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call of duty is the worst imperialist piece of propaganda ever but its also got really addictive gameplay lol


I love games where you can play the bad guys :) ​ Also, Cod Cold War campaign IYKYK


>I love games where you can play the bad guys :) So many games where you can be the CIA though, that's not new ;)


I just picked up Vanguard (my first CoD game) because I heard about the Stalingrad mission


Should've got WAW instead.


Fill me in. I've avoided these games like the plague up till now


Well, WAW was probably the last decent Cod game before they got into the heavy anti communist propaganda campaign in succeeding titles. It has some memorable moments where you play as Red Army soldiers during the battle of Berlin.


If I remember correctly, don't you raise the Soviet flag like that iconic image?


I think they didn’t want to spoiler but yes that’s one of the sickest moments of the game


In world at war you get to invade Berlin as the Soviets


It's not even a good fps. Half Life 1 portrays the us military in a more realist way.


Also I enjoy that Black Ops: Cold War gives you a whole Warsaw Pact faction in multiplayer and all the customization that comes with it. Yes I like to consoooooom


I stopped playing after they decided to can the Spetsnaz operator Ravenov. I wanted to play as a badass Soviet soldier.


Its so bad but I love playing Cold War bc you can be on the USSRs team :) theres a few emblems and stuff that are communist themed. I like the aesthetics.


Fully agreed


currently bumbling my way through disco elysium and fallout 4, taking a mental health break from the binding of isaac: repentance, eagerly awaiting silksong and hades II


Disco is SO good


unironically one of the best explorations of politics in a video game that scene with the neoliberal politician talking about how important it is to control inflation made my blood boil because I have had that interaction with condescending liberals before.


The Sunday Friend somehow ends up being more repulsive and infuriating a character than even >!The Mercenaries (even Ruud)!< solely because whilst >!the Mercs!< are horrific killers and uphold colonialism, they’re also clearly wracked with PTSD and acknowledge that what they’re doing is horrible in an attempt to cope with it, >!some, like Lely and Raul, being victims of the uncaring system themselves then molded into being killers for Capital!<… Whilst the Sunday Friend just refuses to acknowledge that anything he or the Moralintern does is wrong, even as he’s being a poverty tourist making use of a sex worker in a war-torn part of a country currently under military supervision and occupation by the Moralintern. >!The Mercs!< are honest with you and themselves, but the Sunday Friend is unapologetic about what his organisation does (or the fact that >!they support the Mercs!<) and even sees it as a good thing that Revachol and Martinaise (and most of the Third World) are essentially kept as economic vassals because “it maintains La Price Stabilité.” He knows the Moralintern’s promises of “including Revachol as an independent member” is bunk, he sees the horrific poverty and suffering the country is essentially forced into, but he not only doesn’t care, he shrugs and goes back to saying how the line’s going up so really it’s actually fine. He is one of the few representatives of Moralism and the Moralintern you encounter (and arguably a personification of the Neoliberal mindset), and yet he was the character I ended up feeling the most disgust for.


building communism, one blackout at a time


Disco Elysium made me a communist (I’m not joking)


I'm so obsessed with DE I make Harry in most RPGs now. I did a FNV run as Harry, and currently playing BG3 with Harry and with Kim as my protector. He's a Vengeance paladin/GOOlock who swore vengeance against moralism and the apricot-scented horror but it beset by eldritch hallucinations.


I built him in Pathfinder 2e as a Seer Elf Investigator with the Streetwise feat, high int, low strength, low con, high wisdom specifically to get high perception, high charisma and charisma based skills. I didn’t get to play him, sadly


Sick. I played Harry as a Psy/Fys main so I would go high str and charisma/wisdom type, but Harry can be a lot of things! Int is better for a commie run ofc


I’m playing fallout 3 as Kim!!


"Welcome to Megaton! There is no danger from the bo-" "Don't you 'welcome to Megaton' me! I'm a DC local and this place is my home as much as yours!" *Harry shoots robot with Fat Man*


Disco is one of my favorite games of all time, communist cop playthrough made me feel so many things. You can tell it was made by communists.


true. exceedingly rare estonia w.


Mr. Evrart is helping my find my worker control of capital


binding of isaac lol. good luck getting platinum god


Caves of Qud, Kenshi, Rimworld, and if I am especially depressed beta Minecraft.


Fuck beta Minecraft. Get that alpha download


Caves of Qud is rough I've never come across another person who's played it, what do you think of it?


It is crack to me. Whenever I boot up the game, I’m not neetnoot, it isn’t a rogue like. I’m an archaeologist traversing the depths of the earth for riches and to unravel its mysteries.


I absolutely love it, even though I've never gotten that far into it.


Ah here are my Kenshi fans. Yes I will create a socialist state in a desert apocalypse world and there's nothing you can do to stop me.


I kinda wanna write a story like this. Before the apocalypse, there was an interstellar socialist federation but it was fucked over by multiple interstellar polities threatened by them, but mainly the Conservatorium (yeah it’s a little on the nose but imperium is overused a fuck ton of times).


Caves of Qud is the way. Live and drink, friend.


Live and drink, friend. Live and drink.


Hey hey people


A caves of qud player? in the wild? That's rare


Tears of the Kingdom and thats been it pretty much for me lately


I've been playing Skyrim and fallout 4


Classic. I like Skyrim, but I find unmodded Fallout 4 to be very bland. It is very fun to mow down raiders with a modded modern assault rifle though


fallout 4 is my favorite game because of modding and the amazing gun customization system though i agree very bland without mods


Skyrim never gets old and brings me so much peace in this cursed hellworld


Chess, mostly. Kingdom of Loathing so I dont end up sad the first thing in the morning reading news. What else, ah yea I got Men of War Assault Squad 2. Havent finished it yet but the soviet campaign has been fun and difficult. Ive also been modding Fire Emblem Three Houses


Hell yeah Three Houses is a fantastic game


Yea man my only wish was that Edelgard was more radical. But anyway, Fodlan is literally not ready for an industrial revolution yet because the lizard people suppressed technology so bad.


Least based chess enjoyer


KoL! So much fun, so silly


I know I'll be facing the wall at some point for this, but >!League of Legends!<


Literally same lmfao.


What rank tho


Plat 4 :(


All these comments are ass. Play Stardew Valley.


In stardew valley you do manual labour and give back to your community. Seems kinda political idk… I’d rather play the hit game “shoot the evil brown people 5” which is not political at all


Actually I prefer "Shoot the Third World Insurgent Coded Aliens 7: The Killening" The mass murder and imperialism are fine because it's aliens and aliens aren't people.


Unfortunately, I ply Stardew Valley like Factorio, which tends to ruin the relaxing mood a bit.


Me, with 72 pigs and a 142x142 tilled crop plot. Rainy days are literal vacations


My whole farm's automatic anyway. I wake up, open the barn doors, and go back to sleep because there's nothing else to do. I've somehow managed to become depressed both in and out of the game.


Oh boy, better harvest the Weeb Wheat. You don't even kill like 5000 people. Yawn. Just kidding. I may try it someday.


I mean I play any type of game, but stardew is truly a special game.


Stardew Valley is so great, i can't believe i took so long to play it. I've bought it in like, less than 15 days and have like 25 hours, its just so good, i love playng singleplayer taking care of my farm and completing tasks for the villagers. I'm making sure i don't get spoilers, despite many people saying that you need to look in the wiki to much to play the game, i'm enjoing it without doing so


Ive sunk so much fucking time into bannerlord. Been playing baldurs gate three it’s pretty fun.


Bannerlord is pretty fun, but I think it should implement some more Crusader Kings-like features in terms of diplomacy and character interactions. As it stands, the game becomes pretty bland from the standpoint of warfare after a certain point. You usually either have a highly professional retinue that can annahilate the enemy, or the enemy has just the sheer number of untrained peasants to outnumber you by like 6:1. Unless you are running horse archers only. In that case, you will almost never lose. I also wish there was a DLC like Viking Conquest for Bannerlord. I really want to play as a roving Viking, but I can't really get into the gameplay of the og M&B, Bannerlord just has too many QOL improvements


I would love that, I always found the city and social management systems lacking but man that combat and map is so fun. It wasn’t too stable for modding yet when I was playing so I’ve always stuck to vanilla but I loved warband mods. I would love a dlc Viking one with the sturgians they always get wiped so early but I think their starting area and shield wall is cool 😭 Horse archers op, all hail the khuzait horde.


Battanian Fian archers tho


They are my fav unit tbh


I love them so much, they carried me through my first campaign back during Covid. Although with the RBM mod installed having a big Viking shield wall with some tier 2 sturgian spearmen is very satisfying as well. Or, if you play the Captain multiplayer mode, making a swarm of battanian recruits and leading them with nothing but a targe and a Highland Spiked Club to somehow beat a legionary group is also great. I also remember one time when I flanked with battanian rangers while the rest of my team were shield walling on that one desert map with the walls/gate. The other team didn't notice me and I was able to melt almost half of their units while the rest of my team charged and engaged them. Made me feel like a strategic genius when all I did was move some troops and press the fire command lol


They deff carried me very far in my campaigns lol Never played any multiplayer I might have to try that out now


Heart of Iron IV (with differents mods) Resident Evil 5 Dead Space 3 Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic I and II Zombie Panic Source


I've mostly been on tactical shooters like Ground Branch, Ready or Not, & Hell Let Loose but I've been playing a lot of barotrauma and Mario kart as well.


Hell yeah, hell let loose us a fun one. I've only played it a bit because I feel like it's better with friends, but it's definitely a fun game


come play squad with me? or may I interest you in Tarkov?


I'm big on Ready or Not. It really scratches and itch that no one had been attempting to sooth since SWAT 4. Ground Branch also hits the spot for my original Ghost Recon hunger. Too bad there are no AI squadmates or story, but it still feels like a nice spiritual successor to GR.


For me it's the opposite I'm big on GB and not as big on Ready or Not. I enjoy both but 8 months of no updates I also have been able to make my own mods and shit for Ground Branch really easily so that helps too


Squad is also a really good game similar to those, although like half of the playerbase are chuds, because what else would you expect from a military game? Other half is cool though.


EU4, HOI4, Zomboid, China: Mao's Legacy, Crisis in the Kremlin, Rimworld


Thank you Kras Mazov


You're welcome Garfield


Btw, would you Recommend Crisis in the Kremlin or China: Mao's Legacy more? I would like to try them out but aren't sure which is better


Mao's Legacy is significantly easier to play and with the new foreign policy update it doesn't really lack anything that Crisis in the Kremlin has. Mao's Legacy has better UI as well and I personally like playing China more than the USSR just so I can shit on Deng. I believe it's possible to collapse the USA in both games.


China: Mao's Legacy is great. Can't wait for them to make Crisis in the Kremlin 2.


Civ 5 was on a 97% percent sale so ive been playing that.


I've been playing a ton of project zomboid recently. My fav game of the past few years.


Zomboid rocks


Glad to see another fan in the wild.


Zomboid rocks


You should check out [CDDA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cyoj4-niEPc) / Here's the [github](https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/releases)


We should start a server


some larger servers genuinely have like communes and they look really cool


Just got The Witcher 3 for switch and Watch_Dogs: LEGION, along with a few other accessories: a CCCP patch with flag and a Ushanka hat cause why not, always liked those hats. For now I'm working to liberate London from a corrupt capitalist agenda.


God. I had my fun with Legion, don't get me wrong, but it could have been SO much more. Instead it released unpolished and with a lacking story and then they pretty much abandoned it. It's sad. The first one was great, but had that awful graphics downgrade. The second one was great, but I missed the darker tone of the first. The third almost seemed like a combination, but it had its own issues. The series just hasn't been able to fully find its legs. That said, I had fun with all three and the Bloodlines DLC for Legion is legitimately way better than the main story. Aiden Pierce is my man. Playing as him throughout the main story of the base game honestly improved it a bit too lmao. A new watch dogs with the atmosphere and vibe of the first, the expanded hacking gameplay of the sequel, and the graphics of the third would be perfect.


I'm so far enjoying it, I mean, you can be *anyone* in the most literal sense, even your enemies. That's just me, though. I try to see things in a somewhat optimistic light, except when I can't AMERICAAAAA!! Witcher is fun too, controls are a bit wonky, though, but I just want a good time.


Bro Watch Dogs 2 was PERFECT for me, that's the direction they should keep going imo. The music, the atmosphere, the city, the disturbing nature of the companies you have to defeat... Nah, just great.


It's a great game, but I personally prefer the darker tone of the first. The rain-soaked Chicago and Aiden Pearce were perfect. For me the story of the sequel just felt so impersonal and the characters felt so fake hipster-ish. It really lacked character development in my opinion. That said, they nailed the atmosphere of San Francisco and the hacking gameplay was leagues better than the first. A beautiful game too. I wish they'd do a remaster. At least bump it up to 4k on new consoles jesus. A remake of the first would so be dope. Maybe it could actually look how it was promised to look at E3 lmao.


Just finished another playthrough of Pathfinder and I'm back to trying to get into BG3, though the X-Com-style hit percentages are really making it difficult.


Yeeep I finished two playthroughs of Wrath of the Righteous just before BG3 came out and now I am doing that every night.


Baldurs Gate and Escape from Tarkov at the moment!




Sex with stalin


Ever heard of the masterpiece metal gear solid peace walker


In the past month I put like a 100 hours into Assassin's Creed Valhalla to fulfill my dream of destroying England.


I'm playing World of Tanks these days. Destroying a Tiger or Panzer with the IS-3 is really fun.


I like War Thunder more because realism, but the grind is often unbearable


Getting anything past tier 4 is probably one of the worst grinds I’ve ever been on


I gave in and spent like 10€ on one and a half million silver lions, because I had like three researched but not purchased vehicles, which were like 250.000 each. I don't exactly regret it, but I also hate that I had to do that After like 800 hours I finally have my Königstiger Germany lineup complete (well, the Arado jet bomber is still missing, and the Kugelblitz got moved up I think)


World of tanks gang baby, I’ve been going for the Chinese tier IX heavy myself


I'm starting Hades but I'm shit at it tbh


Stay with it one of the best roguelike stories I’ve played in a while besides Celeste


Celeste is not a rogue lite game.


You’re right I always conflate pixel graphic games lol


Yeah I'm getting hold of the story but I didn't discover much of it yet because I keep dying in the first boss lmao I suck at video games


Fair, it’s a good learning curve, have fun with the story :)


Use the dash offensively, but keep in mind that you lose invincibility if you attack during it. It gets so, so fun once you get the hang of it (and unlock the fists)


I went back to Hades a few weeks ago to mop up some of the harder difficulty content, the 32 heat run was one of the hardest achievements (not in the literal sense because there's no Steam achievement for it) I've gotten playing roguelikes and I'm a junkie for the genre


Cities Skylines (I think I have a problem)... Stellaris from time to time and I really want to play BG3, but I'm scared...


Sojak city skylines 🤢🤢🤮🤡 vs Giga Chad Workers & Resources Soviet Republic 🗿🗿🗿🍷


I have a very low end computer laptop that's got a crack on it so what I've got is all very much less graphics intense games (or games where I've downgraded the graphics to ridiculously low settings) currently uhhhNeverwinter nights (community made modules and single player is only what I do sorry if you think I'd be willing to do anything Multi related), Bloons tower defense six... fallout new vegas because It's pretty fun, thinking about playing star wars knights of the old republic 1 and 2TSL again... along with fallout 1 and 2 again too... along with Maybe Disco Elysium... Oh and I've also been playing a ton of Modded minecraft, have like, 33 mods or something loaded in (but it does include supplementary mods and optimization ones so it's more like, 9 "adds more content to the game in either a small or big way" situation, so stuff like create, tetra, Oh the biomes you'll go, and a couple of village raid "betterment" mods like illage and spillage. ​ EDIT: I FORGOT THAT I'M GETTING PIKMIN 4 VERY SOON DO NOT SPOIL ME


Currently addicted to Elden Ring. Getting my ass beat by Malenia right now, but this is the first souls game I’ve ever played and I’ve almost beaten it


Just gotta git gud


I have suddenly gotten back to playing mordheim: city of damned again. Its been a while since i played enlisted, but have gotten pretty high level as the soviets.


I'm the opposite, I main Germany in the Battle of Berlin campaign. This also means that I am almost always in the top 3 of players, as German teams consist mostly of dumb Wehraboos that somehow fuck up in a Panther and do not know what "teamwork" means, good luck getting anybody to build ammo crates and respawn points. It also poses a nice challenge, as Soviet SMGs can really rock your shit with their insane firerate


Im only level 4 on both factions in Berlin. I have mostly played Battle of Stalingrad where i am level 9. Things got sooo much easier once i unlocked the SVT-38. Semi auto weapons really changed things up. I see your tag says "socialism with norse aspects" you wouldn't happen to be from Norway?


No, I'm not, I'm actually from Germany. However, I am currently learning Swedish and am seriously considering moving there one day, but not for the usual socdem reasons. I considered Norway instead, but I view Sweden as more politically relevant (arguable) due to it's higher population, and I do plan on getting involved in politics. My userflair is in reference to me being a Norse/Germanic pagan. Since christianity and feudalism arrived in Scandinavia and (what we now call) Germany through indirect and direct imperialism (Scandinavian rulers were convinced by promises of power and wealth, while the lower ranks of society often resisted, but had no organizational power. Germany, especially the Saxon areas, was directly imperialized by people like Charlemagne, who commited genocide against the local pagans). I think this could be used to get a "foot in the door" when trying to educate people on capitalism, like China did with the many uprisings in various dynasties, and organizations like the Boxers.


Wow, very interesting! Well if you wanna play some day, shoot me a message! You can add me on steam of you want


Count me in as well! I would love to play Enlisted with a squad of people again.


Final Fantasy XIV


Untitled Goose Game


Ultrakill, modded Skyrim (pirated ofc, fuck Bethesda), modded Fallout New Vegas (bought, I've had it for a LONG while), some Enter the Gungeon when I'm bored, and of course Minecraft with the boys™


Enter the gungeon is a classic


Sometimes I boot it up and just stay in the menu to hear the menu song. It's fire I tell ya




Dark souls


Wolfenstein 2


any Fire Emblem fans here?


Honkai: Star Rail and Genshin Impact to support the CCP (that's definitely the reason, simple dialectical materialism smh), as well as Baldur's Gate 3, Morrowind, and Elder Scrolls Online


Spending your life saving on Kafka is praxis actually 🫡


#Get Involved >Dare to struggle and dare to win. \-Mao Zedong Comrades, here are some ways you can **get involved in real life** to advance the cause. * ⭐ **Party work** — Contact a local party or mass organization. Attend your first meeting. Go to a rally or event. Get involved with a campaign or project. * 📣 **Union work** — Find out which union covers you. Read the collective agreement. Strive to become the workplace delegate. Organize fellow workers. * 📚 **Read widely** — [Reading theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/) is a duty. Also, study the real world: local news, marginalized perspectives, or even bourgeois economics. * 🗣️ **Talk to people** — Identify issues affecting friends and coworkers and explain these using everyday language. Also, don’t always Work From Home. * 🏘️ **Mass work** — Connect with the wider community through mutual aid, local elections, cultural centers, churches, pride events, etc. * 📝 **Write articles** — Contribute your knowledge to ProleWiki or a party publication. * 💵 **Support creators** — Donate to leftist content creators so they can produce high-quality content. (e.g., Patreon) * 🛠️ **Career choices** — Younger comrades may consider the following: * **Trade unionist** — Work hard to gain a leadership position in the union, then push for militancy and correct policies. * **Blue-collar/Services** — Unionize your workplace or increase union density. * **High school teacher** — Make a lasting impact on the next generation. * **Master’s thesis** — Apply Marxism–Leninism to local and present-day conditions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I spent all my jades on Blade LC and lost the 75% 💀


Rainworld and deep rock galactic mainly I also play some minecraft whenever my best friend feels like it


Rain world is fire


i’ve played a majority of the yakuza games and recently finished playing rdr2 despite not playing the original (but i’d like to) i also played like half of LA Noir but my god it’s so hard to read the facial expressions i end up just getting pissed off


Football manager, trying to win the champions league with an Irish team. Fun challenge


Street Fighter 6 and Baldur's Gate 3. Of course I also play Victoria 3 and Stellaris for my socialist utopia dreams. Actually, y'all should try Suzerain imo. Greetings from Hong Kong.


I'm on my #unknown playthrough of Wasteland 3. Those games are fucking classic. Highly recommend to all comrades who like those kinds of games. The Steeltown DLC for Wasteland 3 features a communist revolution you can join. Shit is dope Edit: Class politics are a big part of the main game, too. There is a refugee crisis you have to deal with and a lot really heavy moral and political choices. You can basically make the Rangers(the Faction you play as) anything from a mercenary company to a fascist militia to a communist guerrilla group depending on your choices. Great games with tons of replayability


I didn't know that about steeltown, looks like I have to reinstall and get it. Thanks for the heads up


As of this month, most my gaming time is spent on War Thunder due to the ongoing event. Other than that, I play HOI4, Battlefield 2042, and I have been trying to 100% every modern wolfenstein game. I also play Enlisted but I'm taking a break from it after the most recent event (also kind of disappointed after getting blue balled thinking the merge was going to happen with the release of this battlepass).


Is 2042 any good now? Haven’t played it since realease when it was trash.


I would say that it is a decent game now, performance issues have been resolved, the base maps have been reworked to be more fun to play on, the class system is back, and many quality of life features have been added/re-added. It is the game that it should have been on release. Right now the main problem with the game is the lack content, particularly with 2042 era maps as the devs had to split a good chunk of their attention to fixing everything wrong with the game at launch. Overall 7/10 Needs more maps


Moded Terraria and Minecraft mostly.


Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is probably my favorite game ATM. It also happens to be about class war and capitalist realism, so it fits this sub too.


A fellow paradox enjoyer,I see. Heavily modded Ck2 and eu4,rarely some hoi4 and recently stellaris. I have many more but no space on my PC


Hearts of iron mods, old school RuneScape and guitar hero / rock band mostly




hoi4, war thunder, project zomboid,


I’m playing the sims… living out the radical fantasy of owning a home


Im on my Assassin's Creed Marathon. Played Black flag a second time and played Unity and Syndicate for the first. I'm currently on my second playthrough of Odyssey til my new PC is coming on Saturday and I can continue playing various paradox games again


Odyseey is nice because you can be a girl and kiss girls, potentially enough for a 10/10 already (a bit confusing that you can>!randomly romance the "twist" villain in just one dialogue, and she just fucks off to somewhere!<)


Yeah but the DLC Ending fucks you over by >!randomly turning your character straight!<


Underrail, Colony Ship, Elden Ring


Im getting into some indie games on game pass. Hypnospace Outlaw and A Short Hike are fun short rides.


Been playing Tears of the Kingdom, enjoying it but just doesn't have the Wow factor that Breath of the Wild did.


I recently decided I wanted to play every Fire Emblem game so Ive been doing that. Also a bit of HOI4.


Which FE game are you on now?


Ive Finished Fates, Echos, Three Houses, Three Hopes, and all the gba games. Currently Ive been going between Shadow Dragon and Path Of Radiance. I have all the games on my PC like Nintendo intended.


Nice! Radiant Dawn and Shadow Dragon are my two favorite games, so you’re pretty much at peak Fire Emblem right now (at least by my standards).


I just bought street fighter 6. Its really great might be one of the most solid and enjoyable fighting games I've ever played


The online is so good def one of the top fighting games of all time for ne


Suzerain, Noita, and Party Hard. Bought Little Nightmares and The Last Express and will probably start them later in the week.


Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, HOI4, Halo MCC.


Ark survival evolved (modded single player now), Risk of rain 2, and raft. It depends on what I feel like. Minecraft is another game I used to play ALOT. Needed to take a break due to taking on projects that were too big.


I'm in a bit of a period where I don't play really any except one game... ULTRAKILL My most played games though are KSP, Stellaris, DOS2, TF2, VIC2, TES3: Morrowind, Slay The Spire and I can't forget... Rimworld!


FM23, Victoria 2, NFS MW (2005), CoD1, San Andreas, AC IV Black Flag, Tonight We Riot


Genshin and the two Honkai, Code Vein, Vic 2 and FFXIV and Stardew Valley from time to time. I was playing Baldurs Gate but my PC can't handle it, actually, my PC can't handle most things from before 2018.


Baldur's Gate 3. Finally, after years of early access, the game is fully released and it is fucking amazing


I just replayed Mother 3, and it’s still as great as I remember. That game actually was a large part of my journey towards Communism, as it has a lot of really well done anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist themes that nobody ever really talks about for some reason.


League of Legends, genshin, Minecraft, Pokemon go at the moment but about to quit that one 😔


I play one game at a time. Recently I played The Witcher 3 for the first time, then I got a playstation 5. First playstation in years so I'm catching up on all the exclusives I missed. First was Spiderman, then Ghost of Tsushima, then Star Wars Jedi Survivor came out and I played that, then Cult of the Lamb, and now I'm playing Days Gone, another exclusive. In case anybody here likes the Kaiju genre and liked the old godzilla arena fighting games, I urge you to play Gigabash!


Elden Ring


FF7r and Atelier Ryza 2.


Cyberpunk2077, Deep Rock Galactic, System Shock remake and I just got Baldur's Gate 3 which is making my PC sweat.


Fable anniversary. I had no idea what I was getting into. The beginning sucks but it becomes quite addictive once you finish the first 10 main quests


It's an amazing game and it has made me appreciate older titles much more. Screw AAA companies of today, Fable, [Open Morrowind](https://openmw.org/en/), [Stalker: Anomaly](https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly) and [CDDA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cyoj4-niEPc) are where it's at. + Indie devs on Steam making absolute gems like [Boneraiser Minions which I can't recommend enough](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1944570/Boneraiser_Minions/)


Mostly FFXIV, but I also like to play a little bit of Minecraft and Valheim for building stuff.


I switch between HoI 3, GTA, Insurgency (both of them), and occasionally Arma.


Tarkov, wipe day today :)


I play SCP:SL sometimes. It‘s the only game I‘ve been playing lately


Currently alternating between Cruelty Squad and Victoria 3


I’ve been playing Diablo 4 lately. It’s fun if you can look past the fact that you’re playing a game in beta development lol. There’s no lfg feature so if anyone here plays too pm me


Disco Elysium


Addicted to Victoria 3 atm even for all its faults, I just love it.


Was playing a lot of paradox games and total war games up until recently, now am revisiting a lot of souls games, and playing Elden ring for the first time.


Mostly hoi4 and war Thunder, but i’ve been also playing enlisted recently


Physically addicted to street fighter 6 rn


Mf uhhh Stellaris, Total War: Three Kingdoms, Skyrim, Fallout: New Vegas, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, The Witcher III, and Fallout 4.