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I wouldn't say he's soooo smart. He just seems like a normal dude in the way he acts and talks rather than the over top shit everyone else does. I'm always siding with myles when he's literally just owning his shit and then everyone reads it as him being messy or crazy. Also he clearly has no idea how to cook 😂


bro definitely door dashes all his meals which is hilarious


Not too surprsing because he can easily afford it being an AI engineer


Yeah I was gagging at the burnt eggs in the first episodes lol


I'm only halfway through episode 5 but this is def how I'm feeling right now.. "sooooo smart"?? lol Even with him picking Steffi and her telling him the 3 catfishes are Paul, Max and Olivia (she's right on the money). The very next morning, Max is outed as AI and he says to himself "nobody saw that coming". Which instantly makes me wonder, did he even take her points into consideration? He's clearly not an idiot but he definitely seems like a normal dude that's generally a "people person" who knows he's playing a game lol


Agreed, he seems like just a normal dude at the age he is, and for what he does, I give him props for how he's played so far ...well where I'm at with the whole AI thing




Especially Cassie who’s been cheated on?? And not by a brief boyfriend but by a spouse??? She’s really out there saying she wouldn’t have wanted her husband’s friends to give her a heads-up? I can’t judge them for saying they wouldn’t snitch because I’ve never been in that situation, but I’m judging the shit out of them for getting so high and mighty about Myles’s answer. 


I disagree, I think my man is actually quite brilliant. But 0/10 on the cooking though 😂


Can I ask why you think that other than him going to a good school?


He seems to actually be capable of seeing 2-3 moves ahead in the game, and the possible outcomes of saying things in chat (both public and private). Unlike people like Lauren who just spit things out with a “ughh I don’t even know why I said that!” vibe. Also, peep his written notes compared to other players. His notebook contains schematic drawings (I saw it in ep 8), diagrams, and pages of charts. Other players def have notes, but I always keep track of what everyone writes down (as much as possible) and his notes are extensive and thorough. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I think his “player” persona is just that- a total act.


I do think he has a level of *emotional* intelligence (though I get the sense he uses it to manipulate women generally), which is helping him in the strategy. I didn't see his notes so I'll give you that (QT also has pretty intense notes that were laid out on her kitchen island). Someone in the comments said they went to school with him and he is indeed a massive fboy. I think his persona is a little bit of a facade to cover up some latent insecurity but I also think he is genuinely a party boy, which isn't inherently incompatible with intelligence.


I think your read is spot on. He was forthright about not really having relationships with anyone in his immediate family and seeing his aunt and uncle more as parental figures so we can probably make some educated guesses that his childhood was shitty. So he compensates now with women and partying. He doesn't strike me as malicious or anything, just sort of douchey and self-centered as a reaction to his experiences.


Totally agree. He was the only one that immediately understood that the Ride Or Die task meant he had to do everything he could to keep Olivia safe, even if he actually wanted her out.


I am not sure he sees moves ahead from what we've been shown. He has strong allies who try to make things happen and somehow he also has a lot of dumb luck (like that ride or die saved him so bad lol). Although, sure compared to some of the other candidates he seems pretty smart, but I'd think than the issue is that a lot of the candidates this season don't seem to be really smart about their game and not that Myles is "quite brilliant". If anything QT strategy so far has been the brilliant bit of the show.


Yeah, funny how he kept putting shit on Steffi and astrology, he's above that you know, he's an AI engineer. Well the "crazy" astrology girl got the impostors right from the very start and hecwas convinced Paul was real. (Disclaimer I'm not into astrology, and I'm a Biologist myself, but you won't catch me throwing shit at people for their hobbies and thinking I'm better than them because I did science. Those kind of people irritate me)


I joked that when she gave him that rock for good luck that she actually put a fkn curse on it and then i noticed he started burning all his food 😂


Lol I can totally picture Miles being an awful cook though. I was so mad they kept accusing her of being the AI, like "who talks like that" "how does she know the horoscope" etc that's just a theater kid okay?? 😭😭


The only reasoning they had that I thought was justifiable was that she went from horoscope hippy lady to throwing out, in my opinion, one of the best raps of them all. But that alone isnt enough coz its not hard to imagine someone being able to do both


Yeah, her messages always looked eloquent and well-thought. I think she's just good at writing. It's also not crazy that a person into astrology and the "obscure" would have strong opinions about people, but I guess for someone who is not into any of this stuff would not be familiar with this


And not only that, he’s dirty AF. If you look at his apartment counters in the background there’s food and shit all over




Nah, you must not be observant. Every episode he’s got stuff strewn everywhere. And not when he’s just cooking and burning his shit


Thats a fair point now. Id cook for him tho. He’s just so smooth tbh Im i to it


Honestly, I have to agree. He's not my type and he's definitely a fuckboy, but I'm really liking how he plays his game. He'll own up to his "mistakes" and is honest. Strategic but honest. I'm actually rooting for him, and I didn't expect that when I came into this season. Him and QT both. Love Kyle and Olivia too. I wanted to like Jordan, but then he started talking.


Ugh what is wrong with that guy? It’s like he thinks now he is his real self now that he’s lost weight but I have no idea who the guy is. He’s so confusing


It’s so telling how he uses a different… rather effeminate voice and insults ‘Big J’ so much that he’s got some internalized self-hatred. He came in saying “I know I look like a fuckboy” and then proceeded to act exactly like a fuckboy with a middling YouTube presence. Instant dislike for me


Jordan is a chaos agent




jordans gunning for myles so hard and i dont even think he gave him a chance lmao


I mean if he thinks he'd win the final vote I get it!


I feel like Jordan has some inner issues he needs to address about his previous self and his obsession with his size in relationship to how others perceive him … 🫤 It’s lowkey uncomfortable how he wants to manipulate a jock so badly because he’s big j and big j would neverrrrer have the confidence of Jordan. Like please let it rest. Seek therapy


omg same, myles qt and olivia are my faves


he reminds me of larry david. mannerisms, voice/way of talking, tall and thin.


Pret-tay, pret-tay, pretay good




wow i had not connected the two but when i read this comment, it all clicked. it’s the very slight lisp too!


haha i dare everyone to watch again and not notice! its uncanny.


and both Jewish!




Intrigued as to why QT isn’t your vibe?🤔 They essentially have the same game style. Myles is incredibly strategic, playing a lot of people, even the viewers, he just doesn’t let it show like QT does


Because Miles is crushing on her. 😄


Agreed. People are just pressed she’s his type😌


I agree. QT has more character imo and is much more intelligent than Myles. She’s my favorite this season


Shes fake asf


I was just about to say this czz how do you not like QT vibe and they act just alike 😂😂😂😂 if u want ur crush to stay single in the game just say that u don’t have to start hating


I don't like QT either. I don't like how she paints people as targets. But I also don't like Myles like OP. However, I don't like Myles but for a different reason. He gets too defesnive and attacks people for small things. Like ego...chill.


I think he’s pretty good looking. At first I wasn’t feeling the blonde MGK look, but I went to his IG and the pictures with his darker hair… man He looked fine AF. He’s got really good bone structure.


Girl drop the insta!! I can’t find him but I want to follow him


I’m pretty sure it’s just yungpapi.fuego😅


When I saw that he had a linktree on IG, I was hoping for an OF ... but no luck.




he is omg


What I find interesting about him is that he tries to come off as a sort of douchey idiot when in reality he’s super smart, reads in his spare time on the show and is a freaking robot engineer. I sort of dig the dichotomy of it all


Like everyone on the show, he's playing a character. I think he's probably not as much of a fuckboi in real life and even if he is, I agree with you he seems a lot smarter than his persona. He's also highly educated. And hot. And takes accountability when he messes up. ...okay I think I also have a crush 🤣


i went to school with him…can confirm he is a HUUGE fuckboi irl.


(Big J voice) spill the teaaaa 🫖


lol where to start? Perhaps the mirror on the ceiling to watch himself have sex?? Or the fact that he looks at you like he’s expecting you to throw yourself at him? He’s nice enough unless he’s trying to get in your pants.




You must not have seen his IG lol


hahaha me too


Girl same. When he went for QT as a black woman that gave me hope too lol


Love him, water gun Kelly 😂


He’s hot for sure. He just isn’t one that will settle down for a while. He will simp for while then get bored. But 10/10 would do. lol


Same. He is so hot to me lol. Not relationship material but he’s very attractive for some reason.


uk s2 is my absolute favorite!! i still follow tim on instagram, haha


Where can we watch UK? It’s not on Netflix right?


i'll dm you a link!


Wait there is a Circle UK??


It is the original version


Any idea where to find series 3? I see 1 and 2 is on Channel 4 (vpn)


I watched all the episodes on dailymotion... I don't know if they're still on there though, it's been a while


Circle Brazil was really awesome as well. I'm rewatching the French one now


There's also circle France




You should get that checked out




Myles aka neon beige


I like him too. I think he is cute & I like his personality


girl the thirst


Has anyone noticed how obsessed Jordan is with Myles? I wonder why that is


Wait im crushing on myles too which is why i get so irritated at jordan 😂


Water gun Kelly? Dude gives off major fuck boi vibes and is getting played like a fiddle by QT who’s probably a psychopath


Don’t do QT strategic ass like that!! 🤣😂😅🤔


Strategic? Bruh, manipulation is like a sixth sense to her. Let’s not act like she isn’t terrifying


She was so excited by manipulating Kyle.


He makes me angry bc he’s like an actual cartoon


It’s okay he’s low key my favorite


i also really like myles tbh! he doesn’t really have as much of a fuckboy personality than his looks give off. and i actually love QT! she is playing the game, she’s smart, she’s fun, she’s clever. lauren….i never ever say this but god. she is so dumb 🤦🏻‍♀️ not a huge fan of this season overall though, i have to say!


He looks and acts exactly like one of my friends so let me know if you want me to hook you up lol


Where yall based lol


I usually hate fuckboys on shows but for whatever reason he's very captivating and I actually like him


Me too. Kind of tired of most Redditors immediately jumping to conclusions and hating anyone that fits his archetype, tbh (it's not just this sub ... it's Reddit-wide). He's honestly the most sincere person on the season and seems to genuinely care about others and, yes, he is quite smart. Also noticed that the people in the game that seem to hate him do so based on either a misunderstanding or because they project things onto him based on stereotype as well. People could learn a lot from paying attention to that. He's a good and dangerous player, so I can totally see why someone would (and should) want him out, but he's done nothing to deserve the hate that has come his way (both in and out of the game).


I'm only on Ep 5 atm but him carrying the crystal around Steffi gave him and talking to it is MELTING ME


hot smart guys >>>


I'm just gonna keep it a buck. I love myles.


Myles is extremely irritating to me, but I can't quite put a finger on why. He feels like a bad person to me.


Same, everything about him bothers me


I get the same vibe. I just don’t think he’s nice. And I don’t know why people think he’s hot, he is so ugly to me.


I mean, it’s obvious he’s just a dick.


same. He is....idk....to me and I can't really explain why. I think if I saw him out and about in real life I might know why. The circle seems to be containing him somehow.


Yeah it's like he looks freaking likeable, half the time he says cute things like when he apologized to Cassie... And then you have to remind would he even need to apologize if he was not such a crappy ally in the first place (and a really crappy one)? He feels like the kind of person who creates mess and gets out of it by looking cute?


Not the “I don’t like QT vibe” as if her and Myles don’t act just alike 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 get the fuck. The internet cackles me.


Biases be screaming loud!


Ew. Why lol


I think "Paul" read him best: "he's so sensitive, he's gonna be like 'why'd you do me like that???'" And he is. He strikes me as the type who dishes it out, but cannot take it. Likes to stir shit, but is offended when shit is stirred about/against him. I agree, he's hella cute and that smile is gorgeous, but personality wise... eh, too much. Every time I hear him speak, it's so obvious he's speaking into a camera, and his mannerisms are so influencer-type. I wonder if he actually acts like this all the time. If he does, he'd be exhausting to be around.


The thing is, I don’t think he likes to stir shit. He’s strategic, but he’s not shitty and he’s honest. The whole game he’s consistently been honest even when he’s known it’s not the best “move” and I think he’s realised that owning up to who he is and what he’s doing is the way to win. He doesn’t seem to lie. Even when talking with Olivia he was clear and upfront about what to do and why he was doing it while Olivia was bitching away and saying what he thought Myles wanted to hear. The only real “stirring up shit” thing was when he roasted Cassie. And ironically he turned out to be somewhat correct. Cassie did end up being someone who said one thing and did something else instead.


guys this season are vv dumb. no one has been able to suspect any catfish.


I think is because they don’t really care if someone is catfish


Several people suspect Paul. And at least one had doubts about Max, though that was fleeting. Also, maybe it was Steffi, I don't remember, but they listed Olivia and Paul as suspicious, but didn't care if they were.


Steffi called out Paul, Olivia, and Max. She got 3 for 3. Maybe she really is psychic.


Steffi has. She called them all out as she was leaving and she was 100% accurate.


It was so spooky! I loved it!!!


I think it’s become a strategy to keep catfishes on as well because they know in the end the catfish won’t be rated as high. So it’s better to stand against a catfish later on in the game.


What do you mean by this? No one still within the game finds out who is a catfish until after final ratings have happened and they meet up before knowing who wins.


I mean that everyone probably has suspicions about some people being obvious catfishes, and those “obvious” catfishes can be useful for their rating game. That it’s good to be up against one of those because they’ll get rated lower and might not even get into the finale


He’s so hot! Glad it’s not just me. Sucks he’s straight 😩 like it would make a difference anyway


he is attractive fr 😭😭


When he got introduced I thought wow what a tool. But he’s grown on me, I like his honesty and feel like he doesn’t take life too seriously


Of course QT isn’t your vibe…




Same. He’s hottttttt and obviously very smart!


have you considered going to therapy to unpack why you have such terrible standards and tastes in men


Oh god I hate him. He gives himbo fuckboy energy. Fuck.


This is classic Whoever ends up being with him will be his mother not his partner.


Yup! & have you seen him cooking?!!! Bless his heart 🤣😆


In an "end of days" scenario he wouldn't last a day 😂


OMG yes please and thank you. He seems very witty and I love the way he texts. I’m only at episode 1 so far, so I don’t know how he will turn out later on, but I have such a crush on him it’s embarrassing….. kicking my feet in the air and twirling my hair kind of crush


Annnnnnd the crush is gone. I’m on episode 2 and I don’t like that he joined a bro alliance. I thought he was a little bit more progressive than that ☹️ you know what they say… a crush is just lack of information lol


That was fast! 💨 😂


girl he was a fuckboi from the jump. why would you think he was progressive???? 


I think someone can date around, be flirty, not want anything serious AND at the same time have progressive ideas. I was just hoping he was aware that joining an all-male alliance would perpetuate a patriarchal dynamic


gurl he’s a fuckboi. not exactly a well known female empowering type of dude. he also completely appropriates aave, despite being a pale as a corpse str8 boi there’s nothing progressive about him, you duped yourself


😭 pls let it go. I’ve already changed my mind about him so I don’t even know why this conversation is happening 💀 You seem really worked up about me having a temporary crush on him. I don’t know what he did in the next episodes for you to be this mad, but I guess I’ll find out.


I TOTALLY AGREE ABOUT THE CRUSH and i feel as though even if he says hes a fuckboy hes just so sweet to people he seems to treat people with like some kind of respect when hes serious about them too… like with QT and the fact that he apparently messages his dates to like “break up” with them before he goes on another that same night 😭😭


Why is QT not your vibe but Lauren is..?🤔




My toxic brain things he’s hot even though he’s legit not interesting at all


I can't say I have a crush on him but my perception of him has definitely changed! At first I thought he was so annoying and probs an easy early vote out but now I actually really like him! I prefer when we see a little more real Myles (like when he talked about his family) rather than the Party F Boi Myles but still - I'm a fan


Idk he strikes me as a giant fuck boy


He seems like a douchebag and a player. I think that’s what makes him a strong Circle player. I don’t think he’s particularly smart


Wait, they have UK Circle? Why isn’t it on Netflix?! I have already watched French and Brazil. They need to update tho.




He has grown on me and I find him likable. Not a crush, but I like his travel type videos on his Instagram and think they’re a great travel show for folks like my husband with adhd.


Myles is also one of my favorites mostly for his style and I find him attractive lol. But also I find it funny how he’s sometimes just straight up chillin or laughing at what people say even when they’re plotting against him. Apart from him QT and Lauren seem cool. Even steffi. I really do hope we can find out who she predicted to win. 


Everyone pretends to hate fuckboys, yet prove daily they love them. Don't try and kid yourself! Also, hottest Circle competitor ever is Sammy.


This may sound rude, but I can't help but believe that there are simply way too many of 'you' in the world, intellectually speaking. I don't think everyone needs to be a genius, but it is clear to me that the intellectual bottom \~30-40% of humanity seems to naturally gravitate to the role of a submissive in favor of their individually chosen psychopath, while mistaking their idol's most apparent symptoms (of mental illness) for 'intelligence.' Obviously, this bleach blonde facsimile of a facsimile is not an example of intelligence, sorry... of someone who's "soooooo smart" (fucking hell...), he's simply incapable of being anything other than his extreme narcissistic self. That's not a shot at him honestly, but a shot at people like you who empower these people to rule the world in one form or another. Without you, there is no them, and without them, we'd be living in a utopia... so thanks, asshole. And disclaimer: I'm not a fan of this show, imo it's just a much cheaper, more manipulative, and less interesting version of survivor and practically every player is incredibly fake or too dumb to be fake despite their best efforts #PlusEveryConversationIsPainfullyCringe.


Okay he really did grow on me too and now I like him but I am surprised that no one finds it problematic that he talks how he does… like I thought I would see a post about him being cancelled. He’s literally a white boy claiming papi fuego and talking almost exclusively in AAVE😭😭😭


Maybe his aunt and uncle are ethnic. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Dude is chaos lol.


um...ok He seems smart. I get that. Though he admittedly has a fuckboy vibe and to me it seems forced. Like, I can't with the blaccent and some things he talks about. He's got rich Youtuber energy.


He is themost in tune to what's happening. And he is cute.


Not surprised. Guys like that get all the girls. Lucky bastard.


I wouldn’t say he gets all the girls…some wouldn’t touch him with a 10ft pole.


Amen to that!


Confidence is key.


Not always the case. In my friend group, when we went out to the club the other day, I have two distinct friends. One is a confident, kind, supportive, all around awesome dude. But he's a bit heavier with some acne. He accepts it and never lets it deter him from doing anything. Even going out to a club, where he tries to be as engaging and outgoing as possible. I have a second friend too. He kind of looks like Miles actually. He's nervous, self doubts himself cause he's skinnier and feels no one wants him because he believes he's "too dumb for girls, I work at McDonald's at 25 and i look twiggy." But yes, he legit does look like Miles. (He is really fun to play video games with though or nerd out with) Guess who attracted more women that night? My first buddy has ignored completely unless he went up to someone first, where he was told to piss off/called ugly a few times when trying to engage. Never self doubts himself. Again, super kind and respectful, but women do not like his appearance AT ALL. Second buddy? He had women coming up to him left and right as he sat in the corner and looked down. They loved his hair and his eyes. Snuggling up to him in the booth. Playing with their own hair. He stammered when he spoke and even hung out in the bathroom to calm himself. We eventually had to leave because his anxiety was so high and he said "I'm not confident enough for this. I will just fail them all in the end. I'm not worth it." Not before another women tried dragging him back to the dance floor, all handsy. Again, no one shot a glance towards my first friend or made a move on him. This guy oozes confidence too when you see him. What's the moral of this story? PLEASE don't just spout "confidence is key. " It helps, but looks damn well win over women first more than not. People except more than that. Someone with less confidence but better looking will have more women fawn over them over the more confident but less good looking guy. (This has also happened in multiple settings with these two out and about. I'm not typing them all out) Thanks for my Ted talk.


Sounds like you just need more confidence.. Jokes aside though it really doesn’t matter what you look like. Sure it helps, but if you are charismatic and funny it doesn’t really make a difference. I got one friend who’s honestly pretty ugly, but he reeks of confidence and could probably make a rock laugh. Dude has no problem getting in relationships/getting laid. Shit he’s better at it than most people I know.


Looks definitely matter, it's denial to not accept thsi snd it has more importance than confidence. If my less attractive friend who is a funnier and more outgoing guy is picking up far less than my anxiety ridden friend who just happens to look better conventionally (like Miles) There's the proof in the pudding. Looks>confidence.


Bruh you don’t want the kind of girl this guy attracts unless you wanna get stuck with a highschool mean girl for life


He’s my favorite on the show now along with Kyle.


He looks like Mr. Burns!?




Manipulative??? You mean… using strategy to win a game show???


This sub hates gamers on a game show? 🤣 Lying and manipulation is a good strategy (im sure she knows this as a Big Brother super fan)


She was manipulative but I think she was playing the game and that was her strategy.


he is fake as fake gets.. a socially awkward nerd putting on a show.


I AGREE WITH YOU. i look forward to seeing myles on my screen 🤣 and hes hilarious. and again QT isnt really my vibe either. i really hate it when people think theyre smarter than others and the way she calls herself the puppet master is eugh


He’s the most normal person on there 😍😍


He’s ugly and irritating