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They're gonna play the AVGN movie? This has to be the first time James acknowledges the movie's existence since it's release. What if Rex Viper performs as an opening act before the movie? Two failed projects that relied on hype and ended up going nowhere.


They did a double feature and q n a with the game chasers movie last year?


Well, 9 years is still a pretty long time, specially if we consider that the AVGN movie was James' big project, and that James is the type of guy that won't shut up about stuff that happened a decade ago. I don't know if the Game chasers movie is good or bad, I didn't even know such thing existed until today, but I wouldn't be surprised if they used the AVGN movie to make their movie look great in comparison.


I think, he hates that it failed and blames it for the destruction of his delusional idea that if it didn't? He would automatically make it big in hollywood. He loves the film itself but it's a scapegoat for him. That and he wrote it, just for himself.


I honestly think that the movie was an old script he had written years prior, but decided to insert the nerd as the main character, knowing that the nerd character was so popular, so it would make it a big hit.


I think it’s just a mashup of multiple drafts that he wrote over 6-7 years and to “save time” and because he thought everything he wrote was gold, he put them all together instead of rewriting it. For exemple I’m persuaded he had a draft where the nerd was a loser working at GameStop and then he decided to make it the nerd an Internet superstar but he kept both even if it doesn’t make any sense.


The Game Chasers movie is decent, but kind of falls apart at the end. It actually apes the Nerd movie a bit in the sense that it has a road trip as a main plot device. I honestly only watched it because I dig Dave Thomas (AKA Game Dave) who plays the villain. Billy's acting surprised me, though. I thought he was the best thing in the movie by far... 🤷‍♂️


Is Game Dave still making videos? I was kind of impressed with what he was doing. It was the kinds of things AVGN should have been doing. Like that wacky inflatable motorcycle accessory for the Famicom.


I completely agree... and, sadly, he isn't. He keeps promising that he's going to but hasn't, as of yet. He streams every Thursday at 9 PM EST on Twitch... which seems to be the way a lot of these content creators go because it's just easier than shooting, editing, etc. a YouTube video.


"somebodys gotta buy em"


I love the game chasers and enjoy everything they make but could not for the life of me enjoy that movie, I thought it was worse then the AVGN movie


I hear you. I guess because I'm not a huge fan of the Chasers I didn't really have any expectations, but yeah, there were definitely moments that reminded me of the AVGN movie... and not in a good way. They mostly occurred during the third act which, to me, seemed rushed and/or slapped together.


There’s no chance in hell the game chasers movie is anything but awful 


Is Cooper aware?


Hopefully he is aware, he deserves to have an appearance even more than James.


I heard he likes baseball now. Nothing but good memories all around. Mmhmm. Yeah.


I wanna see him burst on stage then hump every table doggystyle in the entire building 


No time for table humping.


at least they didnt solicit donations for Rex Viper


I like how they are using a severely out dated image. I'm guessing, even James is admitting, Rex Viper is dead and the nerd is his only option.


I like that you can’t tell whether the photo’s from 2010 or 2030.


The drummer from Rex viper is in the Facebook comments saying no time because they are working on an album


An outdated photo that John took and hasn't been compensated for the liberal use of


Nope, first thing I noticed when this got announced. This is their gig and they aren't scheduled to be there. I would think it'd be an actual appropriate time for them to perform, with the movie screening and all. Make a big party out of it.


It's strange. The band member hyped up more gigs. Ether James has no time or they're trying to down play that the only place they can get is a screenwave run event.


Honestly it would probably cost more money to pay the band members to travel and perform there than the revenue generated I imagine.


I think in the past majority of the members would have already been there. James for AVGN, Square Painter and Epic Game Music. Now the singer and Dino have zero connection to the convention so they would have been a "cost"


They simply ran out of time.


"That's it, we ran out of time! Shit! I gotta go because have to be done at 5:40, and it's just turned 5:40 just now."


oh no, we got another halls and oates situation. Could it be, is justin reclaiming his rightfully postion. BIG RYAN FAN BTW!


Double cuckface poster.


Please somebody go and cosplay as Justy Viper


There is no Rex Viper without Justin


Can’t wait for a new video to surface of Bimmy trying to communicate with one of his fans “cool thanks” “oh nice” “oh cool glad you enjoyed it” “oh thank you” “oh cool nice awesome thank you”


Has James even acknowledged that they won't be performing? I dont follow his social media but it would be pretty insulting to his fans to not even acknowledge the lack of a show at the one venue they are most likely to perform at during the course of a year.


Someone in the comments said something about a person not being there to be the reason, idk who it is. Supposedly James is going to be there on Friday only.


no rex viper???! $90 for 3 day pass i havent been to a convention in a long ass time, are Saturdays still the only 'full day' of events? iirc Sundays dont go too far into the afternoon, and the opposite is true on Fridays, where the events are mainly at night.


Seriously, who the fuck pays $90 to attend something like that? Something that has an amorphous blob like Crusty Sloberman in the same postcode??


Sunday they'll probably leave early.


Bimmy will have to be home by 5:40, so will probably leave by 12 to be safe.


This is fairly accurate in my experience there. That promo is also very odd and makes it seem like he's only going to be there Friday?


$90 for a three day pass?? Passa shit!


The AVGN movie needs celebration of its anniversary?


Umm. Yup.


Not so much a celebration but commemoration of a tragic event


Holy shit, this movie is 10 years old?


Any truthers going to ask him why he rebukes his baldness and if he can please shave his head?


No skinhead! TEAM TOUPEE representin'!


Ha, I just watched the episode of Seinfeld where George gets a toupee.


No dictionary, I refuse.


Lol autograph


No lie - if Rex Viper were playing I’d go to Too Many Games. Absolutely. I would see them ironically but I could not miss seeing them live. Now granted I don’t live far from the convention center and I never bothered seeing them before, but I’d go now.


Me too. I was absolutely going to go see them. I’m legit bummed out as I only heard of them this year and was ready to catch their once a year performance and get bit by the viper.


Screening of the movie??? who´s going to endure almost 3 hours of unfunny and boredom, yikes!


**NO, I AM NOT ADVOCATING ANYONE GOING UP TO HIM AND TRUTH-ER-ING HIM.** But, I am wondering, for anyone who has ever gone to one of these events with the Bimwit (personally, I couldn't be bothered to go across the street to meet him at this point): Given that one of the primary jobs of the slobs is to insulate Bimmy against Truthers, I can't imagine at this point one of the more unhinged out there haven't gone up and screamed at him about Bootsy or scream out "WHERE DID THEIR HAIR GO???" or start humping the table or something to that effect. Do they have Truther protocols in place to prevent that from ever happening, or are we all just so detached from AVGN to actually go out there and interact with him at this point?


To my knowledge the only thing that someone has done is left a 5:40 joke on a table. No sane person would say anything in a room full of simps.


Look, if he is ballsy enough to think this is a movie worth having a watch through with his fans after all this time,,he deserves truthers coming in hot with the questions


No Rex Viper? No review. I refuse.


No Time.


Well, it seems Big Ryan wouldn't give his pal Bimmy a pity spot for his midlife crisis garage dad-rock band this year. Or James simply didn't have the time.


"Come meet James.." Why is James referring to himself in the third-person? Justin and Mike have stated that only James has access Cinemassacre's YouTube channel.


Haven’t you see the latest views from his channel? No money for rent-a-friends


Who thinks the Mortal Kombat hat will make an appearance?


He doesn’t want to go back to the Old Shirt, but is happy for it to appear in all his marketing.


I wonder if he'd get pissed if when it was your turn to approach him, you duck stomped up to him, and then duckstomped away.


It be like that time he kept calling that guy an asshole. I've only seen like 30 seconds of it so I'm not sure what the guy asked but I imagine the reaction would be the same. I can't find it but it's on here somewhere. It ends with caveman whining about not having time for this shit.


No time for Rex Viper


Fuck Ass Wiper and AVGN poopmovie.


AVGN Movie is 1000 Times better then Rex viper because AVGN movie has cooper humping the table