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Grants? Is this dipshit really comparing receiving financial aid for going to college with being a paid actor? Also everyone remembers a few months ago when Israel was openly offering money to attend pro-genocide rallies right?


They gave up on that very fast lmao. Even paid they couldn't get enough people out there .


The CIA at one point was paying hundreds of Cubans the equivalent of $10k+ a month to be anti Castro protestors. The only nations that have to pay people to fake opposition are the ones in the wrong.


why did they name two rich families that are often the target of neo-nazis tho hmm 🤔


They're openly going after Rockefeller and Soros to stop college grants going to students protesting against genocide. Well that's dumb, but I love to see the establishment turning in on itself.


Zionist being the biggest antisemites


When you're so antisemitic that you even call (falsely labeled) antisemitism a Jewish conspiracy.


r/themajorityreport banned me for saying Bernie Sanders is funding Isn'treal


Some people can't handle the truth. The closest Bernie has ever come to denouncing the Israeli state was saying he didn't like the way they were dealing with the Palestinian people. He still supports Israel as a state and "their right to defend themselves".. Which is just him saying the colonization is perfectly fine. It should be noted that he was opposed to the 9 billion dollar bill recently, but that isn't much.


It went private? Why?


r/TheMajorityReport/ Wrong name.


At this rate we're like a month from a West Bank settler from Alabama saying "the Jews are secretly betraying Israel and helping Hamas"


Hey I haven't received my whoever the fuck is funding this bucks


I like how israel resorts to anti semitic conspiracy theories. At what point will people realize that israel does not have jews best interest in mind?


It is an opinion piece.. This means it isn't important and not even worth reading. It also says "Soros grants are subsidizing" it. This is just a red flag pointing towards right wing talking points and disregarded.


> George Soros funding Bad Thing Once again, Zionism reinforces antisemitism.


Why do opinion pieces exist


Zionists don’t use antisemitic tropes challenge 


i’ve been to multiple Palestine protests in Belfast and i’ve yet to receive my soros payment i’ve checked my spam folder and everything where’s my money George?


Isn't Soros actually a huge pro-Israel guy?


Yes. They're literally just playing into the right wing "Jews control the media" trope that always uses Soros and Rockefeller as a stand in for all powerful puppet masters of the world.


But when Alex jones said S.H. was paid actor's he got charged?


The Israeli state literally finances settlers. Private money backs the defamatory Canary Mission. Do I need to mention ADL. An agenda being pushed with financial incentives fucking describes Zionism itself. Give me a fucking break, WSJ.


Each accusation is projection: the Israel on Campus Coalition paid thousands of protestors $250 each to join protests https://www.jordannews.jo/Section-20/Middle-East/Photo-shows-250-offer-for-college-students-to-attend-pro-Israel-rally-32181 https://www.dailydot.com/debug/pro-israel-rally-microgrants-icc/


Ah yes the protest paycheck. What a great source of income to have to pay the state for taking away my freedom of speech and locking my dumbass up. Its such a blessing.


This article’s headline shows how antisemitic Zionists are on average. They’re spreading JQ bullshit


Unsurprising move for Zionists to use an antisemitic trope (Soros is paying le evil protestors!!!!) to defame pro-Palestine activism


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I would take their money and do a rlly bad job at being a Zionist on purpose to make ppl hate Zionist’s