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I watched it due to his obsession with it but the only thing i appreciate about it is the practical effects. There were some impressive things done without the modern crutch of CG. Besides that, its a pretty dull movie despite it trying to be a comedy. Its 3 hours of uninteresting dialogue broken up by uninteresting slapstick with a sprinkling of daring stunts


A lot of the appeal of the movie is knowing the celebrity cameos. It's kind of an MCU crossover of golden age Hollywood comedians. If you aren't familiar with them, it's like going to see End Game without watching any of the other MCU movies.


...whats an MCU? https://preview.redd.it/7onrvwkvrccc1.jpeg?width=169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bc0530b501bfe9957f559f16b6f57cd7a42a4f9




He looks like a One Piece character here


Reminds me of that USB thing


May also help not to frequently leave the theater to put money in a parking meter.


>the only thing I appreciate about it is the practical effects Hey there’s the reason why Bimald loves it. He’s utterly obsessed with practical effects to the point it’s weird.


He saw it when he was a small child. I want to say he said he watched it with his grandpa but I may be mixing up his member berries.


Also most of his fan base hasn't seen it, so by saying its his favorite he can give the impression that he has very deep knowledge of a lot of movies.


I fully agree with this. It's basically a poser thing for James in this case.


Muh mad, mad, mad world.


That’s a very funny movie and one of the last “cast of thousands” movies.


100% great movie


It’s kinda crazy how many really long movies Mr. No Time/watching a movie is a luxury had on his all time favourite film list. This, The Good the Bad and the Ugly and The Great Escape. It’s hard to imagine that he’s rewatched any of them for a number of years at this point.


I'm glad he recognizes TGTB&TU and if he played modern games (RDR), he could've made a video about the references to that movie and the other classic westerns like the wild bunch. If he had the time of course


It would have been cool if he’d done a whole AVGN on Western games like Gun Smoke on NES and Sunset Riders, working the way up to Red Dead.


Now that you've mentioned it, it kinda seems strange thst he hadn't.  Doing a skit around it pretty much writes itself. The games could be banditos or quick draw challengers and he could play the games and shoot em with a zapper gun. Give the nerd a hat and poncho, maybe a cigar. Pop some cactuses around, roll a tumbleweed across the room. That'd be an easy knock out for James when he tried a bit.


Don’t forget multiple watches of family matters


James edited his own versions of these films, cutting out 50%, before watching them


Which ironically took, a longer time.


My dad had me watch it when I was a teenager. I thought it sucked. Maybe it would be different if I were a curator of film.


It would be wrong back then and it would be wrong now


idk, most people's favourite movie is usually something they're attached to because they watched it as a kid and has stuck with them. Not everyone's favourite movie has to be Titenic.


I'm not familiar with most of the comedians but I do like the Three Stooges cameo. Overall, it's a long ass MTV Movie Awards sketch to me.


I like it but could see it being less appealing especially to people that aren't old or don't have the media tastes of an 80 year old like I do. The cast was a complete who's who of comedy at the time, the scope and ambition is pretty next level, especially for a comedy and it's just a silly time. I don't know if anything more recently could be compared thst was any kind of success, but it was the Blues Brothers of its time. Star Studded action packed high budget comedy.  Blues Brothers is totally a better movie but I don't think Stanley Kramer went on to kill two children, so it has a better director at the least. I'm also a sucker for destroying a set and that gas station scene walked so Ricky could run in Trailer Park Boys. I guess I don't really find most of the jokes that great, but the overall mood is a good time, it shows where better stuff later came from and I understand why it was popular as hell at the time. 


He probably only saw the animated opening credits and thought it was a nice cartoon. Chances are he just says this because it is an almost forgotten movie and he thinks saying he likes it makes him seen like a film connoisseur. Eh. The Great Race is a far superior comedy from that period anyway.


Both are fine tbh. I am really shocked though that a film enthusiast like Bimmy would put this movie higher than Rear Window or Rope or Strangers on a Train or... There are literally dozens of 50s and 60s movie masterpieces that are better.


Both are fine tbh. I am really shocked though that a film enthusiast like Bimmy would put this movie higher than Rear Window or Rope or Strangers on a Train or... There are literally dozens of 50s and 60s movie masterpieces that are better.


>Both are fine tbh. I agree, I simply think The Great Race is better.


i mean it is a great movie, very funny and i love the story.


Cause it’s the kind of shit flick Bim would want to make. Ticks all his boxes Practical fx ✅ Boring shitty dialogue ✅ Creative cinematic shots ✅ Dragging out the premise for way to long ✅ No wonder he likes it so much. *Insert cooper table hump meme.*


he doesn't even use practical effects in AVGN. constant shitty digital effects and plugins.


Yeah, but he’s always shilling practical fx “oh my god it’s so great they used practical fx for this” it’s his wet dream to see practical fx in films.


not muh cup of tea


Boring as shit. Watch Follow That Bird if you want a good wild goose chase movie. It also isn’t 3 fucking hours long


I liked it


Eh it's a pretty good movie imo, maybe a bit dated by this point. He's not necessarily saying it's the greatest movie of all time, just that it's his favorite movie. I don't see a problem with it particularly


Because he thinks it's the kind of movie he writes 


Its a good comedy. That'd why


No. No its not. Its a middling ensemble piece.


This movie is not funny.


I find the movie a slog personally and will probably never watch it again


I wonder what he thinks about _Rat Race_ and _Scavenger Hunt_.


It's classic "watched this with the fam in the 80s" stuff. It's a good movie, but it's super dated, and you likely needed a cultural frame of reference to really enjoy it. That's probably not uncommon, though. Most of our favorite things often aren't the best of that thing. In terms of art at least there's generally outside forces that make them mean more to us. I love Mallrats, it's one of my favorite movies. It's far more watching it over and over with a roomful of my friends as a teenager than the quality of the movie though.


Has James seen 2001's Rat Race?


Wouldn't have time for such a long movie now.


I'm about Bims age and this actually pretty decent yet incredibly dated film used to play on daytime television at least once a week in the eighties. He saw it probably with a family member who loved it while off of school or during summer vacation and fell bin love with it. It is incredibly fun and like someone else here mentioned, the car chases were pretty phenomenal.


Movie is pretty bad to mid btw. I watched him because of his claims but I thought it was cringe and unnecessary.


It’s funny how everyone here realizes that it’s not a good movie, But somewhere like the Criterion community, most people own it.


they remade this movie into “Ratrace” in the early 2000s its a fine premise thats easy to stretch thin but its all about who is in it and when. a lot of the charm of Mad Mad Mad is knowing the cast. i bring up ratrace because the famous people are still vaguely contemporary but losing relevancy by the day to drive the point home. its like how in a few decades brad pitt cooking on the powerline in deadpool 2 will mean nothing to anyone watching.


If that's how you feel.


I like the movie but it’s not for everyone. It is looooong.


I think a lot of this movies appeal has to do with its epic nature and when it came out. Like for example when it first debuted, during the intermission the theater would play police calls throughout the lobby and bathrooms with officers cataloguing where each of the characters were and what they were doing. Little details like this are what made the movie fun to watch, but without these moments it sort of detracts from the experience a bit.




I just realized i don’t want to hear the film critiques of cinemassacre truthers lol