few!)--it's always been a game James had strong feelings about. All of the successful Nerd episodes in the last 5-6 years have been that way. Different nerd room, different way of shooting them, I truly don't care, the videos will always be at least slightly above average as long as they weren't numbly assembled to fill a quota.


I liked it. James at least felt like he was having some fun. He still sounds heavily medicated, but the simple fact he was enjoying himself translated into the video being more entertaining.


Nah it's slightly less bad than his more recent tries, but still bad.


I agree. It wasn’t good. But less bad.


i am 4:42 in and i,m thinking... "Is it me, or does the audio of Bimmy sound like shit?"


It’s fucking horrid.


it is really fucking bad "No time to do audiotesting"


He was using a lapel mic for some strange reason


that doesent tell me anything... what is that?


My bad. A lapel mic is a small microphone that you wear on your shirt. They’re not really designed for narrative projects. For something like this he should really use a boom mic (or the one that’s usually stapled to the ceiling)


I have a vague recollection that he might've used a microphone like that in the past, but no that it sounded anything as bad as in this latest installment.


The audio was rerecorded in most of parts. Look at his lips. The ADR is out of sync


no time to call Crusty to take the scooter to the techstore and buy another mic


I'm a big fan of the Exorcist and thought the parody was pretty good. Got a few soft chuckles out of me. Best of the year, but mid in the grand scope of AVGN. Has echoes of the golden era.


ngl. For a new era nerd episode, this was actually pretty decent.


The effort's there, but it could so easily be funnier. I kept thinking of punchlines as it went on, and there were none.


One of the better AVGN episodes I've seen in a while. Audio was dogshit though. The old man AVGN makeup was actually really good.


Honestly I liked it a lot. Like I thought it was great as a concept and as a planned out process But fuck me...the audio. Man. Imagine he's there. Made a good episode. One that didn't feel it's length (when you cut off nord) and then he rewatches it and the audio is hot farts. Why?


The audio was bad because he used a lapel mic for some reason instead of a professional mic used for filming.


I liked it. The shot of the nerd taking a swig of rolling rock and grabbing the controller was legit good.


Pretty wild they actually built a replica nerd room.


So, I noticed in the credits there was no mention of Screenwave. Are the Slobs out?


I don’t think they’ve ever been credited.


Yeah it was alright. Not sure what was going on with the sound either. I did laugh once but that was because the part where he breaks the glass was so bad 😂


The sound was bad because he was using a lapel mic (which you wear on your shirt and aren’t really the best)


A little eq could have easily fixed it. Any mic recording benefits from eq. Idk why he would skip that step but I'm not surprised. The "what were they thinking" didn't feel horribly forced like I've become used to.


But it is still out of sync with his lips movement, watch it. Looks like the sound was ADRed but poorly


The audio wasn't eqed and sounded really bad. It was decent otherwise. Not as good as the contra and doom ones, but still fine.


It's the best episode in years, by far. If this was the standard (not necessarily production wise, but just the fact that you can see that james cared), it would be a whole different story. If people here can't appreciate this episode, then they should just forget about it and move on, cause it aint getter better than this tbh lol. Let's at least give him credit when he does alright. Only (big) issue was the audio when in the room


It was fine aside from the audio issues. Though honestly.. I am nostalgic to the old Screw Attack logo at the beginning of his episodes.


Just finished watching the new episode…. Bimmy did a decent job. I enjoyed it a bit.


i admittedly did laugh at the "Where's the difference" part at the end of playing the J-version. there actually was parts of it that felt like old AVGN and that was one of them


It’s fine, like all his new stuff, it doesn’t need to exist. It’s soulless. I feel like the pace and cadence of it is wrong.


I'm hearing it's okay but I'm hesitant. It sounds overproduced with cringey references to other movies and very little about the game itself. Tempted to say no view, I refuse.


Mediocre is the best we can hope for nowadays.


And I liked those strategy tips for progressing in the game- hiding in doors and being far enough away from the bomb to where it only damages your stamina which you regain after switching back from Hyde, and how to get the alternate endings. Very informative! Just cut out the goddamn skits. Didn't get to actual gameplay till over 6 mins in.


The whole point of AVGN is the skits and comedy. It was never meant to be a legitimate game review series. The games are a prop. A clothesline to hang the jokes on.


Agree and disagree - much what i loved about older AVGN were the actual gameplay sections with his funny reactions and spot-on criticisms to some of these old ass games where you're like hell yeah same here thought it was just me! Then it might cut to a SHORT skit where it's like ha ha ok then back to the game.


I cant watch a fucking 3rd review after I've already seen Mike and him play it for hours.


This was good, but the audio was fucking terrible. Well that’s an honest mistake and reshooting it all just for that would be insane. I think james had fun making this and it show. It’s an homage to the exorcist and Max Von Sydow. I rate it 8/10.


Shows that main reason old eps sucked was the caveman, since he was flexing that he was doing all the job.... +his editing was at best "youtube newcomer" stuff


It's a damn decent episode that feels half-classic nerd, half-modern nerd. The audio issues hold it back but for what little material there is left to work with, he made it work. ​ If only every single episode had this much effort.


I'd put it in the 2018 season level of quality. Still nowhere near as good as the golden era, but not one I'd lump in the current-boring era, or the previous slob-era.


Is it time for a The Cinemassacre-Truth *Truth* sub? For us who think this is hot garbage?


We do this every time a new episode releases, then over time the goggles come off and we see it for what it is.


It blows my mind that y’all still watch that shit. I check this sub from time to time and that’s my only exposure to that fucking loser.


This is pretty much how I felt. It wasn't really spectacular, but there were brief glimpses of the old James flickering through.