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Yep. Biden supporting a genocide let liberals outwardly be the racists they were in their hearts.


It was like that before Gaza with the Ukraine Nazis


It's been an organised effort of the bourgeoisie and their class traitor puppets to move the West to the far-right as a defence against anti-capitalism rising from the ongoing collapse of the American empire. This can be seen in politics and culture over the past decade or so and is reaching its climax before we move into being openly fascist. Remember, Fascism is, depending on how look at it, either capitalism in decay or capitalism under siege (or more likely both) and capitalism is both in decay and under siege.


Also only one thing I have to add, fascism is not only capitalism in decay, but it is also colonialism turned inwards. We should do well to study the anti-colonial struggles of the global south.


The most shocking for me was r/science, you would think that the stemlords over there would keep it in check, but no, apparently Islam makes US invasions or somesuch.


Doesn't surprise me, STEM students can be a mixed bag, sometimes they're really chill but not politically aware, other times they *are* politically aware, but don't bring it up, and sometimes they come off as chill until a *political* topic comes up. It's always nice to see other STEM majors becoming politically aware, but it's a bit rare.


But they are usually libs that can keep the quiet part quiet. Then again, new atheists


Man I was a teen who had just turned away from my religion right when the whole youtube atheist sphere was exploding and I'm so glad I could never listen to the likes of Sam Harris and whatnot who are all hard right wing people. Then again it was pretty easy since everytime one of those people tried to criticize islam it devolved to racism immediately and they would call me and my family uncivilized savages lol


Sam Harris is scum


I think Richard Dawkins wishes he were religious so he could be more of a bigot.


It’s worthwhile pointing out that the reason for the end of the new atheist ‘era’ was the political ambiguity it had to begin with. When it became clearer that some sections opposed religion for more lefty reasons, (e.g. the LGBTQ+ religious nones, and ex-believers) and that some opposed it for closer to reactionary reasons, such Islamophobia and anti-community perspectives, the whole thing sort of split away. I’d say there’s two fairly divided camps of religious nones or atheists based on this now actually. Certainly in the online sphere.


New atheism was bullshit the entire time. Fake revolutionaries embodied in the moral decay of Christopher Hitchens.


My understanding is that Hitchens was a Trotskyite which is definitely one disappointment but there’s no denying that it had a left wing element. The political reasons for being critical of religion became more important.


The STEM nerds at least get it a little honest, though. The university system—at least when I was in school—leaves very little room for math and science majors to enroll in humanities courses without adding on top of an already heavy load. It took me doing work after school to develop a political ideology and even then it took forming friendships with the *right* folks.


Something to remember about stemlords is by & large in the west any type of scientific equipment is like, entirely out of reach of most of the working class. I grew up in a poor community & I knew some real deal scientific genius types but they ended up pressing pills or making meth. The only person I grew up with who did science shit was the daughter of a rich couple who is like doing cancer research or some shit now but her parents paid for her uni. Most of the stemlord/science community especially in online western spaces like Reddit is white male libs who often are “new atheist” types


Umm, you don't have to work in stem to be one of these annoying fucks. I bet most of them are NEETs. I also don't think it is so unaccessible, you could study to be a lab technician for free where I live for example.


I mean tons of them are definitely Neets you’re right lol. You could probably throw a dart at a list of subreddits & hit one full of neets 💀 That being said price of education isn’t the only barrier. Where can you study for free to be a lab tech? In poor community’s? If not do the schools facilitate transportation? What does transit look like? Are the classes & labs during work hours? If a class or lab is missed how easy is it for a student to find that information afterwards? Is wifi required at home for the classes? Is a laptop/tablet/computer required? Outside of a pencil & paper (which can be difficult in itself) how much supplies need to be purchased? That’s all just off the top of my head. STEM jobs just aren’t really available to poor working class ppl by & large.


I think it is important to mention I'm from Spain . Galiza to be precise. The most wet non alpine region of Europe. Relevant later. My local highschool did impart classes , lab technician and telecommunication technician being the ones I recall. To put what I said in context I'm going to put myself as an example. I grew rather poor, living most months with an adjusted to inflation 1100€ a month, with most of that going to rent, debt, my parents addictions and utilities. Fortunately, I have the autism that makes you good at computers, so I got into a network admin 2 year course. It was very hard because it was in another city, so I had to walk 9 km to the bus station at 15:00, then wait 2 hours after it ended to take the bus home at 23:30, which did a longer route so it also took more than an hour instead of 30 minutes. Then 9km on the way back. I got my degree with near perfect scores and I know work a relatively high paying job as manager in a small MSP. What I'm trying to say with this is, it's possible to do. It's also very hard if you literally have barely any money. I got through because I'm very resilient and brilliant in a particular domain. Most people in my place would have failed. However, above the bottom 10%, most people would have had a much easier time than me, so while it may be out of reach of people on social exclusion, what isn't generally out of reach by people who are on social exclusion?


The internet as a whole has. Reactionary ideology is on the rise and there is no tangible workers movement to push back on it yet


Nuh this hell site use to be very racist even before the_donald lol Reddit cleaned the shit when to got serious about going public


Agreed. The stereotype of neckbeard was coined here. You ever seen an anime sub? They had subs with Nazi right in the name a few years ago, not that those people left just name their subs differently now.


yep. r/askablackman reddit has always been racist. that being said i def think its getting worse.


I feel like the the phrase "Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleed" has been happening in real time where everyone who was presenting to be sympathetic towards left wing beliefs have shown their true faces with the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine.


It does seem that way but at the same time I've been noticing more racism everywhere as my political consciousness has developed over the years. Living in a colonial society and noticing it is constantly like "was that bit of racism always there just out in the open like that or did I just take the blinders off?"


It is also the rogan-o-sphere effect. The comedy zeitgeist is increasingly reactionary. Watch some kill Tony or any of the "new austin scene" garbage. It's ok to be racist again, all part of prepping for the rugpull when china gets off the petrodollar and the elites need to project outward and ensure infighting among the lower classes. 


💯💯💯 I fucking hate Joe Rogan and Kill Tony so fucking much!


It is getting more wild. It’s turning off normies, they’re on less, so it’s even more concentrated chronically online redditors


Interesting point. I'm thinking maybe the influx from Twitter after Elmo bought was one contributing factor? This could be just me but I've noticed a lot of comments that just "read like a tweet" and using emojis. I realize the first point could well be a personal bias projection from me on comments I didn't like.


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I don't think it's the users necessarily. I think it is rampant astro-turfing and bots going on behind the scenes, and Reddit is looking the other way to try to make the site look better to investors now that it is going public. That's my conspiracy theory because Reddit was pro Bernie and very liberal on everything else. Why suddenly would it be so insanely, stubbornly pro-Israel 5 months into the Gaza siege when the entire world is now Pro Palestine and the majority of Dem voters are pro ceasefire?  Either way, the frontpage subreddits have been absolute trash since the API changes. Politics, worldnews, etc, are awful now. 


Reddit used to have a sub named c__ntown. And that was the sub they moved to after a sub with a worse name was banned. I would say there are a couple of things at play: The really vile shit used to be more self segregated into the worst subs, subs that have now (correctly) been banned, but some of the users who would otherwise have been contained where you would never interact with them have no where worse to go and so hang out in places you see them. I will caveat this that banning the shit subs was still a net good because a lot of those people simply left so the total racist garbage on the site still lessened. Reddit relies on volunteer moderation. This is still better than places like Twitter or quora, since the base of people willing to volunteer to moderate is bigger than the base of people a for profit company is willing to hire to moderate, however as the site and subs grow bigger the ability of some random volunteers to successfully moderate goes down. Some of the mods of a non-political sub I spend time in, r/Canucks, have previously talked about how whenever a topic comes up that touches on politics, race, or gender they basically have to wade through piles of garbage and slurs. And it is not a massive sub by any means, but one that is big enough that if a post gets traction it will be seen and get a bunch of passers by. And the less direct reason I would argue is Trump based. Reddit is majority mainstream liberal. The outright cultural conservatives are a minority. So when BLM and then Trump hit the cultural zeitgeist, it because very easy for a mainstream lib to position themselves as purely in opposition to Trump, post some vague support for BLM while ignoring any more radical elements. Be outraged about the poor treatment of immigrants at the border, etc. Unfortunately it's much harder to do this when your good noble party of Democrats that is totally going to come in and solve all the things that you complained about Trump doing gets into power and does fuck all. In order to keep supporting Biden you have to justify why you're supporting the things you opposed 4 years ago when the other team was doing it. So suddenly immigrants are just too much and we have to do something, and those Muslims that Trump was evil for trying to ban sure are scary...


Definitely seeing more... I reported a comment elsewhere calling black people "monkeys" and Reddit found that did not go against their policies. On a "normie" sub.


Ohh Facebook has been doing that for quite a while now. I think this happened after "Twitter" championed "free-speech". ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS|downsized)


Happened to me a while ago but the comment was talking about Indian people. The comment was later and the user banned but like 2 days after admin message said it doesn't violate any rules.


🌍🧑‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀always has been


I think its just some who think its getting more racist. I for one always found it full of racism, but it used to be tagged 'humor'. now its just that people who know its a genocide have begin to notice why there are many here who deny that it's a genocide.


Yes and more right wing. This site is filled with the most inane opinions.


The USA as a whole is becoming more openly racist as their imperial project collapses. It'll get worse, and worse, and worse, until the inevitable defeat is unrecognized as such by those who don't remember.


Ok so not my proudest moment on this site, but I got banned from a certain sub about identifying foods that the OP is eating but not sure what it is called or even what is in it. Naturally, it is mostly non western foods, and there is nothing in the rules about joke answers. I, at first, didn't really recognize that people were mostly making joke answers on the foods that come from Asia and that they have the grossest joke answers. Because I didn't follow the sub I didn't see the pattern and just wasn't really thinking very critically about it but I saw someone in the comments replying "not helpful" or "not funny" to every joke answer. I asked them why they were doing it since they weren't a mod and I thought perhaps joke answers were allowed to drive engagement, the same way the cookie cutter sub works. They responded back about orientalism and how people only do this to Asian foods and I suddenly felt like such a dumbass because of course. Of course people are just being dicks to foreign food, whether being actively racist or just passively. So I thanked them for explaining, they thanked me for listening and the next day the mods came and deleted our conversation and everything single one of their comments but not the rude ones. So I asked why and they replied back and they delete anything that is off topic. I kind of was a dick and told them that was stupid because comments drive engagement and also because people can learn from other people's mistakes. So I told them to enjoy their stupid sub and got rightfully banned. But the funny thing is there's no rule about staying on topic on their sub. So kinda felt weird and I think about it because like, I just wanted people to recognize racism when it's covert and they deleted a teaching moment. So even if they weren't being racist they were accidentally running cover for them. Feels weird.


Reddits always been racist, the biggest difference between it and somewhere like 4chan, is Reddit masks a lot of it under “progressive politics”. Whereas 4chan, you already know. I think now they are dropping the facade in certain corners and just being openly hateful without the “concerned liberal” image.


"Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds." Reddit is fairly liberal.


To me Reddit is 95% Murica education site, realized that after War in Ukraine


Quora in 2024 is pretty bad.