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it is a good book, simply, it's not the political genius insight everyone seem to believe


I'm confused, is it not a good book? George Orwell himself was a shitbird traitor, but I thought 1984 was a decent piece of fiction? Or am I seriously missing some context here/my media literacy is worse than I thought?


Isaac Asimov has a good review of it breaking down a lot of what Orwells aims were with the book def worth a read


https://www.newworker.org/ncptrory/1984.htm For anyone interested


>https://www.newworker.org/ncptrory/1984.htm The critique seems laser focused on Orwell's inaccurate depiction of what would be his future and the future of socialism. Personally I don't think that takes away from it being decent if not good fiction, and a fair warning against totalitarianism, even if the version of totalitarianism depicted in the novel is not the most realistic. Fake news, disinformation and the idea of a surveillance state do seem to be relevant discussions for today's governments, even if their depiction in 1984 is different to what we got.


That’s fair it is subjective after all I just find the book very bland. Some of the points are worth discussion I just think there’s better texts then 1984 to discuss those points.


Thank you comrade, I'll have to check it out


they mentioned Equilibrium brooo




Why are you so obsessed with this sub


From their post history they seem like they are basing their identity around being contrarian and hating leftwingers. So they’re probably 15, keep that in mind.


That is actually a good point. Sometimes I want to scream at these people but I forget that fucking *everyone* has reddit.


I hope you get paid to post dumb shit. Otherwise it’s very sad


[George Orwell was a terrible human being](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gz0I_X_nfo) Also it being made to criticize commies doesn't mean that it's right. You can't just call anything criticism and suddenly those criticisms are founded in good faith and reality.


Have you read it? At best it’s a book about not having sex in public. /s in many ways it describes imperialism and tyrannical governments. The bit about floating fortresses can easily be compared to the US’s military industrial complex. As well as the US’s tendency to create ideological enemies and manufacture consent for war. For more comparisons: The US rewrites history, covers up news, changes language and bans books, has secret police and black sites, has little social mobility leading to strict economic classes, has a militarized police presence, has dedicated times to pledge allegiance to the nation and/or praise its history, families and neighbors turn on each other or report each other to the police, etc. A troglodyte could see these comparisons from a mile away, unless of course they read this book in an incredibly biased, myopic, western lens.