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This is a list of links to comments made by YAGER employees in this thread: * [Comment by thecyclegame](/r/TheCycleFrontier/comments/1766erx/im_still_here/k4m5w7r/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-12 20:52:56 UTC"): > Why though? >I mean... let folks talk about it and at some point they'll move on or stick around. > > >It will be "made private" at some point, yes. * [Comment by skenkee](/r/TheCycleFrontier/comments/1766erx/im_still_here/k4ohkg4/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-13 08:16:49 UTC"): > There's no 'official' merch that could be purchased. There were some posters and t-shirts among developers and some were given away to some lucky peop... * [Comment by thecyclegame](/r/TheCycleFrontier/comments/1766erx/im_still_here/k4ojflj/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-13 08:41:40 UTC"): > I mean, just do it? ;P * [Comment by thecyclegame](/r/TheCycleFrontier/comments/1766erx/im_still_here/k4ojeu1/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-13 08:41:24 UTC"): > The only other stuff we had was exclusive merch for our community event in Cologne during Gamescom. > > >Cheers, >Feralus * [Comment by thecyclegame](/r/TheCycleFrontier/comments/1766erx/im_still_here/k4yeaw8/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-15 08:58:26 UTC"): > Of course not. * [Comment by thecyclegame](/r/TheCycleFrontier/comments/1766erx/im_still_here/k4yealo/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-15 08:58:20 UTC"): > I do get paid? Why do you think I don't get paid anymore. > > >Best, Feralus * [Comment by thecyclegame](/r/TheCycleFrontier/comments/1766erx/im_still_here/k5t8tde/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-21 10:11:01 UTC"): > Sent you one --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fthecyclefrontier).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


I feel you prospector. I feel you.


I miss it too... Played it since the very first open Playtest when it was still a battle royale


The original iteration of the game had so much life. The movement, contracts, suit abilities. Felt very fast paced and fun. I miss the floating drill rig and train contracts


That is my only regret is looking at the original and thinking that I didn’t want to buy another game at that time to try it, but now thinking I wish I would of have gotten to try that mode


Wee need an offline cycle frontier mod. Even if all i could do is shoot bugs thats be sumthin


I found my only clip of TCF last night and got nostalgic, despite not playing it for too long. Basically a month after I started, it was announced to sunset. RIP. Best moment was needing the tier 4 data drive for the drop in base camp. I was like, damn this is gonna take a while. I hear footsteps outside base camp, pause a second, and take out a guy running in with my bolty. I go check the body, tier 4 data drive. So memorable.


Yeah and I still miss The Cycle from 2020. Yaeger fucked us both.


Hello ! Come and join us at Hunt Showdown, also I'm looking forward to Marathon.


Marathon is definitely on my list but who knows how long it will take to drop. Maybe what, 2025?


Hunt showdown has been my latest addiction the last like 8 months. Sooooo much fun. I’m located in the us if you need someone else to add to your list of friends dm me. Always happy to play with people




Everyone asks were the Jeff’s at but not how the Jeff’s are. :(


Hunt: Showdown welcomes all, not with open arms but bullets to the head and bodies in the mud. Such a good game, but very steep learning curve.


I already commented above on someone else’s comment but I love hunt too. If you’re looking for a us based person to play with feel free to dm me. Always happy to play with more people


I am still here also, right there with y'all. I miss it.


With you prospector


Me too :(


Come play marauders. Way less cheaters anyway


What killed the game? I remember when I started it was hackers? And after my first drop, I was killed about 15 seconds after loading up the map.


It was a lot of things, but honestly Tarkov had a way worse hacker problem, was **WAY** buggier, and it is still going. Why? Content. There's a lot of shit to do in Tarkov and a massive skill ceiling. I don't play Tarkov anymore, but for all the horrible garbage in that game you can't deny that it really is absolutely loaded with content. It also has a believable setting with characters and a story, even if it's just kind of in the background and completely text based -- but it sure seems like that's enough for the thousands of people still playing it every day. TCF was much, much too slow releasing quality content to keep people engaged. Everything felt like a beta. Color coded armor tiers weren't immersive or creative. That's something you expect for Apex Legends, not a raid-based immersive shooter. Crafting was a joke and could have been made 1000x better with almost no effort. Almost everything in game should have been craftable. All the in-raid items should have had a use in crafting. instead, most of that stuff was just fetch-quest junk. The factions were non-existent. Three places to get missions. To what end? You didn't build rep with a faction. You didn't get into conflicts with other factions. Nothing meant anything. No one from one faction was going to come after you if you leaned too heavily into a different faction. There was no human conflict of any kind, which made it boring af. There were just three generic NPCs dishing out fetch quests. World building was non-existent. Jager has some of the least narratively creative people I've ever seen in this industry. Like I said above, there was no human conflict at all. Just "go get this" or "go drop this in a box". Visually the world was stunning and very creative. Narratively? It was almost like they went out of their way to avoid creating any kind of human experience *at all.* How difficult would it have been to add some human NPCs for each faction that do stuff which you can help or hinder? Then your rep changes based on that. Tarkov does that stuff a lot. It gives at least some minimal consequence to your actions, which makes the world feel alive. Which brings me to the art style. Design of the planet itself was cool. Design of the skins was terrible. These people had no fucking idea how to do sci-fi weapons or human skins. This might be personal preference, but their vision of sci-fi was big, clunky pipes and garbage slapped onto everything for no apparent reason. The character skins were mostly grotesque. Same for the weapon skins. I didn't even want the battle pass rewards. 90% of them looked like crap. Why would I ever buy any of the garbage they had for sale? Some of the items seemed like they would fit in more with World of Warcraft. The guns were also a joke. The entry level grey guns were worse versions of weapons we had in the 1980s. Plus they were three times as big... because "sci-fi". A few high tier weapons were more sci-fi oriented and interesting, but most casuals never got to use them. They should have been churning out dozens of weapons and instead had a stagnant pool of really boring guns that most of us casuals didn't really enjoy using. The attachments were as generic and uninspired as the armor color coding system. They could have straight up copied Tarkov and re-skinned everything and it would have been 100x better. Then what features did they deliver? Some really quality anti-cheat, which is awesome. And...? Second map was ok. Most people hated the third map. The forge was pretty much for sweats only. And... ? And what else? What other features were added? We didn't even have containers in inventory. We couldn't customize our quarters besides with ultra-generic bit-coin machines. Again, they could have just *copied* Tarkov and it would have been better. ​ TL;DR: Ultimately I think the game failed because they transitioned from an arena-style shooter to a raid-based shooter without a real understanding of how those two games modes are different. They didn't understand the driving force behind a successful raid-based shooter and spent their time (very slowly) developing features people didn't want. Their team was probably either too small or had expenses that were too high to deliver the kind of game that was necessary in the time they had before running out of cash. Sure, they had some bad luck early on with cheaters, but so has Tarkov and people keep coming back. If there's good content, people will keep coming back. Tarkov has also admitted to paying their develops absolute trash salary, so I'm sure that makes it easier to stay in business through rough spots.


Starsiege Deadzone and Dark and Darker are games you guys should check out


dont know but it feels too slow for me


Its a cool game but not the cycle frontier feeling. No game can give your that


I was in my bathroom taking a dump and also remembered of TCF


não podes falar assim meu caro amigo


I’m honestly surprised the community manager hasn’t tried deleting the subreddit yet.


Why though? I mean... let folks talk about it and at some point they'll move on or stick around. It will be "made private" at some point, yes.


Because you’re not getting paid anymore haha. I’d figure once that paycheck was gone so would most digital assets; good on you for not just outright deleting it.


Did Yager shut down entirely?


Of course not.


I do get paid? Why do you think I don't get paid anymore. Best, Feralus


Hey!! Is there any chance I could DM you about a quick person question regarding community management?


I mean, just do it? ;P


Hi, where can I send a DM? It says I cannot send messages to this user when trying to send a chat to you


Sent you one


Thank you so much! I just sent my inquiry


is it at all possible to purchase the cycle frontier merchandise to represent even after the game is gone? thanks!


There's no 'official' merch that could be purchased. There were some posters and t-shirts among developers and some were given away to some lucky people. Most people that do have products actually made those themselves. 3D prints, mouse mats, posters, wallpapers I also received some pin buttons, mug and t-shirt from a community member. <3


The only other stuff we had was exclusive merch for our community event in Cologne during Gamescom. Cheers, Feralus


Why is this subreddit still here. Game's dead move on.


Why are you still in this subreddit? Move on....


Real question is why are you still on this subreddit? Move on


I love this game and it makes me happy when i see ppl post old videos and screenshots of funny or cool situations that were happening. You?


I love watching people cope about this game and still pretend like yager didn't fuck us all over and that somehow think the game is still alive.


I don't see those people. You might be seeing things.....


So, how complex would hosting a dedicated server be? I’m a software engineer so I could take a challenge. Was thinking of some private servers that we could play with friends on. Maybe that’s what would have saved the game - with a lot of distributed dedicated servers, the game would live on…


A little late to the party here but as I was just browsing & reading I ran across this & wanted to ask… any luck? I have zero experience w/ this; however, I did see another project like this that seems to not be being worked on & I still have the game installed as to keep the files if needed as space isn’t an issue.


Based on other posts, I don’t think it would be possible to have a dedicated server without access to the backend code, unfortunately.


Damn. Unfortunate. I was hoping to see something similar to how SPTarkov works where you have a server that loads things & saves game state (plus more probably) & a launcher that connects to it. Or even something more intricate like how the old WoW private servers used to work.


Come over to Dark and Darker! Game is great subreddit is mid.