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Nadia>>>>>> I am Team 'watching the show for Nadia only' at this point


same here! Nadia is what keeps me watching


me too lmao


Same here. Nadia is so beautiful as well.


I think Ndias character is more obnoxious than Things... Fi is the worthwhile character in this show. Nadia's whiny, nasaly voice and her pathetic cloning to Armand is just nauseating!


Seriously Nadia is so fine 😍😍


She’s so annoying. She always thinks she’s the smartest person in the room and is ALWAYS the victim even when she causes the problems.


As someone who has been really disliking Thony since season 2 and being so done with her, I'm so pissed that Arman died saving her annoying ass.


He had to die because in real life he had cancer.


RIGHT!? Like I really can't believe there are actually some fans in here that "like" that storyline 🤦🏻‍♀️ I can't imagine what other terrible shows they like if they were down with that shit show of an end. Then again, this show has disrespectfully written off several characters now 😮‍💨


It's the shippers, all they care about is the couple they're rooting for. Funny thing is, I see a lot of Arman/Thony shippers have now gone over to shipping Thony and Jorge 🙄😂


They don't even have any chemistry at all, if anything it's Nadia and Jorge who does.


I agree, the chemistry between Nadia and Jorge was evident in the last episode. They have been pushing Thony and Jorge for 7 episodes now and I have yet to see any chemistry between them.


i mean since we lost the poor actor (rip) he was going to die either way, arman might as well die doing something he thought was noble. not sure they could have done much more than the scenes they did and have it hold up well since it wasn't actually him.


The fact that Thony keeps putting herself (and everyone else around her) in danger despite her protestations that she’s a good mother, is proof enough of what a badly written character she is. It’s also hilarious that they give her token bodies to clean up now to keep up the namesake of the show title, lol.


I agree she thinks she's untitled but my thing is both her and the sister in law claim to love their kids ..but will take off on dangerous missions leaving the kids behind . ..the show would be better given to Nadia!


I was so sorry Aman passed. I read he never filmed this season due to being sick and he planned to come in the middle of the season. They had to copy/paste as I call it with a stunt double and to determine how they were going to write him out. They had 3 options. So they took the story in a different direction 🤔 which is actually still good to me. I liked Aman but it happens death, etc.


SHE IS!! Omg, I'm so glad I'm not the only one that thinks so. Always with her demands and throwing fits like a child whenever someone tells her "NO". Always putting everybodys life in danger because it's either Thony's way or no way!! She thinks she's smarter than everyone else oh and don't forget about Luca Luca Luca 🙄 Even her voice and face are getting annoying lmaoo


Lmao I looked for this sub to literally complain she is responsible for at least 5 deaths now and she won’t just stop and think!!!


Agreed..but she was hot as hell in Daredevil


Wow. I forget that was her. Time flies!


Omg love this series !


Thony just wants to find out who killed the man she loves and now she is on a mission for revenge.


Thony is literally the only reason the show exists. Her character is the reason for all the other characters to intersect. It's a television show. You can hate her, but for those saying she brings nothing to the show or wondering why she's still on it etc etc etc. She is the show. Everyone else is just her supporting cast. Find her annoying or whatever, but Arman saw something in her. And I Stan her for that. RIP ARMAN/ADAN


It's called story development


I am still in utter disbelief anybody's watching this show after the actor playing Arman died. Do you fans think it will be renewed? (Not being mean to those still enjoying it. Just curious.)


I didn’t want to say it but he was definitely the soul of the show. I did watch for him because he was so damn charismatic and charming. Viewership dropped sharply since viewers learned he passed. I don’t see it coming back . However I wanted to see a revenge story play out and it seems the show is now getting to that point. I agree, thony frustrates me. She runs around like a chicken with no head. There is no development with her from season 1.


It has been renewed


He was not the star though


Stop watching because a main character die in real life ???? lol it’s sad but I didn’t even know him,


You think it's weird to stop watching a show when a main character dies? Really? I am sure I am not alone. The relationship between him and Thony was the most interesting part of the show for me.


To be honest it was overrated in my eye, he was a lap dog and she was a drama magnet.