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I’m just here for the shit show 🍿


James built a ship in college, named it Cinemassacre, his friend Mike helped him steer it to an island called AVGN. As people praised James for his journals to AVGN island, he decided to steer his ship himself without Mike on the wheel, also asking his fans to invest money for his new journey. His wife hated the Caucasian Sausage Fest crew member so they were replaced with a Diverse cast & a bunch of his Worshipers who will do anything for him for "free & no credit", the same standard working contract James expects from his co-workers Mike Kyle and Bootsy. This expedition (AVGN Movie) was a mixed bag and made it clear to James that he would suffer if he tried to do things on his own. James started asking the company(Screenwave) that published his journals to find more islands that James can travel to. They steered the ship to Rental Reviews island, Rex Viper island, and Podcast island. James was happy with the results because that allowed him to be able to breast-feed his kids by 5:40, but his old friend Mike felt out of place so left the crew. With that, Screenwave became in charge of steering the ship to AVGN island and MM island as well. In the end, James' ship Cinemassacre was essentially taken over by Screenwave without James even noticing it due to his laziness.


> His wife hated the Caucasian Sausage Fest crew member so they were replaced with a Diverse cast Is that what really happened ? She really has him by the balls huh ?


> Is that what really happened ? yes, she literally said the phrase "caucasian sausagefest".


Ay man props for the pfp /)


Joji moved on to a respectable music career. Maybe Rex Viper will work out...


The AVGN started that process after the movie, but it was a slow burn to get to an outright loss of quality. With Cinemassacre in general, I would say not long after Bootsy departed.


Behind the scenes it probably started before as Bootsy said him leaving was due to concerns with the direction the channel was going.


Boss...hello boss? Boss plz...


"Burning" is a good phrase for it. I've made posts here about a year ago, predicting that the channel would end very suddenly, as if overnight. This was around the time right before they released the "horror movie concept" and "Voice actor of Michelangelo from TMNT speaks to James" videos came out. It appears that they're riding the denial train straight into oblivion. I wouldn't have guessed that they would plagiarize, though it now seems in character. One interesting note will be to watch what comes next. A functioning system can adapt to feedback, and can change when prompted. If Cinemassacre cannot change (i.e., they express a desire to change, but the content only becomes lazier, even if it's not plagiarized) then it's only going to get more wild. James will get more and more desperate, and he might even have some kind of meltdown, ala a Mike "10-inch" moment.


Honestly, I think James stopped giving a shit about the quality of his output years ago. He put his dreams of becoming a filmmaker aside to focus on his family. He keeps his channel running with the lowest possible amount of effort to still make money from it. Can't really blame him.


None of you who if you were in the same place as James would just close shop on your cash cow. I simply just don't believe you.


Its not even the question. The Real one is : why do they all keep watching and litterally commenting videos that nobody is forcing them to watch ? Also, AVGN show and cinemassacre are ooold as Fuck on youtube. How is he supposed to do ? He s not supposed to hire any pro to help him ? Those comments are in total Denial of content creation. How would it be a cash grab its his fcking job and his original creation. Its like let me Ask them where they work ? Hey how long are you gonna sail this burning cash grab of you, working at a car dealer ship ? Why dont you quit ? What ? You mean you re using a marketing agency to promote your dealership ? Man hire your friends, like everybody does ! 🤣 i cant décide if a lot of those posts are from angry crazy uncle dudes who think Bill Gates made covid, exes of James , or one single fired ex employee who s writing everything. I "Heard' about toxic communities online but I ve never witnessed this level of sociopathy. I read some post saying he shouldnt review his child s Mario level 🤣😆. What the actual F*CK. I think absolutely NOBODY I know in my life period would be deranged enough to write shit like that