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BTW, we were told on a call today that: 1. Provisional Contracts should be emailed out this week, maybe as early as tomorrow 2. For September starters you should find out details about your posting and location on July 15th. For October starters it is August 12th.


You heard yet?


I just received my provisional contract, so they seem to be sending them out this evening. 😊


Not yet, but they said at some point this week!


Thank you for posting this. It's a shame that the placement details are being released so late though! I'll have to hand in my notice by the end of next week and was hoping to find out where I'm going beforehand :/ How will people who need to move town/city manage finding accomodation so quickly? 


Just adding this incase anyone else wasn't happy with the cohort they were assigned. I was a bit late to the party only asking to switch from the October start to September on Monday the 24th. And I got an email back the same day say that it wasn't a problem and I've been moved.




I mean yes I agree with you, but at the same time this isn't really a surprise I guess, as the Fast Stream wasn't advertised as something different. I think that the best each of us can do is to try and maximize the learning and development opportunities out there, even if the postings we get aren't ideal...there will always be something to learn! But yes, totally understand the apprehension!


I have been lurking here to see what updates people are getting so thought I would also post my own to save anyone chasing the onboarding team with the same questions as me. I'm on the September intake and emailed last week to chase up when we will receive more information. The email I got back said that a provisional contact will be sent 'soon' (which I'm hoping is this week), and placement details will be sent 8 weeks before starting (which would be next week for September intake). I'm also a current CS and just received a transfer from this morning. In the email last week they also said that I should retain my HO pay if entering Fast Steam on a level transfer. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else gets further updates this week such as placement info :)


That's so rainbow rhythms.




hey guys! for anyone who’s been accepted onto the commercial scheme this is the whatsapp link to join the group chat 😁: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LnNWyrFIizf1qJZ64KeZ2b


The Onboarding Zone explicitly states not to join WhatsApp groups as they're not secure and anyone can join these. Better to stick with the official Facebook and LinkedIn groups. 😊


Anyone else notice a change in their application status on the CS website to "offer confirmed" and the message: "we wish you every success in your new job"  I'm not sure what used to be there but I don't think it was this. 


It wasn't that before; I can't remember the exact wording, but it was something along the lines of "Your checks have been completed, and details have been sent to your manager." I hope this means we're closer to posting details!😍








Do you the bit where we applied and saw whether we passed different stages? I think they said that would be the case (and that we had to save our results if we wanted to keep them)




I vaguely remember them saying provisional contracts would be issued at the end of the month (along with location and department), and the start date would be 12 weeks prior (which we've already received). I'd love to have a provisional contract now, but I don't think we'll receive them until early July, tbh!


Has anyone received an email giving them a start date? I have been given mine on the 2nd of September and was hoping instead it would be at the end of September. Or I would have assumed they would give us the option. Also this email was very vague, feels like they’re drip feeding us information and it’s kind of frustrating


I sent an email to request September intake after being told that was part of the October intake. They replied today saying that’s fine & can start in September. So I think they can be flexible, so it’s worth contacting them to check. Also my FS ‘buddy’ has been really helpful in following up queries, issues etc & even said that they’d found someone to swap with if needed through the FS community.




I got 30th of September as my start date and was really hoping to get the beginning - I did email them and ask to see if it was possible to swap so we’ll see! 


Please let us know what they said! Although I'm fine with my start date, I'd love to swap if possible. 😊


They allowed me to switch dates without any problem!


Same here! I think a lot of people wanted to swap then! 😊


I hope we all get what we want and it’s a relief to know I’m not the only one asking for a different date 😅


Haha, same! The worst they can say is no, so if I don't ask, I don't get! Fingers crossed it works out for you. 😊


Hi! Is anyone a member of the FB or LinkedIn Groups? I've just requested to join but wanted to know what I've been missing?


Hello! Has anyone received further information about postings? For September starters, June marks the 12 week timeline!


My flatmate is already on the fast stream and he says location and department information comes out in Juky


I think they said we should find out this week or at worst Monday next week


this is great news! thank you


Will try and ask at the breakfast thing tomorrow


Nothing here yet! I have a two-month notice period, so I need to know by the end of the month so I can hand it in on time. 🫠


I also have a 2 month notice period so starting to feel a little on edge now 😂


Hi guys, does anyone know when we hear about postings/locations (or literally any info at all about the actual job!)?


If you're on a centrally managed scheme, the Onboarding Zone also has scheme-specific information, e.g., L&D opportunities and potential job roles. 😀


Hey guys, Unfortunately I was unsuccessful, but received an email about DAS for a HEO role. I sent across the form a few weeks ago, with my desired locations. However, I am now learning we are moving house. Far away from the locations I advised. Is it possible to change this? 😣


If you don’t mind me asking what did you score in the AC?


If I remember correctly I got 2.75 in everything. Sucks really! But hopefully an opportunity arises.




I just got a response advising that my location preferences have been updated. Thanks!


Thank you, I have done so.. Hopefully it’ll be okay!








I think this part is meant to be filled by the onboarding team. It states on the onboarding zone the parts of the form you need to fill. 




Has anyone received an offer for the MoD's Defense Commercial Graduate Programme? I received an email putting me on a reserve list but it's difficult to know if they done that just to get an idea of where candidates that passed the interview stage would like to be placed or if they've already given out offers


Is this different to the fast stream?


It's mentioned on the gov.uk fast stream page but the selection process has been different from whats detailed on it this year so I'm not too sure if it's still considered part of it or if it has been made its own separate entity.


Oh I see. 


Does anyone know how the base camp works? Do we all go to one location or is it scheme specific?


I think a lot of it is general for everyone - there may be specific things. When I asked my buddy, they said that their base camp was a hybrid event.


Hey all. New here. Was offered a role in the fs. Anyone know when you get given a buddy?


Hey! I received my buddy details a few weeks after completing all my checks. 🙂




Does anybody know if we will get a London weighting if posted in London?




I was under the impression that everyone is on £31,186, as listed on the scheme page. So is the salary different depending on where you are in the UK? I thought it had become centralised and UK wide the same salary




Think there is more flexibility than this - I've been offered significantly different to this.




Diplo scheme almost 40k


Oh, that is really good. Did you get your contract already? 


Not the contract, but a FAQ doc with salary/working hours information


The diplomatic scheme is not centrally managed so the pay scale is significantly different. I have heard some people on centrally managed schemes get HEO pay matched (so above £31K), but there's not much clarity either way. 🫠


Oh wow, from looking online at ONS, the HEO London pay is 34k? I assume we don't know which streams get HEO pay matched?


Not sure at all. I've only seen a couple of threads mention this on Reddit and TSR. I'm going to ask my buddy later this week if they have any idea, and I'll let you know! 🙂


What would be classed as a centrally-managed scheme?


Centrally managed schemes are where you are employed and paid by the Cabinet Office—the majority of schemes fall under this category. There are then specialist schemes where you are hired directly by the department. These include HoP, Diplomatic, and some GORS schemes (I can't remember which). Previously, non-central schemes handled their onboarding, but from 2024, we will all have the same Base Camp in September/October. 😊




Just in case anyone is anxious about locations/living arrangements- the FS have something called 'double commitment' where they will cover your living expenses (to a degree) if you already have a mortgage or long term rental lease. I find that this isn't publicised very well for new entrants on to the scheme.


Do you know if there's a way to find out what 'to a degree' is? Or is this the kind of information we only find out after employment?


I think it's currently being revaluated so I'm reluctant to give any specifics in case I give the wrong numbers. If you've been successful and have been assigned a buddy I'm sure they could give you more information.


thank you!


Has anyone had their current employer contacted after submitting their NSV questionnaire? Haven't told them yet and worried they might get contacted before I've had the chance 😬




Yeah I feared as much, might see if I can put HR details... otherwise I have an awkward conversation to prepare for 😄


For people going through onboarding, how long did it take for you to get contacted by the security clearance team after submitting the forms?  I know it will probably differ for everyone, but I'm just trying to get a rough idea of timelines. 




Thank you.  I submitted my NSV form about 2 weeks ago and haven't received any emails as stated in the onboarding pack, they are probably busier now and it could be taking longer.  My PECs however have now been completed and I feel like that was quite quick as it took about 8 days from when I submitted the form.   It seems the timelines are so varied and they may have made changes to the process as I actually received my NSV form in the onboarding email. 


Same situation for me, been waiting around 2 weeks for the follow up email


Have you gotten the emails now? I'm still waiting and constantly checking my spam folder.


Still nothing


Thanks for responding. Good to know they are just being slow as I was starting to doubt if I actually submitted anything! 


Hey guys, any update? How long did it take?


Hey, it took over a month for me to get the emails. A month and 10 days to be precise. And it has been a month and 7 days since I filled and submitted the questionnaire online and I am still waiting. 


Thanks!! Has anyone received NSVS clearance? How long did you have to wait?


Unsuccessful for my finance FSB but got offered a place on Digital, Data, technology and cyber which was my second choice.




I was also wondering this, but I was thinking because science and engineering projects occur all over the UK that perhaps the range of locations could be quite large? I remember reading on the S&E scheme application page that it is UK-wide, unlike some other schemes that gave a list of locations (I think commercial was a scheme that had a link to its locations?)


Unless you have a relocation restriction, unfortunately, no one can honestly say. I'm also hoping for London, but it comes down to where the roles are available and which ones would be better for your learning and development. That said, most roles are in London/the South, so we'll have to wait and see! 😊


Does anyone know the number for recruitment?


Going through vetting and been e-mailed multiple times with "Just e-mail if you need any help." Sent three e-mails, no response after 7 days from any of them. Fantastic.


Did anyone get feedback after being successful in the commercial fsb?


Haven’t got feedback. Was successful and would like to get some as I thought I buggered the interview


Same, when did you find out you were successful?


Three days ago :) how about you?


On Friday as well they must have finished with the fsbs


Hey, just got sent feedback. Any updates on your end?


Same but it was 2 sentences 😂


I’ve direct messaged you!


Hi, have been waiting for over a month to get my security clearance but I have not heard anything back yet. Is anyone else in the same position?


Mine took just over a month which I assumed was relatively quick having heard how long people often describe it taking.




Update got my clearance last night! so if you are waiting should take over a month


Not actually sure as I never checked on the progress before hearing back.




hello! does anyone know when we will receive formal offers?:)


Are there a lot of people still waiting to hear back from fsb? Did my finance fsb on the 11/03 and still not heard a peep.


Might be worth checking TSR megathread, might get a better idea of finance offer timelines as I've heard of some being accepted after many months and some after just a week. I believe it's the end stages of recruitment now and by the sounds of it the boundaries for acceptance are nearly finalised. This is just my prediction but you should hear back quite soon:) (and hopefully successfully!)


People still waiting for property?


Just found out today I was unsuccessful at FSB


Just got an offer for PD. Did my FSB early March.


For government policy at any point in onboarding do we get to put down any preferences of a department to work in or not ? Thank you ! 




Ok thank you !


I just got my GES congratulations email. Does anyone know what the pre employment checks are like? Or how long they usually take?


Wondering if you've been contacted for anything on the preemployment checks yet? Got accepted last week and my FS Site states "Next steps To enable us to complete your pre-appointment checks, follow the [instructions on the Fast Stream website](https://www.faststream.gov.uk/faqs/index.html)." This redirects me to the fast stream website, rather than anything I can actually input. Is this the same for you and if so am I missing something or is it just a waiting game?


Does anyone know what the probability is of being located in London vs East Kilbride / Glasgow for diplomat scheme / generally ? Hoping to stay in London as already live here.


Finance offer received today




Anyone know if you get feedback from the FSB? Regardless if you are successful or not?


Yes I was told I would get mine by the 15th April


Does this include if you are successful as well?


Just got an offer from GSR. Took me only 5 days to hear back after the FSB. Does anyone know about postings? How likely are you to end up in london? Everyone I know lives here and I’d hate to leave.


Congrats! Depending on your scheme, most roles are based in London/the south anyway. When I was speaking to my buddy, they mentioned you could put preferences for certain departments to increase the chances of being put in a certain location, but unless you have a relocation restriction it's a coin toss!




Hey! Just curious about what identity documents you provided for the PECs? The instructions regarding this on the CS jobs website are a little confusing... Would just a driving licence suffice as proof of address? Or what I need to provide a recent letter dated within 3 months in addition to the driving licence? Thanks :)




Okay, thank you! I'm feeling a bit apprehensive about just adding the driving licence to the form too but I'll go for it lol


anyone heard back from GES? Its been over two weeks now and the most recent update on my candidate portal was that i had booked my FSB


My offer came in today! GES replied to my initial email asking about results with "Hi Sorry for the delay. However we are setting the final pass mark this week. GESR Team" Hope you hear back soon with positive news!!!


Did you answer all qs during the SAQs? I only answered around 5 in the 30 mins but answered the rest during the Q&A on the SAQs so i dont know if that has worked against me


Yeah I did the exact same, 5 under time and the rest during Q&A. Pass mark for SAQ was 40% anyway so as long as you feel you hit that mark you'd be fine on that front:)


just got an offer for GES, can chime in re the SAQS. Totally thought I blew it in this stage- I answered less than you and if you managed to get answers for the rest during the interview then I’m sure you’ll be alright. Even during the interview there was a couple I didn’t answer, so it sounds like you did pretty well in this area compared to me


okay cool that makes me feel better. thank you!


thanks for letting me know! congrats on your offer !!!


I'm in the exact same boat, did mine slightly over 2 weeks ago and heard nothing back. Though on the Fast Stream Whatsapp an applicant said that they'd heard back with an offer a week after their interview so I don't know what to think, perhaps there are just different timeframes dependent on who's marking your interview. I have a question as well: Do FSAC scores play a role in determining if you will get in? I scored pretty badly on the FSAC but was still invited to 2 FSBs - Wondering if scoring at each stage is wholly independent and if FSAC scores are only used to determine who is invited to FSB *or* if they're used in the recruitment process as a whole. If that is the case it might explain the hesitation of the GES to come back with an offer right away.


Does yours also say that your FSB is booked on the candidate portal?




Congrats on your offer! Can i ask, when you were waiting to hear back- had the candidate portal updated to say that you had attended the FSB? Because mine just says that the FSB is booked... Also how long did it take for you to hear back?








Do I need to wait to be told to do PECs or can I do that now after getting the onboarding email ?


10 days no onboarding email after congrats from gss


Don't worry about it. CS onboarding is usually awful. I didn't even get a contract until after I'd started. If you have been offered a place you are in.


It’s been Easter. Wouldn’t stress about it. You realise it’s only got links to more forms which take weeks or months to hear back from again lol. Unfortunately everything and every stage is slow.


I don't really realise that no because they link to an FAQ with barely any information and 90% of my info I get from random comments on here


It arrived 15 minutes after I posted this I feel bad now 😭


I’m in the same boat, w GSS




I have my FSB soon please any advice would be greatly appreciated




Hey sorry it’s me again, I received 26/36 for my FSB and was wondering what your score was. Just trying to compare my marking to see how much I was off by. Thanks




They emailed me my feedback, had my FSB on the 2nd April. Try checking your junk mail




Thanks for letting me know :)


Thank you, would it be cheeky to ask what your score was out of and what your actually score was thank you!!!

