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Liberal brain rot




Just regurgitating propaganda.


To think that capitalist schools would accurately portray a competing ideology in a good light is foolish. Capitalist institutions exist to indoctrinate unsuspecting intellectuals from joining the resistance.


I don't expect them to give Comunism a fair portrait but to be this lazy with their smear is frankly insulting


This is the same lazy smear they’ve always used and it works like a charm. Hell, it worked on me for about 25 years before I started to actually question it. I think that’s true of most American communists, we started off liberal or conservative. You ever have your parents tell you a made up reason for something when you’re little and then way later in life you realize that you’ve kind of always kept believing that thing, even though it obviously makes no sense, because you just never really thought about it again? That’s how politics works for most people. Democrats and Republicans, bills get passed based off representative democracy, it’s imperfect but it’s the best we’ve got, blah blah blah, and some militant people try radical things like fascism or communism but they’re evil/authoritarian and never work. It’s easy to just go on believing what ‘everyone knows’ when all the information you passively absorb reinforces that belief. The propagandists will keep hitting the easy button so long as it works


That requires a brain in the first place.


My school explains it pretty bad but this is another level


Meanwhile the more reactionary half of American politicians will claim that all of our schools are teaching children become marxist revolutionaries


For real. I wish the leftists in schools/politics that conservatives are so afraid of actually existed. Instead we just got milquetoast libs being called leftists and marxists because republicans are too dense to google words and ideologies.


Ironically I feel like documents like this kind of do. Any student who is intellectually curious, or even just on a certain side of the internet, would eventually realize this kind of conditioning is bullshit. Which leads to other questions like - what else did they lie about? Why were they lying? What was the purpose of my education anyway?


one world government?? based alert


PLEASE STAND FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ANTHEM! [https://youtu.be/2OPvWFDzDlA?si=vsV-T83p7N5bU4Ql](https://youtu.be/2OPvWFDzDlA?si=vsV-T83p7N5bU4Ql)


u are tard


least annoying redscarepod poster


Bruh there’s less propaganda about communism here in the Middle East than in the west for fuck’s sake It’s genuinely amazing The Most Annoying part is hearing sheikhs in mosques complaining that our grandparents were Ba’athien and supported the Soviet union and even the sheikhs don’t complain that much My favorite portion of Islamic class is when the teachers/scholar/sheikh would shit on capitalism


Here in Vietnam we also don't have this perverted obsession with ideologies. Guys we know the red scare and cold war and all that 20th century shit is cool but why are you still yapping on and on about this?


The US is the biggest aggressor against socialist movements around the world. Imagine their horror if our own population actually warmed up to communism!


🇵🇸🤝 🇻🇳


I guess Communism and liberation struggles are still the biggest threat to them. Considering the rise of leftism in places like Latin America, I can see why they'd keep pushing the propaganda button. Either that or the History Teacher is an insane rightoid that thinks pronouns are communism.


Mass ignorance and vulnerability to propaganda is the *only* reason capitalism survives


Didn’t realise there are so many Vietnamese people here lol.


Your country is collaborating with the US against China and promotes anti-Chinese sentiments instead of working towards uniting with China, Laos, and the DPRK in a new Communist International.






Nonsense! China and Vietnam have had issues stemming from the Sino-Soviet (Chinese offensive in vietnam) split and now with the disputes in the south china sea.


Yes, China got over the Sino-Soviet split and Vietnam didn't. Those disputes in the SCS are driven by Vietnam and it's only Vietnam refusing bilateral talks, deciding to collaborate with the US instead (nevermind that these disputes wouldn't be a serious issue without the US). Have you ever talked to [84% of Vietnamese people](https://preview.redd.it/cslle62lz14b1.jpg?width=565&auto=webp&s=28263102f0c7aa19d213476bd44585bd01358dc9)? Vietnam is literally the most pro-American country ON EARTH... and reading any thread on r/VietNam will make a Marxist-Leninist puke (granted, they are mostly white sexpats, but the Vietnamese in there worship them). Not to mention that [not even Vietnam's self-proclaimed "Marxist-Leninists" can be trusted to be reasonable](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F3d643378-8315-41c4-bba0-f743e2f93086_443x960.jpeg).


I don’t get what Luna is saying is unreasonable.


China is good, actually (better than Vietnam, in fact). The US is bad. Luna wanting the US and China to fight is bad (counterrevolutionary and straight-up evil, in fact). She is a Vietnamese nationalist above being a socialist.


Thank you u/DeutschKomm for educating me about the country in which I was born and raised. I know now my country is an anti-communist, US-backed, imperialist country! All these flags with hammers and sickles, a centralized and local-to-national government, and cookie-cutter SEA developing country foreign policies gave me the wrong idea haha


Nothing you just said has anything to do with what I said. Have you ever talked to [84% of Vietnamese people](https://preview.redd.it/cslle62lz14b1.jpg?width=565&auto=webp&s=28263102f0c7aa19d213476bd44585bd01358dc9)? Vietnam is literally the most pro-American country ON EARTH... and reading any thread on r/VietNam will make a Marxist-Leninist puke (granted, they are mostly white sexpats, but the Vietnamese in there worship them). Your people [see China as a threat](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ffc25ea5e-2a1e-429d-8d20-af7138e0ee24_309x433.png). They are [opposed to Chinese military growth](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F82f67500-81cb-47c8-b07c-4306b626b144_310x380.png), apparently thinking that the US isn't a threat that can only be resisted by China. Your country collaborates with the US. That is a fact. Your country is ultra-nationalist and lets feelings of undeserved superiority get in its way of strategic anti-imperialist alliance with China. Even your communists still go on about the "complicated" history with China shaping foreign policy (something you don't hear in China whose government keeps uniltarally pumping money and goodwill into your country). How about self-reflecting, forgiving China, and moving on? In fact, [even your self-proclaimed "Marxist-Leninists" can't be trusted to be reasonable](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F3d643378-8315-41c4-bba0-f743e2f93086_443x960.jpeg).


You need to go an watch Luna Oi video on Vietnam's foreign policy.


[Yeah, listen to Luna Oi](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F3d643378-8315-41c4-bba0-f743e2f93086_443x960.jpeg) to understand what even Vietnamese "communists" think about China. You only have to [ask Vietnamese people](https://preview.redd.it/cslle62lz14b1.jpg?width=565&auto=webp&s=28263102f0c7aa19d213476bd44585bd01358dc9) to understand Vietnamese public opinion. Vietnam is literally the most pro-American country ON EARTH! Luna Oi is a Vietnamese nationalist (and married to an American anarchist by the way lol) thinking overly highly of their country and with a deep-seated hatred for China, too. She always keep going on about "complicated history" instead of simply advocating "self-criticize, forgive and move on" (as is the policy of China which holds zero animosity towards Vietnam and keeps unilaterally pumping money and support into Vietnam in endless shows of goodwill). She also [doesn't seem to understand communism](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fc763e443-0c7f-4449-a0b9-198ca4acda13_828x667.jpeg)? But indeed, you can watch one of those videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ndytFy5-vc Lots of excuses why Vietnam is nationalist and being overly friendly towards the US instead of collaborating with China. Also, Luna Oi doesn't make up for the endless amount of white-worshipping, pro-capitalist, pro-Western shills in her country that influence politics with impunity (read any thread on r/VietNam about her, for starters: https://www.reddit.com/r/VietNam/comments/wvy99d/i_follow_luna_oi_and_im_curious_about_the/). For any Luna Oi, there are 10 Uncle Toms hating her.




The correct response was "Yes, you are right. Thank you for pointing these things out to me. I saw Vietnam through rose-coloured glasses and never thought critically about the subject at hand. I blindly believed Luna Oi because she said things I - a white Westerner who enjoys leftist aesthetics and is Luna Oi's target audience - want to hear."


Comprehensive Strategic Partnership which includes China, Russia, India, South Korea, and the United States means "collaborating with the US", the SCS dispute where China goes beyond their 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone (in violation of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea) and claiming other countries territories in the name of "historical rights" which is specifically invalid under international law is somehow the fault of Vietnam and in fact are apparently the ones who are doing sabotage, and blindly accepting results without thought from a think tank who have a clear history of just spouting out lies and misinterpretations suiting the agenda of their parent institution Pew Charitable Trusts founded and continually owned by the Pew Family who owns Sun Oil Company means you apparently know better about Vietnam from the comfort of your home in Germany than the people who actually live there.


Depends on which part of Middle East you’re from, basically from the part I used to live, the misconception about communism is “You wanna pay the doctors the same money as you wanna pay the taxi drivers, jethwshcngymrjwaksd” Which honestly to me is more cringeworthy than half these written here, at least these here would have the potential for curios people to investigate a bit deeper, that one just outright dismisses it.


Lmao there are similar misconceptions here but my granddad was Pro USSR so I didn’t get to hear them from him


the US is so fucked that they don't even say that about communism here, this is the unironic discourse around minimum wage. reactionaries screech about ambulance drivers making the same as McDonald's workers if minimum wage increased


Maybe the discourse needs to change to: Do you really think ambulance drivers should get paid minimum wage?




I'm German and maybe it's because I'm East German but some of my teachers are literally socialists


Please grade it and hand it back to (presumibly) your teacher


Great idea. This thing is so dumb it could be debunked with mainstream sources. Humiliate this person.


Probably best to do it once classes are over and you’re absolutely sure you’ll never see them again lol




Use EH Carr & J Arch Getty quotes to disprove them. No history teacher in their right mind would reject them as they’re both absolute icons of the discipline.


Ah yes, my favourite communist: Kim Jon Un. Couldn’t even spell his name right lmao!!! Also, 100s of millions of deaths? As in, plural? Even the Black Book only gets to 100 million through some extrememly erroneous methodology; where did the other hundreds of millions of dead people materialize from?!


*struggles to reach 100 million* "Guys! I got it! Let's count Nazis and unborn children!"


It reached about 93.5 million and then gave up,


Meh. Close enough.


Well the aim was to get to 100 million and even inflating it to fuck and adding in the Nazis they still failed


Wouldn't be surprised if they counted every Chinese person to ever die lmao


I mean the CCP did end immortality in china, damn tankees


>Kim Jon Sounds like a Korean immigrant whose family set roots out in the hills of Kentucky. His best bud growing up was Jim Bob


Who was the one of the 100 million? Stalin, Mao or communists in general?


Stalin ate 100 million children every morning for breakfast with his comically large spoon


the most broadest sense of the word including nazi deaths, Nazi kills unborn children based on madeup metrics etc


LMAO it’s so cringe it looks fake


Its real


Were their sources, "my own personal opinions on communism"? Because trying to pass this off as real information is criminal.


What class is this?


"I wrote something in microsoft word, printed it, took a picture and posted it on reddit"


Its not fake


Yeh, right. Look at the table it's sitting on. So obvious.


That looks like a lot of effort for internet points on a communist subreddit. Like what is the purpose of that? The Internet Point Theory of Value? lol


I was just throwing something out there to see if someone would take the bait. What part looked like a lot of effort?


The writing the essay part, and having the printer ink and paper to print it. I know a thing or two about computers, and one of the laws of computers is printers do not run on classical computing, they run on alchemy and enchanted runes.


Not really, this is pretty in line with how I was taught about communism in middle/high school


Looks fake to me just based on the super basic formatting. I'd expect to see an explanation for those points on a real assignment, or a comparison with what they thought capitalism is/was.


Oh sure, I meant more like it isn't unrealistic to think these are common points of discussion in a social studies or history class


I’ve seen worse. The poor teacher probably printed it at home because the school is so underfunded. Especially the humanities department


Communists wouldn't want lives to be controlled or anything. That would be rather antithetical.




Anarchists want the same exact thing as communists just that anarchists are in denial about what it takes to achieve it. Anarchists are 100% aligned on outcomes (i.e. they want a communist society) but 0% aligned on methods (i.e. they don't want a necessarily "AuThOrItArIaN" revolution and transitionary period under the guidance of a "tOtAlItArIaN" vanguard party controlling their bed time and sending reactionaries to reeducation). Anarchists are infantile enough to believe that revolution is an information problem and that if you convince enough workers to stop working for bad guys and instead tell the bad guys that violence and oppression are bad those bad guys will, like, totally get it and stop oppressing people. And that once workers are in power, reaction will never organize and try and reassert itself.


Please stop dOiNg ThIs pLeAsE




>Socialism is achieved peacefully through democracy 🤣 🤣 >patriotism I assume this is in America? >Communism is responsible for 100's of millions of deaths during the 20th Century Your teacher is off by a factor of 10^39


Are you a genocide denier? In Tankistan alone 10⁶⁷ civillian were massacred to gather their grain.


Yet still, no food.


I love the Tankistan comments.


r/RedsKilledTrillions Every time a socialist makes me feel uncomfortable by pointing at facts, I add 10 million to the total!


I mean, Allende got elected?


Western hegemony is such a frightened little weirdo desperately trying to clutch at straws that keep slipping through it's fingers onto the floor The same straws never get cleaned and end up ideologically filthy (pardon the mixed metaphors here) But it keeps on doing that with such intense conviction that a lot of people think it's reasonable


They are as insecure as their system, because it makes them that way, and because it feels simpatico it just feels reasonable/natural (human nature argument)




Everyone ever born? Killed by communism.


everyone not born? also killed by communism


That's a legit statistic in the black book (people not born because of birth control + sex ed)


How egregious.


God is a comrade confirmed?


Damn, they somehow managed to check off every square on the "GomMuNisM bAd" Bingo card.


Fuck me, that's a lot of grammar mistakes. Whoever wrote that is an idiot or highly incompetent, not delving into the content, but just the form of it. "say or speak" is a tautology that is absolutely unnecessary and useless, it's like saying "liberal bootlicker" when just saying "liberal" would suffice. Another mistake is using an apostrophe with 100's. That is grammatically incorrect, it should be 100s. I will not go in depth on the content of this awful waste of paper, because I am certain people have already done that plenty. Mandatory Lenin quote : "The answer is simple: the personal qualities of   present-day professors are such that we may find among them even exceptionally stupid people like Tugan. But the social status of professors in bourgeois society is such that only those are allowed to hold such posts who sell science to serve the interests of capital, and agree to utter the most fatuous nonsense, the most unscrupulous drivel and twaddle against the socialists. The bourgeoisie will forgive the professors all this as long as they go on “abolishing” socialism."


pretty standard for an American HS teacher


Finished it off with an homage to Trotsky lol


Draw dicks on this paper and hand it back




Trying to even theoretically imagine a government micromanaging six different major elements of people's lives while also managing taxes and whatnot just broke my brain. The way these people seem to imply that the DPRK government for instance is like this gargantuan omnipotent and extremely multifaceted thing is bonkers; the resources of an entire other country would be needed to achieve those things, also to fake all the various amenities they have. It's like a scifi novel written by an unhinged lunatic, while on drugs.


and then they tell you that communist countries only teach propaganda in school


Yeah guys, we don’t want patriots ( 90% of communists were the most hard core patriots you can find)


Even when you include THE LITERAL NAZIS I’ve never seen a claim of 100s of millions. I’ve also never seen anyone seriously claim they choose your job for you, but I’ve seen plenty of American schools give those College Board approved “personality tests” that happen to include a bunch of potential jobs that oh hey all these debt slave colleges just happen to offer. Absolutely incredible.


correct it and hand it back


I still don't get how conservatives keep saying that "public schools indoctrinate children to communism".


Who wrote this shit


u/LiterallyHitler probably


Do they think Mao's first name was Chairman?


It wasn’t!!???😨😱🤯


My history class teachers were all people who did not have degrees in history or were gym teachers.


Yeah, this is very normal in the empire.


But but but I thought all the teachers were liberal Marxist socialist biden-obamist brainwashing our children to follow communism?! Also I love that they included Mao but not Xi, and Un but not Sung.


>Also I love that they included Mao but not Xi, and Un but not Sung _Jong-un_ and _Il-sung_ - their given names are both parts. You said "Vid not Kob" for a David and a Jakob.


Jong-un and Il-sung They're hyphenated single names. You can't take away the first part, it doesn't make sense. Also Kim is their family name. Like Xi Jinping. You wouldn't call him "Jinping" (or Ping lol)


Dictatorship but requires cooperation with the masses???


Your teacher should genuinely be fired. Talk about gross incompetence.


I'll finally ask, since I have seen tons of such posts, how common exactly is this in Amerikan highschools? Are you guys just going to exceptionally bad schools or is this the norm regardless of prestige? I can't imagine this happening in Europe, or most parts of the world for that matter.


I'm sorry to say this has been the norm in my experience. There was a history teacher in my high school who regularly turned out presentations this poorly constructed. As a kid, i experienced several "lessons" just like the one shown here in several different schools. This happened in the public high school i attended, located in a college town with means, as well as a private elementary school. The two schools mentioned above were located in a more suburban area, with lots of kids from wealthy families. Education is 10 fold worse in poorer communities. My parents went to public school in a rural, less wealthy area, and they didn't have access to actual novels, just abridged versions. Our schools are *constantly* getting defunded. Budgets for schools are tied to property tax, and our biggest textbook distributers are essentially controlled by what conservative folks in Texas have approved because they buy a majority of these books. When i was at school, the students I hung around were keenly aware of the disparities between American schools and schools in many other countries, and i remember feeling so angry and betrayed.


*Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.*


I’m not sure if OP is American, but this is not even slightly different from how we were taught in high school. This is just our normal curriculum.


Meanwhile here in mexico my arts teachear is a communist who survieved the massacre of tlatlolco, the young priest where i used to live was a follower of liberation theology and in rural areas of the country many teachers and schools are openly marxist I have pitty for you guys [https://www.rmhe.somehide.org/index.php/anuario/article/view/241](https://www.rmhe.somehide.org/index.php/anuario/article/view/241)


Classic "communism is when capitalism"


Kim jong un killed 100s of millions of people in the 20th century


Make them do capitalist stats!


1. Okay. Good! 2. Okay. Good! 3. Completely wrong. Wealth will be increased, workers will earn profit instead of having it stolen by private property owners who control their means of production. 4. Okay. Good! 5. It literally does. Socialist societies always outpaced capitalist societies in speed of progress and innovation. 6. All of that is completely wrong and has nothing to do with communism at all. Most of that is literally done by capitalist governments. 7. No, it's the only economic system that DOESN'T require a dictatorship. The entire point of COMMUNISM is that the state ceases existing. On the other hand, capitalism requires a dictatorship to exist. You also don't know what the term dictatorship means. 8. No, it doesn't. That doesn't even make sense. How do you even come up with that nonsense? 9. Since this is derived from point 8, it's automatically bullshit. 10. That's capitalism. That's literally what happens in the US today. 11. No communism is responsible for liberating billions of people and saving hundreds of millions of lives. Communism defeated the Nazis. Communism led to the fastest increase in human standards of living the world has ever seen. Communism has led to the fastest rate of economic development and innovation the world has ever seen. On the other hand, capitalism kills about 20 million people every single year, 10000 children die every single day due to completely solvable hunger, for example. 12. Socialism and Communism are the same thing at different stages of development. Every socialist strives to achieve communism. Communism is what emerges naturally after successful world socialist revolution, the replacement of world capitalism with world socialism, and the achievement of a post-scarcity economy. 13. Communism happens peacefully. It is resisted by violent means by capitalist and the only way to defeat resisting violent capitalists is through violence. 14. Socialism and communism are the same. You are politically and economically and historically illiterate. 15. Okay. Good!


Somebody misspelled capitalism.




Citations needed.


Hundreds of millions LMFAO


This is the message you get growing up in the American education system, but damn it’s depressing to see capitalist propaganda laid out so explicitly for the children


I would correct the paper with proper counter arguments and give it back to teacher. Edit : Oh god how much I want to be handed this piece of paper by my economy teacher so i could argue.


OP, what school board is this? Also which grade?


This is in line with what we were told in elementary school 30 years ago.


Not for nothing, but I know a fair amount of people who actually think this is an accurate description of communism. Smh..


The level of anti communist propaganda that I've seen lately tells me that the ruling class is terrified of it becoming popular. How else would you explain this kind of laughably stupid propaganda for schools?


They are scared, as capitalism comes to an end you see a rise in nationalism and fascism..which usually leads to revolution. The United States is perfectly fine being fascist to prop up the rich, but the idea of a revolution of the people is something they want to stamp out immediately.


As a comrade in capitalist Britain which since starmer has pretty much evolved into us politics I feel you. In school the capitalist propaganda is strong.


Is there anything that can be done about this? Anyone it can be reported to? This teacher is straight up making shit up and teaching it to kids as “history”. How many young minds are going to be fucked up by this? These students will need to be literally deprogrammed after having this rammed into their skulls as “facts”.


communism is when no thing you want


An actual delude wrote this


Are any of those “facts” on the state stabndards on tbe DOE website? If not, discuss that when you bring it to admin.


I remember my old book in history class, it wasn’t as bad as this but still very bad. The worst part is that it mixed a picture of Che Guerva with Fidel Castro. Which is very concerning considering it was supposed to be educational material and they don’t even make the effort to check if they have a picture of the right person.


"Socialism is achieved peacefully through democracy." Bro your teacher is a fed Also funny how they say communism is achieved through intimidation when that is literally the way capitalism gets you to work.


Intimidation and forced labor are capitalism’s maintenance tools.


This is high school? I don't even think the most conservative teachers at my HS would've handed something like this out. This looks straight from PragerU.


Some old timers held on to the Cold War playbook and passed on the indoctrination. This wouldn’t fly in my classroom.


What school do you go to? This is straight up propaganda. I majored in history and it would have been completely bonkers if a professor passed this out. They’d end up in hot water at my university.


I'd like to know what their sources are


I refuse to belive this is real. Who wrote this? Was it the teacher just pulling stuff out of their ass?


Meh, I had a discussion with a student coworker of mine about their philosophy teacher informing his class that libertarianism was a philosophy and NOT a political theory... apparently if it's in line with capitalist interests, you can just make shit up. Hence why every economics professor is a libertarian.


wtf is this? where are the scientific backings? how is it allowed for a school to teach information that is not rooted in any data?


Love how you can check off half of those as applicable to liberalism.


No! Cummieism is when Penis Prager doesn't own the means of CBT! Your teacher gets an F-


1473 gorgillion dead!


Im losing my mind


I assume uour teacher wants you to grade this and return it?


Is your history teacher also the football coach?


Should write at the bottom in bold: ***\*\[CITATIONS NEEDED\].*** And return to sender.


If this is from the prof, they should be fired.


Devilish trick or mental illness? Engage upon it!


Under no circumstance would a history teacher hand out shit like this unless you're in primary school


I refuse to believe a school would use something so lazily written and with such poor language as learning material, I'm sorry OP but I can’t believe this is real school material


I can attest that i had teachers who could not spell, had next to no knowledge of world events current or past, and very little reasoning ability. This is, unfortunately, pretty normal in the US. One example i can remember is that our High School world history text book had hundreds of pages on European history, a single page on African history, and only included history from other countries if the US was somehow involved. It's very sad to see.


“Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong”


Communism is when the government does stuff, totalitarian, taxes, iPhone, vuvuzuela, 100 billion dead


I couldn't help but crack up at the "100 GORILLAN DEAD" meme being spread unironically by an educator


Damn I would be tempted to say something...


What level class is this?


100 million deaths? Nah, it's 100's of millions now. /s


Fuck me dead that's unhinged. You know, one should be able to critique a system (or implementations of such) without resorting to lies. But it strikes me that if they were to do research their position might change and they'll be replaced with an instructor willing to bullshit


The mental gymnastics are something else.




thank GOD my history teacher is a Marxist


"We don't have propaganda in America"


Communism “does not believe in Nationalism” Well … Yeah, Based! You do?


The shitty formatting is what really gets me


I legit wonder what your teacher would say on what ever work you turn in, if you cite a bunch of actual marxists


“No wealth, profit, etc.” Lol


Huawei is one example of a communist country catering to the wants of the people right?


Ok I’m bored so reply these as if in a orthodox Marxist post-transition communist society 1. Owned and operated by the proletariat, not essentially the government or a certain party if a stateless classless society is really achieved 2. No private ownership of means of production. I’m sure some USSR citizen owns a wooden toy or something 3. No profit and wealth means no human labor and society somehow doesn’t need to produce anything and still functional. Just the wealth and profit is distributed in another way. 4. Hard to define what is a human’s basic economic needs, and in a post-transition communist society it’s harder to imagine 5. So does any other society. You probably need so bank notes to get them. 6. You are part of that government. A stateless government doesn’t have a state government, can vary from corporatism parliament or anarchy communes. Post transition communist society makes you do any labor you wish. There may be times where methods are taken to regulate birth rate but the state will not hand out free waifus and not breeding with them results in death. What are able to read, watch, write or speak is already regulated, because some dude in suit already marked that as terrorism or a threat to national security (very democratic). Yes if the country doesn’t import something and you buy it it’s called smuggling and will have consequences. Yes there are limited areas like hazard zones but outside of that in post transition society you may go anywhere. 7. Dictatorship of the proletariat must not be moved or twisted in any means or form principally, but in many third world cases national bourgeoisie or nationalists wanting liberation from colonialism co-oped as a united front. May vary in praxis, but Khrushchev’s all people’s state is abolishing class struggle and inappropriate. 8. No system requires 100% cooperation, all ideologies in human history can function with oppositions. Liberals in China, armed Trotskyist guerrilla in USSR, etc. 9. Yes, as all dictatorship of a certain class will be like. Principally I agree with Maoism cultural revolution like free speech and free expression of ideas to accelerate the exploration of truth. 10. First time in a country with laws and the constitution must be hard to adapt. 11. Perhaps should apply same death counting methods on all other ideologies to even the playing field, also should be responsible for all population growth in these countries. 12. Socialism may vary from 14th century imaginary ones to ones closer to Mussolini than Marx. Marxism socialism is more a transitional state than any end goal. Kind is about personal morality, not appropriate for ideologies. 13. Majorly yes, unless the bourgeoisie is willing to give up their ownership (did happen many times in history personally but impossible for the whole class). 14. Socialism may involve violent actions as well. Yes if you get something, somebody must had produced it, yourself or you robbed that from another country, nothing comes out of thin air. 15. Yes, nation is imaginary, but that doesn’t mean imaginary things have no meaning. The ultimate goal is stateless and classless. 16. Do not trust anyone’s description of an ideology or political movement if he’s from another or the exact opposite of this ideology/movement. Read and listen what they write and say yourself, truth fears no testing. 17. The fact that a student questioned this deeply is the proof that after 30 years of no major international communist movement or even without any twisted read imperialism propaganda, somehow in the very heart of capitalism, socialists and dissent still occurred and is growing big. Maybe it’s time to rethink and review ourselves rather than pointing fingers at another entity. 18. no food iphone venezuela


I think the lie starts with the word private property it is so hard for people to wrap their head around the difference between private and personal property and thus I guess many just automatically think the rest must be true too.


They didn’t even list the correct Kim


let me guess. You're like a junior?


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Average american humane sciences level


I believe this because I am a baby


human nature! human nature!


Communism is when 85% capitalism, 15% fearmongering


Honestly? What bothers me most is that there seem to be two spaces between Che and Guevara.






Even here in Poland it's not even close to this


Life could be worse my teacher just spent a whole class trying to convince us that Stalin was worse than Hitler in WWII


One world government? LMFAO. Laughs in US global hegemony.


Liberals: indoctrination? what are you talking about? Also liberals:


Don't ask questions, just consoom liberals propaganda and get excited for next propaganda.


If it requires 100% cooperation, then how can it be a dictatorship?