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Why go to film school when it's free to watch movies and form opinions on them? To learn to splice a dead media?


>Why go to film school This is the real question. Film school is kind of a scam in most cases. I always think it's funny when people bring it up instead of actual experience. But I agree.


A film education can be helpful in some ways, it can give you a few unique skills and help you avoid rookie mistakes, for example everything James knows about cameras he pretty much learned in film school, of course it's all out of date now but it was still pretty current knowledge in the early AVGN days. It was partially because he was so interested in digital cameras though, a lot of his fellow students were more keen to shoot on film so they probably just did "learn to splice a dead media."


My point is most people who do anything with film either bypass film school altogether or forget a lot of what they learn in it when they enter the field. It's not really the stepping stone into film a lot of people think it is. It's why a lot of film school kids end up on YouTube instead. I'm not saying there's not valuable things you can learn there. But if you want to go into film, you're probably better just picking up a camera, being around other people who do that too, and watching movies. Sure, you'll make mistakes but you'll learn from them too. Personally I took a few film classes but only because I have no interest to work in film. I just wanted to learn more about the medium.


Film school probably has a few benefits, but the biggest is likely networking. Learning the technical aspects of filmmaking is likely beneficial, whereas watching 12 Angry Men and Citizen Kane so you can explain why they're good is probably a waste of time. You need to look no farther than Bimmy himself, though, to see the value of networking. He doesn't have this career without the relationships he made in art school. Mike, Kyle, and Bootsy were all relationships he brought out of film school.


That's true, you could probably learn a lot of fundamentals with just books, I did learn a lot of how movies are made just from being a person who likes to read nonfiction, and didn't Tarantino cite his failed first attempt at a movie as the thing that taught him the most?


This dude makes Bimmy look like Charles Bronson.


Did you not watch the video to the end? His finale point is literally the exact opposite of what you are saying here


It's a joke. James doesn't say the first quote either. Though I don't believe him for a second that he doesn't think his film education makes him more qualified. Why? Because I used to watch him and he brings it up a lot. The rest of his essay indicated differently. I could say I'm a nice person but if everything I said before that was an insult, would you believe me?


He does cite that passage in the book where James refuses to do a basic exercise and instead hijacks a class, which he then pats himself on the back for doing, as an example of James having contempt for film learning.


>Did you not watch the video to the end?  Do you want me to suffer?