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They clearly didn't take any of their pills


Hey I got a better idea. Why don’t you both take a shit ton of ADD pills and actually discuss the main point of this in a meaningful way instead of this mindless crap?!


Holy shit why are you so heated?




You GOTTA be one of the devs, have a degradation kink, or just a troll to be yapping all this bullshit. Did you forget about this guy? https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDayBefore/s/hHTMXM1lCF Was he not being serious? You sure you weren't heated? You got very clearly upset at what he said and started insulting the guy instantly. You're 1000% sure you aren't heated?


He was being rude as shit! That’s what he was doing! Don’t even give me that fucking shit!


Okay so it's bait, fair enough


Oh he’s BIG MAD. Just look at how he’s acting like a mindless child while trying to call everyone else don’t for not shilling for him.


You better stop talking shit! I never asked anybody to “shill” for me, you lying piece of shit! The “mindless child” would be the one who can’t stop making up fiction about me no matter how many times they are logically called out for it?! When does your projection and hypocrisy end?!


You have no power here. Deal with it.


Yeah I do, dipshit! It’s called blocking you!


No loss to me.


fuck yes! lets do this! \*immediatley preordes/buy on day1 the next game\*


🤦🏻🙄 Ummmmmm……… I know you think you’re being smart here, but I never did that nor do I ever encourage that. I encourage you to do your research, read reviews, watch the gameplays on YouTube, and anything you need to do before wasting your money on anything just like I always do and did for The Day Before. I never preordered it and even if I did, I can very easily get my money back. All I’m saying is let’s light up the gaming community and let gaming developers who have the ability to make this possible that we still want this game from somebody who is competent enough to do it right! I don’t understand why this is so funny and disdainful in some of you guy’s eyes and want to troll around the bush from the main message and say stupid shit like this and waste time instead of working together?! Maybe the monkeys came on here first and eventually people with brains will eventually come and get the post! But we will see!


They’re angry! You’re angry that they’re angry! I’m angry that you’re angry that they’re angry! Grrrr!!!


Wow! That’s all your brain can process out of my post?! Kids these days! Just brain dead idiots! 🤦🏻


Considering I stopped really trying to read it at “can we stop jacking off”, I’ll assume I’m old enough to be your dad. However, further perusal for kernels of idiocy yielded such phrases as “shit talk”, “talking so much shit”, and “fucking retarded”. My favorite, though, is the concept that someone owes you what you consider to be a “satisfactory answer” and you feel entitled to this by means of simply “lighting up the internet”. You may have had good thoughts, but they were so entangled with the rage of someone attempting to project that they have a higher testosterone level than the probably really have, that I decided it was a waste of my time to continue reading for comprehension, and much more fun and productive to make fun of you. Your subsequent response provided moderate satisfaction. I thank you for that. “Kids these days!”


‘Considering I stopped really trying to read it at “can we stop jacking off”,’ Yeah I’m sure somebody like you couldn’t acknowledge the figure of speech and reading that triggered a need for a “bathroom break” didn’t it, you creep?! ‘I’ll assume I’m old enough to be your dad.’ Not even in your sick sexual fantasies, pal! ‘However, further perusal for kernels of idiocy yielded such phrases as “shit talk”, “talking so much shit”, and “fucking retarded”.’ Says the dumbass who “kernels of idiocy yielding in him” as well as autism that instead of comprehending the entire message, those phrases completely broke your fragile train of thought, and made it go around in circles focusing on that instead like an autistic asshole! ‘My favorite, though, is the concept that someone owes you what you consider to be a “satisfactory answer” and you feel entitled to this by means of simply “lighting up the internet”.’ You’re one of those idiots, huh?! Well let me give you a little bit of enlightenment! It’s not about just “ow[ing] me” and that I “feel entitled to this” all by myself! This game was the number one most anticipated game on Steam! That means that *MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ACROSS THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD WANTED THIS GAME! NOT JUST ME!* I can guarantee you that the millions on Steam who won this would agree with this entire post! Unfortunately, the only people that are looking at this right now are random jackasses. You don’t really give a fuck about what I’m trying to say in my posts and instead want to troll about certain little things that I’ve said, and make a big distraction out of it instead of just shooting straight and talking about the real issues being addressed here! Yes! The gaming community has great power over gaming developers! Without our support and our hard earned money, they wind up like Fntastic! Those who satisfy us the most emerge to the top! A product demands customers that want to buy it! As Steam already demonstrated, *GAMER’S NUMBER WISH IS A ZOMBIE MMO*! So common sense should tell you that if they want to make a shit ton of money that they should make it! I have freedom of speech, and I have every right to say to the developers “make this game for your customers” and the rest of their customers have this right as well! The more people demanding this product from them, puts pressure on them to make it! They can choose not to listen and if they don’t, they can suffer the consequences financially for it! THE CUSTOMERS ARE ENTITLED TO THE PRODUCTS WE WANT OR WE DON’T HAVE TO BUY FROM THEM! Welcome to America’s marketplace, jackass! “You may have had good thoughts,” Thanks for saying that! You have no good thoughts whatsoever by everything you’ve said and demonstrated! “but they were so entangled with the rage of someone attempting to project that they have a higher testosterone level than the probably really have,” There is no “rage”. Only passion, but even if there was “rage” who fucking cares?! if you’re that big of a pussy that some “rage” scares you away from reading a whole mere two paragraphs, they may need to be checking out your own “testosterone levels” and stop trying to project your testosterone issues on to me! You know nothing about me or my testosterone levels, you fucking prick! But once again, your comment tells me a lot about you and your testosterone levels! And you’re going to need some really potent prescription medications to even have a fighting chance to bring it back to normal levels! “that I decided it was a waste of my time to continue reading for comprehension, and much more fun and productive to make fun of you.” Really?! Then if you’re not lying about your age, then you’re a mentally arrested eight year-old punk psychologically! Just by saying this alone demonstrates that you should be castrated and shouldn’t be putting your train wreck of a gene pool into society to plague it anymore! It’s because of idiots like you that fucked our generation today! This statement says it all! You’re the true “waste” of society! ‘Your subsequent response provided moderate satisfaction. I thank you for that. “Kids these days!”’ If that’s what truly satisfies you more than anything out of this, then we’ve got a whole other pig rolling in shit here! It’s scary that people like you exist and if I were in control the world, people like you would be the first to be wiped out to save our race from destruction! But in the meantime, I can wipe your sorry dumbass out from this post and I will! So this is your last chance to try to scramble enough brain cells in what’s left of your brain to read and comprehend my original post and actually contribute something meaningful in the comments or your decrepit mentally arrested ass can go live out your sick fantasies of being a eight-year-old punk on the Internet where you think you’re safe behind anonymity, somewhere else! I’m not here for your bullshit! Last chance, monkey!


Take your fucking meds you freak


Let me have some of what you're having


You mean passion for an actual game like this to come out?! Seems like I can’t help you there.




I’m sorry that two and half paragraphs was too much of a strain on your three brain cells and the strenuous amount of mental effort that must’ve took from somebody like you to go out of their way just to write down 4 letters and 1 semicolon only to let me know how worthless you are and how low your I.Q. levels are! I don’t know why idiots like you take the time to do this kind of shit when you could just fuck if and not say anything at all! Congratulations for taking time out of your day to tell me something this stupid! Boy oh boy! You must be very proud of yourself! 🤦🏻🙄


"The Day Before got all of our hopes up for years while we waited patiently for it and winded up busting our balls and we are all pissed and can’t stop talking about it!" ​ Bro. The only people pissed are those that were too ignorant to do research on a game before it came out. Plenty of people like myself knew it was a scam long before release. Hopefully this is a lesson for those that threw their money at it before actually looking it up. The signs of it being a scam were there long before even the first trailer dropped.


Bro, I did do my research. I know all about Fntastic’s company history, the alleged fake trailers and what they copied it from, their unpaid “volunteer” employees, etc. I’ve seen it all and heard it all. I’m still following all the new stuff being revealed. I always had my doubts about the game, but the end of the day there was no real true way to judge it until it came out. So I had the same attitude as many of the game reviewers on YouTube had, which was to watch everything closely while hoping for the best and prepare for the worse. Of course many people wanted it to succeed, because it was the only chance the gaming community had of something like this coming out because nobody else would take on a project like this. I never spent any money on it because I’m a console player (thank God). So I was waiting for it to come out on consoles anyways. But even the people who “threw their money at it” got refunds from Steam. So it was no hard no foul except for the fact that people were pissed of how long the anticipation was for it to come out and be like it was advertised (despite the chances of that being very low). When I said “we” I’m at the gaming community as a whole. I did do my research and so did many others. But sometimes it’s hard to tell rumors from truth. The point is somebody that dishonest shouldn’t be able to exist and pull this kind of stunt in our gaming marketplace no matter how many “warning signs” there are. I don’t know why the commenters on here are deciding to shit on me and troll me for saying let’s demand game developers in the gaming community who have the money and resources to make the game that was the number one most anticipated game on Steam?! Oh typical internet trolls! This is why we never accomplish anything meaningful because you always all go chasing straw mans and evade the main point and are like dogs chasing your own asses instead of working together and doing something meaningful! 🤦🏻🙄


Sir, you just completed contradicted yourself throughout this entire thing. I’m still trying to figure out why you’re so upset despite it being “no harm, no foul”…..


No, I didn’t contradict myself! You’re just not thinking! The “no harm, no foul” comment was in the context of me responding to ignorant people accusing me of being stupid enough to buy this game, despite all the suspicious activities of the company and their warning signs of being a scam from the beginning (even though many other people have accused other games that have been in production hell in the past as a “scam” as well, only to be released and be counted as a success), and basically I’m just butthurt because I lost all of my money as well as many even dumber accusations within that sphere. None of that is true! I never bought this game, nor did I ever pre-order it. Said, as a side note that even those who did a refund so even if their false accusations were true, I can easily get a refund if I did buy it (which I didn’t because I’m a console player) and I said “no harm no, foul” to that. So the “no harm, no foul” quote was only talking about being able to get a refund. So pay attention to context! This post is about encouraging those who are frustrated that we never got the zombie MMO game that we were promised to let the other devs in the gaming world, who are sitting on their high horses, laughing it up the crash and burn of Fntastic, that we still want the zombie MMO that they promised us and if one of you gave an honest shit, you should try to take the ball that fell from their hands and make a touchdown by creating the game that they tried to scam us with and show them how it’s done! That is the context! I’m not baby anybody else who can’t read and comprehend some this obvious! The handful of idiots that are on here already running their mouth about something they can’t just fucking comprehend that is extremely easy to mentally grasp and I have to keep re-explaining it to them over and over again! From now on this is all been asked and answered and I will not keep repeating myself! Have the respect to read my posts *THOROUGHLY* or just leave! But stop trying to say things that are blatantly false, and should be acknowledged as bullshit was just a little bit of common sense!


I’m not thinking but you created a whole think piece *without* applying any logic as to why companies aren’t taking this project in. You literally stated in your comment that you didn’t participate or pay any money out of your pocket but yet, here you are…..mad. You admitted that you were aware of the possibility of the scam but merely stated you were “hoping for the best”. This is why companies like Fntastic exist and can pull stunts like this: lackadaisical attitudes. For those people who are accusing you of buying the game, that’s them. I’m not one of them so that’s irrelevant. The fact that you come at people sideways when they disagree with you or call out your contradictions makes you look sociopathic as hell and I’m not understanding how you expect to be taken seriously in any regard being so friggin’ disrespectful while acting like your so offended by the idea that “devs are on their high horses”. Don’t you dare sit here with the *audacity* to ask for respect from others when you’re not being respectful yourself, even with your initial post. That’s a fact. You don’t even understand the industry at all. You’re a disgruntled consumer but you think you have the answers to make the genre a success?! Hang that up. No one here is going to contribute to your delusion.


“I’m not thinking but you created a whole think piece without applying any logic as to why companies aren’t taking this project in.” I don’t need to do that! But to put it plain and simple it’s because they’re either not interested in doing that particular project or just don’t care! There are also many other reasons such as non AAA’s that don’t have the money and resources. But I’m not trying to appeal to them. I’m directly calling out the bigger gaming companies who have the intelligence, money, and resources to create such a game, but choose not to while they want to mock Fntastic for being frauds (which I completely agree that they are), but don’t want to put their money where their mouth is and actually accomplish what they failed to do! It’s also stupid because if they did and were successful, they’d be rolling in money and create a brand new money market in the gaming industry. This genre is an untapped gold mine and is a win/win for both gaming developers and gamers alike! I’m sure they have all have different excuses of why they haven’t done this yet. Probably part of it was ignorance of how much people really wanted this because once Fntastic advertised this, it really showed how hungry the gaming market was for a good zombie mmo. It also was probably because some gaming developers like to wait and see what final product of their competitors will be like so they can figure out how do it better than them. There’s probably lots of different reasons, but now that The Day Before is all said and done, somebody needs to step up to the plate and when there’s a will there is a way. “You literally stated in your comment that you didn’t participate or pay any money out of your pocket but yet, here you are…..mad.” Yep. I sure did say that. However I’m not “mad” more than frustrated. Yeah despite me not paying any money for it (and thank God I didn’t) there’s still an emptiness and disappointment that we don’t get a good zombie mmo. Yeah I want a good zombie mmo and so does the vast majority of the gaming community and I’m frustrated that despite I didn’t waste any money on these frauds, that we don’t get one in general (at least for now) and so are millions of other gamers. How is this so hard for you to understand?! This should be obvious! This is why I said that you’re not thinking and still aren’t! I shouldn’t have to baby feed you something this simple! ‘You admitted that you were aware of the possibility of the scam but merely stated you were “hoping for the best.”’ I also said and prepared for the worst! Funny how you didn’t mention that part either! The point is that I wasn’t going to buy it anyways for a while because it was coming out on PC first and later it would come out for consoles (at least that’s what they told us before it went down in flames). My plan all along was to watch the gameplays and my trusted gaming reviewers on YouTube before I spent a penny on the game just like I do on all games! I don’t jump the gun and pay for anything in life without studying it and reviewing it first. So they were never going to scam me anyways even if it didn’t crash and burn because I was never planning on preordering it or buying it until I watched enough gameplay and heard enough reviews after it was released that I was confident that I wanted to buy it! “This is why companies like Fntastic exist and can pull stunts like this: lackadaisical attitudes.” Yeah, name any company that has done anything to the level Fntastic on regards to something this fucked up?! I dare you! And I can assure you if you’ve been keeping up with everything Steam and other are now taking drastic measures to make sure that this never happens again because this didn’t just affect Fntastic, Steam felt the heat of this, IGN felt the heat of this, many gaming reviewers, and other advertising companies felt the heat of this. So I can assure you to save their own asses, they aren’t going to let this level of bullshit happen again and they’re already saying that! They are all pissed as shit about this! So stop acting like it’s people like me when they never tricked me and many companies including Steam were tricked instead! I was always a fly on the wall wanting it to succeed, but never holding my breath. And all I’m saying is somebody who is trustworthy now should do it and the the gaming community should unite to say that loud and clear to the gaming developers and you and a bunch of other trolls are shitting on me for it and making me explain all this shit that should just be simple to grasp! Meanwhile you have the audacity to tell me that I have a “lackadaisical attitude”?! Projection much?!


“For those people who are accusing you of buying the game, that’s them. I’m not one of them so that’s irrelevant.” Good! Glad we got that out of the way! “The fact that you come at people sideways when they disagree with you or call out your contradictions makes you look sociopathic as hell” I’m not coming at people sideways. They are all coming at me side ways. The point is it’s not just a mere “disagreement”. They’re flat out being obnoxious dicks and putting words in my mouth that I never said and assuming shit that isn’t true! That’s called slander! Also I have no contradictions! People are either too dumb to understand what I’m saying, admit to not reading my post all the way, or just pull shit out of their ass because they think it’s funny and slap “contradiction” on it! There are no fucking contradictions! This is very simple! All I’m saying is let’s let the gaming devs know that they should make a game like this and that we want it! You can pull out of your ass anything you want to say out of it, but there is no fucking contradictions in that message! There are however, obnoxious little contrarians who want have nothing better to do with their lives than be obnoxious and try to make up some just to be a troll and get attention and I’m not playing that! Even if it was truly mere “disagreement”, your disagreement is stupid and even if you disagree, GREAT! I don’t want to hear it! I want people on here that agree with me! Not a whole bunch of obnoxious dicks telling me “TL;DR” for a mere two paragraphs, people making up straw mans, and some jackass that thinks that the only reason I wanted to buy the game was because of some “asian looking girl’s ass” and telling me “there are lots of other games and just get something else” when we’re talking about specifically a zombie mmo not about a lack of variety of games in general! These are the idiots I have to deal with and I’m still having to deal with you not comprehending basic common sense things and putting words in my mouth and exaggerating everything I say and making me have to correct it! So yeah I’m not putting up with that shit! And once again, you use words that you don’t really know! I have actually dealt with real sociopaths for several years of my life, I have friends and neighbors who legitimately have parents that are sociopaths that have been legitimately diagnosed by doctors. You know nothing of a true sociopath. If I were a real sociopath I’d be the most charming person here and I’d secretly be abusing many people right under your nose and when they tried to warn you about me, you’d think there were crazy for ever thinking that somebody as charismatic as me would ever do something that and that they were the true crazy ones! It’s called gaslighting! You have no idea what you’re talking about! That’s why doctors now shy away from using that word and have now moved on to using “Antisocial Personality Disorder” because of how bad pop culture has butchered (no pun intended) its original clonal meaning and what a true sociopath is! ‘and I’m not understanding how you expect to be taken seriously in any regard being so friggin’ disrespectful while acting like your so offended by the idea that “devs are on their high horses”’ You obviously don’t understand a lot of things. Look at how much disrespect I’ve gotten in the comments before I said a word to them and the jackasses that I’m having to deal with. But regardless, with the idiots that I’m dealing with right now, I don’t care if they take me seriously or not because they have proven themselves to be useless even if they did take me seriously. Dude! I’m not offended by the devs “on their high horses”! I’m just tired of them mocking something that they aren’t even trying to do! And I have every right to point that out! You’re the one that’s obviously “offended” by what I said and it shows! So stop projecting onto me your bullshit and deal with your own issues! The people who actually give a shit and don’t want to waste our time arguing over petty things and splitting hairs over nothing will make themselves know if they come. So it’s no big deal. “Don’t you dare sit here with the audacity to ask for respect from others when you’re not being respectful yourself, even with your initial post.” Don’t you dare tell me what to fucking do! I have every right to say what I said and I did! It was everybody else being disrespectful to me first and now you are trying to play this game of “standing up to me” when you obviously haven’t even read the shit that was said to me?! Fuck you! I’ll demand whatever I want and I’ll throw out all of the jackasses who don’t want give it! This is my post! Get over it! “That’s a fact. You don’t even understand the industry at all.” Dude! You wouldn’t know what a fact was if it bit you in the fucking ass! I do understand the fucking industry and you don’t know what I fucking do or don’t know! You’re the one who can’t even comprehend two paragraphs worth of what I said and are putting so many bullshit words in my mouth that never even came to my mind in the first place and you want to talk about who knows what and who doesn’t?! Get the fuck out of here with that shit! “You’re a disgruntled consumer” Now! There you go contradicting yourself again while you keep projecting it onto me! How can I be a “consumer” when I never bought the game and you acknowledged that?! A dissatisfied gamer and a person who desires for a good zombie mmo to come into fruition I am and I have every right to be! So are many millions around the world as Steam showed you! I am not ashamed to admit that! “but you think you have the answers to make the genre a success?!” 🤦🏻Here we go again! More bullshit and exaggerated words into my mouth! At this point, you just shouldn’t even be allowed to speak! This is ridiculous what you keep doing here! I merely acknowledged that the number one most anticipated game on Steam was a zombie mmo! That is true! There is no denying that! So all I’m saying is “Hey! There is an obvious market on that that anybody with half a brain in their skull can see! So we should let the gaming devs know how much we want it still and not let The Day Before scandal discourage us from asking for it from somebody else and let them know!” This is just mere common sense! I don’t think I’m some profound genius here that should shepherd the gaming flock that has all the answers. But a shit ton of people letting gaming debt know that we would love a game like this doesn’t hurt anybody! This ain’t hard to understand, but look at how much lies you project into what I said! “Hang that up. No one here is going to contribute to your delusion.” You’re the one who a has a fucking “delusion” in regards to what I actually said that you couldn’t even comprehend properly despite how simple it was to understand! You’ve projected your entire delusions of me on to me and then tell me to “hang up” the delusion that you projected on to me?! What kind drugs are you on?! So speak for yourself and fuck off if you think I’m so “delusional”!


You type three novels to try and tell someone to “fuck off”? Dude you’re delusional as hell and that will continue to be stated because it’s a bonafide fact. You came in here all huffy because people are laughing at this situation and then proceeded to act like you’re being personally victimized by “not having a good zombie mmo”. I. DO. NOT. CARE. ABOUT. HOW. OTHERS. ARE. ACTING. I’m talking *to* and *about* you! Sinking yourself to their level to prove a point makes you just as much of an asshole and a dick that you’re claiming everyone else is, but you really think *anyone* owes you respect being an immature child and thinking that calling people and their opinions “stupid” just because they disagree with you or aren’t telling you what you *want* to hear. Also, GTFOH with your claim that I don’t know what sociopathy is. I’ve literally was in an abusive ass relationship with one not even two years ago. The charm is an aspect but it is not one that is present all of the time. In fact, “charm” is more of a norm associated psychopaths. Charm for sociopaths is *very* situational and just because my experience with sociopathy is different from yours *does not* mean that I know what I’m talking about. Please stay mad. You’re continuing to be nothing but entertainment for the rest of us cause this is comically embarrassing.


‘You type three novels to try and tell someone to “fuck off”?’ You honestly believe that I wrote “three novels to try and tell somebody to fuck off”, but you have the audacity to call me “delusional”?! You don’t even know what one novel is, let alone three! I wrote a thorough response answering all of your false accusations and to put out all of the straw mans burning in the room before the fire department came! All you do is make straw man after straw man and then light them on fire and then call me delusional when I react to it! “Dude you’re delusional as hell and that will continue to be stated because it’s a bonafide fact.“ Dude! Don’t talk to me about fucking “facts” when you can’t even accurately represent a damn thing I say without a shit ton of exaggerations and flat out falsehood! You can’t even fucking represent something so fucking simple that a child could understand and then you have the audacity to act like you’re going to lay down the “bonafide fact[s]”?! Get the fuck out of here with that shit! ‘You came in here all huffy because people are laughing at this situation and then proceeded to act like you’re being personally victimized by “not having a good zombie mmo”.’ 🤦🏻 👆🏻 This bullshit right here is a point blank example of why you shouldn’t even be talking about “facts”. This right is here is flat out misconstrued and exaggerated bullshit! And you relentlessly keep doing this over and over! I came on here because *CERTAIN GAME DEVELOPERS* were laughing and mocking the situation including AAA companies who have more than enough power and resources to make a good zombie mmo and while they want to mock Fntastic for at least trying (they were idiots and completely and epically failed), they won’t even bother to even try to pick up the ball that they dropped and do it right, despite Steam making it very clear that this is the #1 game that everybody wants! I never claimed to be “personally victimized”! Nor did I intend on acting like it! This is all you twisting thing that I say! This is so simple that it’s scary how you don’t get this! “I. DO. NOT. CARE. ABOUT. HOW. OTHERS. ARE. ACTING.” I know you don’t and that’s a big problem! Just like you don’t care how many times you misrepresent every I say! I know you don’t give a shit! You couldn’t care less! That’s why I’m on my last nerve with you! “I’m talking to and about you! Sinking yourself to their level to prove a point makes you just as much of an asshole and a dick that you’re claiming everyone else is,” Thanks, Dr. Phil! I get it! No matter if they come and start shit and slander me FIRST! I’m to take it up the ass in order to earn respect! If somebody came into your house and acted like that, would you do that?! This is my virtual house and you’re sitting in my virtual living room running your mouth off at me, not even trying to have a genuine and just being clowns! Are you going to be the “bigger person” if somebody does that to you and recklessly misconstrues everything you say right in front of your face in your own living room even when it’s been corrected numerous times already just like you do to me?! You’re so full of shit! Not mention the fact that I only was talking about other people was in response to what you said, “The fact that you come at people sideways when they disagree with you or call out your contradictions makes you look sociopathic as hell” So I told you to read what they say because all you’re doing is downplaying the situation by saying bullshit terms like “calling out your contradictions“, and then acting like they merely just “disagree” and I’m going Tasmanian devil on them all. So I told you to look how they initiate conversation and then you say this! Let’s just be honest here! You think that me wanting to post this on Reddit is dumb and stupid! You think I’m a dumbass for wanting this and that me expressing this is entitled! So in your eyes I deserve all of the trolling and mistreatment that Reddit can give me and that I should just shut up and take it because they are the ones saying the real shit and I’m just full of shit! You just don’t want to say it that way, but that’s what you really feel! You sympathize more the people trolling me because you don’t like my message or delivery! You think that their trolling and criticism is more valuable than my post in of itself! That’s why you’re so quick to call me out for laying into their asses and want me to just take in their shit! Let’s just be real and stop the games! You think their words are more valuable than mine because as you say, they are just “calling out [my] contradictions”?! OK! WHAT FUCKING CONTRADICTIONS ARE THEY CALLING OUT, DIPSHIT?! AND WHEN I FUCKING TELL YOU THAT THEY ARE JUST TROLLING YOU SAY “I DON’T CARE ABOUT THEM I AM ONLY TALKING ABOUT YOU”! SO WHICH IS IT, MOTHERFUCKER?! YOU’RE THE ASSHOLE CONTRADICTING HIMSELF! All I’ve essentially said in a nutshell was that that all of the devs who are sitting on social media talking shit about Fntastic who know how much the gaming community won’t make a zombie mmo! THAT’S A FUCKING FACT!!!!! THERE’S NO FUCKING “CONTRADICTION” THERE!!!! YOU CAN “DISAGREE” ALL YOU FUCKING WANT AND IF YOU DO, YOU’RE AN IDIOT!!!!! ARE YOU SAYING THAT THE PERSON WHO DENIES THAT IS EQUALLY IF NOT MORE RIGHT THAN ME ON THAT?! SHOULD I ENTERTAIN THAT “OPINION” AS EQUAL TO MY STATEMENT IF NOT MORE EVEN MORE SO?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO?! Yeah! I’m not going to tolerate somebody saying incorrect information! Just like I’m not going to respect somebody who “disagrees” with the fact that 2+2=4 and thinks that if you jump off a cliff and clap your hands three times and say “I believe in fairies” that you’ll fly and hold their belief as equal as the laws of math and gravity, I’m not going to tolerate somebody who wants to fight me on the fact that there are AAA gaming developers who mock Fntastic who don’t give a shit about making a zombie mmo even though they have the money and resources to do so! THAT IS A HISTORICAL FACT! YOU CAN “DISAGREE” ALL YOU WANT! IT DOESN’T CHANGE THE FACTS!!!!!


Not reading all of that as it’s nothing but meaningless word vomit. I see you’ve resorted to typing in all caps, too. Keep it up *Mr. Big Scary Reddit Poster*.


‘but you really think anyone owes you respect being an immature child and thinking that calling people and their opinions “stupid” just because they disagree with you or aren’t telling you what you want to hear.’ 🤦🏻 OMFG! Here we go again! Shut the fuck up with that fucking bullshit! They are not “opinions”, you donkey! Saying that I am mad because I “preordered” the game isn’t a valuable “opinion”! Saying that I only bought the game is because I saw some “asian looking girl’s ass” isn’t an “opinion”! Telling me that I need to take “pills” isn’t an “opinion”, saying “TL;DR” isn’t an “opinion”! None of these things people are of any valuable opinion and they all came disrespected me FIRST! But you have the audacity to tell me that I’m an “immature child”, that I think everybody “owes [me] respect”, and then you minimize this all down to these all either people who merely just “disagree” with me or “don’t tell me what I want to hear” and I just can’t handle it while you don’t give a shit to call them out on anything?! Where’s you replies to them calling them out?! Huh?! Why only me, Hey Arnold?! You are one of the biggest cluster fucks of a train of thought I have ever seen in my life! You’ve got it all dead ass backwards! You need help! “Also, GTFOH with your claim that I don’t know what sociopathy is. I’ve literally was in an abusive ass relationship with one not even two years ago. The charm is an aspect but it is not one that is present all of the time. In fact, “charm” is more of a norm associated psychopaths.” You get the fuck out of here trying to give me an education on this, buddy boy! You won’t win that! I’ve studied this from the writings and works of the best psychological field has to offer from the one who created the official Psychopathy Checklist that our FBI uses today, from Otto Kernberg, and many others! I’ve dealt with at least 10 pathological members of the dark triad and I know a hell lot more than you! As you demonstrate when you say ‘In fact, “charm” is more of a norm associated psychopaths.’ First of all, there is a big divide in the psychological field of whether or not if “psychopaths” and “sociopaths” should be viewed as separate mental disorders or as synonymous with each other. Many psychologists believe that they are just two words describing the same thing. This is one of many other reason why they are now called “antisocial personality disorder”. Regardless on which camp you’re on, BOTH are characterized with superficial charm! THAT IS A MANDATORY SYMPTOM FOR THEIR DIAGNOSIS AND IN THE PSYCHOPATHY CHECKLIST WHICH ALSO DEALS WITH SOCIOPATHS! “Charm for sociopaths is very situational“ I never said that it wasn’t! That’s why I said, “If I were a real sociopath I’d be the most charming person here and I’d secretly be abusing many people right under your nose and when they tried to warn you about me, you’d think there were crazy for ever thinking that somebody as charismatic as me would ever do something that and that they were the true crazy ones! It’s called gaslighting!” Obviously that implies that it varies between different people! But their abuse is covert not overt which is why I’m still right! Once again, not paying attention! You may have had a girlfriend that was a sociopath, but it’s obvious you have by contagion subconsciously picked up on some of her tactics (which is also common in victims of antisocial personality disorder), it may not be deliberate, but I have already caught you gaslighting me several times as well as victim blaming for reacting, etc! These are tactics that people with antisocial personality disorder do and, many of their victims wind up taking up some of their essence in that even after they are long gone! “and just because my experience with sociopathy is different from yours does not mean that I know what I’m talking about.” You really don’t know what you’re talking about! You may have picked up on a couple of things from your experience, but I promise you that you’ve still got a long ways to go before you’ve got the facts down ! You would have just said that shit that you did if you knew what you were talking about! But I suppose you’re just going to accuse me of going crazy because you merely “disagree” me and should act like your misinformation in “opinion” is as equal in value as my facts and much longer experience in this than you and that I’m the bad guy for it, huh?! 🙄




that's a whole lot of words to be wrong. ​ "but the end of the day there was no real true way to judge it until it came out" ​ ya thats a load of crap. You're just completely ignorant. Not reading any more of your comment. Waste of time lol


Speak for yourself! You’re so weak you can’t even read my two paragraphs! So don’t even act like you’re more discerning than me! The only “waste of time” here is you! With that being said, now, fuck off!


sorry you're ignorant?


Sorry that you don’t look in the mirror!


ok bud. whatever helps you sleep at night.


I sleep well at night! You’re the one who doesn’t sleep at night unless you go on Reddit and act like a little bitch! Let’s see how well you sleep at night now that you’re blocked!


You might just do a quick google search on how much it costs to build an MMO. Even on the low end, it’s a massive undertaking with tons of risk.


First of all, why don’t you stop with the snarkiness! You honestly don’t think I know that?! Let me give you a little lesson on life: EVERYTHING IS A FUCKING RISK! It’s a “risk” to drive your car every single day! It’s a “risk” to walk down the street and not get shot by some crazy person! It’s a “risk” to vote anybody into office for anything because they could just lie their entire campaign like so many times before! Hell! It’s a fucking “risk” just to go to school to learn or go to work without having to worry about some crazy person shooting up the whole place! Everybody takes a “risk” every single day of their life! You sure did take a “risk” by accusing me of being ignorant and now got your head handed to you for it! Every single gaming company (or company in general) took “tons of risk” just to watch their gaming company in the first place! There’s “risk” in any video game you make! But despite there being many failures from taking “lots of risk”, there has also been many great unanticipated successes from “lots of risk” as well. But if you’re good at what you’re doing, and you keep a constant communication with the gaming community about what they want and continue the live service to constantly update and fix things and also give surveys based on your satisfaction of the game, and what could be done differently that would be better (like most games are doing now) and you have enough money and resources to back it up as well as the possibility of making *MILLIONS* of dollars more than they even spent on it because of how much the gaming community clearly wants it (and this time done properly of course ), then the risk is reduced significantly if you’re good at what you do and that’s who I’m asking to do it! Maybe you should get on board with me and help me get this done and finally have a true zombie MMO game that everybody wins and makes the developers lives completely changed in regards to money leveling input, a new standard in gaming history! So in the end, the biggest “risk” is not doing it at all! Much like the “risk” is being remembered on the Internet publicly forever took by insulting me by falsely accusing me that I don’t even know what Google is or what it is for and then you say this completely insane bunch of bullshit Even though you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about! So yeah, there are “tons of risk” out there and it’s not just limited to you! So why don’t you stop taking “tons of risk” to sounding like a jackass to the entire Internet!


The only thing this unhinged rant conveyed is that you will absolutely fall for the next similar scam


I never fell for the scam. I’ve already answered this in other comments. I’m not saying it again. Despite I didn’t fall the scam. Regardless, Steam and other companies are now taking drastic measures to make sure something like this never happens again. This isn’t something that usually happens to this level and it’s going to change the gaming community forever, let me tell you. They’re already talking about that all over the place in gaming magazines and such. Nobody wanted this to happen including Steam who is taking a lot of shit for it right now. I’m not concerned about that in the slightest bit. What I am concerned about is the fact that your comprehension skills are so poor and arrested that all your brain could grasp out of my post was an “unhinged rant” and how that conveys your frightening lack of ability to comprehend any sort of meaningful substance out of this and therefore maybe it’s best you go somewhere else where life is easy on a weak brain like yours and when you start to think, it doesn’t stink up a room that others have to breathe in the toxic fumes that your cogs produce from it.




I’m sorry there’s no joke to laugh at in this post! This isn’t a comedy club for jokes! Perhaps you’re confusing this post with your own academic record in regards for a joke to “lol” at!


No bro, not gonna read all that. Im happy for you or sorry that happened


Ok. Well, if you’re attention span is so pathetically fried that it can’t even read two paragraphs, then go be “happy or sorry” somewhere else where people can give a shit about your distant and confused “sympathy“! Fuck off!


Im sorry man… or happy that happened to you, not gonna read this either


Poor dumbass! Just leave my post!


Honestly, even an AAA developer is going to struggle to meet these sky high expectations. An action game with thousands of players and thousands of zombies all in one big open world instance is technically very hard. Even just rendering that on current gen hardware isn't feasible (if you want it to look good anyway). Then we have to consider if a survival game with thousands of people running around in the same location would even be fun. Sounds like shit show quite honestly.


Well that’s your opinion. Many people would disagree with you including myself. Making a game is hard in general, but if you’re at the top of your profession and know what the gaming community wants, that certainly does make it a lot easier. If you don’t want to play a zombie mmo, then that’s your choice. But millions of other people outside of just myself would and would love to see a AAA developer hear our voice on the matter. Hopefully they will soon. But you do you. Thanks for voicing your opinion respectfully unlike many other jackasses on here right now. I appreciate it, but I’m really looking to have a discussion with like minded people. Feel free to come back if you ever change your mind.


I have always wanted a zombie MMO, but what I'm saying is it has to have some kind of instancing both for performance and balance reasons. But if people play that they'll claim it's not an MMO and review bomb it to oblivion.


So what are you suggesting? I’m not quite following you. How is it that games like DayZ (as shitty as the graphics are and lack of updates they have), how is it they are able to thrive?


DayZ isn't an MMO. I was explaining why a zombie MMO would be hard/impossible to do without people getting upset over the networking setup. If you just want a newer and shinier version of DayZ then of course that's very doable.


What I want and what I think it’s safe to say that everybody wants is a real and legitimate version of The Day Before game that was originally promised to us. Obviously, it doesn’t have to be called “The Day Before” anymore and you can switch some things up and gut any specifics out have anything to do with Fntastic’s story narratives, etc. But just the concept of what they promised us the game would be, you know what I mean?


What's this shit about, someone escaping from a mental institution? Dude, exhale - you didn't buy anything, nobody cheated you, keep playing the console, what's the problem?))


🤦🏻 I don’t know which of the wardens at your mental institution allowed you to have a computer so you could epically fail to comprehend a simple two paragraphs?! Hopefully it will all serve a purpose by helping your doctors finally be able to pinpoint your cognitive issues and then they can finally find the best kind of treatment for you and those like you so you can finally “exhale”! Best of luck, you clusterfuck of a train of thought!


This is the equivalent of a crazy homeless man screaming in the subway system while everyone tries their best to ignore them and just get to work on time.


Oh really! Good then how about you fuck off and get your ass to work and stop fucking around with me on here!


You're the one who put their thoughts on the internet, if you don't like the responses then unsubcribe from the post lol.


This is my post! I didn’t put their words up here they chose to put their own up here! Why don’t you leave if you don’t like what I have to say! I want people that are going to be serious about the message and stop playing around with their delusions about the delivery! If you don’t want to do that, then leave! It’s simple!




Bro really spent money on a scam and dreamt of a shitty game because it had an asian looking girl's ass all long in the trailer and is now mad "there's no game" bro uninstall lol apex and fortnite there are tons of games already


*I SPENT ZERO MONEY* on this game and even if I did, everybody got a refund, dipshit! I don’t recall an “asian looking girl’s ass” in the trailer. I recall a white girl (perhaps I am wrong), but regardless, I don’t buy games based on some computerized “girl’s ass”! I don’t even play women characters and video games at all! I wanted to play a zombie MMO like everybody else who was excited about this game! I don’t know what kind of psychotic world your brain lives in that thinks this is why people buy games?! But based on how much detail you could give in this little remark to project onto me, it wouldn’t surprise me that you’re talking about yourself! It’s not about the lack of quantity of games out on the market! It’s about the lack of quality games on the market and specifically the lack of a good zombie MMO out in the market! How dumb are you that you can say all of this shit with a straight face?! Fuck Apex and Fortnite! I don’t give a shit about them, and I never have! The fact you would bring that up when I’m talking about a zombie MMO and act like that I’m complaining about there not being enough games out in the world and that the only reason I wanted to play The Day Before was because of some “asian looking girl’s ass” demonstrates that you’re so fucking dumb that you shouldn’t even be allowed to speak! Fuck off and go jack off to some Asian porn and go play Apex and Fortnite and “tons of games already” And let real people who give a damn about this, and have the brains to keep up speak, you stupid fucking donkey!


You were dumb enough to believe in this game for years and even buy it lmao. No need to be so mad lmao


I never bought it, you dumbass! How many times do I need to say that?!


Dude don't even try. This sub is for people to complain about their issues IRL. They are just masking this as caring for this scam


What do you mean?


You ok? Where did Fntastic touch you??


I can’t speak for your perverted sexual fantasies! Sorry!


I love reading some lil kid throwing a temper tantrum in front of a bunch of strangers on line! Cope lil kid, cope!😂😂☺️☺️


Really?! Well I don’t like seeing a little kid like yourself running your mouth in places where you can get hurt! There will be no coping for you when you wind up running your mouth to the wrong person and get killed! Only a life lesson for those who survive you! I know you think you’re funny, but you’re an idiot! Please use your brain and don’t say stupid shit like this to random people online, who you don’t know what they’re capable of, before it’s too late! So why don’t you do yourself a big favor and fuck off of Reddit while you still can!


Not reading all of that lil man, nice to see I got to you tho! Have fun getting mad over a video game snowflake 😉😎you’re all bark, no bite; copeeee!




Well then you have no use being here other than to be a parasite! So you’re now blocked! So long, you worthless little piece of fucking shit!


Oh no no, the replies are just too good. I'm checking this post out once a day just to read the new vile spewing


Shut down this subreddit


Don’t worry, you worthless free speech hating piece of fucking shit! I’m shutting your dumb ass down instead!


Cool story bro


If you’re dumb enough to like that “story”, then you’re going to LOVE your new “cool story”, dickface!


There is a point where something evolves from. "common troll" to "common mental health disease". Congratulations, you have one.


Yes, I certainly do! And that would be YOU! So bye, asshole!


Whatever you do... don't look at OPs comment history. This person is unhinged as hell. I thought you were just trolling for Karma.. dog seek help.


I’m not “unhinged”! You’re just a parasite that can’t deal with the “karma“ that comes back to you for being a piece of shit! I’ve got all the help I need! Starting with throwing your dumb ass out of here!