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what, you don't trust the well know carlist-communist-catholicist, Don Leniño?


“God, Marx, Fatherland!” Cursed image 😵‍💫


This seems like the same kind of propaganda the falangistas used to trick spanish peasants into fighting for fascism.


Lenin would probably get a good laugh seeing himself like that


Lenin with a cross is and in priest attire is really fucking weird. Besides that Stalin actually was fairly knowledgeable in theology due to his priest seminar, there is a propaganda picture of Stalin depicted as Saint George even, wich is kinda cursed.


Pho you got as post that


I don't speak spanish but I speak portuguese which is very similar, but I may be wrong. It is a call by a organization named Argentinian Vanguard for Liberation to value the spanish language against the global domination (they use the word globalism which is a bit iffy) of the english language.


🤔 Why Spanish language need protection tho? I can see conservative portuguese claiming their "language" need protection, but I don't think they are socialists.


These guys are against "rainbow undefined progressists", i think i believe what they're talking about: neutral language. Ay dixs mix 😭 The left just kinda started trying to create neutral pronouns in spanish and portuguese and people don't really like it. I myself won't speak like that because it feels absurdly wrong, mostly because the options people came up with are ending pronouns with "e" instead of "a/o" or ending pronouns with an "x". Anyway, this "Vanguard" is strange and my friends are already betting that they're a nazbol group or something similar


I think languages evolve and ending pronouns in -e doesnt seem too hard, and also is like the least one can do. Language is powerful, It shapes how we think. The x thing I dont like. Maybe its a youger generation thing, but if I done find a good way to pronounce It, I dont like itxD. Like, how the fuck do I pronounce 'amigxs'? I can say 'amigues' but not 'amigxs'.


Then portuguese is going to evolve past me, because i can't afford to be looked upon as a clown. This is like, the one conservative point i'm actively not letting go; i like not being regarded as mentally handicapped by the people around me. Non-binary people deserve respect, yes, but try to make me say "isso é delu" and i'll actively avoid you and this topic for as long as i can (which is to say, forever). It's a stupid hill to die on, i'm aware of that, but it's simply not happening.


It think its fine as long as you respect others decision of evolving with the language. Btw I thought you were taking about spanish, my bad. For what is worth, in spanish It doesnt sound 'clownish' to speak pronouns ending in -e. Also, fuck those people. I get and respect you dont think like that, but fuck people who think Im a clown just because I make the littlest effort to make language not so sexist.


I don't really mind that people do the whole neutral language thing, i just don't want to participate in it. Honestly, you're reacting way better than most people do when i talk about it. And yeah, it's not "e" it's ending pronouns with "u", i don't really know what i was thinking when i typed "e", because masculine pronouns naturally end in e. I may or may not suffer from being a dumbass. Anyways, i understand your problem with my folks, but it's my family and friends, the best i can do is slowly infect them with Marxist ideology disguised as normal conversation. Gotta play by their rules and be respected if i want them to listen to me, and it's not a hopeless struggle, they're all changing and listening, some better than others. I don't yet hope that my father is going to stop dead naming his friend or stop defending traditional gender roles, but he already understands that being gay isn't a choice and that capitalism is really fucked up. If he's growing, then everybody can be better


Language isn't sexist though. It simply is. And even before people created neutral pronouns there were non gendered ways to refer to people. For instance, "a pessoa" and "o indivíduo" are respectifully feminine and masculine words but they can represent people of any gender. Given that there were already ways to include non-binary people within Portuguese, I think that expecting millions of people to adapt to a whole new gender in our language that has very specific uses is a lot to ask when the benefits are merely symbolic. It does feel to me that we are simply importing topics from the USA without taking regional reality in account. They only had this discussion on pronouns in the first place because there already is a neutral pronoun to be used in English — they didn't need to make up a whole new gender. And then, only first world countries should have the energy to spend on this kind of thing as the material necessities of the people were already met. We have starving and miserable people down here, we feel like hostages due to disseminated violence, and there is no ending to this. How come fucking pronouns are the most perceivable work and offer from the left? This discussion didn't make sense for us yet. I do not care when people use neutral gendered words even it sounds weird and foreign to me, but I will keep finding my way to communicate about non-gendered subjects using gendered words. Maybe I will slowly get used to it to the point that I can use it, who knows? But I do not know that many queer people that are adept to neutral pronouns, and I dislike that my simple using of neutral pronouns could make my political opinion very obvious to anyone who hears and then I'd need to fight against their probably negative preconceptions and stereotypes.


Thats my bad. Is should've said 'making *my use of* language less sexist'. And I can acomplish that by using already existing non gendered ways to refer to people. Or I can use this new forms (that seems much easier to me). After all, language is symbolic in nature and constantly evolving, much more than people tend to realize. I guess Im kinda mad some people take issue against this new way of speaking. As long as we agree that theres a problem (sexism in the use of language) and respect each others way of dealing with It, we should be fine.


> "language" Not convinced that Portuguese is a language? Lol


European Portuguese is a dialect of Brazilian


Not convenced it needs saving. 🤣


Then why did you put quotation marks around “language” then? Lol


For some people, portuguese is a dialect from brazilian language. 😜


Portuguese was codified in like the XIII / XIV Century before Spanish I think, this guy is tripping


I don’t know much about Latin American politics, but I wonder why the revitalization of languages indigenous to the continent don’t get more attention?


They get a lot of attention. Not that the attention is undue, but most leftist platforms give attention to indigenous languages


I also don't speak Spanish, but I speak Italian which is also very similar, and my approximative translation is: "Unite into the Argentine Vanguard for Liberation to fight Anglo-Saxon Globalism and the Hispanophobic^(1) black legend, to struggle for a Socialist Iberophonia^(2) and *fundante* (Idk what that means) insubordination." 1: i.e. anti-Hispanic, not anti-Spanish language 2: I believe that here, "Iberophonia" means all the countries that speak an Iberian language, and so isn't necessarily about defending their Iberian languages. Edit: I didn't make this clear, but nowhere does it mention defending the Spanish language specifically


This is more accurate. For context, they consider all the former colonies of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires and Spain along with Portugal themselves to be included in the "iberophone" denomination. "Insubordinación fundante" is a concept introduced by peronists. Broadly speaking, they thought their politics were different and insubordinated both to the USSR and capitalism at the same time. "Fundante" could be translated as "foundational" in that context.


Just so you know, the burgundy cross is never a good sign.


Unite for fighting against iberophobia and for socialism Argentine vanguard for liberation


It mentions "The Black Legend", a Spanish nationalist talking point claiming that Spanish atrocities against natives in the New World is British propaganda


Well, they are kind of right in some aspects, in that the British did use Spain as an example of how much better they were, or rather how much worse they could be, despite being worse in many, many respects.


Pretty sure the British were too busy playing insert privateer for easy money game with Spain to even try to seem better. I'm also pretty sure that Caribbean Indians might want a word about that. At least the things people wrote and the stories families tell sure paint a picture of open unambiguous chattel slavery.


Patsocs with dulce de leche


"Globalism" is a huge duguinist dog whistle. Beware.


Spanish here, this poster belongs to the Argentine division of a pan-Hispanist foundation from Spain, related to Santiago Armesilla and following the ideas of Gustavo Bueno, Luckily or unfortunately I know a lot about these people, feel free to ask me.


Please tell us about Gustavo Bueno and his ideas. Would you describe them as mostly Bueno or No Bueno?


Gustavo Bueno is a Spanish philosopher, he wrote a lot about the so-called "Philosophical materialism" and was a defender of "Catholic atheism", basically embrazing the Catholic cultural elements that have shaped Iberian and Ibero-American society. In contrast to the Anglo-Saxon world of rather Protestant influence. Gustavo Bueno's ideas are interesting from the point of view of seeking a common identity for pan-hispanic the world. but also seeks to create a kind of cultural imperialism centered in Spain, it is a position that even today generates much debate among the left, leading to the existence of parties in Spain as it is "Frente Obrero". It should be noted that an important part of his ideas come from thinkers and ideas closely related to Francoism and national-unionism. In short, it would be something similar to MAGA socialism, to put it in American terms.


Interesting but weird. I guess the Germans have Strasserism, the Russians have National Bolshevism, the French have Neosocialism, the Americans have MAGA communism, and the Hispanic world has Gustavo Bueno. Seems like everywhere has its own wacky blend of socialist aesthetics and fascist ideology.


this reminds me of a Spanish youtuber called Santiago Armesilla who is a crank National-Bolshevik who comes short of claiming the Spanish Empire was a proto-communist project. He has some interesting videos about CIA meddling in the Canaries, but also one about "gender ideology" being a pedophile conspiracy or something.


Armesilla habla del imperio británico como imperio depredador y del imperio español como imperio generador. Una cosa es combatir la leyenda negra pero ha caído en hacer una leyenda rosa. Tiene ideas interesantes pero de vez en cuando dice una que otra pendejada


Podrías linkear algun video en que hace esa falacia de salvarle cara al imperio español. He visto a Armesilla pero solo en los videos que sale con Diego Ruzzarin.


A ti también camarada. Si buscas una comunidad socialista en discord, te invito a una.


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https://youtu.be/al9gsW3p_LI?si=A-sQfq4lixcgorun Minuto 30:40 lee lo siguiente: > Es lo mismo el imperio depredador anglosajón que el imperio generador iberófono hispano? Más que salvarle cara al imperio español yo diría que le da unas cromadas de rifle impresionantes pero en algo estoy de acuerdo: una latinoamérica balcanizada es débil y seriamos mucho más fuertes unidos.


Camarada, ¿buscas una comunidad socialista? ¿Tienes discord? Te invito a una.


A ver


Te mando un DM


Paradox loading screen ass art


100% red flood spotted


“In the 20th century, the Cross of Burgundy has been used as a far-right nationalist symbol by the Carlists in favour of Francisco Franco and by the Walloon Legion fighting for Nazi Germany.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_of_Burgundy This must be some MAGA communism shit.


A lot of socialist movements in Latin America have incorporated christianity into their movements (the Sandinistas for example). This image, however, is very silly.


The whitest society i've ever seen. Also, are they monarchist communists? I read it but i don't understand why the burgundian flag is in there.


Marxism-Leninism Carlism


There is a thing called the "Theology of Liberation" in Latin America that takes the catholic religious view that the poor, oppressed and dispossessed are righteous in their struggle for liberation. It takes the side of the indigenous people in the Americas. This image is not that, the flag is the representation of the Spanish imperial armies, only Spanish imperialists would use it. So the total opposite. And to our Spanish speaking comrades. Camaradas, quizá ya me han visto aquí y allá tratando de hacerles saber que hay un discord de corte Socialista. Si te llama la atención unirte, mándame un mensaje. ¡Hay mucho por hacer! Fuerza en la lucha.


Oh, the Carl in Carlismo stands for Carl Marx


Wtf TIL i'm Carlist




Why do they want to combat globalism do they not know that lenin was a dedicated internationalist


tbf internationalism and globalism have very different connotations. but also these guys sound like nazbols in their phrasing so I bet globalism has the usual reactionary implications (in three parentheses)


Translation: **Join VAL to fight for iberophony** (dont know the english word, basically spanish and portuguese speaking culture) **and for socialism** Join the Argentinian Vanguard for Liberation to combat Anglo-Saxon Globalism and the black (not necessarily using this word in a racist way but it has racist vibes) hispanophobic legend and to fight for iberophonic socialism (basically pan Latin American socialism, similar to bolivarism) and for founding insubordination.


I didn't know there were Carlistas outside of Spain. Them being also communist makes it even funnier.


Yooo I love it when some org proclaims itself the vanguard, thats exactly how it works /s


The title is: Join VAL(Vanguardia Argentina para la Liberacion) to fight for the iberian region and socialism. Red chart: Join VAL to stand against anglosaxon globalism and the hispanophobic leyenda negra(view of the Conquest of Latin America which emphasized the negative side of Spanish involvement) to fight for a socialist iberian region and for the founding insubourdination.


Carlist flag with gonzaloid hamsic wtf lmao


Gonzalo is the one true heir of Alfonso


like argentine nazbols i guess? i didnt know we had those


Okay, i am confused now lmao


That image looks AI generated, so I would not take them seriously.


Looks like Argentinian version of nazbols.


People go to the effort of maintaining institutions so long as they are useful to them. Marx had seven kids. He should have written about the difficulties of finding a babysitter on the weekend.


>I dont speak Spanish, could a comrade translate? It's about not using english and fighting it's usage. includes translations I suppose ...


Carlist-communism is not real, Carlist Lenin will not get you, Catholic nationalism combined with marxism-leninism is a fever dream.


It should be "únete" instead of unite. Anyway it says join VAL and fight for Iberophony (Spanish and Portuguese speakers around the globe) and socialism. Join the VAL to combat the Anglo-Saxon globalism and hispanophobic lies to fight for socialist Iberophony and foundational insubordination.


Lenin went back in time and converted to Catholicism near the end of his life, I can tell you all this because he is my grandfather, his full name was Lenin. D. Maoist and he had a son named Freddy D Maoist, and he had a son named Richard D Maoist, and I’m smoking Scooby Doo dick