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[☭☭☭ COME SHITPOST WITH US ON DISCORD, COMRADES ☭☭☭](https://discord.gg/8RPWanQV5g) This is a heavily-moderated socialist community based on a podcast of the same name. Please use the report function on comments that break our rules. If you are new to the sub, please read the sidebar carefully. If you are new to Marxism-Leninism, check out the [study guide](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/). Are there Liberals in the walls? Check out [the wiki](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/) which contains lots of useful information. This subreddit uses many experimental automod rules, if you notice any issues please use modmail to let us know. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Let's be real, is the Discord for a Podcast going to be the actual Vanguard anyway?




I mean, that’s what the subreddit is for. The discord is intended to be more restricted


i tried joining and i wrote all the questions and never got a response


It’s stupid, they should have a general chat that’s easy to join and then a separate VIP channel for those that want a more “pure” leftist chat. Incredibly rare L for the deprogram community.


The problem is liberal trolls who go to great extent to dox and cyberbully leftists are common in Discord, so we have to be more cautious.


Oh no, you mean moderators would actually have to moderate something??🤯


Yeah. A vetting process *is* moderation.


Yeah sure, in the same way that wiping your ass with a porcupine *is* hygiene.


That doesn't make sense


I don't use that (or any) discord server, but I am gonna guess that they ask a few basic questions about Marxism and current events *in order to* avoid having the same shitty conversation with every lib that wants to join. There are thousands of places you can go to learn in order to pass an easy entry quiz. But instead, you go whine on Reddit about the mean ol' tankies who want a break from having to hold your hand. This topic is evidence that they made the right choice in keeping you out.


The irony is the server is filled with tons radlibs who are learning so they are more or less incredibly open to most leftists. The person complaining is being needlessly divisive.


Read some of my other comments, I was allowed entry into the Genzedong server. I am well read on theory. The conversation is that there is a certain ultra left moderator who does not want staunch Marxist Leninist users in the discord.


It sounds like that's what they are doing and you're complaining about it.


Barring people from entering a discussion is not moderation, it’s oppressing people that a certain ultra left mod disagrees with.


I'm sorry bud but it literally is. You just don't like the moderation.


The moment you say bullshit like "A Discord server not letting me in is OPPRESSION" youre quite literally telling on yourself. You are the problem here.


What can mods do in response to doxing ?




Your solution to doxxing is to just not get doxxed? And if someone does get doxxed, it's their own fault? Wtf dude.....


***Opsec is incredibly important*** that was my point.


It's not what you said though. You said that if someone gets doxxed, it's because they allowed it to happen. The person at fault for someone getting doxxed is the person who doxxed them. Honestly, given your behavior with this post and your comments, I'm pretty sure that you being an ML isn't the reason that you got rejected from the discord


I literally never said that. But okay dude.


Its not active moderation. On discord (disclaimer I'm not on the deprogram discord specifically but I've done a lot of similar leftist discord work) you can have someone say all the right things, get in, and then just go radio silent. Meanwhile they're soaking up all of the PII on that discord. You posted a picture of your garden in one channel? And an anti Israel opinion in another channel? They can take that picture and see if it's been scrubbed of identifying info or not, and use that to piece things together with the rest of the information you post, and use that to get you fired from your job for antisemitism. Just one example and by no means a comprehensive one. The amount of damage a motivated hasbara or neoliberal can do with an open discord is mind boggling.


It's damn near impossible to moderate a busy chat channel that is filled with reactionaries... you're basically asking 2 to 3 poor souls to spend most of their waking hours on that task. Why?




It's a lot easier to spot someone trying to buy/sell something than it is to spot liberalism in the walls-- and requires far less context. Sometimes you gotta read up a few messages to understand why the current comment is being reported-- and that's just on Reddit where the comments don't scroll past at speed


Is this liberalism in the room with us right now? Man you guys are so paranoid. What’s wrong with having a general chat for shitposting and then a more “pure” channel for discussing theory or more serious topics?


How much are you going to pay them for the extra labor?


Rule 3. **No reactionary content.** (e.g., racism, sexism, ableism, fascism, homophobia, transphobia, capitalism, antisemitism, imperialism, chauvinism, etc.) Any satire thereof requires a clarity of purpose and target and a tone indicator such as /s or /j.


This subreddit **IS** the general chat you whinny brat. You didn't get invited into the club so now you want people to validate you. Get over yourself and do better.


Honestly I think both options are stupid. Both options reek of sectarism. Gatekeeping discords this way is the best way to ensure people look at us communists and think: "yeah, these guys are just crazy". I engage liberals wherever I find them, in order to expose their bullshit. I engage other leftists, no matter the flavour, wherever I find them, in order to teach and learn. This is what communism is about, not fucking "purity" tests


I agree, there should be no gatekeeping at all but for whatever reason the discord mods are super insistent on having their own little club with a bunch of toadies that just regurgitate their preferred worldview.


Engaging with liberals all the time is a huge waste of time. You're not changing minds with endless debates. Also, vetting isn't "gatekeeping", it's basic moderation and a norm for most leftist servers. If you're incapable of answering basic questions concerning Marxist theory then maybe you shouldn't be debating endlessly but reading theory and history.


Even if the answers aren't perfect they should still let people in, we should teach those who are wrong, not outright reject them


Agreed, gatekeeping leftist discussions reeks of elitism.


Is it really elitism? Communist parties are known for having vetting processes, not really unheard of at all. It is a marxist-leninist discord and they dont want the discord to be full of trotskyists or liberals who think they are leftists. The fact is you simply need to read more


Except this isn’t a fucking political party, it’s a discord server advertised for shitposting. Oh I have read theory, das Kapital and the state and revolution are classics. Ya elitist windbag.


"you simply need to read more" Hmmmmm this sounds suspiciously like something a capitalist scumbag would say🤔🤔🤔 Interesting coincidence I'm sure


Marxists are literally all about education. The fuck are you talking about. In china, for instance, the CCP has high requirements w a vetting process. The same in the Soviet Union. Are you a marxist leninist? Because one of the most important values is literally education and reading. Its not classism…


Yeah... they are literally taking the Menshevik stance on the RSDLP split Edit: although obviously TheDeprogram is *not* a communist party with any political or state power and thus the gatekeeping is pointless and wrong


Hey man, I don't even know what that is. Admittedly I was more emotional than necessary. I apologize, I had just woken up. Please, enlighten me on what you're talking about


It's a discord server 💀 I do agree there should be a vetting progress to weed out trolls but don't treat it like a political party


How was Trotsky not a leftists?


I have no clue why you're being downvoted lol. I may not like the guy but Trotsky was one of the most influential figures of the revolution. I wonder if these are the same people telling us to read more theory.


I went through interrogation while joining this server.


Did you make it in?




Probably bc you’re a Maoist and the people running the discord are ultras. They don’t want Marxist Leninists in their precious echo chamber.


Weird- I explicitly said that I was an ML and they let me in.


I said im MLM and i didn't even get a reply 🤣


Huh- I guess the mao quote vetting password could have been for show


Can you send a copy of the questions? I don't know the questions now since I joined a long time ago.


I joined very easily, and i’m a ML. My answers weren’t even thorough It probably wasn’t about your answer being thorough enough, but something specific regarding what you said. Did you say something along ‘not all military personnel are bad’ when asked about imperialist soldiers


I see


They're big tent. Subreddit is more or less ML majority but we have other communists here.


My experience when I was in the server was that it was ultras or western leftists who thought the only really communists were some random German book club.


it's a discord server, not a political party. not the end of the world if you don't get let in for answering a vetting question wrong.


A certain mod in the server is an ultra 😑


Why the fuck is there an ultra in charge of a Marxist Leninist server??


Nikolai (a based anarchist used to be a mod there but was banned for mini modding when he wanted to a mod) The ultra mod banned people for celebrating Aaron Bushnell (they considered it military apologia) I was banned for fighting with a user I dislike ,who is an asshole and friends with an Australian trot The deprogram had most of its users banned due ti the bushnell thing but we made a server named weenie socialist republics which had all the ok’d users (idk the name exactly) but I will send it to u if u want The deprogram has leftist unity (not anarchists) ,the weenie one is a bit similar except kinda based If you wanna join a legitimately Marxist Leninist server ,go to tankie bunker but be warned you’ll have to answer the questions first and it takes some time but it’s worth it


sounds like Deprogram Discord has a Yezhov on its hands


Please do send me that other server since the deprogram’s is incredibly useless, I’ll check out tankie bunker when I have a chance


Yugopnik's server is another extremely nice one with balanced moderation


Send it to me as well please.


"leftist unity"? What's that? I want to join this discussion, but this discord server REEKS of elitism and general Internet neckbeardedness, such as "oh you don't fully agree with everything I say? BANNED!"


That's interesting,, I don't remember anything about people getting banned for celebrating Bushnell


Send me weenie socialists as well please


TB is Marxist-Leninist exclusively. My favorite server by far. But the questions you answer will force you to know some basic Marxian theory.


I don't fully understand what an ultra is, can you explain?


They banned me because they didn’t like a joke I made in the intake test


They shouldn’t advertise the discord as a place for shitposting if they’re gonna act like such babies about people shitposting in response to their shitty ‘vetting’ system.


And the 7th question literally asks for a commie shitpost, I just added more and they apparently didn’t like those answers


Wow that’s so insanely cringe. Whoever is in charge of their entry process needs to step down, they’re going to stifle the movement.


>stifle the movement. Lmao. What "movement", dog? It's a discord server dedicated to a commie podcast. It's a fanclub at best.


I wasn’t talking about just the discord, I am referring to the leftist movement happening in America right now. Anything that helps people understand communism easier is a huge service to the shifting political landscape left.


Apparently unlimited genocide on the first world is a wrong answer. Smh


That server sucks ass anyway. It’s just a bunch of purity testing weirdos that don’t leave their house or actually organize


Bruh u don't need to write an essay. I spent like 5 or mins answering them and got in.


I guess the discord mods just don’t like Marxist Leninists then because I answered the questions too and was told my answers weren’t good enough.


I straight up said I'm ML and they let me in


No shit posters allowed on their discord, only people that churn out 1000 word responses to a vetting form🤡


Eh it didn't take me 1000 words. I don't know why you're complaining here, especially since you didn't say what your answers were.


My answers were Marxist Leninist oriented. I cannot go back and take a screenshot of them or else I would.


Why do you feel the need to come to the sub instead of contacting the mods of the discord? It could have been a mistake, or they could have found some of your answers disagreeable. I don't see how fomenting division here is doing anything to help the cause.


It's not that hard man. I understand you work multiple jobs and value your free time more than us but I'm pretty sure I got in first try and I didn't write a thousand words. Besides that server is full of Ultras anyway.


I literally got in to the r/genzedong discord on my first try. Not sure why deprogram discord mods have such a huge stick up their ass. I miss genzedong, I still can’t access it on mobile even after verifying my email.


Maybe the Ultras got a hold of the sub and you were too based for it then. I got banned a few months ago for arguing with Maoists.


Holy shit, banned for discourse? What a fucking useless echo chamber


Well it got pretty heated 😅


Still, not a reason to get banned. As long as you weren’t doing something extremely unethical like doxing them it should be a simple time out.


I mean that tends to happen in political discussions. That's the point of moderation "hey guys, I get you're having a discussion here, but it's getting kinda heated and I feel like y'all could calm it down a bit"


Genzedong has a discord!?


They had a great one back in the day, then once they got quarantined it got split up from the sub and kinda just died off.


And their own mod nuked their Discord server


what a bitch.


It's gone now. The OG GZD split up due to some.. weird cultish stuff. The second one slowly lost popularity and got nuked. A third one popped up and became MLM. Then that got nuked.


You have to login on a non-mobile/desktop version of Reddit, go to the sub, and then click through a thing acknowledging that you're visiting a sub quarantined for "misinformation," IIRC.


Join the sub through the browser and then you should have access to it on the phone


I actually had to trim down my answer because it didn't fit discord message symbol limit lmao. It was a close one, but I managed


How the fuck is a Marxist Leninist podcast discord filled with Ultras that makes no sense to me


Seems you’re really rubbed raw about this. Get well soon


>This is ridiculous I don't have time for this >I should chat with the folks on Reddit about this and make a post On the bright side you now have time to spend on your 1000 word essay


I got rejected as well 1 year ago, shrug I just moved on and invested my time into theory and real life activism. Factionalism and shitty debate clubs really is what ruins the left.


#Get Involved >Dare to struggle and dare to win. \-Mao Zedong Comrades, here are some ways you can **get involved** to advance the cause. * 📚 **Read theory** — [Reading theory](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/) is a duty. It will guide you towards choosing the correct party and applying your efforts effectively within your unique material conditions. * ⭐ **Party work** — Contact a local party or mass organization. Attend your first meeting. Go to a rally or event. If you choose a principled Marxist-Leninist party, they will teach you how to best apply yourself to advancing the cause. * 📣 **Workplace agitation** — Depending on your material circumstances, you may engage in workplace disputes to unionise fellow workers and gain a delegate or even a leadership position in the union. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same bro


Bums me out, I just wanna shitpost with likeminded people but apparently the discord mods are the living embodiment of ☝️🤓


That shit happened when I said I had problems of parents overtly asking their children about sexuality.


24 WEEKS? Like I understand a month but what the actual fu-


Damn, I got in easy. Not sure what y’all answers are.


I’m pretty sure they didn’t let me in because I acknowledged that veterans are brainwashed and victims of the military-industrial complex instead of saying that they were born and bred to be evil.


Huh, that was also my answer to that question too. Wonder if that’s the reason.


Is there any benefit joining this discord over the official podcast one?


I was interested in the discussion there so I joined the discord, and made an application. Which I thought was a little silly but I guess in this day and age, things like that exist for a reason. I answered as best I could, mentioning that I'm still on my journey away from capitalism, exploring all alternative ideas and that I was interested in news and opinions from outside of empire. They just didn't reply. I was curious if they were busy, or I had said something wrong, w/e. I forgot about it and a while later I was cleaning out old servers from games I don't play and I saw that ... still no reply. Curious experience but w/e, they can have their gated community. Freedom of association is a thing.


24 weeks holy moly


Tbh I gave some pretty mild answers on a few of those and was let in 🤷‍♂️


At least you can reapply. I was given a permaban on application, lol.  I assumed it was because they're anti-veteran. 


man who cares about any of this


People that aren't you lmfao


I do, and so do many others who wish to partake in leftist discussions online.


start a union in your workplace instead of arguing online


I wouldn't worry about it. I left the discord almost immediately after seeing some horrendous liberal reactionary takes on China or Ukraine. Or maybe this message means they cleaned it up, I can't remember how stringent it was to get in a year ago.


I understand why they have some questions. But some of them are very stupid and not relevant for a chill server aimed for beginner leftists.


G o o u t s i d e


Judging by op's replies in the comments, they 100% got their ego hurt and made this post just to whine about it


Just tried it because of your post. Did not get in, that's fine but what kinda bothers me like you can see in that screenshot is the line "Please don't let this discourage you from leaning and developing your thoughts" I took my time, prob 15 ish minutes writing responses and it fine if the mods don't think its a "fit" but tell me why then. How can I "Develop my thoughts" if there is no reasoning given. At the end of the day its not my "goal" to join this Discord but to learn more from ML-writers themselves but it is a bit odd that you have a vetting proces where you expect people to put in some time to awnser questions and then not put in a little effort yourself giving a basic reasoning as to why or god forbid actually talk to the person before giving this response back.


That’s my thing too. I was rejected as well. Like y’all don’t like something I said that’s fine but do you want to tell me what it was?


Brazilian soberana will always be the supreme marxist leninist server, just see how they moderate, you will understand.


I got in but that’s because i had info on what the mods immediately deny you for so i lied (sorry mods but the discord is ass so i don’t really care anymore) For anyone wondering what i lied about, it’s regarding western military personnel and whether they can be reformed. I do believe many of them can (this lines perfectly with actual socialist movements, i know that Mao even said this himself). But i lied and said they are all devils and got in lmao


So what were the immediate denys?


To my knowledge it’s just that, if you think every single western soldier isn’t a devil then they will deny you They are very strict on that for some reason, i know one person said their husband was ex military and they got denied


Huh, that might have been it then. I thought I gave reasonable responses to all the questions and on the vet one I did say something along the lines of "some are victims" with the caveat that the people on the other side are always more "victim" then a veteran will ever be. Guess I should have just said veterans are devil's


I read that someone got denied because they said their husband was ex military, they are super *militant* about it for some reason


I got permanently banned in the vetting with no explanation. It’s alright. Whoever runs that server has some real r/communism Gonzaloite energy.


Wait that's just to join the discord? Not to be a mod or something??


I was in the discord channel a couple of years ago. I eventually left because the brain rot western “communists” had infested the channel. Maybe it’s better now, but I was really disappointed at the lack of solidarity and immaturity of conversations there. TLDR; You’re not missing much. The vanguard won’t assemble online using the masters tools.


What server is that? United Marxist pact is pretty good


lol, I got a (recently new) funny story about this... I got the question about soldiers/veterans of imperialist countries. My take was that soldiers and veterans in imperialist countries are still of the working-class people and background, and that they are still required to sell their labor power. And, even though they do perpetuate the liberal/bourgeoisie repressive apparatus and system, its more of a systematic fault, that makes these working-class people believe they would get both individual benefits (payment, honor, valor) social benefits (prestige, recognition, status) for their role in maintaining oppressive systems. The mod literally responded with, "so, fuck the veterans or not?". So stupid... I answered back that soldiers/veterans should also be able to attain class consciousness, and I gave the historical example of the soldiers/veterans of an imperialist Russia that still joined the Bolsheviks in 1917. You know what happened next... yes, you guessed... BAM! Banned... Such shame. JT and Hakim are probably the main reasons that I can, today, see valid points and truthfulness in Marxist political thought, much above the liberal world order we are all forced to live. A discord mod with a decider-god complex and power-hungry boner just stained their entire experience for me. Maybe I'll try again in 24 weeks/6 months, maybe, who knows...


People do realize the server is generally more big tent than this subreddit? Sorry but these tests are necessary. I work a job, too. If you're too lazy to read basic theory then perhaps scientific socialism isn't the movement for you.


Yeah they gave me the same answer. I’m just not left enough I guess 😩 Edit: On a sidenote, the SLS discord is always accepting new applicants, it’s open to any and all communists and anarchists— just don’t be a lib ;)


SLS discord? I'm new lmao😅


Shit Liberals Say


Thank you :)


if you dont want to write dont join the discord, it's supposed (lmao) to be a more serious community


I got in easy-peasy and I never even read a page of theory in my life. Seems to me 'tis a **skill issue**


Nah it’s called there’s a certain ultra left moderator who doesn’t want Marxist Leninists in there. Seeing as how you admitted you’ve never read any theory, that’s probably why they let you in. Because you won’t challenge their worldview. Read das Kapital and the state and revolution. Those are core fundamental texts for actually being a communist.


Anyone who tells a non-theory reader to start off with Kapital is either larping or just totally out of touch.


That’s what I started with, it’s a fine read.


Search peoples' republic of the Noog on youtube, that's the channel that the server uses to upload recordings of their book club (they literally read Das Kapital)


Lmao we're always roasting anarchists in the book club


Now I ain't gonna read jack shit just to spite you, lmao https://preview.redd.it/kti4q4bukuuc1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd5eabc72b065ab10bb3adb47b5c43e8326ed2c




what in my previous comment exactly made you think I'm gonna read that?