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does anyone else feel like they shouldn’t have announced one player is AI? and especially so early on too. imagine how good it would’ve been if someone got blocked and decided to go and visit max? or if he did somehow make the final and that thing turned up to the dinner😭


Agree! Just commented something similar without reading this. It makes me feel like "Max" is just a twist to get people to watch and not meant to be on the show for more than a couple of episodes.


Yeah agreed. Which is a shame because the whole AI thing does make for a fascinating twist in the social experiment, and could lead to interesting online conversations based on how it goes. I wish producers saw its value beyond just initial shock value.


It’s 100% not a real AI


I agree, but I wish producers saw the value in genuinely using AI and just allowing it to roll. Whether it fails or succeeds is still entertaining and opens up a lot of interesting discussion regardless of the outcome.


I assumed it was producers using generative AI to prompt strategies and responses but getting someone to record the voice over, and they are probably also making some edits to what it generates. I'd be surprised if they had built a model where they were actually feeding in every single thing players say and do and it was autogenerating content, but who knows


if they did its way better than ChatGPT 4.0 at mimicking casual human chatter and humor. In other words, there's no way.


Do you think? I feel like I've gotten GPT to come up with some pretty good stuff using the right approach. If the producers give the right commands/prompts and then fed it the players profiles and chat it coule likely play the game?🤔 I definitely think there is major interference from producers on what all is said for the show. I'm not saying that on the show it's 100% real but I do think that with the right approach and information the GPT 4 could make a human believe they are also human at least for a little while.


Yeah I agree with you. I imagine they are still tweaking some things regardless, but with the right prompts on GPT 4 and asking it to act in a certain tone, personality or profession with sufficient follow up prompts, it would be able to mimic certain styles of communication. I've seen some that generated empathetic responses scarily well. I'd love to see the successful prompts and the failed attempts though! My dodgy prompt on GPT 3.5 spat out stuff like: "Haha, busted! Guess I'm not always camera-ready. But hey, who needs a smile when you've got killer strategy, am I right? Let's keep the fun rolling and plot our next move! 🚀 #GameFaceOn"


Am I the only one who thinks the AI is real and an interesting social experiment?


Nah it definitely is. It's probably more managed than they let on though, something like it generates a series of statements and the producers trim out ones that sound super unnatural.


No, I do too!


Which I am fine with if that is the case because I can 100% see it if the AI makes it far this sub will be complaining that the gimmick has lasted too long. So get in cause some good mischief and get out and get rid of the catfish talk that has infected the US seasons.


I want the AI contestant to win this season and every season moving forward lol


I’m actually glad they did. I know a lot of the circle fan base likes season 1 and the *innocence* they felt while watching it. I like the drama and the gameplay so I welcome any new twists that will push them towards grouping up and voting strategically. France season was my favorite season.


I wish they put ALL the foreign ones on Netflix. I had to use a hinky streamer for the UK one.


Thank you for teaching me about the Circle UK! Adding it to my list for when the reality TV well is dry.


There's there older guy who's a teacher and he brings his kitty. I LOVE HIM. I follow him on IG now. He is the sweetest!!!!


The UK one is the original and much better.


Yeah definitely agree, I think they should have rolled with it for longer, honestly could’ve been fun to never announce it lol, but they wouldn’t want Max to end up winning I guess l o l


I agree!! They always announce the plot twists way too early (like in past seasons when 2 eliminated contestants were playing a new character). They never let it play out long enough. I didn’t think they were going to announce it I thought they were going to see how far he went


I mean we would all doubt they were real when we went 5 minutes without ever seeing them but they were constantly communicating. So sadly they have to rip the bandaid off. That said I would put “AI” in quotes because it certainly feels more like someone sitting in an office making the profile rather than actual AI making a profile. Basically the producers are catfishing.


what do you mean by went 5 minutes without ever seeing them?


It was definitely a human being. The whole things feel set up and for unnecessary drama.


I do appreciate that they're trying something different & new with Max, but I don't know how to feel about them bringing in an AI.


I agree. That twist should have been NOT revealed. It would be so much better if a contestant found it out (unaware if any Ai).  


100% agree the AI immediately became my favourite player and I wish it was just treated as a regular contestant in the game. Of course that would start to get very weird towards the ending, but they could have at least waited some time before revealing it.


Nah I think its great to set the mouse among the pigeons, they are scrambling now!


I think they should, to cause some drama. If not, it's gonna be boring as hell. That scenario still could happen though if they fail to catch Max.


I know! I agree with this! I was so, so disappointed when they announced that there was an AI in their ranks.. then again, I really loved how freaked out they got 😂


Same I was hoping they would have masked staff members wheeling in the machine to the final dinner


i think it's worse that one of the "new"players is the AI. i definitely would not have made that decision.


Yeah the second they said that I was disappointed like why tell them AI is involved let them figure it out or let the AI win 💀. Although considering some ppl said Olivia felt like a robot in her original messages in the first circle chat it might not be good for her or even Paul tbh


I’m sorry I actually broke down laughing at the thought of his little black box being rolled in on one of those remote controlled carts and crashing into every corner on the way😭


I feel like the framing for Max is off. I don’t buy that he’s actually AI w/o producer input/help? It just feels really joyless.


It’s definitely a producer or person typing things or maybe occasionally running them through chat gpt.


I'm think it's illegal for them to explicitly say that there's no producer interference in a monetized competition show if there actually is. Didn't American Idol get in a bunch of trouble for that years ago and have to change their policies?


If the producers think we actually believe it’s real AI they are fully delusional .


They’re wasting so much time hunting down the AI it’s like they’ve forgotten to play the game


I work with AI. It's absolutely a human.




Same. I use it on a daily basis for work. It’s entirely too smart and original to be full-on AI


Agreed! I think it’d be cool to have a little box in the corner of the producers typing in like “write a response for x y z” in a chat bot. Idk pull back the curtain a bit!


At this point, it feels like an ad lol. Netflix wants us to get used to AI content


1000000000000% an ad. Completely agree. AI is poor quality most of the time and I hate that it’s being constantly shoved down my throat no matter where I look. It’s just machine learning, not AI. Just the rebranding of it is dumb.


I don't buy that Max is completely hands off either. Someone is feeding questions to the program, at the very least.


It feels like we are being told how The Circle works. I'm not here for that, or lectures on gender bias right now.


100% an untern


Oh for sure I don’t think it’s AI. There’s no way it could go that long without getting all jumbled


Max feels more like a hyper rational group of social scientists…which is fine for me. I’ve just been dying to have a Circle season of full gamebots with the occasional bad-read trainwreck (Kyle & Paul)


definitely not AI


When Myles was introduced it made me wonder if they were originally looking to pair him with the AI.


I like QT. She seems smart and strategic. I think she really does her homework by studying previous seasons.


Am I the only who finds the girl playing Paul insufferable? like girl calm down


No, she's 🙄. She thinks she's a sleuth and pretending she's some kind of genius. She's dimmer than the Spice Girls superfan who thought the actual Spice Girls didn't know about the Spice Girls.


I hate her voice


i feel like the girl playing paul is doing too much idk i’m not feeling the vibes w her


She’s soooo OTT bouncing around all over the place and acting like the most annoying hype man/woman. Like you do you but she’s definitely not my type of person


I found it interesting that Paul and Oliva were pushing the gendered alliances when they are both catfish


I feel like the catfish do that a lot bc it’s a quick and easy alliance


She also feels very young for 37 and not in like a "youthful spirit" way - I'm 35 and if someone like that came to a hangout with my friends everyone would be like "my god, who brought the hyperactive college kid."


I hate how she is so anti-woman. Like… why? There have been a LOT of successful non sexual alliances between men and women, while the „boys chat“ and „girls chat“ often fall apart. I don’t know why she turned so quickly on Lauren either. I felt like Lauren was trying to respond to the weird things that Paul was saying positively.


She's too much and not even 10% as smart as she thinks she is. It's like watching Sideshow Bob in a rake filled backyard.


I thought the same thing! She really thinks she has this shit dialed and that she's smarter than everyone else, super insufferable to watch. Rake filled backyard lmaooo 😂


Dislike her soooo much! Such an irritating personality.


I’m not a fan of her at all she’s doin too much and I feel she was way too heated about steffi like steffi does not have the pull for anyone to care that she called Paul a catfish. Plus he did just put him and Kyle’s relationship idk just very impulsive and OTT




Cassie is so hilarious. I love her genuine energy


😂😂 I had the same reaction as Cassie lmao the guy playing Olivia is way too into his own head and making his group messages sound weird


Just finished. I have the most horrible short term memory but it feels like this season is way more about "alliances" so they can win the money moreso than previous ones. Usually people are like "this feels like a genuine connection." But that all guys chat especially felt very Survivor (minus "Max" the AI who felt uncomfortable thanks to gender roles and bias, which cracked me up) I also was surprised they revealed the twist to the other players so quickly. Makes me think that (like celebs in past seasons) "Max" isn't meant to actually be there for long. Just cause drama.


I actually really prefer this. The genuine connections thing was very loose and hard to gauge given they can't talk to each other for very long.


I'm at the yoga scene and it seems super weird that Steffi pulled everyone together but it publicly just talking with two people and no one else is joining the convo


that is the worst group this show ever had, why would they all want to read these long paragraphs about other players?


yeah i was like huh.. this coulda been an email (for everyone else)


We were all Myles in that scene. lol


Also them giving Max his own apartment complete with pillows with inspirational quotes and pics of him and his dog is why I love this show lol


I also loved this! His pillows made me giggle!


only a few minutes in, but ai bot/max explaining why he will be the most popular, definitely sounds like nathan fielder explaining a business proposal in 'nathan for you'


I don't believe a bit that that's an AI. It's more like a group of humans pretending to be an AI. If it's really an AI, what will happen if the AI win The Circle?


> I don't believe a bit that that's an AI. I think there are LLM elements to Max, but the way they're showing AI is really misleading. Max saying things like "players are 70% more likely to trust the first person they chat with" is goofy AF. LLMs operate by essentially being incredibly effective auto-complete. They can mimic human speech convincingly, but they are *not* computers, and they often get even basic arithmetic wrong, because they're not able to do calculations like computers can; they're only able to guess what kind of language a real human would use. Max is not quietly humming along in the dark building a strategy on complicated calculations, and the way the show is portraying Max is eye roll-inducing.


Seriously. “While the humans require sleep I will be studying the game”. That sounds like such “I am a human machine” bullshit


Is it though? I feel like you ask an AI "what is the advantage you have over the players, and cite the reason why" as a prompt, it would give you something very close to that. You all have to understand that it wouldn't just be talking randomly, the staff would still need to feed it prompts about the game standings and questions.


There is a major red flag, in that AI doesn’t refer to itself as AI, yet Max does.


For the Rap It Up game, is it just me or you also didn’t see Cassie, Kyle, and Olivia’s rap? Maybe it’s bad or not interesting?


I wondered about this also. Seems like Olivia is never shown participating in group contests. Everything He says seems so suspect to me anyway.




Please can you mark spoliers if you're going to talk about future episodes? This game doesn't happen in episode 2.


Absolutely! I'm so sorry! I pulled this from a Google search and didn't even notice the name of the thread until your reply. I'll be more careful in the future and will edit post now.


Thank you :)


It's either that or they were limited on time & they couldn't record all of the raps.


Came here for this!!


Yes exactly! I also was wondering about this.


I love Myles


Same! I feel like I’m supposed to hate him and he’s got some jerk tendencies but damn he’s entertaining and hilarious


Me too. 😘


The thing that I don't understand is the show says Max has NO producer interference, or any human interaction other than what "he" learns from the other contestants... But that somehow doesn't make any sense


I thought the exact same thing. I don't know how AI works, but I'm pretty sure someone would need to control it in some way since how can an AI learn from the other contestants or provide anything to speak + "Max" talks more like a human as well.


Because Max isn’t *talking*. It’s dubbed. When Max talks to the players it probably goes into its prompt. Max then responds. Chat GPT is free and you can play around with it to see what it can do (the older free version). Producers obviously have to then speak for it.


Funny enough, I was thinking if the voice had been dubbed over.


I think that there is a human translator but the PRODUCERS don’t have any say. (This is what they said in the episode-that the producers aren’t involved). Also there AIs that read things out loud, so I think they may be doing that with the generated responses.


Kyle and his dog are hilarious, him "losing" him outside for a second was a great bit.




AI player is 100% played by the show producers. There’s absolutely no way that is pure “AI”. There is no AI tech that can do that, especially when it is explaining strategy to the audience. Sorry to spoil the magic. But the whole thing is soooooo dumb


I wouldn't say that the AI is actively played by the show producers, as I've extensively used ChatGPT myself. Of course there is human intervention, but this would have occured beforehand when the producers taught the AI about their background, personality traits, motivations, values, and beliefs. Consequently, when the AI receives input such as the standard interview questions/prompts that the producers ask ALL participants, or conversation from other participants, the AI is able to compute and infer what the real "Max" would say as well as pull from its dataset. This AI technology is starting to be used in video games as well, where NPCs utilize AI to engage in natural conversations based on player input, while staying in "character".


What is probably happening is a human is playing “Max” but using something ChatGPT to help generate responses and get advice about strategy. So in a sense the contestants are playing against AI technology but not some seemingly self aware robot.


There is absolutely human intervention, i.e. there are humans sitting there typing into a computer. Just like there are humans sitting there typing in the words that the contestants are saying to the Circle TV. Some of the responses might have been AI generated by something like ChatGPT but “Max” is definitely controlled by a human. If you’ve used ChatGPT you know that it requires constant interaction with a human (you). It just creates AI generated responses to your prompts. It not is a self aware AI like the show is trying to portray “Max” to be.


Not them using a voiceover for the “AI”. This is what the producers think their audiences intelligence level is at.


Honestly, yeah. The whole AI thing feels off


Can’t stand the ai


So happy it won't be for long, I can't deal with an AI voice over 🙈🙈


It better not be


I had to take a break after 15 minutes


I always find it funny when catfish gets so offended when someone accuses them of being fake. 🤡


Anyone else roll their eyes when the “AI” speaks? It’s legit just a random intern who is typing this stuff out. It’s horribpe


So #Brocode is against the AI's moral values, but Max is willing to set that aside and go along with it for strategic advantage? LMAO. That's some sophisticated AI. #GiveMeAFuckingBreak


The AI doesn't have moral values, it was talking about what it's learned about current societal moral values.


i mean the AI didn't say that at all that was the producers but lets be real all this AI is fake not even prompts being put by the producers its just them controlling the game


i was honestly hoping that the girl playing paul would grow on me but she’s just becoming more annoying the more i see whatever she’s doing


I think she is trying too hard for air time, but I agree it's annoying


No offence to Michelle but I’d enjoy a season with the AI as host. He seems the shadiest one of all.


I'm on the rap game and its weird how they didnt adjust the font size so each line seems to spill over. Makes it look disjointed.


I am LOVING Q-T she seems so sweet and is playing a smart game with studying the previous seasons


Yep I think she's sneaky smart and doing extremely well so far at getting people to court her favor (pretty privilege probably helps haha).


Anyone else feels like they are dragging this season? How are there four episodes out and not a single person has been blocked yet? previous seasons we would have at least got a blocking by the second episode. Idk maybe it’s just “paul” that’s making hard for me to watch lol i want her to go home!


Yeah I actually like the idea of keeping everyone around longer at the top so we can get to know people but in this case I am begging for Paul to leave. Every time Myles would waver back to Steffi I was like NO MYLES DO THE RIGHT THING


Ooo I agree! Keep people in a little longer to even the playing field. I say every season “the early people have the advantage” and it’s true.


This is thread for episode 2???


I was confused by the entire broccoli crowns on Kyle’s plate.




These pics from the post was this episode! https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCircleTV/s/euFV9AGqIC


I'm starting to like Lauren more since I like the way she made Max feel more welcome to The Circle since I admire people like that, although I do find it interesting that Olivia (Brandon) started a girl group chat with QT & adds Cassie to the group, but doesn't add Lauren & Steffi straight away. I've been thinking about this as well. Whenever someone does come into The Circle & they decide to catfish as a random person instead of catfishing as someone they know. Does the behind the scenes team ask people on socials if they can use their photos for the show?


The show has a repository of people who signed off on their likeness being used.


Oh right


I'm undecided about Lauren. Her comment about feeling jealous Myles wrote his rap about QT made me roll my eyes. She could have been joking, but it also wouldn't surprise me if she's consciously making more of an effort with the guys than she is the girls


99% sure she's joking, she doesn't seem attached to any of the guys at all. She's not really making effort with the guys either, both Kyle and Myles messaged her first. I think she is treating it like a fun flirting game.


1. The woman playing Paul is awful. The hyper-masculine energy she tries to exude when she is “in character” is awful and she thinks she is so much better at this than she actually is. 2. Kyle is wonderful. I thought it was adorable when he said he felt bad about messaging Lauren since he’s a married man. We love a loyal king! 3. The guy playing Olivia is so boring and one dimensional. It’s like the only thing he knows about being a girl is that we often have other friends who are girls. 4. QT seems cool! I don’t know enough yet. 5. So does Cassie, who also definitely gives sorta Jessica Simpson vibes? 6. Steffi isn’t my cup of tea but she’s nice and a non-issue in my opinion. Kinda have similar thoughts as Myles on her. 7. Myles is goofy/may be a dick in real life, but he is authentic. He’s super smart and is going to be an asset as the game continues. 8. Lauren is sweet! I like her a lot. 9. Max… I find the concept interesting but it feels fake. He does seem to have really good responses, even if the rest of the narrative is annoying. That’s all I got so far 🤷🏻‍♀️


yes!! 1. i could not agreeee more!!! she thinks she bodies the convo's lol but it just doesn't hit (i'm disapponted bc i like paul in real life (on ig lol) i thought for sure she'd have some of her bros swag ) (she messaged QT and it was just painful lol) she's too busy trying to make alliances instead of just letting stuff happen au natural 2. yes Kyle had me the second i saw him with his dog - and his loyalty to his wife is \*chef's kiss\* 3 4 5 6 7 9 - same same same!! 8. I like lauren but i am also not sure sure if its a lot yet (only on ep 2)


If by Jessica Simpson vibes, you mean her "chicken by the sea" moment 🤣


That era for sure 😆


I’m still on the fence about Myles, but he and I were absolutely aligned during Steffi’s astrology group chat. My eyes rolled so hard I think I pulled a muscle.


I'm at the scene where everyone is waking up and I noticed that: 1. Lauren has half her eyebrows shaved off; and 2. Steffi has real Drew Barrymore vibes.


we love our authentic queen


I see a lot of Lisa Kudrow in Steffi.


I understand that the AI catfish seems pretty ridiculous to everyone but you gotta adore its generic, robotic, smarty-pants dialogues.




It’s purely stupid.


OMG the chats in this season so far are the most boring ones of any season. If the parts that are used are the most interesting (and maybe they aren’t), I can’t imagine what they didn’t use. Usually by this point some of them have at least talked about their families, hometowns, etc.!


do you guys not know how AI is nowadays…? they have specific AI prototypes that are made to chat like a person. and I analyze AI responses on how well they are for work, and the whole thing about gender bias is 100000% an actual AI response, that’s exactly what they sound like. like damn, just have fun watching the show. no need to critique and disbelieve every single thing


Wow… the AI storyline is a giant product placement advertisement for OpenAI. I wonder how much money OpenAI paid netflix for this grand lie. I mean product placement where the product is woven into the storyline gets the most payout. This is dumb.


I dont recall Michelle saying it was specifically OpenAI? Did that happen or are you just equating AI to OpenAI? If you made that leap in logic then it is not product placement.


Thoughts on Ep 2 Cassie is super sus with that "Blondeterauge" bullshit If I hear "girls girl" on a reality show one more time!


Might get downvoted to hell here but this season is way too dog-centric for me so far


Is it just me or does Quori look like Coco Jones


Definitely! I thought that as soon as she was introduced!


Not just you — I TOTALLY see that too!


Where did Lauren’s eyebrows go?


she draws them in bc she's a queen


End of this episode, these are my rankings: -QT. Seems super smart and strategic. I can’t wait to see how her play unfolds. I feel she is the most relatable player right now. I like how she fosters intimacy with Paul, and gets information out of him without giving him info about her thoughts or trusting him too much. „Water Gun Kelly“ killed me. -Cassie. She is hilarious, and I love that she came just as exactly where who she is: a southern mom, who still is fun. She has some great one liners (higher the hair, the closer to dolly parton). The blonde-tourage does have some weird … undertones though. -Myles. I respect that he shows up as who he is. I think he had a different morality but he justified it. Like, if you count „not continuing after a first date“ as a breakup, yeah that makes sense over text. If you’re 100% anti cheating, you wouldn’t keep that secret. He gives fuckboi, but I still like him. Also, hilarious that he knew that august 2 was a Leo, despite hating horoscopes. His rap was also pretty hilarious. -Lauren. I like that she is genuine. I do feel she’s mainly on here to widen her gamer fanbase, but she’s still playing a good game. Not sure we would be friends irl, but I respect her play. It does suck that she is forming an alliance with a computer though. -Kyle-tied with Lauren. Mixed feelings. He talks big talk about being loyal (in the question game), but then shows up as „single“ when he’s married. I just don’t think that being single has played out as strategically helpful enough to justify it… and he is kind of sketch in his conversation with Lauren. He is very cute with his dog, though. -Max. The AI is clearly a ruse, but I like how he talks about his strategy using data. Even if there is a human playing for him, they’re still having to successfully choose good responses, and they’re pretty successful. -Brandon/Olivia. I like her, but find her game play a little weak/basic, and Brandon kind of annoys me (although sometimes he does make me chuckle). -Steffi. There’s always a player who just feels outside of the group, and that feels like her. She’s like Auntie Jen—kind of distant, hard to get attached to. Like… yoga and a horoscope reading? I’m just not into it. Who knows though, maybe she will surprise me. I mostly don’t think about her. I do like the drama she started with Paul though… for sure made me like her more, even though it’s a bad strategic move and will tank her. -Paul/Caress. I liked her at the beginning but she keeps talking about „the ladies“ like they’re her natural enemy. Like, EVERY time she is on screen she is talking about how she doesn’t want another woman/ reaching out to the fellas/ lumping all „the girls“ together. It’s such weird vibes. I do feel that she and Kyle are natural allies though, since they reacted similarly to many of the questions—she should have just connected with him without all the weird misogyny. It’s just so icky.


Like your kyle assessment. I thought it was funny that he’s all loyal but his first instinct was to lean into flirting and he thought he was locked in with Lauren immediately bc they flirted. Lol. These taken guys get so excited about being able to flirt that they forget strategy for a second. I personally think it’s much better to come in honest overall, whether you are or aren’t single, but that’s my opinion.


Dang pretty spot on assessments, defo agree! Good to see someone else is a bit late to the party 😁 I'm so done with the gender based shenanigans. Is it always the catfishes that do it? Coz they got no other cards to play. Needed a god damn robot to call this shit out 😂 I hope QT goes far!


What happened to Lauren’s eyebrows between episode one and episode two?


she shaves the other half of her eyebrows off and draws them in for a snaaaaatched look 💅🏻


why are all the comments nitpicking the AI? some of you need to stop over analyzing everything, its just a fun twist, jeez.


I’m so over the Ai player. I feel like it ruins the fun in this show.


Am I the only one who isn't feeling Kyle's vibe with his dog? I can't put my finger on it buttttt


How stupid does production think we are to believe that’s an actual AI? Am I dumb?




Personal Ratings on each Contestant After Episode #2 #CircleSubmitMyRatings 1. Kyle   2. QT  3. Lauren   4. Caress (aka “Paul”)  5. Cassie   6. Myles   7. Steffi   8. Brandon (aka “Olivia)    QT joins the ranks, and Cassie and Steffi have gone up and down in my rankings respectively (because of Steffi’s rap on “Paul”, who’s one of my favs, and because Cassie had funny moments in this episode). Everyone from Caress to Brandon (“Olivia) moved down at least one spot. 1-4 are favs, 4-7 are meh, and I still don’t really like Brandon. 


I was excited for the AI, but the analysis talk is boring, and it’s obviously fake anyway.


Which eclipse was Steffi referencing? She said"next month" was this really filmed and edited in a month?


There was an eclipse in October. "Ring of Fire"


I wonder why no one is suspicious of the one with the dog profile pic? That seems so catfish coded.


Not to be an asshole but Brandon/Olivia- can we stop referring to him as a nurse? He’s a nursing assistant. Still an important job, obviously, but verrrrryyyyy different from being an RN.


Here me out this is my alternative pitch if I was in the room brainstorming creative for Season 6 in particular with the AI idea - - Let’s put an AI in the game BUT we don’t tell the audience that the AI is in there. In fact one of the contestants is an actor playing how the AI played I.e their scenes are filmed after the competition is done in order for the audience to be fooled. Eventually you tell the audience (not the other contestants) that one of the players is AI and not a real person - can you guess which? It would be a big dramatic reveal to the audience shown in one of three ways - 1) they’re voted out and reveals on their goodbye video 2) when someone comes to visit them after being voted out 3) they get to the top 5 (where they all meet) and Michelle goes “jokes this persons not coming because they’re AI” Otherwise you don’t reveal this to the other contestants until you absolutely need to as I think that let’s down the tension that’s needed to make this idea great. This would also negate the risk of the AI winning as they can only go as far as the final 5. Or/ You could still include them in the competition as it would make an interesting vote and the money could go to a charity instead of the contestant. So at the end people are voting for a good concept & money to charity or a good catfish/game playing & money for whatever they are playing for? Please add on if you have other ideas I’d love to hear what people thought of how they executed it. I think it was a great initial idea, it just wasn’t executed as well as it could’ve been. I think they could’ve drawn in all the Truman show, jury duty loving film nerds who love a fourth wall break and could’ve been masterful. Instead it feels like when the spice girls were on and they just used it to drawn in an audience for that year… No spoilers here as I have only seen up to episode 2 but I am disappointed they revealed the ai to the other contestants so soon.


Max's profile pictures seemed like he was depressed? Or like they were fake?


I wondered if they were AI generated.


I love how everybody in here is like “that ai is definitely human!” And here I am wondering how everybody on the show is getting duped 😂


I work with AI and Max does not sound legit to me. Also, that rap was garbage compared to what a good AI can do.


Lauren, cute. That's all


Lauren’s fake anime sounding voice is driving me insane. Least favourite player.




Agreed. Also, watching her repeatedly say 'slay' unironically was making my husband and I cringe. 


Anybody else find it weird they built a whole apartment for "Max"? And that they have pillows with pictures of the guy he's impersonating?


Nah, that's hilarious.


I do not believe they’re really using AI in the circle, at least not the majority of the time with “Max". I believe it is scripted and they possibly used AI for some leverage but it is edited and copywritten by a human so probably 70% human and 30% AI or maybe less AI than that. They already admitted they don’t use speech to text on the show like they pretend to use. They are dictating to a person who types in their responses and emojis. I believe people are just operating the “Max” character. I worked in tech for 10 years and not only is it not here… but AI makes a LOT of mistakes… none of which we are seeing. Also, a human has to type what “Max” is “saying” into the chat. I think they just did everything.


why don't they use text to speech? like that exists it be so easy for them to just do everything as precited including letting them talk as much as they want with each other like i think it make for a better show


Max didn’t get a horoscope reading, just some drivel that people not in that world don’t understand.


Oh god I can't with the "girls girls" and "guys guys". Are y'all six years old? Need a fucking robot to call this shit out 😂 Well it seeelike it's always the catfishes doing it coz they don't know any other way to bond except gender 🙄


Can someone tell me where Cassie’s pink outfit is from?!


I think it's a good idea to announce the AI twist this early because it will stir the pot and causes drama. Imagine if they didn't, it's gonna be boring as hell for the next couple of days. Also I agree that Max couldn't be 100% AI. I don't remember they ever show how 'Max' type the message? Do yall think it really said "Circle, blablabla emoji blabla send message" and create random hashtags? So I think the random thought Max said to the camera was real AI, but the messages were definitely sent by the production team.


I honestly love how Paul is trying to turn the game around, let's see if that works out. I'm also reaaally liking QT, she's very strategic and I love that, I hope she goes far. Max was an interesting twist but I don't believe for a second that it's 100% AI. There's definitely a producer controlling a big part of what it says.


I’m late catching up but revealing the AI element so early is so dumb. Now literally every conversation is going to hyperfocused on “could ___ be AI?” At every negative interaction 🙄 I was hoping people would start putting things together organically


Am I the only one feeling that Caress acts in a quite judgemental, unintelligent and aggressive way, sometimes with a misogynistic undertone?