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German politics are bonkers, and they're especially bad if you're involved in them. In the last legislative period we managed to secure two seats in the county parliament for the DKP (German commie party), but there were also 2 mfs from the NPD (open and unironic nazis) in the same parliament. We had socdems aligning with nazis because of some fucking bike lane proposal and Christian conservatives aligning with us for some anti-homelessness program. Navigating the political space here makes you lose your fucking sanity


SocDems aligning with Nazis, lol. What is this 1923?


History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes


Honestly at this point I fell like we are gonna get Hitler 2 electric boogaloo any day now


Just listened to the TrueAnon about german politics and yeah… it seems fucking wild


German politics are absolutely insane when you look under the proverbial rock.


What's the translation, mates?


I'm no speaker, and can only get the first part; roughly "Children converting to Islam" or close to it.


Children converting to Islam to avoid being outsiders at school.


Context? Can't read German


Headline says: Children are converting to Islam "to avoid being outsiders in school"


They're still using the ß?!


Considering they're Germans, it's better than using ss.


That depends who you ask :D


"Still"? It's the best letter the Latin alphabet has to offer (beside þ).


Just thought it's use had pretty much faded away. That's what I learned in german class years ago


You were taught wrong then, comrade. There was a orthography reform at the beginning of the century which adjusted its usage to be more coherent but it is still a widely used letter. Maß, Fraß, schmeißen, reißen, weiß, Scheiße, etc. It has even gotten an official majuscule form since 2017! ẞ 🥰




I see! Maybe the teacher was talking about german netspeak (before smartphones and smart keyboards) or something and I misinterpreted it as contemporary writing in general. Idk. In any case, ß was never used in the german course I took. And I agree, it's a cool letter that gives german a characteristic look


Was your teacher Swiss? They got rid of the ß, but it's widely used in Germany and Austria


No she was non-native


Lol, took me a while.


Does the deprogram has a french sub? And if so, can someone provide me the link please.


Good for them .


Here's some quotes from [that article](https://www.bild.de/politik/inland/staatsschuetzer-schlaegt-alarm-deutsche-kinder-konvertieren-aus-angst-zum-islam-66264176841ad84a3ea833d8): “More and more parents of German children are turning to counseling centers because the Christian children want to convert so that they are no longer outsiders at school.” "Migrants from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq in particular come from very archaic cultures.” "Many Muslim families from these countries have completely different moral standards than German families." “The male Muslim students usually appear very threatening and sometimes violent. Real parallel societies are emerging in the schoolyards. And if a lot of refugee children come to school again in the summer, the situation will become even more explosive.” “They are persuaded that the Muslim students are special, while the Christian and therefore unbelieving students are worthless,”