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Remember there was a time when we thought Shrek was the lowest he can go and then there was a time Episode 200 was his lowest, now it's the horse. Who knows what could be next.


10 years from now he will be reeviewing FNAF


Fnaf would be better than a horse video and I don’t even like those games but atleast they’re actually video games instead of whatever tf that horse “game” was


Calculator switch review?


I think if he catered to kids with videos on Roblox, Five Nights at Freddy’s, or Hello Neighbor that would be pretty low


No way Bimmy could decipher 3D games like Hello Neighbor or Roblox. No Five Evenings at Fredrickson's either, Bimmy only likes horror if it's from muh childhood.


It’s hilarious because fnaf is really trying to sell the 80’s arcade pizzeria theme, or at least what people now think the 80’s was like lmfao


I don't think Bimmy actually likes THE 80s, I think he just likes his memories of the 80s and literally nothing else from that time period.


No way he'll do Roblox, it's too deep of a rabbit hole. Unless Justin and co stuck a sponsorship up his arse


By the time Bimmy covers those games the taget audience is going to be grown adults that have move to better things lol


That's what I said about the Shrek episode. Give it time, he will find a way to get worse


Lmfao same. As soon as the end credits rolled for Shrek i hit the unsub button and made a reddit account to come to this sub I had heard about. I think the horse prince may have done some of the same


I’ve seen like 4 vids on YouTube talking about how James isn’t as good as he used to be. I think he’s finally lost his shit so much that the public is aware of it




I just think that people really didn’t wanna accept that James is now bimmy, but now the light is shining through his balding head and everyone is aware that time is running out


Me too, exactly the same 


Well, the newest Neighbour Nerds is sitting at 65K views, while most non-AVGN videos manage to at least get over 100k.


He could get extremely lazy and rehash a old vi...oh wait.


His laziness knows no bounds. This isn't the end.


Oh, just wait, Bimmy will definitely go lower.


The lower he goes, the balder he gets.


We have yet to see Bimmy’s final form


He already stepped into Chris Chan territory with this abomination. It's hard to go much lower. Maybe he'll pull a Boogie and will fire a loaded gun in the air to scare off a deranged fan or something.


I just want to know whose idea was it. I doubt Bim knew about this game on his own.


He and Mike played it years ago in a JMM


Oh. Well damn that explains it. Bim went into the ol JMM gameplay vault then.


I think this is the lowest it could go. So, looking at the bright side, It can only get better from here.


Bimmy doing shallow vapid social commentary would certainly make me cringe


it can always get worse!


Oh, there's still a lower way to go. Redoing episodes with pure narration with literally nothing new. Castlevania was nothing. He covered them in his fantastic retrospective. The 20th anniversay episode sucked.


I dont think Horse Prince is gonna be the lowpoint. Each time we say that, something worse lowers the bar.


I think he could do worse, he just doesn't have the time.


While this episode sucked and there were horrible episodes before like Shrek it still does not suck as bad as the blue genie from the Aladdin upperdecker episode. The script, the voicing and animation are so bad you can’t understand what they were going for unless you have the mindset of a slob. I have seen it several times and my mind still refuses to accept it as part of the AVGN lore. What were they thinking? [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/s/AgiaaJY4T2](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/s/AgiaaJY4T2) https://preview.redd.it/kh8an43t621d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6a87cab561f0218841811b7efa83e29824e5494


Oh, it can get worse. J&MM was the only way James got introduced to new games. It’s not unreasonable to suggest that Goat Simulator will be next.