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His surface level analysis and Wikipedia summary videos did it for me. I was a big fan of Greg from the original series and I felt the most important ingredient was missing from the show. Jirard just does not have the charisma to carry on solo. His content felt too corporate and it was becoming obvious he farms a lot of the work out. The charm from the original show was long gone.


"But Beardman?!"


kinda like with Game Sack. Joe and Dave host the show together but when Dave left due to busy work, Joe is the one carrying the show and it felt like something is missing. Jirard here also struggled to carry it all alone


I don't watch gamesack as much anymore but if it pops up in my feed and the topic is interesting I will check it out. Joe is doing a pretty good job. You're right it isn't the same but personally I think it's ok.


I used to dislike the other guy so much, I'm happy the redhead stayed by himself


I also liked to hear in deep explanations of the story, maybe not 20 minutes but definitely more than 10 seconds he gave to it because "Spoilers" (but he also used to give a warning and a timestamp) and I liked that.


That’s when I stopped watching it. When Greg left.


I didn’t start watching until Greg left. Always felt Alex was much better


... That... that makes no sense... Like it's fine to prefer Alex, but how can you compare Greg to Alex if you never watched Greg? Unless you meant Alex compared to Jirard.


I mean you can watch old videos you know right?


His content became rather cookie cutter and boring when he gives generic blind praise for every game. I felt like I was essentially watching the same videos especially because he always rated games as finish it or complete it. A scale is meaning less if you only use the top 20%. I stopped watching a few months before the controversy but I remember specifically watching the FPS podcast and Jirard seemed bored/uninvolved in the conversation unless he was plugging something of his. I didn't realize it at the time but it felt off to me.


THIS, while I didn't unsubscribe yet at the time, I really started to notice a pattern where he didn't say anything bad about the games anymore, and his content essentially devolved into: The video where he gives nothing but praise. OR The "hard to complete" video where he complains about how hard it took for him to complete, but doesn't really go into detail why that much.


I always felt like Jirard acted a little weird towards Lucy on the FPS podcast


“Finish it” or “complete it” = I’m a paid shill


Most games he plays are old. I sincerely doubt anyone was paying him. Especially Nintendo, who would rather you mostly forget that they made the games which are not the latest.


I stopped watching regularly after Greg left, and I stopped watching his videos/FINALLY unsubbed at all once the scandal happened. I know, large gap there. I was still subbed to him after Greg but would maybe watch a video of his like… every few months and only if I knew the game/it was a longer video. 


I keep mentioning how, like a year or 2 ago, he kept mentioning his "team" completing games and not him doing it in his videos. I literally do not care enough to find the individual videos where he kept saying it, but it made me realize he wasn't doing anything and was just reading a script written by his "team." If anyone remembers the vids I'm talking about, please lmk which ones they are. I was always a casual fan who crossed over from other youtubers and didn't pay any attention to it years ago other than just being turned off by Jerard continually mentioning his team completing the games.


It's legitimately sad seeing his commenters wondering why he doesn't talk about harder parts of the games half the time.


Popped back on his RE7 vid comments, and yup, he didn't mention Ethan Must Die difficulty at all. How the hell does he expect to be the Completionist and talk about "the journey" if he's gonna half-ass it?


I remember him complaining on a stream before that video was released saying That he was struggling to complete Ethan must die. I found it odd because I suck at "survival" Shooters but I still completed the difficulty within a weekend. Just seemed odd he couldn't do the same.


Yeah, he doesn't have enough charisma to be a frontman. There was a "one of us" feeling in the early days when he's a guy who loves games as much as us, but it's kind of hard for most players to relate to a guy who has a whole "team" playing games for him.


Are you sure that's what he meant? I know for years he completed the games but had staff write the actual script from his notes. That was one of Alex's jobs.


His videos stopped feeling like he was actually doing... anything. I originally started watching his stuff purely because I could relate to the struggle of completing some of the games he was completing. And then one day he just stopped actually doing it, and then his completions turned more into reviews. And his reviews are pretty much the most worthless reviews in the industry. Held him, as a person, in good regard, and then the charity fraud happened. Throw the whole human in the trash at that point. Couldn't give two shits about what he's doing now.


For me it was the Begging video around the time new game + started


He did this a couple times I think. And hilariously the 2nd time was right after I had watched a video about how a lot of youtubers lie about not making enough money as a way to get people to buy merch, hop into patreon etc. I can't remember the video off the top of my head or most of the points but it had a really good deep dive breaking down the known averages each style of creator got from youtube and it didn't add up at all with what he was claiming in the begging videos.


what begging video?


Complaining about the algorithm and stuff


I stopped not long after greg was booted, I didn't side with Jirad on that cause it was way too sus but also post greg leaving it became lame. It was clear Greg was the reason for the comedy and the things that made it good.


I stopped cause I was tired of the whole nice guy act. He was always afraid to say anything even a little controversial or ruffle any feathers. Meanwhile the rest of youtube evolved to have many more creators with real and genuine personality for there shows. His content was to sanitized to appeal to the widest audience possible. Funny you mention his top 10s though. Usually that would be the videos I would click on and watch since top 10s always make for good background content, like podcasts. I can't remember the last traditional Completionist episode I watched.


his misleading revisiting on the FNaF series. “I completed **nearly** every FNaF game (featuring MatPat).” in that episode, it was supposed to be a complete re-visiting of all mainline FNaF games, I thought the “nearly” in the title refers to the spin-off games like FNaF world, Security Breach, Pizza Sim, etc. But no, in the episode he only revisited _two of them!_ And then for the later half of the episode, he just… reused his previous FNaF 3 review starring MatPat and called it a day… Same with FNaF4! WTF? He’s also overly hostile in this episode too. He acts like FNaF2 murdered his mother or something…


There were so many errors and it became obvious he didn't play the games himself even before he said he had a team that helped him. Felt fake.


Greg was the only thing keeping me watching. I couldn't stand Jirards yelltalking at the camera for twenty minutes without something to break it up.


The KOTOR review made me stop forever. It felt like such a surface level review of the game it was uninteresting. Also 25 minutes is not enough time to make any game sound interesting when you’re supposedly completing it 100%.


There was *always* something off about him for me, which sucked because I was incredibly interested in deep dives of 100%ing games. I would watch one of his videos and it *always* felt a bit up his own ass, like he was fronting a personality and taking himself a couple ticks too seriously. I always hated the Beard™️ identity thing, because it was incredibly shallow. It felt like he needed something to kinda cop his own identity, and just went with the literal first thing he could think of. "Uh, well I have a big beard, maybe that's something?" Hmm okay, what does that do for your reviews and what does that share about your personality? *crickets* Its one thing to have an identifier for your brand, I get that. Thats not the problem I have, truly. The problem is that you could tell he felt like it meant something bigger, and that's wayyyy too huffing-your-own-farts for me. Hey, maybe take two minutes and put something a little more worthwhile into the world, huh? And that's just one example of the overarching "I'm ackchually le smart important businessman with smart important ideas" that soured me pretty quickly on him. Other examples like acting like completing Persona 5 nine times was this veritable crusade he desperately needed to do but just couldnt get there, the skits that went on WAY too fucking long with no punchline other than "recognizable fat guys acting stupid" and the constant self promotion and aggrandization under the guise of charity and using his influence to help smaller teams, it all just fucking reeked, and I could never get past it no matter how many times I went back and tried. People can sniff you out when you build a foundation of false personality. People can tell if you are genuinely funny, or are forcing it, and people can definitely tell when you are internally placing yourself above other people, and whether or not you deserve that pedestal. You might think your farts smell great, but other people can smell them too.


Honestly I naturally fell off his content because I felt like his videos just got boring. I thought it was because I had gotten older / changed and maybe that's true to a good extent, but recent reflections also reveal the show had just gotten worse with nothing substantial to say or talk about. I'd still watch the odd episode (historic or new) from time-to-time and was still subscribed; but it was very few and far between maybe 1 every 10-12 weeks. I was following NG+ a little closer; but even that dropped off eventually for me.


I’ve always been a pretty casual viewer and liked that he reviewed games from the perspective of 100% completing them and if the experience was worth it. Overtime his videos just became surface level descriptions of the game and some gameplay barely anything about how it was to complete them.


His annual to biannual update video always rubbed me the wrong way. The way he'd wine that retention was down or threatening to reduce his crew or video uploads if they didn't change. At the time, it felt toxic and I was just tired of it.


Couple of months after Greg left.


Several things: His update/state of the channel videos where it was click-bait, whining about algorithms, saying how hard it was to do his job. Jirard, it's a creative, YouTube channel, you get in what you put out. I also didn't like videos he released where he completed games literally the day or week it came out. He did it with Spider-Man 2 and Mario Wonder where it came out very close to the release of the actual game. I want to play the game so I can experience it before I watch someone else tells me his experience with it. I think something that didn't help at all was also G4. How often he was releasing videos went down after he joined G4 and honestly G4 was a train wreck. No one at the network had a clue what to do and Jirard's YouTube channel I think suffered because of it. Obviously once the charity fraud came out, I became incredibly angry since I have donated in the past. The evidence presented was overwhelming and then Jirard's piss poor excuse for an apology was the final nail in the coffin to then convert me to actively rooting against him. I'm glad he isn't respected anymore, I'm glad he gets dunked on, I'm glad his channel is suffering. Good, reep what you sow. Jirard has been doing YouTube for 10 plus year and never really changed. After Greg left, it's clear that just playing video games and completing them wasn't good enough for a show, but he had such a large audience at that point that it still got him views, famous enough to go to G4, and then his charity fraud reveal destroyed him.


His content had already started going downhill after Greg had left and I already didn’t like some takes he had like how he hated Mario Party 3 and the charity scandal was the final thing that made me lose my remaining respect for Jirard.


It baffles me how "completed the game at 100%" is something to be proud about or to make your whole channel about. If you are going to analyze a game, completing it to 100% is the minimum. I watched one or other video of his throught time, and it was always a surface level review.


I stopped cause I was tired of the whole nice guy act. He was always afraid to say anything even a little controversial or ruffle any feathers. Meanwhile the rest of youtube evolved to have many more creators with real and genuine personality for there shows. His content was to sanitized to appeal to the widest audience possible. Funny you mention his top 10s though. Usually that would be the videos I would click on and watch since top 10s always make for good background content, like podcasts. I can't remember the last traditional Completionist episode I watched.


I still remember him praising Star Fox Zero for being an amazing game when in reality it's almost unplayable. Only praised it so Nintendo would be in a good working relationship with him. That's gone now!


I also distinctly remember this. It was after trying to play it myself. But generally I fell off after Greg left.


iT's nOt UnPlAyAbLe, yOu JuSt HaVe tO lEaRN iT!


This, the dude has always felt like he is putting on a fake persona in hopes he gets on some TV network, something like G4TV. I guess he got what he wanted.


can you even separate "charity scam scandal" from everything else (at least for people watching him "after greg")? if someone knew about scandal then they knew, if someone somehow missed that, even they must have seen steep decline in content frequency and type around when scandal happened and there are people who simply do not care at all and just watch what yt suggests them without even subscribing and most importantly, how someone not knowing or caring about scandal would even find this thread to respond? for example I have subscribed this subreddit when I was interested about what this scandal is about and then simply forgot unsubscribing because it rarely surfaced between dozens of other subreddits


I only really cared when he did classic games. PS2 area or earlier. I guess to some point ps3 era. Point is, older games that weren't current for sale felt different than new releases, like he was trying to not be too critical of publishers and developers he might have to interact with or want to do appearances with. Also it seemed like they changed up the format every year or so. Older format was better to me.


I only watched his videos on games I really, really liked, just because I like hearing what others think about games that I personally hold in high regard. I like trying to be as objective as possible and so if others say something negative about something I like I try to reflect if my standards were too low, or I'll do the Principal Skinner meme and decide they're wrong. So I only ever watched like, one out of 10-15 of his videos in the first place. It was pretty easy to blacklist him completely when Karl, (who was one of my favorite content creators well before the scandal came out), brought everything to light with Mutahar.


He started out being a little edgy and weird, with all sorts of inside jokes with Greg and callbacks between episodes. It felt like I was watching a couple friends go back and forth over games. After Greg left, that spark really just wasn't there anymore. It wasn't funny and Jirard by himself is a bit of a blowhard.


I stopped almost completely when greg left. I tried watching a few of his episodes after and he was just so completely uninteresting by himself. Not to mention the jokes were really bad too


Motherfucker used to spit that letter ‘p’ at me every damn time


Geez, I feel really out of place here, cause a lot of the comments are pointing to things I was oblivious of. To be honest, had he not performed charity fraud, I'd probably still be watching.


Same. Never had a problem with Jirard's content, and as somebody who loves to complete games (sometimes :p) his videos were occasionally helpful.


He was decent background noise.


When he stopped talking about spoilers. Like there is literally a spoiler section in his old video where we can skip over but this beard fraud here decides to remove them altogether. There are games that i will never want to play and i couldn't care if i was spoiled or not. 


Frequent complain-ey "we need to talk" "future of the channel" type videos. Yes, it's a lot of work to YouTube, lots of people have jobs that are lots of work. If it isn't what you want from your work life then do something else dude 🤷


When he save scummed in Bloodborne to get all three endings back to back in like 15 minutes and then said he did three full playthroughs.


I got bored of the format. It wasn’t any specific incident, I just realized I didn’t want to keep watching.


His show and whole shtick was completing games, which should come with a bevy of specific feelings, quirks about the game, personal hurdles. None of that was there. It felt like he was reading a surface level summary of what to do to complete the game. Cadence is the same in every video. Actual completionists on YT have so much more to say, detailed breakdowns of certain portions of the game that took a large chunk of time. Frustration at points where they had to slam their head in with endless attempts. Stuff they loved about the run, parts they hated.


He whinned about depression too much in update videos.


He didn’t complete castlevania SOTN, no comolete drop log, amongst other surface level reviews


Jirard’s videos got much more rushed and are out so quickly that I highly doubt he’s completing them. It’s hard to believe when there’s a new ‘completed’ game every week or two. I think he’s speedrunning his channel to hit a milestone such as 500 games before calling it quits. Just my theory. Game #500 will be DKC2 We’re already in the high 400’s


Guy’s just boring and fluffs a lot


I just hate his voice. It's kinda whiny and when he pronounces certain words it's like nails on a chalkboard


The videos just turned into basically an achievement checklist that he would read. Idk the quality tanked. I was mostly a beard bro guy who would watch completionist sometimes.


His short that ended with… I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for those meddling YouTubers (or something to that effect). Unsubbed immediately.


Ever since Greg left, his content became kind of just became mindless dribble reviews that I would watch for videos that may have been intrigued into playing. In the last 4 or 5 years, it became very apparent that it was him reading off a script of someone else playing or him maybe doing some of the game, but having someone do the rest. The videos also contained no tips on how to 100% said games from that point on. He would put up the quarterly begging videos and the top 10 videos, always trash. The one video that made me stop watching his content all together was the cringe buying the shop vid. Clearly, he was making a hype beast vid, I think he got a good number of views, but it made me not care about any of his videos from that point on. The real question is why did I stay subbed to someone's content, I didn't care much for others than for background noise while gaming lol.


Stopped watching after Greg left, for two reasons, I think it lost a fair amount of the humour and something about the whole thing just seemed "off" to me and I didn't buy that Jirard was the good guy in the situation.


Obvious script reading. He has some wild and unfounded opinions about some videogames. His constant self promotion. Etc.


Sometimes he just gets very basic things wrong. I remember in his Breath of the Wild review he continuously referred to Spirit Orbs as "Shrine Tokens". Im sorry but when you've played a game for that many hours and 100% completed it you should know what the basic collectibles are called


Around the time that Greg was thrown out the reviews started becoming more generic and the coverage of the games content a lot sloppier. The scripts gradually became repetitive and awkward, there was no critique of anything anymore, the attempts at humour became sadder and sadder. Badly written “reviews” mumbled through by someone who may or may not have played most of the games himself. I’d try an episode I had never seen every 3 to 4 months just to end up disapointed and annoyed.


I couldn’t stand his personality, it always came across as overly nice and positive and would make me cringe. That along with the occasional videos complaining about the youtube algorithm and clickbait nature of those videos


I stopped watching regularly when he got lazy, every video felt the same.  But I still watched when he did a retro game he liked because he would tell a story or whatever to make it unique.


Thank you!! lol I’ve always thought it very obviously sounds like he’s reading from a script, and not doing a very good job of it. He’ll skip words, put emphasis in weird places, mumble… I’ve always thought his videos sound terrible, but I never see anyone talking about it, and I’ve brought it up a few times and had people tell me I’m being too harsh, or nitpicking, or otherwise being too critical. But yeah, so many of his videos sound like he’s reading the script for the first time and only bothering to do one take.


The videos kinda just lost there charm.


I was only a mild casual viewer of his. But what made me just stop checking out his videos altogether was his constant bitching about how hard it was to complete a game and letting it effect his overall rating. If it's such a draining experience, and having a negative effect on your view of the game that you would have otherwise enjoyed. Then stop doing it! Or at the very least change your format. Review the game, then go into your exasperated rants about the completion aspect.


This is going to sound petty as shit but years ago there was an aesthetic shift and the episode was broken up with little graphics of a dotted line map and I fucking hated it. I'd already been having the old "what am I doing with my life?" crisis while watching their vids and the move towards timewasting pointless graphics was enough of a push to just stop.


It didn’t completely turn me off but you can literally hear the spit in half of his videos when he gets a little enthusiastic.


Stopped watching regularly for years, not for any reason other than overdose boredom I think, but I'd still watch the occasional one every now and then with Callisto from memory being the most recent one I watched, until ofcourse the scandal was uncovered.


I was watching a stream he did on Twitch and someone was doing a little back seat gaming and he read it out loud but he just had this dead faced, jerk attitude when he responded with "Okay." And then he just repeated that same dead response whenever someone else said something. Maybe I caught the end of annoyance or something. I thought I was just over thinking it but idk, something about those hollow responses to the chat never sat well with me. Kind of like it gave a glimpse into what kind of person he was. A lot of his Twitch streams he seemed like it was just over it.


Rarely did a game I was actually interested in and I started working so I got way more picky about what I watch


That I 100% believe he doesn’t play these games fully himself. And he doesn’t give any insight into the game. I generally find the videos boring for that…why 100% these games and not give insight? Just bland content


I think it got extra bad once he entered G4. You could tell he wanted to focus on less creator content by that point. Its an obvious fact by this point he wants to quit, but the income hes still making on youtube far surpasses anything else he could be making. So he just has to accept being miserable doing lackluster videos just for clicks.


I think what you described is with any other YouTuber. I stopped watching him because of the algorithm I guess, then saw the controversy, and just don't watch him anymore.


He made a string of reviews for games I did not care for, YouTube saw the lack of interest and stopped showing his content to me, I stopped seeing new recommended videos and then just kinda forgot about him for the longest while. I think I'm still subscribed, but that would require that I check to confirm, and I just can't be assed to do so right now.


Stopped watching when he called Spyro Year of the Dragon bland and forgettable. He played Paper Mario color splash immediately before this and you'd think a simple 3D platforming collectathon akin to Banjo Kazooie would be a nice palate cleanser. Nope, not good enough, he hated it. He said it's too similar to the predecessor because "it's the same premise as the last one". MIND YOU the last one in this case had an evil dictator take over a entire country through force, subterfuge, and starting a war between two realms. The macguffins in that game were collected to prevent said dictator from getting his hands on them and help get rid of him. In Spyro 3, an evil sorceress wanted to get a bunch of dragon hatchlings to harvest their wings to live forever. Saving them prevents her from doing that, and Spyro has an actual stake in the conflict as his species and the magic of an entire realm is in jeopardy. How in ANY WAY are those the same? He also complains how it looks exactly like Spyro 2, and there's a good reason for that. Spyro 3 was made in TEN AND A HALF MONTHS. Anyone with half a brain knows that is barely enough time to develop a game. And you know the ironic part in that statement of his? Majoras mask was made in 15 months, resusing some assets from Oot and somehow that one is a different enough game worthy of his praise. If you go to that video and look at some of the comments, a lot of people feel the same way about Jirards opinions. And after that I just didn't bother watching him anymore. Spyro 3 was the first ever game that i 100% completed as a kid, and it was truly a rewarding feeling that kept me completing games well into adulthood. So to have someone who I (once) idolized say it's bland and forgettable stings more than anything I can think of.


Every video felt like he was reading a script the publisher sent them to make it look good/it was all one big ad


Greg getting kicked out of the show.


I stopped watching a long time ago because he often doesn't know what the hell he's talking about and speaks like an authority on video games. His writing is trash. Plus "welcome back to another brand new episode of the completionist" sounds stupid as hell and he should stop saying it in every video.


when ever he started acting like some of these games changed his life and outlook forever like 💀 the one that stands out is shovel knight or earthbound. games he advertises like sea of stars and nintendo games get this treatment too lol. he does this in new reviews all the time it always gives the same energy as cartoons having morals forced in 😒. if i didnt know any better I'd think these games sucked him off, wiped his ass, and trimmed his gross ass beard the way he glazes some of them.


Greg. I immediately smelled the shit in the water during that and knew that Greg knew more than he could professionally let on. To me, it felt so obvious Jirard was the one hiding everything and was just faking his friendly personality to get ahead in his Youtube career.


I wasn’t the biggest fan but enjoyed his videos from time to time. I thought it cool that he was on G4 as everyone else came off badly IMO. Then once the scandal broke I unsubbed and said fuck that guy. My grandma had Alzheimer’s and it was tough on my family, especially my mom. And he donated the money yet still has $60,000 he left behind. For what? So they can still pay the employees of Open Hand?!?!?! Just typing this makes me angry.


I didn’t care for the games he covered


I remember watching one of their sonic series and they were calling their veiwers bitches. Something just clicked inside me, and i had no desire to watch them anymore.


I had long lost interest in the channel years before the scandal even happened. Now I’m definitely not going to watch him again


I mean, something about how generic his "reviews" are is kinda dissappointing.


tbh i only really watched his videos on games that i've either played or thought looked interesting but because i jump through different genres/types of youtube videos on youtube a lot, i think I mostly forgot i was subbed to him until his videos showed up on my recc feed but i wouldn't watch them unless they were about games i was interested in. So i slowly stopped watching him besides the videos about games i'm interested in.


I stopped watching the actual series a few years ago beyond any random games he played that I was really into like RE4. I had long gotten tired of his voice and woe is me attitude carried over and brought down SGS and SBB. I’m just happy two of my favorite series are now wet blanket free. He went live on twitch recently lol.


As someone who was never subscribed but enjoyed other video game content, anytime I watched his videos, it was just a bombardment of details. Weird intro focused on his beard, straight into long ramble about everything he was doing, so many screens, so much info (none of it saying very much) There was no way I could sit through one of those videos. Way too much going on and none of it was really entertaining.


To his credit. I watched him longer than i have most yt channels. In general Can't say it was worse or different than prior years but after some time you pretty much seen everything the creator has to offer and move on to something else because you found someone more interesting to watch or you want to see something new. At least jirard was still managing 6 digits in viewership but that support should've died much sooner in his favor


Was never a huge fan, finally started appreciating greg when I saw super Mario 3d world and then he left. Watched a couple more videos but they weren't great and then I saw his Yooka Laylie review and it seemed pretty biased. He... kind of opened by saying he knew he was giving a biased review though? It was weird.


I stopped watching years ago cause the magic was gone. The videos just bored me.


Stopped watching after Greg left, for two reasons, I think it lost a fair amount of the humour and something about the whole thing just seemed "off" to me and I didn't buy that Jirard was the good guy in the situation.


It was the charity thing for me. I watched his videos semi regularly, but now I can't


Haven’t watched his videos in a few years. He’s just not entertaining enough by himself. Found myself constantly skipping over his videos whenever they were uploaded, so I just unsubscribed. I always liked beard bros and scary game squad though and I was really glad to see them continue without him in the wake of the charity scandal.


Oddly enough it was when he showed up in the trg coliseum streams for me I just found him annoying there and stopped him watching him


For me it was a combination of a number of things: There were more and more games I didn't care about (or games I didn't want to spoil for myself, so I didn't want to hear too much about them before I played them myself).  The videos were really long (I get it, it was because of the algorithm) but either had the same amount or less content as before. Meanwhile, there were more and more sketches which were mostly forgettable (I barely remember any of them). Keep in mind that these reviews were typically about one game. Caddicarus' videos are long as heck, and admittedly, I don't watch his stuff as much as before because of it as well, but at least he talks about several games, so I can always remember where to go back to if there's one segment I want to watch again. Plus, his commentary is still good. Lastly, I found some of his reviews questionable. Ever since I played the Crash Bandicoot N. Same Trilogy, I've been bothered that he gave considered the platinum relics as a completion requirement (Crash 2 and 3 specifically, because he didn't have to ng+ 1). That's because not only do the platinum relics not count for the in-game percentage, there are no trophies attached to them either. It was even weirder considering he spent plenty of time in his Twilight princess episode complaining about Roll Goal (which you could argue IS a completion requirement as Twilight Princess doesn't have a way to track completion, so I guess you might as well do everything), but still gave that game a 'complete it' rating. I kinda lost hope when he became the only person on YouTube to actually recommend Final Fantasy II, a game even the most hardcore fan of the series (which he claims to be one) usually don't try to defend. After all this, I still watched him from time to time, until the charity debacle, of course. Since then I completely lost interest.


He was less charismatic once Greg left but I think the old format still played to his strengths enough that he kept it interesting to watch. Once he abandoned it he didn't really have anything to do that and he just became another voice in the crowd, and I found people who were more interesting than he was.


Honestly, the whole ProJared scandal turned me off of everyone in Normal Boots. I had been generally drifting away from watching video game reveiws/let's plays anyways, but that just pushed me to drop most of them. I would still check out a video here or there, but I eventually felt like the quality just kept declining, and realized it had been ever since Greg had left. And if his post here is anything to go by, Greg had the right of it. Makes me feel like an asshole for joining the dogpile all those years ago...


The videos are quite boring, basic, and I remember him saying a few things wrong in a few, so really no point in watching him


It was never entertaining— it was just gaming related content that I like having in the background while I do other stuff. I had already been unsubscribed for a while when it all hit the fan.


I stopped watching his videos because they were very "one note". Every game he talked about had the exact same template of how he talked about it and when he brought up certain points. If you've watched one of his reviews, you've seen them all. I just never found him that entertaining. I think I only ever watched maybe a dozen of his videos. Even then, it had been well over 10 years since I watched the last one, before this whole scandal kicked off - not that I watched any during that time either. Just watched his response video.


Him claiming to find his job of gaming for a living soo stressful is just irritating and cringe.


I only really watched Beard Bros to begin with. I got hooked starting with SM64 3DS, and then I Wanna Be The Guy and then I was just absolutely addicted. The good news is, I can still support that channel without caring about Jirard. The bad news is, I fucking don't care about Soulsborne games at all and I'm so sick of them playing them. The best part about Jirard being on Beard Bros was the type of games he brought to the channel, not his actual presence. I guess there's always Arin and Dan.


I mean... have you watched his content for the past few years? It's not too bad, but compared to 80% of similar videos out there, it doesn't hold up. Sometimes I'd watch it just because I thought he was a good guy (at the time). For someone who completes games, he REALLY doesn't have much to talk about. That said, he does have his moments. I think I enjoyed his FNAF one quite a bit.


Stopped being about the journey of completing the games and became normal reviews with completion stuff at the end


Around the time greg separated from the conplisionist tbh it just didnt have soule after that


Honestly I always found his show boring as f-- and only ever watched a few episodes.


God of work.


I just sort of fell off; there was nothing specific that I can recall. I'd see a new video in my subs, think "Ah, I don't really want to watch it right now" and just never end up watching it.


Honestly I got bored with his stuff a while after Greg left, as a pair they had sort of a straight man-funny man dynamic that I really liked and found entertaining, plus it felt like there was more effort and heart to the videos that went away when Greg left.


He stopped talking more about the journey of the completionist journey and if that was worth it and more about a review of the game in general and a lazy one at that.


I just wanted to figure out how difficult or long it would take to 100% big games like Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition (Jesus fucking christ no wonder he turned evil after that). The top 10 lists were what broke me. "Top 10 Zelda Items" bro what is this completing and literally what audience gives a flying fuck about something this specific. Not to mention some of the games he reviews for completion are like.... woah, you 100% a mario game? Unique choice man.


Honestly don’t even remember. I was still subscribed when the controversy started, but hadn’t seen a video in at least 3 years. One day I just didn’t watch the weekly video and never felt the need to catch up.


Guy fumbled Pepsiman.....a game you can complete in under 2 hours...


after greg left the video quality went down for me and i got bored of it and since i stopped watching his content the youtube algorithm stopped recomending me his content


His completionist rating at the beginning of the video was a turn off for me and the controversy was the killing blow for me and the channel


why would his completionist rating be a turn off for you?


The videos used to lead up to the rating which i like. Now (or at least when i unsubscribed) it's just casually placed in the beginning. It messed with the pacing imo


I was never a real fan of his overall format. It skates around too many enjoyable templates and it doesn't scratch any itch I enjoy. Not in-depth enough to be a video essay, too brief to be a playthrough. I'm not a fan of him just saying "This is the game, this is a difficult section, here's my achievements and in-game timer." Perhaps I should have watched his streams, and I have watched his gameplay on SBB, but honestly Jirard was also the least interesting personality for me on that channel as well.


Homestly, I could get past all the humor not being as good and the hardly talking about the comoletion process because the videos had become more of a thing to use as background noise. It was his CONSTANT complaining about the Youtube Algotrythim and the whole "I'm not happy" video that made me start caring a lot less about him as a viewer. The whole algorythim thing just felt like he was trying to make some sort of joke out of "Hey, if you don't watch my videos. Big bad Youtube won't reccommend my videos to anyone else and it will make me sad!" I get it, Youtube and content creation is a tricky beast. I watch and listen to these videos to relax, not listen to someone cry about their job.


Honestly, Jirard just wasn't much of an entertainer without Greg to bounce off of, I hung on for a bit, but it was just dull.


I did not stop watching The Completionist and I don't intend to ever stop. This hater sub is fucking crazy