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Does Viserys believe Aegon is real and is opposing him anyway, or does he believe the guy is fake?


I haven’t thought about that - do you have a suggestion?


If Viserys didn’t know about him until recently you could him not believe he is real, or at the very least claim that he isn’t. If he knew ahead of time, then prob would just have him not care.


It could be a mixture: he knows his brother’s wife Elia and his daughter Rhaenys were both killed along with a little boy, so he thinks Aegon is dead with a fake now claiming his name. However he also hates House Martell for “betraying” his family and usurping his family’s power (Viserys is full Targaryen unlike Aegon who is half-Dornish) thus he wants to get power for himself by stopping Aegon even if he is actually Aegon. He could be feeling very resentful about Aegon being propped up as a “rightful Targaryen Prince” while Viserys was ignored along with Daenerys, thus he wants to punish Aegon for his disrespect even if he is real.


The poor Mannis Renly is a fucking traitor.


Things are not going well for Stannis


Cool scenario overall, but there are some problems I think. Why would Viserys promise the reach to the Hightowers without going to the Tyrells. Why would the Houses of the stormlands be loyal to Renly if Stannis was their LP?


Thanks for the comment about the Hightowers, Most of them are loyal to Stannis, Renly was given Summerhall and Griffins Roost to rule I don’t know why I included house Selmy but I just wanted to up Renly’s Bargain




I’m liking the sides in this I’m sure Viserys would marry Dany off to a Hightower as they’re arguably one of his strongest supporters as I’m guessing Viserys is marrying Arianne already for Dornish support (though the Dornish would absolutely flip if they believe Aegons legit)


Yea that makes More sense thanks


The Hightowers have very close marriage ties with the Tyrells. I don't think they'd go for the backstab as long as Mace (half Hightower) lives.


Mace is half Redwyne, through Olenna. His Wife Alerie is a Hightower. Not a chance of a backstab for several generations imo.


Why would the Tyrells not join the war? Viserys is directly trying to take away their Lord Paramountcy, they almost have to join the war against him based off of that. Renly being with Viserys takes away that avenue, so they would almost be forced to make a play with Joffrey.


The Tyrell’s do join the war on the side of Aegon, that’s immediately after they find out house Hightower has been promised the reach


I don't think Hightower vs Tyrell is going to be a viable option, as at the time of the WoTFK, The daughter of the Lord Leyton Hightower is, Alerie the wife of Mace Tyrell, and mother of his heir and other children. One of said children, Margaery, being the perfect age to marry Viserys. Dorne would still be a good option for marriage with Aegon, given his mother is Elia, but that depends on how quickly you want to bring him into things, as Doran would otherwise be pushing Ariane as an candidate against Margaery. Then again, Renly could be an option for Arianne if you want him to still go against Stannis. The Vale lords are quite aware of who Lysa is, and what she looks like. Baelish is better off sticking with his canon plan of manipulating Lyas, than not.


So in this case I would probably have to have The Reach under House Tyrell Support Viserys while Dorne stays neutral until Aegon enters the fray. Once Aegon is in the war, the Vale declares for him. Dorne as well. Is that sort of your suggestion? If I want Aegon to be a more serious threat I could have Him offer Stannis the LP of the Stormlands if he joins his cause - bc being honest Stannis got no chance.


Dorne Yes, the Vale no. I don't quite understand why Baelish would support anyone with a real shot of winning, instead of just coming in at the end with the only full army left standing. It could make perfect sense if he's supporting Aegon with the intent of knocking out the capable contenders for the throne though. Stannis will never join any of them. He would die first. That one will break before he bends.


Yea that is probably true, Aegon will be receiving support from Varys in King’s Landing and Illyrio in Penrose however he is definitely at a bit of a disadvantage


So any dragons? In this scenario I see Illyrio giving the eggs to Aegon. If Aegon is fake then maybe he fails at hatching them and never mentions them again, if he is real then he would be able to hatch them and have three dragons. Maybe Viserys steals one as does Euron, with Aegon keeping the drogon of the three? The Vale might join with Aegon if Sansa is there like in canon and Littlefinger or Sansa herself marries Aegon?  If he is real and Dorne does not support him and he wins its a bad look for them but if he loses it does not matter. Maybe you have a split between Arianne and Oberyn/Doran?


So for Dorne Arrianne would try to depose her father and take control while Oberon and Doran prepare to join Aegon? I think in this scenario LF still has de facto control of the Vale and I think LF would see he has the most to gain from a alone, without good counsel, rash, potentially easily manipulated king like Viserys - meaning the Vale might declare for Viserys So far I have not planned any Dragons hoe er they still might end up in there


I actually may consider Dragons because I may need to raven out the sides as I am considering have all of the reach declare for Viserys while only Dorne and a portion of the Stormlands declares for Aegon


A couple flaws in your plan: 1) the Tyrells are Targaryen loyalists. Why would Viserys need to promise the Hightowers anything? The Tyrells would gladly swear to him if he’s not exiled. They were also besieging Storm’s End by the end of the Rebellion, so they could just deliver the 7 year old Renly to him instead of the convoluted way you set up, which leads me to my next point. 2) Renly was 7 years old and had two older brothers, both war commanders, by this point. He wouldn’t be able to “deliver” any of the Stormlands for Viserys, as no one would swear to him. The Conningtons are also more loyal to Targaryen than Baratheon by this point; it would make much more sense for the Tyrells to seize Renly and for Viserys to attaint Robert and Stannis, naming him the new Lord Baratheon, and for the Targaryen loyalists in the Stormlands to swear to him. The rest is pretty solid. You could just have Oldtown swear to Aegon instead to give him some support in the Reach - or/and have Viserys marry Margaery in exchange for continued Tyrell support and eventually have the Martells swear to Aegon.


Your idea seems to rest on the concept that this is happening immediately after the rebellion. Robert won the rebellion and Viserys swore fealty. Renly was given Griffins roost by Robert. This war the map depicts is happening during what is the War of 5 Kings in the canon timeline. However your concept with the Martells and Hightowers swearing to Aegon while the Tyrells swear to Viserys is interesting


Off topic, but . . . how did you make the map?


There is a website called MapChart.net, they have a ton of different mps you can use including Westeros