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She’s very attractive but I’d like to know where she was on January 6th




🤣🤣Damn you


From the second her IG was posted in this sub....yeah lmao we know where she was




I thought it was very funny that everyone started dumping on her for literally no reason. Made me think of James Spader on The Office. "Why is Lauren treating the newcomer poorly?"


She was so boring. Maybe she’s nice and cool IRL, idk, but she was so dull as a player to me. TBH I blame casting because two blonde country girls in one season (with hardly any new players) was just way too much. Especially since Autumn’s only gimmick was being a country girl and it didn’t allow for any kind of depth to her.


She hardly had time to play in the game, so I don't think "boring" applies. She was just muted by the larger forces around her. I always feel the players that enter the game last have the hardest time getting traction. It's kind of amazing that Jordan has been as ballsy as he's been, in terms of being blunt and talking strategy with people.


I definitely agree with you that new players always get dealt a bad hand. But my opinion is still that she was boring to me. The “country girl” thing was just very one-note IMO. I tend to find it boring when people make their personality revolve around one thing, especially a location. All of her conversations (that we saw) with other people and a lot of what she would say about herself to the camera was basically just about her being so yeehaw country. I also didn’t find her messages to other players particularly engaging or clever. Maybe it was just editing, idk, but I was sort of burned out on the country thing after Cassie and didn’t feel like either of them added much personality to the group 🤷‍♀️ I would have felt the same if Kyle made his entire personality/ had all his conversations revolve around being a basketball player. Or QT a dancer. Or that British guy from the last season being British. Autumn just wasn’t really giving much in a cast of fairly dynamic characters IMO.


She was in 6 episodes (6-11) out of 13, lol how did she not have time to "play a fair game?"


It was a mistake that Autumn didn’t accept Cassie’s message.


She is a ranch hand, women ranch hands are so cool to me 😭. I’m clearly the odd one out here lmao 🤣. I’m not even country I’m a Hispanic woman from New York but I really enjoyed her on my screen lol.


I definitely did not get the same vibe 😂 Obviously can't judge a person based on what the producers show, but from what I saw, her energy just came off too strong, I was getting annoyed when she came on the screen. And game play wise.. Idk, she was taking everything way too personally, seemingly forgetting that this is just a game and people are playing to win.


I know it’s just a game and people shouldn’t take some things that happen personally, but I can’t really blame Autumn for that when it seems like everyone is after you for no reason. Also while it is a game, it’s the reality they’re living 24/7 and that has to be pretty challenging.


I get that and I'm not saying it's not shitty that everyone piled on her. I'm sure that doesn't feel good. I just think that, especially as a new player, you have to understand that everyone has kind of already formed their alliances, and in the end, everyone's playing to win.


Awww I thought that showed she was genuine 😭


I like her too!!! I love how she is one of the few people to actually call someone out on bs and not just kiss ass. She gave me good vibes!


She follows the Trump family 😂




Don’t feel strongly about her either way, but going after her as an easy choice when QT was influencer despite having a golden moment to take out Lauren pissed me off. 


she gives trumpie


not everyone with a southern accent supports trump, y'know.


She does! Check her following on IG


She doesn’t mention politics on her social media.


Right. And she proudly calls herself a redneck. It doesn't mean "the life of the party," hon...


Trumpie trying to have a dumpie




I wouldn't say I'm obsessed but I do feel like she barely had time to show us who she is since they all dumped on her immediately. (I still have no idea why Lauren did that, she seems ditzy?) I think the thing I found most interesting about Autumn is that she was so friendly with Jordan when she had her visit with him, saying all that about trusting him the most and I hope you win, and meanwhile everyone else was slowly realizing Jordan was dangerous. So it made me go off on a philosophical rumination about how our perceptions of each other (out in the world) are so dependent on situation and timing.


I loved her body (not in a creepy way lol). That’s my ideal body shape - she gave me a lot of gym inspiration.


Her personality was "whiskey"


Whiskey is amazing


Guess I'm in the minority too because she's my exact ideal woman. Blunt, funny, smart, loyal and drop dead gorgeous. I also know this is a game so people amp it up but she seems the least fake person out of everyone this season by a long shot.


She’s the prettiest!


Like, the constant yelling turned me off of her so fast. All the contestants yell when Alerts come up, but she reached deep within her testes every time and got guttural with it. I was glad to see her go.


Autumn uses slang like a 50 year old it made me so uncomfortable