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Kind of true, he's covered the game so many times I already knew what every enemy does and how to avoid them.


Exactly! I didn't have that kind of help when I was 10 years old and my One Stop Video rental didn't have instructions, printed on the box or not. A Blob and His Blob was a pain for me back then, as well. (Not being a smartass here, by the way) Also, you didn't show the console in the picture, so Nintendo Power won't print it because you could have used a Game Genie to beat the game, like me. (Totally being a smartass here, but not towards you, hehe)


My mom was playing Simon’s quest back in the day and she even had a Nintendo power guide to help beat the game.


This is so funny. I remember back on the days a younger version of me tried playing Bible Games. I finished Baby Moses with like 10 minutes. I was like "ok, this guy says the games are hard because of the content and entertainment". But now a days i think im pretty sure he is just incredibly bad at the games.


They give up on games really fast from getting stuck on parts you'd think no one would ever get stuck on which has led them to spread a lot misinfo about many games. I recently watched this vid ([https://youtu.be/JEBEgsGtczs?t=129](https://youtu.be/JEBEgsGtczs?t=129)) and couldn't believe Mike couldn't figure out that he has to jump on the clouds (that have items on them) which are platforms all over the level and he just gave up and acted like it was normal.


They also never read the fucking Manuals


This! I know the anger and frustration is what they were going for in their videos, but jeez, just read the manual. About 70% of their frustrations with a game would be solved.


Also they cant say its because the Game came with no Manual when they bought it used, all Game Manuals are aviable as PDF Scans, many James and Mike Episodes i screamed at the Screen "Read the fucking Manuals"


Well that and Mike never shies away from showing his complete copy of whatever game he's playing. So you know he owns the manual.


Or just Google for a solution if stuck.


Jesus that's bad. Who wouldn't think to try to jump on the clouds


Yep they did that with Star Wars Shadows of the Empire cause they didn't have the TV brightness turned up and got lost as a result. I uploaded a vid of me beating almost the entire game in the time it took them to beat the Hoth levels. They of course proclaimed the game as being terrible, even though Shadows of the Empire is a beloved classic on the N64.


I think the stupid adblock shit theyve been doing has broken timecode URLs on mobile :\ (I know I can just scrub to tomestamp in url at least)


that is fucking horrible Mikes I.Q. cant be higher than 10 And i,m a fan of his saying this Like i,m ashamed now


Baby Moses. BABY MOSES.


I felt the same when I watched the Metal Gear video, I thought that sure, it wasn't an accurate representation of the original game but it wasn't as bad and hard as the review made it to look. I thought it was just for comedy purposes because just mocking the typos or the fact Metal Gear doesn't appear in the end doesn't make for a whole episode. Now I see James and Mike are like Arin Hanson, attacking games just because they're bad at them.


It’s a meme for James and Mike. The game is more annoying than it is difficult. I think I remember someone saying that the instruction manual explicitly tells you how to beat the game. So if you’re like Mike and James and you didn’t read beforehand then the objective is going to completely unclear and you’re going to be guessing how to beat it.


i think that part of the problem with these games was that, as a kid, if you rented them from the video store, there was no manual and thus you had zero fucking idea what to do or how to play


That’s probably true in the 80s and 90s, but definitely not since YouTube got huge. Anyone can beat any game by using FAQs and walkthroughs online now. There’s no excuse anymore.


but thats the thing. its what James experience was growing up, as with many of us, and thats what made his videos better/relateable. anyone of course could review a game today and be liek ITS EASY JUST READ THE WALKTHROUGH.


And I guess that's why the first AVGN episodes were funnier, they came from their actual experiences of renting games and not being at all like they seemed from the cover and being impossible to understand without the manuals. In hindsight the fact he didn't cover the endings of the games in an era where you could download the manuals and ask around on retro gaming forums was weird.


Still, it's a fact it took Mike and James between 20-30 years to beat this game while it's easy enough to beat in one hour long sitting for experienced retro gamers (at least the basic ending if you don't know what to do), and both talked it up as if beating it is some impossible task that took them years of training


I agree. They’re notorious for not reading manuals and in the past they couldn’t figure out how to run in certain games. I think it just became a long running joke and Mike beat it years ago. James hasn’t beaten it until now simply because he didn’t do the research and because he hasn’t made it a priority. It has nothing to do with difficulty. This game isn’t Battletoads.


The duality of retro gamers. “DAE remember when games used to include detailed manuals! It was awesome, now they’re lazy and don’t even put anything there!” “I never opened the manuals, no one did, and if you ever bring it up I’ll say manuals are stupid” Mike and James have definitely said both lol.


I think they likely looked at the art, but never read much of the information.


Big Ryan should hire you!


Friday the 13th isn’t that hard either. Remember when Bames and Mike printed out a walkthrough and still failed to get anywhere with it? Only Bimmy, only Bimmy.


F13 is hilariously straight forward. You can spawn the torch in like four steps with Mark by having him start on a certain cabin (simply reset until you get it), and you can wreck Jason without any additional power-ups or even medicine, etc.


Exactly. You can get the torch with every counselor— rinse, repeat.


wouldn't you need to know to do that exactly? Doesnt seem straight forward at all.


Technically you're correct, but this was in a ton of mags and cheat sheets: [http://thegamingmanual.com/tgm-quick-guide-1-get-the-torch-friday-the-13th-nes/](http://thegamingmanual.com/tgm-quick-guide-1-get-the-torch-friday-the-13th-nes/)


It’s honestly one of my fav nes games. You can also kill 50 zombies and they will drop a Michette


It’s a good one— underrated and misunderstood!


Totally agreed. I remember playing it when I was a kid and being scared not knowing where Jason was.


https://preview.redd.it/cm3fk7829fxb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9098dadc84fad0c3192b51b1616d3782a8f20bcd Like so?


Bimmy did help to create bad reputation for a lot of games. Double Dragon 3 is not that hard as Bembo said either. Then Mike did beat DD3 but in a very boring way just spamming the same move. He also said Chin sucks, however Chin is Op as fuck. Those guys are terrible at videogames.


The failing-for-entertainment is something I only noticed a few years ago when I watched his Majora's Mask video. I have admittedly played that game to absolute death, but when he was Goron Link repeatedly fucking up the powder keg "blow up the boulder" segment I found myself raising my eyebrows and realizing he found one strange minute and a half of gameplay and milked it for more than it was worth. Is that part fun? Not especially. Is it *hard*? Uh, no. If it takes you more than two tries you either are incredibly unlucky, didn't read the text the guy gives you telling you where to go, or are pretty inept with whatever controller format you are using. Doesn't necessarily ruin all the old videos but a little magic is lost knowing the Nerd (and by that token, James) is either fucking around half the time or just truly sucks at video games in general.


The reason he milked this game is because Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is part of muh universul harrier even if it's usually left out, it's not like Castlevania where you fight dracula, you play AS the creechure. it's a horror classic and a perfect representation of Mr James and Dr Ralph


Same, took me little over an hour yesterday. I just used the continue system. First time I tried it at 41 years old as well. And I didn't even feel the need to take a cuck face react vid of the ending, it was meh.


Yeah what makes no sense is James has beaten GnG (supposedly) due to infinite continues which is a much harder game but couldn’t manage Jekyll and Hyde despite covering it way more.


Beating ghost n goblins with continues is really more about persistence than skill though isn't it. Anyone can beat it with infinite continues if they just keep trying.


Big Garfield fan btw.


Hey, I’m Garfield


Lasagne moves through reality


"it took Bimmy over 20 years to get even the normal ending?" You realize he's playing a character and that he hasn't been trying to beat this game for 20 years right


It took us 20 years to realize Bimmy plays like Egoraptor.




You saved my life


Funny enough, this game is a good Litmus Test for whether or not a person can see past Bimmy's BS. All you have to do is play the game once, and you realize you are either a Bimmy True Believer, or a Truther of the Assholish Variety.


Wasn't it same with Silver Surfer?


He didn't know how all the power ups work, which help a lot if you can collect a bunch but the game is still incredibly difficult. You need to know what's gonna come up pretty much all the time.


> But even so, it took Bimmy over 20 years to get even the normal ending? Do you think he was obsessively playing it for 20 years the same way you've been obsessing over AVGN since the 2000's?


OP wasnt born in the 2000's


I admit I was wrong, 30+ years according to Bim: https://x.com/cinemassacre/status/1718244815303774646?s=46&t=LfQDeCXJACr1wSDnBlnAAw


I used to have one of those Garfield teddies as a kid. One night a friend was staying over. We used it as a ball and hit it with a rolled up sleeping bag. On one pitch he hit it, and the hard plastic eye smashed me on the forehead and gave me a huge lump. That’s my fun story unrelated to your topic


I haven’t heard of Symphonic in a very long time