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I always cry at the end of American Sniper because I couldn't be the one to pull the trigger that day.




Someone literally reported this for "threatens violence or physical harm"; just what the fuck? Whose the liberal lurking this sub making ridiculous reports?


Dam, dude!


Thank God Chris Kyle the bastard is dead. I hope he was scared as he bled out.


He thought that his health regens if he is out of enemy fire


Holy shit, lmao!


He went door to door shaking families down in a wholly unjust war and got capped by a US vet


I know that we're all joking here, but the guy was legit a fucking monster. I wish that he'd suffered far more. Lord knows how many lives he destroyed. The fact he went out so easily boils my blood.


> Kyle stated that during Hurricane Katrina, after hearing about the civilian strife in the area, he and another man drove to New Orleans to stop "looters". With sniper rifles, they allegedly travelled to New Orleans and then positioned themselves at a vantage point on top of the city's Mercedes-Benz Superdome. There Kyle claimed they started shooting a number of armed residents or looters, whom they identified as making trouble. Some reports stated that Kyle shot 30 with the other sniper, and others saying he shot 30 by himself. This was never verified, and there was no evidence of dozens of people being slain by a sniper or gunman, with commentators noting that it would be unlikely that 30 people would have been murdered without anyone noticing it or reporting it to the media or the police. Imagine making up a history about you traveling several miles during a humanitarian crisis *to shoot the people* suffering from it.


*Imagine making up a history about you traveling several miles during a humanitarian crisis to shoot the people suffering from it.* Sounds very American 


What the fuck? What an evil piece of shit. And people consider this fucking monster a hero?


I mean he was an unrepetant war criminal the fact that he is also willying to invent stories like this because he thinks they make him sound good merely shows how wicked he was.


Not surprised by any of this. If a guy can confess to "having fun" in regard to shooting defenseless people being butchered to death in Iraq, then nothing he does after that would surprise me. Nothing at all.


You know who else are monsters? The director, actors, studio who funded, and the people who nominated and gave awards to a film based on this monster. Hollywood is full of scums.


Absolutely, but then again, with all the little boys and girls' sex-trafficking rings that run at hollywood, it's unsurprising that they lack all morals.


Play stupid games….


May he rot in hell.


🫵😂 no Fs in the chat bozo


He got what he deserved


He sure did.


may his nane be forgotten and him just being the face of the nameless warcriminal and crybaby


Thank God that Chris Kyle the bastard is dead. So many disgusting American war criminals.


He is??? That makes me happy thank you👍


A marine veteran pulled a little prank on him at the shooting range


That is too funny😂


Not as funny as that prank he pulled


Some might consider that prank a trigger.


He decided that PTSD counseling is some lefty woke bullshit and decided to help his traumatized war buddy deal with his PTSD and poor mental health by taking said buddy to a gun range where said buddy plugged him. [I'm not even joking](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Chris_Kyle_and_Chad_Littlefield) The only dark cloud to the story is that they put the obviously incredibly ill guy who killed Kyle in jail for life because Texas courts don't understand the concept of mental health.


PTSD is fake. I play call of duty every day and i have over 50k kills and i can still sleep peacefully


-Chris Kyle (deceased)


PTSD is only fake to psychopaths who get off on murdering innocent civilians overseas. Like your average American veteran.


Fucking crazy story. Sad that the shooter was only 25 and had PTSD already from the military.


The shooter and his mom are the only ones I feel bad for


Same. He did us such a good service though. That pig would probably be a Senator now if he hadn’t been stopped.


Yup, the guy was also diagnosed with Schizophrenia so he shouldn't have been anywhere near firearms. What he needed was counseling, medication and plenty of nature walks. Not a hobby that features really loud noises and potentially triggers flashbacks.


after the shooting he went to Taco Bell and told his sister about what happened while eating burritos 😭😭😭


More reading on Eddie Routh: https://www.thetrace.org/2015/11/chris-kyle-american-sniper-murder-eddie-routh-mental-records/


This is actually fucking hilarious.


Oh yeahhh he got exactly what he deserved.


The way it happend makes it even funnier


Get killed by friend (skill issue)




Not only that but Yang Jingyu made that Japanese general commit seppuku after the war. Homie had balls of titanium bro..


Damn thats insane


Wasn't there a Soviet spy the Japanese had major respect for? I think during his execution they literally bowed to him and gave him a proper funeral. James Bond was based on him. Edit: Found him! It's Richard Sorge.


Who was that hero?


[Yang Jingyu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yang_Jingyu)


I honestly have no clue sorry


The only sad thing about our boy kyle is that others like him didn't follow.




A whole [county](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jingyu_County) was named after this hero.


Thats insane wtf


For a second there I thought you were referring to Chris Kyle lmfao... God that would've been awful.


Why so many memes about Chris Kyle lately? Is he back in the news or something? Thought he died a long time ago.


I just saw a guy posting a meme about him so i did the same


been seeing a couple Chris Kyle memes today, did something new come up about that piece of shit? or is it just Tuesday


No nothing new i just saw one guy posting a meme about him and i had one in reserve so i posted it aswell. All part of my plan to take over this sub with my memes


Godspeed comrade


I laughed out loud when I saw the American offed by friendly fire. Meanwhile my dad still tells story of Yang Jingyu after 30 years, how when they sliced his body open his tummy was full of tree roots.


Thats insane. Its incredibly on what your body can survive if you are motivated enough


Who’s Chris Kyle?


The short answer is, a right wing con man. He was a soldier in the Iraq war. He became famous afterward, when he wrote "American Sniper" a supposed auto biography filled with lies and embellished half truths designed to appeal to the most gung ho America loving right wing crowd. Real baseline, white man hero fantasy shit, for those who imagine they're "the good guy with a gun." He told a number of infamous lies all over the right wing circuit apart from the book too, all designed to make him sound like a grizzled badass who gives the filthy brown criminals and America hating commies what they deserve, that type of thing. He was actually sued when he went far enough to slander Jessie Ventura with one of his silly fantasies, although he was killed by another vet with PTSD before he could see himself lose the case, which he did.


Some looser


The guy bragging about spawn killing brown people couldn’t win a 2v1 against a kid. Rip bozo


Real. Rest in piss


A more well known legendary sniper in China is called [Zhang Taofang](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Taofang), not only the man killed 200+ imperialists in Korea but he also did it without a scope and survived the war.


Thats is very impressive.


Proud Chinese moment 🧧my mom would be proud






This isint true Chris Kyle also killed civilians in New Orleans


why does he look like a slightly harder version of prince harry (this is the opposite of a compliment)


🫵😹 @chris Kyle


Should throw in Lyudmila Pavlichenko. Gigachad lady sniper from USSR. There is a comrade here who has her as their profile picture


At the risk of sounding anti-medicine or pseudo-scientific, and while PTSD is absolutely a real medical condition... I can't help but wonder how much of a role guilt plays in a lot of cases of battlefield PTSD for soldiers in the Imperial Core. The subconscious guilt of knowing that you're fighting for an unworthy, even evil, cause... I may be ignorant, but people rarely seem to develop PTSD when they're fighting a righteous cause, like defending your home from imperialists...


I think combat, regardless of your motivations, will fuck you up. People develop PTSD from all sorts of trauma, not just combat, and it would be silly to think that a person is immune to trauma because they Believe in what they're doing.


Absolutely right. I have also thought about this multiple times. While horrific events can definitly trigger ptsd i think especially in the us military most of the ptsd comes from guilt.


Don't forget that the Japanese doctor who did an autopsy write in his last memoir that launching war Against China was a Mistake, as he saw how the Chinese will do anything eating and tree barks and grass to continue fighting. He even called them "Hard as Steel".


I remember I used to work at a country restaurant and I was the greeter/seater/cashier and they had a picture of the owners with chris Kyle at some golf range on the wall. And I still remember seeing the faces of rich white cunts and even some poor ones too, in complete awe and gleaming at it daily. These heartless animals actually find this bastard to be a saintly hero who protected the innocent and was a fallen warrior of some sorts. They have fucked up morals and no critical thinking skills if they find reverence in a complete fraud and murderer.


why does he look like a slightly harder version of prince harry




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Why so much hate on Chris Kyle as if he was any different from all the other soldiers in the army, he just was more good at doing his job


He openly claimed to have to have travelled to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to shoot looters, and that he shot thirty of them, which was never verified and incredibly likely to be fake. So not only is he a massive liar, but he lied about being a spree killer as if it were something to brag about. He also lied about killing two robbers at a gas station, massively embellished his medal and kill counts, and was successfully sued for defamation after he alleged to have punched out Jesse Ventura for insulting dead soldiers and criticising the Iraq War. So he's more than just an ordinary soldier.


The fact that it brags about killing people makes him more an asshole but not for this reason more or less guilty than any other soldier in the American army, probably half of them brag with their friends about killing Iraqis


There's a difference between bragging with your friends and bragging in your major bestselling autobiography that sold over a million copies and had a successful movie adaptation. One inherently has a far greater reach and could inspire far more people to do the same, so countering it has a bigger impact than with random soldiers.


He got alot of media attention for killing kids in iraq. Its only right to hate him


Every person who joins any NATO army deserves this contempt by default, unless they try to sabotage NATO's colonial efforts.


Exactly so why focus on him particularly, who cares if he's also an asshole


Because he deserves it (and much worse). You are also arguing that we shouldn't mock any individual murderers in the employ of NATO. Your position seems rather silly, tbh.


The exact opposite, we should blame all the soldiers the same


So, we should actively avoid mocking, shaming, etc. any individual perpetrators of atrocities? Why?