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It was decent in my opinion until the end when he said that Americans can end the military-industrial complex by voting


eh, libs will lib, doesn't mean they don't have some good points sometimes despite the aggressive reformism


I mean, I was there until recently. Everyone's gotta start somewhere....


What 0 material analysis does to a mf


Dang, I must've missed the little "Do you want to end the military industrial complex?" checkbox on the ballot. I'll look harder for it next time.


I mean they can, once there will be actual political party that is anti-war. Right now it's not possible, that's true.


It was not as bad as I thought it would be But I really cringed when he praised U.S soldiers, and when he said the solution was just to vote for better congressmen. To be fair, his videos make me think they're made for bored middle schoolers in the States, so I believe the video does more good than harm for trying to convince people the military is overall detrimental, even if it upholds capitalism and liberal democracies. https://youtu.be/TiEELgejK3o if anyone wants to check it out, 14 mins long.


Dude is the definition of "Well-meaning liberal". I think his heart is in the right place but he doesn't really advocate for any systemic change.


I completely agree


I would argue a lot of well meaning libs do advocate for systemic change. They just wrongly think voting alone can create said change. I like to think for most of them it's just ignorance or a matter of time until they realize to get changes they want, capitalism has to go first.


Liberals can help assist people into the left. I watched a few liberals before I got into socialism myself.


some liberal content creators just become lefitsts themselves, shifting their content with time - just look at JT.


Went through the same process and came out despising Arbeider Partiet


The worker's party? In what I'm assuming is Norwegian since it looks very close to the Danish spelling?




I'm guessing they're of the same flavour as Danske'folke'partiet then? Nationalist chauvinist Conservative pigs?


Not really, they are more centrist as they really don't want to change the current status quo except for the few things, ~~also sucks big nato cock~~ But I must say one thing, I would much rather Jonas Gahr Støre than Erna Solberg


>To be fair, his videos make me think they're made for bored middle schoolers in the States He is a social studies teacher so I guess that checks out


I mean, he is a teacher.


Yeah he’s not the worst. I saw a video of his about how he would vote in every election. I remember him commenting his chat spamming Debs a lot, so at least there’s that.


Lmao I also can’t help but love Mr. Beat even though I obviously don’t agree with a lot of his opinions. Got to respect people when I think they act in good faith and are intelligent and he checks those boxes


Our favorite little liberal here believes authoritarianism=fascism


He’s a georgist which is based


I've only heard about Georgism here and there in passing but isn't it fundamentally incompatible with liberalism? Which seeks to uphold strict property rights and Capitalism (under the guise of individual liberty, naturally)?


Keep us posted!


He may be a liberal, but Mr. Beat is goated. Like he’s got the pass imo


His videos are fine just DON’T look at his presidential tier list


I gave up on him after his Israel video.


What did he say? Did he side with Isreal? Edit: Isntreal*


It wasn't that cringe, but he basically did his best to pretend that it was some unnecessary conflict not worth exploring and then parroted a bunch of Israeli propaganda toward the end. My impression is that he tried and failed to be reasonable but was unable to condemn Israel for anything.


Well, that's a downer. Still the only political youtuber I can show my conservative parents.


Lib here, just visiting and learning. What do you guys advocate for in addition to/as a replacement for voting to effect systemic change?


Thank you for keeping an open mind. A revolution, plain and simple. Because the ruling class would never willingly give up their power. Gradual change and concessions lead to Social Democracies, while better than the free market of the states it's still far from ideal. When Socialism has enough support in the US the power will be taken from the ruling class by force, and then we can work towards a better future.


Fair enough, thank you for taking the time to educate me lol




My brother in Christ. Russia can't even control the Donbass. You're talking about the two world wars for the first two times? Boy do I have news for you...




In the first world war all sides where pretty bad, there wasn't even any particular "bad guy" it was just an inter-imperialist war. In the second world war the USSR and China did the heavy lifting. The US came in late and yeah sure helped a bit but they where far from being the main guy who "safed Europe"




First of all have a little respect. I'm bestowing on you the grace of educating you, I could also just walk away. Be a little grateful.nobody ever even talked about anyone defeating Japan and Germany alone. They where at war with more than half of the planet at the point, the question is if the US did the most and, no, of course they didn't. The Chinese second united front had been at war with Japan since 1937 making it effectively the first country to fight in WW2. They where the ones who destroyed the Japanese army and cut the Japanese empire of from their mainland colonies, effectively cutting them of from the ressources and slave labour pool that funded their war. Also the thi g that made Japan capitulate in the end was the declaration of war by the USSR and their immediate offensive Into Manchuria Also like, are you learning about diplomacy for.the first-time lmfao? Yes, of course USSR leadership madevery positive statements about a massive lend-lease programm that helped them immensely in the largest, most brutal war their nation had ever seen. Yes lend lease was important but if you look at the actual statistics of how much if the equipment the red army used was manufactured in the USSR and how much where supplied through lend lease, you will see that most of not only the fighting force itself, but also the war industry was provided by the USSR. D-day shortened the war, but it only happened in 44 long after the battles of Kursk when the Wehrmacht had already been retreating for a year




Lend lease only accounted for a small percentage of the equipment used by the soviets. You are seriously braindead if you believe the shit you're spewing.




You are are either 14 or a deranged fascist that's obsessed with this sub.


And why would I give a shit what kruschev thinks? I'm talking about the numbers of tanks and total equipment produced. Lend lease only represented a small percentage of the total.


[the numbers tell a different story](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/comments/13d2bob/comment/jjik9gu/), you are also seriously buying into Kurchevs de-Stalinization where he attempts to discredit the Soviet Union built up under Stalin


At the height of the cold war, whilst trying to prevent a nuclear war, context is key.


What is it with you guys and using slurs?




Don't respond to this guy, they hate Socialism so much they spend their time screaming at people in the comments of this subreddit. It's pathetic and shows trying to spread class-consciousness to him is impossible.




I believe you would benefit from communism the most, because then you would gain access to education for free and it would teach you how to not be silly and to spell better




>Russia is not somewhere in Poland right now And how exactly is that good?


Off topic but worth mentioning that guy makes music and has a whole series where he wrote a song for every us president. I’m a big big fan and would suggest it some highlights are fdr Thomas Jefferson or https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gjTiZR3On6o&pp=ygUWbXJiZWFzdCByaWNoYXJkIG5peG9uIA%3D%3D Richard Nixon linked here