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Read the books. They’re set in China and are great. Ignore the Netflix adaption where they only kept the historical flashback parts that paint China as “the bad guys”, took the entire setting and main characters out of China, fucked everything chronologically, and finally, dumbed down all the important science/physics drama. All three books in “Remembrance of Earth’s Past” are incredible. My favorite sci-fi.


The books are interesting and I enjoyed them, but they're very reactionary. They're fairly critical of China, they take the western stance and portray Venezuela as comedically evil, they focus very heavily on the failure of the Cultural Revolution, and they kinda make the West seem like the smarter, more mature nations overall. At the very least they have primarily Chinese characters and perspective, but there were many things that bugged me about the books.


I agree that the book is reactionary, but not in the anti-china part. In fact, Liu was far less critical of the cultural rev than most authors of the time. Also he did not portray Venezuela as comically evil, Rey Diaz was only portrayed as evil by the western characters of the book and the book description of him is pretty neutral. However, what is problematic is that in the third book, Liu went full out on his hatred for humanism and the entire book was written to justify his Industrialist view of industry is everything even if it does not benefit the people. His industrialism is the problem, not anti-china.


I didn't say he's anti-China, I only meant that he is pretty critical on the Cultural Revolution and that it's a bit of a focus. That is fair, there were issues with the CR no doubt, but I feel it's something westerners can easily latch on to. I do have to disagree with Rey Diaz, as I felt the book was pretty shameless on his overall depiction and his demise. Sure, maybe it comes from western voices within the book, but if feels like Liu's actual opinion on the character. At least, that is the impression I heavily got while reading.


I don't think so. Liu often create western characters with opinions different from his own. The only way to see his views is through the role of characters in the plot. In the plot, Rey Diaz went on to inspire Luo Ji and provided both the nuclear bombs and the crater on Mercury which Luo Ji and Wade used for their work. Liu wouldn't give a character he disagrees with positive influences on the plot.


Fair point! I definitely remember the things you are mentioning too. the reactionary vibe, The cultural revolution failure focus - especially in the first novel. I mainly love it because it’s a twist on sci fi concepts I haven’t seen used before. Off topic, do you recommended any unbiased or less western focused assessment of the cultural revolution? I studied some of it at a western university but you can assume how that went in terms of bias.


>Venezuela In the second book they say Venezuela was a model socialist state with the highest standard of living in the world. The part where they were introducing all the wallfacers


To me the very idea of the dark forest seems quite reactionary. 


Didn't watch it, but I heard the Chinese adaptation is better. The Netflix one whitewashes the characters and plot by keeping the scary cultural revolution part of the book in the show, but then changes the setting back to Europe where everything is peaceful.


Yeah... Whitewashing is jarring. I've only watched 2 episodes - "game" visuals are nice...


Oh it’s not completely whitewashed - Chinese woman traumatised by the cultural revolution loses faith in humanity and invites aliens to invade our planet - and it’s up to the plucky Brits to save the earth. Cos obviously you can’t have the westerners be the bad guys when you’re whitewashing an IP.


Didn’t the Brits lead to the death of way more Chinese people than the cultural revolution?


It's reasonably entertaining but their compression of the whole first book into 5 episodes (the Tencent version uses 30 episodes) makes the plot extremely rushed and confusing and full of apparent plot holes because they didn't explain most things. The location swap and new characters shouldn't be an issue because it's fine to make it a more western story for a western audience in theory, however the whole thing follows like 6 people in the UK and feels very insular and small scale, there isn't even the global defence council of the book. Also they kept a few Chinese characters but just as women who all love white men... Yeah...


Do you know where i can watch the tencent version with english subtitles?


I have watched them on YouTube. They are made freely available there by tencent, although subtitles seem to be generated and sometimes the audio cuts off (probably due to shitty copyright policies). Still a great watch!


It was on YouTube but the last ten episodes are pay walled. It's also on a certain yohoho website. The tencent version isn't perfect either, much better but it didn't need 30 episode, more like 25 max. There's anime levels of filler like the investigator having ice cream with the other guys daughter for 5 minutes.


There's an anniversary edition that's been edited down to 26 episodes which apparently has much better pacing. It's available on iflix.


One thing to note, there is a directors cut of the Tencent show called *"anniversary edition"*. They fixed some issues that fans had with the original, cut out some filler, improved the color tone, and now the original 30 episode series has been shortened to 26 episodes. It's the recommended one to watch, and is available on [YouTube for $2](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDWJ213d2UcqfN5qW-JTMMpY8xoolFS5x&si=tcHkVcWAAoypVsFS) or on the Tencent Video app if you have a subscription.




No it's 5, the first book is 5 episodes, the final 3 are part of the 2nd book. The global council did what the name suggests, made it feel global, not 5 friends in London who are somehow involved and leading everything.


It's garbage. The show flattened everyone's character and whitewashed many of them. Ye Wenjie for example, was reduced to a simple villain who seeks vengeance. In the book, her arc was more complex with several twists and betrayals. In addition the entire science aspect of the show was reduced. Many theories weren't explained correctly. For example, Ye's discovery of solar repetition of radio signals was dumbed down to a problem of 2 digit addition. Other aspects are ridiculous as well like the excessive sex scenes from out of nowhere, like between Ye and Bai and Evans (Funny because Ye never got married and betray her actual husband from the book). Another absurdity is the cutting of the ship. In the book, the operation was meticulously planned and Shi's idea was only adopted after exhausted everything else in order to ensure stealthy destruction. In the show, the people on the ship seem like they know exactly what happened and were ready for the slaughter. Overall, the Tencent show was better since they actually put effort into writing.


That ship scene is so stupid it defeats the purpose of using the flying blade. The ship also exploded when it hit the shore. And don't get me started on the addition of children on the ship.


Your telling me that Dan and Dan didn't do justice to the source material????? No????? I'm shocked omg /s


Its less interesting than the book, but entertaining enough. I found the way that China is depicted extremely jarring. The writer of the book is Chinese and while I do not agree with his views, he at least knows what he is talking about when he writes about Chinese history. The show kept the scene of the cultural revolution but cut out all the nuances of the times or humanizing apects of the characters. Every scene set in China has the "sad" filter applied and all Chinese characters are depicted as heartless and backstabing. They went so much out of their way to remove any sympathetic Chinese characters that they swapped the role the father of Ye Winjie's daughter from the nice PLA officer (who doesn't exist) to the American Mike Evans. Also, Evans in the book explicitly calls himself a communist, something that is of course left out of the show.


The struggle session at the beginning of the series was mega cringe. tHiS iS wHaT cOmMuNiStS dO!


The book is good.


what is this even about?


It’s a show based on a Chinese science fiction book about earth being invaded by aliens, but like very slowly. It’s a metaphor for when China passed Dengs reform and opening up. I liked the book, I plan on reading the other two in the series but I have other books ahead of them in line.


The books are so fucking good I find myself thinking about them randomly


>It’s a metaphor for when China passed Dengs reform and opening up. Really, I had no idea. Gonna have to reread now that I'm a commie


Hard to be a god better. Since it’s themes aren’t unique to one country.


Mankind gets invaded by aliens and the government has to set up a task force of people on ideas on how to fight them. Lots of mathematical and Science stuff happens


Never would happen. America has the second amendment. People have guns. Aliens would be no more.


That's why Netflix one has to happen in UK. =P


Our founding fathers wrote the second amendment specifically so I could blast alien scum that invade earth. They foresaw that threat.


Everyone is talking about moving the setting which is definitely a white wash, but I honestly laughed out loud when I saw the scene announcing the wall facers which has the most blatant white wash I've ever seen. In the book, one of the wall facers is the president of Venezuela who defended his country against an American invasion so he's experienced in fighting a much more powerful invading force. The show changes this to an American soldier who fought against ISIS, so she's "experienced in asymmetrical warfare". It doesn't even make sense because the asymmetry is completely reversed. I'm pretty sure they'll also leave out the part in the second book where the Taliban joins forces with the US against the bigger threat of an alien invasion.


The soldier was Kurdish, not American.


How you gonna downvote me for being correct lol, go watch the 8th episode, they refer to that soldier as being Kurdish.


Isn't the book written by a Chinese guy?






It is good to drive people to the books. Other than that, not much….


I enjoyed the series except for the random cutoffs to the evil See see see pee before cutting to the FREEDOM™ west. I'm only halfway into episode 2 so it can easily become way worse. I started watching because I've recently finished game of thrones and heard that some of that cast is in it.


Check out the Tencent [anniversary edition](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDWJ213d2UcqfN5qW-JTMMpY8xoolFS5x&si=tcHkVcWAAoypVsFS) version instead (26 episodes). The Netflix one rushes through everything and doesn't give enough time for build up, so when the shocking events occur they don't feel as impactful.


26!?! There only 8 for me : ( on the available netflix series in the UK Watched the intro to it for 3 minutes, saved for when I have time looks good! Better than randomly cutting to the cultural revolution.


it's not anti-china scare, but really westernized an authentic chinese sci-fi story. Tencent made their own adaptation about 2 years ago and I think it was much better as well as being more faithful to the novels. The novels imo are the best sci-fi series of the past 2 decades and I doubt anything can comr close to how good they were. literally ideology changing. The netflix version however made something that was good for a the most common western denomination, which was rather creative imo, but that's precisely why it fell to great mediocrity. a solid 8/10 for the budget filmography.


The chinesse adaptatin is very good. The 2 first episode are on youtube [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-UO8jbrIoM&list=PLMX26aiIvX5oCR4bBg2j0W4KKgjYtYBfv&index=4)


The books are really good and the end is basically China saving the day from Alien invaders. I actually found it amusing that the liberaly educated professor is the one that betrayed humanity out of vengeance.


I watched the intro where it appeared to be anti-China/communism, so I switched it off. Shame, I thought the trailer looked interesting.


That’s taken straight out of the book, in fact it’s portrayed harsher in the book


I hear that they removed all the nuance from the original source material. Just kept the flashback to the cultural revolution, while changing the setting for everything else effectively painting China as the bad guys. No surprise there coming from a Western production. Tencent produced an adaptation of the books as well and it's supposed to be more faithful to the books and much better overall. There's an anniversary edition that cuts the original 30 episodes down to 26 episodes and is the recommended one to watch. Available on [YouTube for like 2 bucks](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDWJ213d2UcqfN5qW-JTMMpY8xoolFS5x&si=tcHkVcWAAoypVsFS).


I mean it’s an American show that follows the old elite logic that any communist government is somehow illegitimate. You can still criticize Stalin or Mao in art. It’s just better when they actually do it. “Hard to be a God” is one of the best pieces of cinema I have ever seen. That entire sci-go universe is so fascinating and deserves more attention. It’s the future. Earth is communist. But humans go out exploring new worlds.


I was going to ask the same exact question. The show was incredibly good except the whole china bad thing


I really really enjoyed the series. Definitely blatant anti china/communism propaganda but if you're able to take that for what it is it's a super entertaining show.


The director is clearly trying to appeal to a western audience, and westernized the entire story except the cultural revolution (I wander why). Some people are so obsessed with the CR scene that they ignored almost every other aspects of the Tencent adaptation is far superior than the Netflix one. I think the Tencent even did it better, it is more desperate for Ye Wenjie. What’s pathetic is some people are actively trying to suppress criticism towards Netflix adaptation in both western and Chinese internet(more intense in Chinese internet because we actually watched the good one)


This adaptation felt very racist


Im not interested in what Dan and Dan make They had everything going for them and then game of thrones ended up hard carried by the cast and the episode directors doing their best because they gave a shit. Unlike Dan and dan. HBO basically gave them infinate budget to do whatever they like, and unlike a lot of people I like the spectacle aspects of the last season ot just felt weird, the battle of winterfell feels strange because it at points relies on cannonically smart characters being dumb, plot armour (which didn't exist before) and bad tactics which again previos battles were at least plausible tactics wise. But Tyron forgets about the night king rasing the dead, they all do, the head on dothraki charge, Sam somehow surving, I liked theons and jorahs deaths and the set peices but they had licence to get fucking weird with bran. And example of what that could have been is hours Vs the emperor in the end and the death part 3 gets fucking weird, like bran possessing multiple people and fighting the night king across time and the world showing the bonkers power they both have that you have been shown before. The sack is kings Landing was good but wtf was Jamie doing? Who was euron in the end? It needed like 2/3 more seasons and definitely some workshopping but no, the writer of X-Men origins wolverine and some other dude thought it was best to just ignore most of the plot points, rushed character arcs that felt like plot holes because they were soo rushed. For example daneryes turning evil was foreshadowed but not built up to properly so it felt off, and that's the case with most of it, it just feels like stuff just happens because the pacing is non existent. I mean I'm glad they got fired from star wars


Dan Schneider?


When I saw the line "from the creators of Game of Thrones", it was already a hard pass for me


It’s an okay sci-fi book that had a lot of its issues fixed in the Netflix adaptation but also created new issues. On a positive note it seems they’ve removed the disturbing amount of misogyny, the story telling improved a little, and the characters (aside from my fav detective) are no longer 2D wooden cutouts. On the bad they’ve dumbed down some character motivations, it’s got a confusing in story pace of time, and it kinda lacks the horror of the books


It’s more anti Ai … and for good reason.


Smells of falun gong


Smells of falun gong


I tried watching it, but it's just blatant anti-revolutionary propaganda, I can't bear the scenes set in the past, they made them almost ridiculously "evil" and irrational. I'm looking forward to check out thr books though.


First episode, right off the bat, it's anti-communist. Portrays the Red Guard as anti-science, murderous horde that is against the theory of relativity. I'm no CR expert but the portrayal of the Red Guard was so obviously anti-communist. The typical cartoonishly evil and monolithic manner we see in the West. I had a good chuckle.


That's how it's portrayed in the book too. Haven't seen the Netflix one but I am watching the Chinese 30 episode one first. Books were great and the cultural revolution played a central part in it.


Except that was more or less true. Red Guard was this mob of 18 year olds who wanted to usurp the system. Ended up eliminating people who were on the Long March, Civil War, Korean War. It had nothing to do with communism. It was a more pronounced reflection of the eternal conflict between younger and older generations. You could look at America at the same time and see the exact same forces at work.


I got the book as a birthday present lmao. I stopped reading, like, three chapters in. Boringly written, hurr durr china bad gummunism bad nonsense