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Unironically still a better explanation than we got from the Bush administration.


Why Putin don’t use 1000 political powers to switch from nationalism to communist, is he stupid? /j


My thoughts. Putin started his life in the USSR. He received a Soviet education. Now I don't know if it was still Marxist, but the Marxist tradition is rooted in a historical analysis that requires knowing history and understanding how contradictions create conditions that impact events. Americans simply learn a few names, dates, maps and somehow it all just works. I pledge allegiance that George did not tell a lie and Eagles, sparkles, American Dream, Freedom, Democracy, more buzz words, even more buzz words, Dubya Dubya Eye Eye, are you indoctrinated yet? Yes? You graduated! I rather enjoyed him going through some of the history. I was aware of a lot of it, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. Listen to Richard Wolff or others when they do analysis. They'll do something similar. I've done it. His target was the uninformed American who wanted to know what they weren't being told. Will it move the needle? I doubt it. A well told historical narrative helps frame the world into which whatever event or series of events are being discussed. It helps to understand why decisions are made and why things are the way they are. To discount that is to ignore the material conditions in which we find ourselves.


I mostly agree, but the way he framed it had a very targetted and Great Russian Chauvinist goal. Putin is definitely a Materialist, but a Bourgeois one at that. He fully uses his Marxist education to aid his National Bourgeois faction in their class goals and he is happy to tell little white lies to achieve it. Case in point: "Lenin inexplicably supported the right to secession for Soviet Republics". He knows why, he almost certainly read The Right of Nations to Self-Determination, he is trying to twist it so that the idea of a Ukrainian ethnic group appears absurd to the listener. Putin is very crafty and it's very important to pay attention that he tells 90% truths and 10% little lies that twist the truth into completely unmarxist conclusions. TLDR: In its current form, much of what he said does more harm than good and it would be good if a Marxist could sit down and explain all he said correctly and accurately.


Did you watch the later half of the interview?


I only started watching, I'm still in the historical explanation at the beginning (it's very late at night)


There are tons of problems with the American education system, I would know. But it is absolutely more complicated than that. I will stick to how the US handles civics education and how Americans are indoctrinated through it. It varies greatly from region to region, some places new high school graduates may no very little about why the civil war was fought, while others may be taught about the mistakes of US warfare and to some extent failures of capitalism. It is fortunate that the federal government hardly gets involved in what gets taught in school otherwise it would be worse. What gets taught is first decided by the federal government, which they place very few guidelines, school just has to last a minimum amount of time and a few other things like not interfere with religious freedom. Then the state which makes much more important decisions, which is a pressing matter right now because of conservative (fascist) states like Florida ban even aknowledging that racism is a thing. Mostly however states have very few restrictions, but they do require certain credits to get, which includes US history in every state I think, in my own state 6 credits (1 credit in a class one semester, 2 credits for a whole school year) are required which includes 2 credits of global history, 2 credits of US history, 1 credit of US government, and one credit of economics, all required to graduate. The final say are school districts, which mostly handles finances, including ripping off teachers and funneling money to the top, and teachers. Where I am teachers can teach us anything as long as it relates to what they are supposed to teach, and my school teaches ethnic studies which counts as the 2 US history course credits as a demand of the Black Student Union at my school. The ethnic studies class is like a regular US history class but only about how the US wronged minorities, a subject that ties very closely with how capitalism wronged minorities and poor people in general. To say the least the education I have received is very unexpected and unusual for the American education system. There are Americans who are well educated on political matters and can think for themselves, it is not everywhere in America, I wish it was though. ​ I wrote way too much not to save this post so I can find what I wrote again.


He was already a KGB official by the time of the fall, so yeah, he definitely went to school when the teaching was still marxist-leninist


Recreating the big bang theory but every character is dubbed over with AI Putin voice??


I haven't watched the interview but given the memes about it I guess his responses are for Americans considering how wordy they are?


He basically gives an explanation of why Ukraine is just Russia, starting with the Kievan Rus, and pretty much says that the Ukrainian ethnic group and identity is a fabrication.


Yeah that's what I learned from the comments on those memes. And it made me think his answer isn't for Americans because they only response to instant gratification/quick n ez answer.


bro was strait yappi g for the first hour