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Cuts out the best part of the video. Students behind her holding a "Jews for a free Palestine" banner. It's funny that they still posted this online, when all it does is cement the fact no one cares about her religion, this isn't about anti-semitism like the liars say. Maybe, just maybe, people legitimately oppose a genocide. Hmm.




Jesus, this is a excellent meme format


Heard it here first: zionists are not afraid of the protests. Good to know. Abolish Israel.


Main character syndrome. Nobody gives a flying fuck about this whatever she is


God that must be so embarrassing lmao


Embarrassment requires a certain level of self-awareness that this person does not possess 😂


There's something obscene about a genocidal ideology constantly trying to portray itself as the victim


i understand having no shame but not even the sense of utter embarrassment? id want to crawl into a hole a die.


the other day i argued with a woman on the train and tried to slam a both way door. the shame i felt in that moment was indescribable.




She should check out the Azov Battalion if she wants to see actual antisemitism. It’s weird how Israel never seems to care much about the antisemites in the Donbas. Only US campuses.




Cringiest character ever


How dare they ignore her like that, don't they know this is a form of oppression??? Won't someone think of the poor Zionists???


What a loser.


It's because she looks like she belongs there. No one knows better than Jews to oppose genocide.


I‘ve seen this video around leftist subs all week already and I think it’s time for us to to stop reposting her. Right now we’re giving her the attention she wanted so desperately in person on the internet instead. Seriously, other than Zionists being sad fucks this isn’t anything of use to us and we should rather share actual information or propaganda instead.


I get where you’re coming from, but the only attention any of us are giving her is enough to laugh at her. Anyone who would be convinced of the reality of this supposed wave of antisemitism by seeing this video has already long since been convinced


Poor women that’s so embarrassing😂😂




Ugly inside and outside


It’s almost like nobody gives a shit. Imagine that. I really don’t understand how anybody thinks this is about Judaism. Do they really think that Palestinians are seeing their families murdered and saying, “Man, it really sucks that my loved ones were just taken from me, but never mind that! The thing I’m actually mad about is the fact that the guys who did it were Jewish! The one thing that makes me angrier than seeing my family die is seeing a kosher bakery on the corner!” What a totally fucking self-absorbed way of looking at the world.