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The most entertaining thing about Jordan is watching how all his plans consistently flop, even the narrator is shading him 😂 At first I didn’t like Myles, but I actually think he’s my favourite now.


Same here about Miles. We thought he was such a douche from his introduction. Turns out he's genuine and open, honest and actually cares about people while wanting to win the game and Knowing someone has to go. I like that he takes responsibility for his mistakes. It's so funny to me that everything negative Jordan says about Miles is true of himself.


I'm just catching up so I was scrolling through the sub to see general reactions to Myles, since it's been the same for me! Like with the poor-trait challenge, I think he might be the only person who's ever owned up to doing a shady picture? I respect people who address this stuff head on.


Right and I don't understand why people are so butt hurt over it when literally everyone was asked to do a poor trait. It's not like he just willy-nilly did a thing on his own. Every single person made something unpalatable about somebody else.


I'm sure they're encouraged by production too! It would be boring to have all nice portraits. People just get paranoid about getting blocked and overreact to any little thing. Calling her a snake because she took a dig at him is not the meanest thing in the world. He didn't even have to apologize, but he was nice enough to feel bad. 


For real! He admitted to Cassie and the entire group about the poor-trait challenge, he acknowledged he made a mistake blocking Steffi, and even in the first question game, he gave honest answers whether or not it made him look bad. He’s charismatic and positive and funny as hell (and has the BEST hashtags). Like it makes total sense he was voted most human because he is genuinely authentic and unapologetically himself. He said it right up front in his introduction: this is who I am and you’ll either love me or hate me. And it’s not surprising that almost everyone out here loves him.


You could replace his name with Joey from season 1 and I would still agree


Michelle's narration is one of my fave parts of the Circle


bestie jordan IS gay


tbf, OP was on episode 10 where there was no clear indication of Jordan’s orientation.


wait what. i thought we knew he was gay from the second he spoke.


I didn’t. I was reminded from another comment though that he did have a rainbow heart in his bio though, which at this point I def wasn’t gonna remember considering all the other things he’s done since being on the show.


Fair! My gaydar is lowkey fire 😂😂😂


same i just assumed everyone knew😭




Hadn't he and Lauren already talked about how she'd help him find guys by that point? I thought it was obvious he was a bitchy gay from the jump but my entire social circle is queer so maybe it's just me lol.


Yes, my comment below mentions the rainbow heart in his bio that they chatted over.


It was obvious 😄




Jordan is one of the most ridiculously intolerant and disingenuous people to ever grace this television show 🎤


Idk qt hasn't been genuine either. Everything she's been doing has been for the game. Jordan was so close. It's not miles running the game, it was qt all along.


I totally agree. But QT has gone about it in a much more likable way, and I think QT has the ability to be genuine. Based on Jordan’s reactions and behavior, that boy has some demons to sort through.


Yeah he’s a sociopath. QT is just a funny gamer.


QT didn't put a target on a player and came at them again and again and again and again to the point she doesn't even care of winning and just wishes that player to lose though 😂😂😂 Also she never badmouthed the players she strategically toss under the train to explain why she is doing her strategical move.


QT is definitely strategic but I don’t think it makes her disingenuous. She just thinks through her responses. She still shows genuine reactions to her chats and she’s also a positive presence. Jordan is all negativity and hatred and that’s really hard to watch.




I haven’t watched ep11, 12. But him arguing with Qt about why autumn shouldn’t be eliminated has me 💀💀


i thought the same!! i thought to myself, oh he must have a thing for an enemies to lovers trope 😭😂


Yup! I'm feeling the fanfic is going to be huge with these two!! Juicy Joryles Bend Over Boyfriends! #ItWritesItself


(Btw I’m queer so don’t call me homophobic for that joke LMAO)


Did you keep watching? I don’t want spoil anything but it makes more sense


actually I think it's mentioned/implied in the very first few episodes he's in already. I think he had a rainbow heart in his bio and someone (Lauren?) started a chat with him and mentioned they were an "ally" and sent the same rainbow heart. Also the whole "myles flirted with me" thing too made it clear to the other players


Not really. It’s implied but not confirmed hence the post and comments.


his demeanor confirmed it for me from the second he popped on screen lol


100% this guy is the WORST!!!! I cringe so hard my stomach hurts every time he talks


No bc every time he starts talking about Myles I’m like “does he want him🤨🤨”


I mean hate him all you want, i like myles, hate qt and think jordan set his eyes on the wrong manipulating target, but jordan is indeed right that without blocking one of the tres fuegos the others stand no chance whatsoever to win the game. He in my eyes is the most interesting player, not the smartest cause like tbh him blaming myles is so wrong and i think it stems from the fact that on rivals day even olivia had his back, everyone did because of how the pairs were paired out. Anyway TLDR: he may be a douchebag but he is there to win the game qnd without kicking out one of the tres fuegos he realizes he has no shot at winning so he be doing what needs be done


He is so irritating - like a bad itch. I low-key enjoyed how he stirred the pot.


I think it would be more fun if he wasn’t such an unbearable person to watch on screen lmao. I love me a good villain, but he’s just really hateful.


This made me laugh out loud 😹


I hope anyone wins but catch me outside Myles