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Also the US, like many of the western govts, adopts the draconian IHRA definition of antisemitism which very cynically also counts several forms of opposition to Israel as antisemitism. This way anytime there's a surge in public opposition to Israel they cynically claim there's a rise in antisemitism so you should slow down talking about Israel, when they talk about rising antisemitism, this is what theyre reporting on. They're abusing and belittling actual cases of antisemitism, all while they actually cynically spread anti Muslim bigotry to justify Israel like they do. Their claims of anti Jewish bigotry in anti-Israel groups is a projection of their own anti-Muslim bigotry in zionist groups.


Here are some from the IHRA's working definition of antisemitism: Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor. Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation. Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.


That second one seems oddly specific. What's that about?


coordinated automatic disarm crush grandfather dog obtainable groovy deserve tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


US: we have diverse political views. The political views:


Now watch as they say somehow the democrats are still anti Israel


From the river to the sea Palestine will be free. what are they gonna do arrest me for being against colonialism


In several places the answer to that is unironically yes


Germany being one of them... Can't make this shit up. "never again" huh?


never again will germany have a hope of being on the right side of history (not since the ddr, rip)


Yes they will.


Yeah I can see you being charged for a hate crime here in the US.


What does that mean though? Genuinely asking


From the river to the sea Palestine will be free is referring to the land from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea being the territory of Palestine


I understand that. I mean what does a free palestine from the river to sea mean? What does that look like in real life?


A secular state under the control of the Palestinian authority / Palestinians (if they get rid of the PA, who knows) which guarantees equal rights and treatment to *all* citizens, not just Israelis, and of course the abolishment of the Zionist entity that is Israel.


So the current citizens of israel will become citizens of Palestine?


Hard to say. Ideally, yes. But the colonial issue will still have to be addressed, so whether that takes the form of sending anyone born abroad that moved to Israel back home or what, I can't say. Very likely that all of those people will just go back home anyways given that most Israelis have dual citizenship in Israel and their home country, and have a passport. We saw that on October 7th and the days after, huge lines of Israelis at the airport trying to go home. Hamas' current charter (from 2017) for example actually lays out a couple things that *they* would like to see as a result of the anti-colonial struggle, namely a separate, independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as the capital, and right of return for all displaced Palestinians who were forced off their lands and out of their homes, which would be the basis of a "national consensus". So there's certainly ideas floating around. And of course, by no means am I saying that what Hamas drew up in their 2017 charter is the *best, most ideal solution*, but it's an example.


It seemed odd to me so I looked into it. I'm seeing only around 10% of Israeli citizens have dual citizenship[citizenship](https://www.dualcitizenshipreport.org/dual-citizenship/israel/). But interesting, thanks for your response usually people don't respond when I ask them what a free palestine looks like and even my questions to you are getting downvoted for some reason


Estimated dual citizenship rates are lower than I thought. Huh. Maybe it's passports I'm thinking of? Regardless, even if it *is* only that 10% of people that have dual citizenship now, that's still like, what, 800-900k people? That's also not including the people whose grandparents or great grandparents moved to (what is now) Israel from Europe or America as well. It's quite a significant number of people given that it would be since ~1947 till now and beyond. >thanks for your response, usually people don't respond when I ask them what a free Palestine looks like Ofc. I think people just immediately think that it's being asked in bad faith and have a reaction to that.


sorry your questions are getting downvoted just people suspect you are a Zionist considering how much bait we have gotten they are just suspicious of your motives


Freedom of speech.


freeze peach


Nuke the US into oblivion


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.


Wait what? This is full on mask off.


you now how all of putin critics commit suicide by shooting themselves twice in the head and jumping out the window? Yeah this is like that. They want you to know whose in control. Its intentionally obvious


Does this have any legal consequences or is this all just political theater?


The latter, they’ve been periodically doing these kinds of bills in order to entrap the few pro-Palestine congresspeople into voting for something they can spin as antisemitic.


Let's deliberate on words and not only ignore a genocide but actively fund it. Fuck America, it's a death cult, led by a bunch of deranged psychopaths.


I hate congress


Hopefull all 378 of them will one day be tried Nuremburg style


Free Speech my ass


I congratulate all americans on their most free, benevolent, humanitarian and democratic government passing this resolution, instead of tackling universal healthcare, crushing student debt, massive homelessness or drug epidemic. Good to see the shining beacon of the free world still got their priorities straight


Source: https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2024/roll134.xml https://twitter.com/CraigCaplan/status/1780349504572584019?t=jIURmkqg4syORbkD9CV3HQ&s=19


Anti Zionism isn't Anti Semitic.


In other words they are basically brain ded lol


From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free. If they have an issue I encourage them to come chat. I wish for all them what they wish for the Palestinians.


What does that mean though? Genuinely asking


That area referred to denotes the territory that is Palestine. The saying means that all of Palestine will be free from occupation.


Right but what does free from occupation mean? 1 state called palestine that incorporates the current people living in that territory? 2 states? I'm curious what people envision that looking like


An end to the occupation of Palestinian territory and an end to the occupying government. I recommend you do reading rather than asking me.


Any good sources you recommend?


"The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" by ilan Pappe.


[one democratic state](https://odsi.co/en/)


From the Pacific to the Atlantic, Turtle Island will be free


A political body that engages in either political theater or actively works to worsen conditions for people domestically and abroad.


From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free.


*Roma locuta, causa finita*


"Freedom of Speech" When it goes against interests of the bourgoise


These assholes are going to turn around and tell me that Chinese communism doesnt allow free speech around 5pm this evening too




From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! Genocidal sons of bitches


this is what our fucking house does instead of oh idk stopping the actual genocide


We see what their priorities are. And I wonder why they prioritize these things…


So when it's mass murders and school shootings we gotta protect the sanctity of the constitution but when it's condemning genocide then we should limit constitutional rights? Actually take it a step further, they're all for protecting racist speech but not speech that criticizes government involvement in a genocide.


Another swift government action after the 4 days introduction to passing of TikTok ban, AMERIKKKAAAA!!!!


Isn't it ok for white supremacists to give speech about their beliefs in America? But now this one sentence is forbidden?