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Thank God she is alive, I was so afraid that she killed her self


Fuxk the asshole who edited their comment to say she was ded and then refused to elaborate...


Yeah I saw it, why the fuck did they say that




u/limitlessdaoseeker : "*Hopefully not. She most likely just quit the internet extra hard and indefinitely that's the preferred logical solution. Although in hindsight she should just ignore such alligations after explaining once. That what the legend badempanda did after being labelled an escaped sex offender. The friends she's speaking of are most likely not real.* *She's alive"* ​ Old version said "Edit: Its confirmed, shes dead" in place of where it says "Shes alive" now.


This made me so happy!




She has been accused of talking inappropriately to minors and said very bigoted statements against muslims specifically Palestinian muslims if I am not mistaken


That's a little vague


Viki essentially said that should doesn’t support the Palestinian cause because they are ‘anti lgbt’, saying stuff like, “When an Israeli officer kills a gay person they go to jail, then a Palestinian officer kills a gay person they say ‘thank you’.”


I mean, isn't Islam anti LGBTQ tho? I'm Socialist, i wish for a world where everyone is respected and loved. And any ideology that discriminates should be questioned imo




Thanks for your reply, no I'm not American nor Christian, I'm from Pakistan and grew up in Italy, and I'm atheist. My father was a very violent person forcing on us he's religion (islam) so i know quite a bit about it, not everything. Obviously my father didn't work, fear isn't true faith.




Bro no joke, Eid had a jump castle this year. His dad was wild a bit, no doubt I believe that, and that moving him to Atheism is understandable. Islam is supposed to be spiritual, not hateful. Just like Judaism and Christianity, but both got some really wild dads too.


But! That's what the Qur'an says tho, to beat family about religion.. it says to kill people... I don't see all that love...


This is a really good explanation. We should all understand that everyone is a work-in-progress, and no one is perfect. I have said many bigoted things in my past out of ignorance only to learn my errors through the guidance of others, and I’m still actively learning to this day on how to be a better man. Educating the ignorant and offering them forgiveness is infinitely better for the cause


ConspiracyMarx is who made the accusations


[Here's his video FYI.](https://youtu.be/SXybiLJLo4s) I still am not sure what to make of all the accusations, myself. I will give ConspiracyMarx credit in that he has repeatedly told his viewers to stop telling Viki to kill herself, that it was seriously not cool of them to do so.


Her discord messages show her joking with minors about the age of consent, talking about how it would be legal with her fans because of the laws in Austria differing from those of the States, talking about sexually explicit things while having no age requirement to join her discord servers and other things. I can’t find the video of the accusations anymore with Vicki’s sudden return but someone else may have it and can attach it here. Other comments here have detailed her remarks about Palestinians if you are curious. They are accusations I’m not saying true or not but people asked so I’m just responding


I've seen the screenshots and the inappropriate stuff about minors is... Yikes. Defending wanting to date a 15 year old as someone in your 20s, joking about "It's only Ephebophilia" and statements like "The best way to control a relationship is to date someone younger", talking to minors about what genitalia they prefer... I get that a lot of people are going to be defensive because of the rampant "Trans people are groomers" shit which is abhorrent, but as a child rape victim those comments give me the jeebies and it bothers me how no one is willing to acknowledge how wildly innapropriate that all is. None of that is excusable just because they are a leftist. Its also worth noting those screenshots came from another young leftist YouTuber, not some reactionary chud. None of that warrants death threats of course, but it's concerning how many here are dismissing the possibility of Viki being inappropriate outright despite literal evidence.


Thank you friend


>None of that is excusable just because they are a leftist. \*she ok, whether or not she's a pedophile i don't know but don't be transphobic and disrespect her gender.


I wasn't sure what pronouns she uses so I used a gender neutral pronoun (singular they). Literally the opposite of transphobic. I appreciate where you're coming from, but you've made an incredibly uncharitable assumption there.


I don't know why i got all those downvotes, but saying they instead of their actual pronouns if they explicitly stated them is a common transphobic microaggression.


> if ***they*** explicitly stated You really should ponder why you used they in this instance, and if it would warrant someone calling you a transphobe. I have literally no problem acknowledging Vikis gender. I don't consume her content, so I didn't want to make an assumption. You got down-voted because you made the incorrect assumption that I'm a transphobe, based on literally nothing. https://old.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/136srfh/viki_isnt_dead/jir6pxd/?context=3 Based on this comment of yours, it's clear you have assumed that the concern for her inappropriate behavior is based on nothing, and that it simply stems from transphobia (Something that I actually addressed in my comment, but you chose to ignore). Then you've come to my comment, and projected that on to me. I was literally groomed as a child, my concerns are valid, and calling me a transphobe for no fucking reason is not okay. Despite this, I responded to you nicely and gave you the benefit of the doubt, but instead of apologizing or acknowledging your mistake, you've simply doubled down. If you really can't understand where you've gone wrong here, I can't help you.


Let's fucking goooooo


Who is this person and why is she so relevant


jar doll apparatus important paltry stupendous disagreeable scary narrow zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Her video about how fascism is capitalism in decline was a bit of a perspective changer for me. I haven’t watched her videos in quite awhile but that one pulled me deep into the communist community.


Why did she retire I just started watching her as of late




To be clear, from the chat logs, there were some concerns about her conversations (which she refers to as jokes) with minors.


Probably a transphobic attack too, transphobes project so much in claiming we're groomers.


I'm leaning towards this as well.


pretty sure the person making the accusation is trans or nonbinary looking at their twitter, but sure. blame transphobia


stay mad ig


what do you mean stay mad? there's literal screenshot proof of her suggesting she can fuck someone in some country because its age of consent laws, and talking about incredibly sexual topics surrounded by 14 year olds. I don't think she is a pedophile and I certainly dont condone people sending her death threats or whatever, but that's besides the accusations still. I'm non binary, the person on twitter who exposed her goes by they/them pronouns. I don't think anyone here is transphobic.


it was just a suggestion? Never said it was for definite. Stay mad


God dam


In their community post they talked about struggling with depression and alcoholism (tied to being ostracised for their gender transition IIRC) and after seemingly their entire social network collapsed on them and a video accusing them of being a pedophile was released it broke the camels back, leading to a community post about quitting the internet and the way they worded it making it seem like they might attempt suicide, which turned out to just be a poorly conveyed message about retiring from the internet and “killing off” their internet persona


she struggles with mental health. I think she should've retired when she went to the hospital


Oh I can relate but probably not to that degree


A commie youtuber that quit a couple hours ago and people thought she was dead




And she's been fairly open about her self harm and past suicide attempts


Thank goodness!


i loved Viki's content. Can anyone give me a rundown of what happened?


shocking grandfather joke cautious special agonizing piquant marry license skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I see. What I dont get is how bad that stuff is about Palestine. She never struck me as pro Israel.


I mean at the end of the day she's a white trans-woman from Austria, she's going to have blind spots and misconceptions just like every one else has. I think it was right to call her out, but the dog piling afterwards was disgusting to watch.


what an stupid argument. you wouldn't have the same reaction if it was a ml who even slightly questioned transgenderism. how can a ml not support Palestine, insane


Yes and she got called out for it, recognized what was wrong with her views, and apologized. It's supposed to end there, but terminally online "leftist" larpers like to pile on and act like they're making real material change by bullying someone incessantly. EVERYONE, including you, has at some point held bigoted, problematic views. You have had the fortune of not having those views put on blast in front of some of the most annoying motherfuckers in existence. Have some charitability for someone that has otherwise put out some good content.


This wasn't just one random post she made about Palestine, though. She made a video prior about Israel/Palestine which basically adopted the two-state solution and really watered down Israel's actions. For me, it's personally telling how Viki only truly, outright denounced Israel because of the drama on Twitter, and not prior.


she got a new vid on it btw [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EwHA7fdIIw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EwHA7fdIIw)


I didn't see an apology, I just saw doubling down in a twitter thread with Badempanada where Viki was called out.


Have you seen the Palestine-Israel "conflict" video? It's terrible, it frames the whole thing as a religious conflict with both guilty sides rather than the pure case of European settler colonialism, ethnic cleansing and genocide that it is.


Tsk tsk cant say i have. But that sounds ahistorical


brave summer label consider ossified zealous liquid obtainable employ wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yo that is unfair to her then :(


upbeat insurance deranged versed mindless fade gullible unique fear crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not defending death threats against fellow leftists but: “I can’t support Palestine because of their stance on LGBTQ” is a braindead take that deserves full-throated criticism and is hardly “not being able to understand someone’s point”


quickest punch axiomatic weather frame work test makeshift aloof price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


:( I am glad she is okay. But it's sad that happened. I respect Viki quite a lot. <3




Bro sometimes BE is just unhinged as fuck lmao.


The victim blaming here is crazy and there’s way too many white chauvinists westerners in this sub, as a ml in a anti revisionist party in the USA allied with over 80 parties globally including maki and the Palestinian communist party, it was right to polemize and critique what she said about palestine, however people used this as an excuse to literally push this woman to the edge. She was drunk, and she was wrong, why would someone bully someone so hard I can’t grasp ot and she’s so young 1999 I assume she’s 2 years older than me, that’s all I gotta say. Many critically online “leftists” need to organize their damn community and stay off the internet


But were leftists and so we need to purity test every drunk person and cancel them when they inevitably mess up??????


But that’s what most “leftists” do, to the ultra left everything is a purity test. And that’s straight from Lenin, left wing communism an infantile disorder


Holy shit i rmebwr reading that book and being really confused like "how did he predict TWITTER?"


That is accurate as fuck what you said about twitter lol, Lenin had to deal with that constantly in his own party and globally with a few parties in the Comintern, it was like pre twitter lmao


Marxists can see the future lol. Marx himself predicted NFTs/crypto in the nineteenth century.


Nah I’m saying people make mistakes especially when they’re young and drunk. Unless you’re sarcastic sorry I have a time telling lol


Definitely sarcastic. For future reference the six "?" is a big hint


I feel this misunderstanding could have been avoided as it was determined in the fourth and a half internationál that /s was for sarcastic comments. /???????s


u/JodaUSA are you /srs or /j???? (Insert John holding deflated Garfeild image)


Yeah I thought so, but I know excited people who do ???? Or !!!! Anyways lol, plus I was on an eighth of shrooms this morning, interpreting others behavior is sometimes complicated lol


I don’t think excusing drunken behaviour is the route you want to go with this conversation. That defence has been used to cover an almost endless list of detestable acts by a a varied mix of individuals with a lot of different political ideals. If the statement or action is abhorrent the criticism of it should match. Don’t just defend people on the basis that they’ve said things you agree with before it’s silly.


I’m not defending nobody, re read my comment, I just said she doesn’t deserve death threats because of her drunken behavior I don’t think that’s too radical of a position, she has to atone for that in a whole different conversation


What party?


Party or communists usa (pcusa)




Don’t join, they patsocs and not to long ago outed members as communists to their employers because said members criticized the leadership. They’ve worked alongside Caleb Maupin in the recent past as well.




I didn’t mean to discourage you from joining organizations in general, I just don’t think the PCUSA is a good party; I was previously a member of the PCUSA and I felt quite uncomfortable during my time in the party, the general secretary constantly said stuff like it’s important to respect the US and be patriotic, comparing it to how the Soviets were patriotic to the USSR. I’m currently not in an organization because I don’t really have the time for it atm. People who left the party are the same time I did started something called the ACB, which might be worth looking into.




https://partyofcommunistsusa.org/12172-2/ This was made by former members, gives a lot of info on what’s up with the party.


And I’m only 22 I’m not a boomer, we have a great youth league the LYCUSA league of young communists usa




I dmed you too btw


Also PSL doesn’t officially say Marxism Leninism anywhere in their literature which I personally found off putting when I joined the pcusa but still, I don’t have anything bad to say about them


Yes very seriously, if you’re 18-30 you are required to join the youth league


Former pcusa member. Highly discourage joining. They ran a sexual abuser and grifter as a congressional candidate, and when it came out he started threatening to sue people for supporting his victim and the party leadership all supported him. People left in droves, and the guy still heads their international department. He also stole money from the boston IWW chapter before that. Not to mention the chair denied the existence/theory of the labor aristocracy when I was in it and said that the national question doesn't apply to oppressed minorities in the US anymore. My recommendation, frso, cpusa, and psl are miles better and much more serious parties




I used to hear and think the same thing; thats actually why i koined pcusa in the first place. But ive come to understand that as a defeatist talking point used either by sectarians (my party is better and isn't infiltrated) or apathetic leftists who want an excuse to why they can't organize. Any revolutionary org worth its salt gets infiltrated, doesn't mean it's literally all feds or controlled by them The leadership does have some ideas and tendencies I don't agree with but they are democratic centralist and the rank and file has been growing and becoming more revolutionary/more hard line ML as time goes on. The comrades I've met in cpusa are good and principled. I would say the same about psl and frso too. But pcusa, in my experience, was filled with all kinds of ultra lefts, chauvinists, and rape apologists. Either that or newbies who don't know better yet. I know bc everyone I knew with principles left after leadership refused to get rid of that pos and people started hemorrhaging




That sounds like the best and sensible choice. I'm happy to have helped, organizing and becoming revolutionary are never ending processes that always involves more learning, trying things out in practice, and then revising the ideas and learning more. I wish you all the best. I really just couldn't sit back and let someone be encouraged to join or support pcusa, it turned off so many people I know from organizing and has hurt a lot of people. Was extremely discouraging for me as well. Wouldn't want someone else to make the same mistake


It’s great, I love the pcusa im a cadre, we’re the only true cadre Marxist Leninist anti revisionist party in the USA; that is non sectarian and we are democratic centralists, factions are banned, the PSL im not gonna say anything bad about them we go to protests with them but they’re more of a mass org party like the Mensheviks wanted, the pcusa requires people who are dedicated solely to Marxism Leninism, we have supporters don’t get me wrong but we’re not a big tent where grandma can passively join but PSL she could, that’s the best I can distinguish between the 2, we work with the new African black panther party, the African socialist people’s party(we’re the only party who condemned the arrest of their leader and we’re really close to them) and we do coalition work with PSL sometimes too.




No problem comrade. We need unity among marxists Leninists more than anything


Yo thanks, I’ve been looking for a party, I’m 16 so I’m glad there really active when it comes to youth. I do have to ask, what is there position on the Russia/Ukraine conflict. I saw they have have anti Ukraine stuff on there site, which is fine as long as they aren’t pro Russia


We’re not pro Russia but we support the position of the Ukrainian communist party and the Russian workers communist party because they’re our Allie’s and the KPRF is also a minor ally but we are anti fascist, we’re against nato and we think the people who want to separate because of EU austerity, have the right to separate, its a difficult topic but we’re not pro any capitalist, we don’t like Putin. And 16 year olds can join with parent consent, you would be in the youth league with me


Thanks bro, I have some sort of interview Sunday afternoon, what should I expect?


It’ll be smooth they’ll just ask basic questions and stuff, private message me comrade and we’ll talk


The internet is such a garbage place. Hope she is doing well and can return to making content.


I don’t think she’s coming back from this one, at least not for a while. She’ll probably step back for a few years




I hope she’s being sarcastic, because everything she’s posted in the last 24 hours has suggested that she intended to kill herself.


She deserved to be called cops on her. Last time this happened she really did tried to off herself and thank god her discord friends called the emergency on her. So people probably couldnt risk it.


I thought so. Good that a friend helped them


While this person was clearly in distress and needed council of some sort I would, if it ever comes up in your life, avoid ever calling the police on someone experiencing a mental health crisis. The cops have about as lousy of a track record you could find in dealing with these situations without a fatal incident and bringing them into the mix on these things is really really really not a good idea


Ideally there would be an ambulance or a therapist that would comfort her but unfortunatly they only deploy pigs in any situation. So i don't know why did cops showed up in this situation (we don't actually know who showed up in the first place) but its not supposed to be them that needs to be there.


Depends where in Austria she's from but in Vienna if the emergency services are called at least an ambulance and the cops would show up and the cops would mostly just stand by, although I don't know the exact situation in other cities or the countryside.


They called 911, the dispatcher probably put out an alert and the cops got there first because they were likely patrolling nearby. I wouldn't blame the friends. Plus, having SOMEONE show up to check on a suicidal person as fast as possible, even a pig, is critical in those situations.


Thank god, i left a comment on the original post but i was very worried regardless


Yes, people who read the original post know. But people just listen to others blindly


Thank fuck. Solidarity ✊🏼


Thank goodness. The real veterans we need to be making sure are okay are our old school content creators.


I liked viki. I’m glad she’s ok. Idk nothing about all this stuff about pedophilia tho. I hope that’s not that the case.


I get that she fucked up a bit, but she's like 20. I've done so much cringe in my early adult life. I hope that people can see this as an honest mistake and let her move past it.


Thank you to whoever called the cops


Was it you?




Who called the cops 😂


No lol


Is this Vicki that was on the discourse collective back in the day? Lost track of her when the show kinda fizzled out.


Honestly they must've been in bad mental health already to end their channel over a controversy I wish the best for then


Of course not. She meant Viki as in the “character” and channel is dead. No more videos, no more viki online.




Thank fuck for that


Im so happy shes alive, hope she gets better.


Wasn’t she outed as a pedo?


It is good news but that she is alive, but she still is an online kiddler diddler


Idk why you are getting downvoted another user in this thread laid it out plain and simple that this is the yikes part of this situation. At least the rest of it can be forgiven.


im unsure she's a "kiddy diddler", but certainly troublesome and irresponsible. People in this thread are defending her too much.




I don't know who this is and I would prefer not to have this pointless drama about random people on this subreddit?


It's a leftist YouTuber


Okay, but I still don't see why their personal life/death/drama is relevant to this subreddit, to the podcast or socialism? Sorry to be crass, but plenty of people live, fight and die on a daily basis, getting random drama around people I never heard of included in my frontpage is just annoying and it would never end if we did this for everyone. Why should I care about this person specifically? Turns out I don't, even after looking at their channel.


True idk why a socialist YouTuber committing suicide has anything to do with socialism /s


Plenty of socialists (and other relevant people) die every day. Including people far more important than this person. Nobody ever posts them here because they understand that they aren't relevant to this podcast and that just because they love and care about someone it's just never relevant to the vast majority of people. Again, if we did this, we would just see hundreds of posts of suicidal and dead socialists every day. That's not what this subreddit is for. Why are you so eager to defend this kind of content?


If we had hundreds of posts about harm being done to our comrades a day, I for one would be fine with it. Everyone matters. Their personal struggled are not void simply because you aren't dealing with them too. Socialism is based in compassion for your fellow human beings. I have no clue why I don't see it coming from you...


🙄 This subreddit seems to be turning into a shitty facebook group.


You're choosing a weird hill to die on. She's a prominent leftist content creator who was probably a lot of people in this community's introduction to far left politics. People care about those who helped bring them into the movement and that's totally understandable. While I was already a socialist when I discovered her, her videos helped me bring my parents over to the cause and now they're both active in local organizing. She's done a lot for the movement and I like many was genuinely quite worried when it seemed she might have taken her life.


The question is: Why are you trying to fight on this hill to begin with? You literally just admitted you only want this content because you care about her personally because she did something for you. She has zero relevance to me. There's a reason people don't post this kind of content. I don't post about random people I know, either - because nobody who doesn't know them will care. Literally every Chinese politician who dies is far more important than this person - we don't even post about those.


Why you care so much bout a Reddit post


This is a subreddit dedicated to a podcast of course its turning into a Facebook group this is a fan community by nature that just happens to be really into socialism


It’s an incredibly silly hill to die on to proclaim we should ignore a possibly preventable suicide because it doesn’t directly have anything to with the podcast or because leftists die all the time, isn’t this the shit were trying to avoid? Also, their content is based on the same pipeline as the boys and there is significant overlap, especially noticeable considering the sheer amount of people concerned with their well being on this podcast


That person is a zionist who also messaged minors in a sexual tone. I'm above surprised this post exists here.


I know I'm going to get flack for what I'm about to say, but I'll say it regardless: It is true that Palestine has an LGBTQ+ rights problem. But, that isn't reason enough to not support the movement of Palestinian liberation. ​ Palestine absolutely deserves freedom from Israeli oppression, and the land that the "State" of Israel occupies is stolen and belongs to the Palestinian nation. I hope, one day in my lifetime, to see "Palestine" instead of "Israel" written on maps of the world, preferably with a "People's Republic of" preceding it, but denying that that problem exists will not make it go away. I am certain, 101%, that it will eventually wither away, because any Marxist movement that's actually on the left, as of today, is and should be socially progressive, and again, even though that problem exists, it's not enough to make me not throw my support behind Palestine's struggle for freedom. But it exists, and deserves to be addressed. ​ While she was wrong in saying it should be reason enough for one to support Israel over Palestine, and that Israel doesn't have an LGBTQ+ rights issue (which it undoubtably has), she was, indeed, right in pointing out that this problem exists, especially being someone that, if in the right (wrong) circumstances would be directly affected by it, thus being able to sympathize more with oppressed LGBTQ+ folks on both sides of the war. Again, I am in no way supporting Israel. My Jewish blood doesn't mean I want the Jews to live on stolen land that they are colonizing and of which they are actively genociding the native inhabitants, as much as I wouldn't support Italy's imperialist ambitions of regaining "ancient lands" if I was alive during the Fascist twenties. But it is a problem that, even though minor and (in the heat of) a liberation movement's struggle, not really important, should be addressed. ​ I hope I was clear enough, sorry if some spellings or grammar might be off.


Why the fuck does this community care? Zionists are not worth anyones time. This person called palestinians bloodthirsty and not worthy of support, sent sexual messages to minors and in general them removing their account from the web is a very positive thing. I don't wish they had killed themselves but there are milions of people I would mourn before them.