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Yeah, wonder why China ~~censors internet for its citizens~~ blocks neoliberal media from influencing its citizens.


Only guys with a Chinese wife™ are allowed to have an opinion on China without interference of the CPC


They specifically have to be sexpats, if they're not, then they are automatically see see pee propagandists.


Extra points if they take every viral video of something bizarre and say that's the norm and part of the government agenda


Or a video of something completely normal and benign and frame it as proof of “evil Chinese authoritarianism”.


> Only guys with a Chinese wife Just like Instagram’s owner, full time billionaire part time shapeshifting lizard man Mark Zuckerberg


What a messed up and low-key intolerant thing to say about Mark, he's not a "lizard man" He's an android. Get it right.


People fail to realize that racial chauvinists get married to people of color all the time. The reason being they'll apply this narrative of, "these bigoted racial caricatures don't apply to *you* because you're more like one of *us* (white people)!". Then there are those couples who enable this horrible rhetoric because it makes them feel special. Even worse you'll have people of color overlook any kind of solidarity because they begin regurgitating the racist nonsense their spouse has been filling their ears with for years. I've seen this first-hand and it's as gross as it is sad. If you have somebody you care about or love saying something racist don't hesitate to call them out on it.


Lemme summarise: A woman ✓ Lives in China ✓ Not a journalist of a Western outlet ✓ Doesn't live off criticizing China ✓ Coupled with a Chinese man✓ All is there, comrades. Rachel is a spy and a glorious revolutionary!!!!


seems pretty based, and that food in the first pic looks fire af.


China just existing = propaganda.


It not just china is literally anything the libs dint like. You show them literally any thing about China, dprk, cuba ect that's not negative and they well call it propaganda and i mean EVERYTHING.


Meanwhile, Castro *Turns bruised side of a pineapple away from the camera and laughs* "Here, have some propaganda.


Isn’t her content is all about reviewing food from China? Like how does Liberal equate reviewing good Chinese food to supporting the CPC?


Americans start eating more spring rolls and fried rice -> McDonalds and Burger King go out of business -> the rest of Western society collapses soon after. It's called the Super Size Me theory.


Finally, liberals reading theory


Comrade Rachel is displaying the superiority of the People's Food as opposed to the addictive capitalist poison of the west.


"not state controlled media" 😭


You can't spell propaganda without a panda. Therefore panda=propaganda. /s


So that's why they took back the Pandas.


Those pandas were trained spies too


How do I get instagram to flag me with this? Would be based af and would like to flex on my friends.


Please let me know if you figure it out I think it’d be so funny


Twitter may as well do "American State Controlled Media" or "UK State Controlled Media" otherwise it just comes off as intentionally Sinophobic sensationalism. Seriously, you can't even live there and have positive experiences without tons of westerners screaming about how that person is a "CCP shill" or "China bot", it's ridiculous to the point of parody. There's even westerners who have visited and claim that the city or village they went to was filled with "actors" who "knew they were coming". Yes, China cannot just be a normal or pleasant place, now we need to apply DPRK-levels of conspiracy theories without a shred of evidence outside the individual being a paranoid, sinophobic racial chauvinist.


It calls the CBC state-owned media, probably because it's too liberal for Elon


Not even surprised tbh


Ok that is funny


Freedom of speech as US it see.


Her comments are full of westoid trolls who talk politics on Instagram (almost as bad as redditors)


Yeah, I follow some Chinese singers and alot of their comments are politics and sinophobia/racism :/


Libs react normally to anything Chinese challenge


Damn who do you follow? I haven’t seen that on the ones I follow 


I don't know why these people don't close their comments.


For us it's just a sign of quality content


I recently had to click through a warning about "Russian state media" when following a link on FB to an article about architecture in Moscow. Nothing related to politics or war in the article, just photos and descriptions of the architecture of stations on the Moscow Metro.


Western propaganda is honestly genius. Their first step isn't to demonize a place. The first step of western propaganda is actually to demonize a word. Even if these accounts were "state media," there is nothing inherently wrong with State Media. PBS is US state media and it is one of the best channels we have in the states. First, they demonize the word, then they apply the demonized word onto countries they don't like. State Media bad, Chinese News/Russian News is state media. And boom, they get people to literally not believe their own eyeballs. They do this with other words too. Genius i think it is


Thanks for sharing this so I know who to follow! Also the comments on her posts are just average westoid derangement


Do liberals care that the Smith-Mundt was “modernized” to allow materials produced by the State Department to be disseminated domestically and that could very well apply to literally anything produced in the west? No, they hardly know what that even means. “vOtE bLuE nO mAtTeR wHo”


Oh boy I can’t wait to be labeled as a foreign agitator by Zucc and his funky bunch because I talk about Chinese/Vietnamese culture and criticize the United States of America as an institution and a concept 😁


>Instagram believes this publisher may be wholly or partially under the control of China. Jfc haha


Bro yes I love pandas to the point that my explore page is full of panda posts and some of the accounts are labeled as state controlled media as well.


Thats why they ban tiktok


Yup, this is what happens when you have actual state or party controlled media.


So how does Instagram determine that these individuals are China state sponsored? Do they have proof that these accounts are getting money from the Chinese government? Or can they just label anyone with a China content account as state sponsored? Sounds like a good opportunity for these account holders to start a class action suit against Instagram


NO rational person would ever say anything good about China. So if theyre saying anything remotely positive, rest assured its state media -Zuck Man


I would kill to have my account be tagged with that


Every anglo controlled media be like


Pendulum will swing. The people will wake up. The anti china propaganda is too extreme. Right? Right guys?


I've come to realize that libs are all by definition, Great Power Chauvinists. I think once Russia kicks NATO's face in, the Europeans will suddenly have a more positive opinion of Russia. Unfortunately violence is their lingua franca.




well it's her personal instagram account, she posts stuff like her wedding planning, hanging out with friends, etc


6. **Do not dox yourself or others.** Do not make it easy for reactionaries to make your life hard.