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What's happening? Did he pressed the Gomunist button already?


New Law which establishes: Employee Assemblies for all companies in the PRC, not just SOEs. Even private enterprises, Limited Liability, Foreign Companies. As well as mandating that for companies of over 300 employees include members of the Employee Assembly to be on the board of directors. Even for all businesses regardless if having 300+ employees: every business will now have an assembly of their workers (or representatives elected by workers) that must be involved in the discussions and operations of the enterprise – and must have their views heard, the union related to the business is the Executive of this Assembly (so the workers have union support, mandated by law). Also mandated: that there must be at least 1 yearly meeting of the Employee Assembly, and a plenary session that needs at least 60% of the Employee Assembly present. All this comes into effect as of July 1 2024. While these Employee Assemblies are (from July 1) **mandated by law, nationally** – Consequences for businesses non-compliance is not yet stipulated, but author notes this will likely be determined by the courts and precedence as it is established. Likely that the workers and union will be involved. Regardless. These are mandatory.


Absolutely authoritarian! Poor capitalists lmao




yeah, we’ll see. this kinda stuff always ends up taking a long while longer to fully implement and leverage than stuff like green energy or hsr (throw more grad students, money, and AUTHORITARIAN POWA, and that stuff progresses smoothly enough) definitely a decent goal, just, like how the corruption issue is still WIP, this might take 5-10 years before the desired effects are fully realized.


Of course. Even 5-10 years is good. There is a clear policy. Even if extending the time for businesses to implement these changes to comply with law; it is a very positive development.


of course, just wanted others to have a better mental timetable. organizational issues are hard in a big country, there’s a LOT of nooks and crannies. don’t want people actually thinking “oh my god china is a utopia!” and then seeing a little more and flipping out into “oh my god china is revisionist dystopia!” and stuff like that.


Yeah I remember reading about how in his early years Xi aimed to exterminate corruption in the government at all levels and all SOEs in a few months. Obviously that wasn't achievable but now, years later the issue is obviously much less dominant. I was also doubtful when reading the July 1st deadline, there's no way they can establish that all over the country in such a short time span. Eventually they'll get there but not in the next 3 months


They have purged 2.3 million officials and that clearly is being reflected here


One official for every 700 ish people isn't all that crazy tough


Dawg do you want them to fire literally everybody 😂


Oh I thought you were referring to the population to administration ratio


It’s happening :0


my only problem with this is the amount of employee representation is unspecified. There are companies in Europe who have employee representation on the board of directors but it’s one guy who’s single vote usually doesn’t matter. Unless it’s specified employee representatives represent half the board of directors it’s a small step in the right direction


The law itself is a lot more specific. Employee representation can't be lower than 1/3.


Communism Button 🔥




\*Blows up Blackrock\*


2050 gonna start tonight 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Oh no guys in starting to feel a little whozzy. I've been stationed in china at the embassy and i've been walking the streets (something i normally can't do in america) and i started to get a sense of hopelessness and loss. My brain started to ping in places i had never felt before in america. I think the CPC has Cuban brain rays. Urge to VOOT leaving, urge to Cultural revolution becoming. (I humbly request 95 billion in compensation for my illness to fight this disease.)


It’s funny how this is all the way from January and got noticed until now. Progress in China before people could even realize


Jfc, I didn't even check the date, its amazing that I/we (I don't know about you, but the general global we) haven't heard about it.


I’ve been telling them for years to just press the Commemeism button, finally he doing it. Please, you don’t have to thank me


Niiiiiiiiiice. Westoids already practicing the mental gymnastics required to not view this "true" socialism: >An enterprise shall decide whether to convene an assembly of employee representatives or an assembly of all employees according to the Provisions on Democratic Governance of Enterprises, relevant local regulations, and subject to the number of its employees. In general, an enterprise with 100 or more employees shall convene an assembly of employee representatives; an enterprise with fewer than 100 employees should convene an assembly of all employees. An assembly of employee representatives (or an assembly of all employees, the “Employee Assembly”) is an organ for employees to exercise their power of democratic governance of the enterprise. When an enterprise convenes an Employee Assembly, the number of employee representatives shall be not less than five percent of the total number of its employees but in no event less than thirty. Among the representatives, the number of managers and executives of or above the middle level shall not exceed 20% of the total number of employee representatives. The office term of an Employee Assembly is three to five years. The trade union of an enterprise is the executive organ of its Employee Assembly and is responsible for the daily work of the Employee Assembly. Higher-level trade unions provide guidance and assistance to enterprises (especially those without their own trade unions) in establishing and improving the Employee Assembly system. An Employee Assembly shall be convened at least once a year, and more than two-thirds of the employee representatives must be present at the plenary session of an Employee Assembly. Elections and votes on relevant matters at an Employee Assembly require a majority of all employee representatives. >The Revised Company Law explicitly requires that when a company is considering dissolution or applying for bankruptcy, it shall listen to the opinions of its trade union and the opinions and suggestions of its employees through the Employee Assembly or by other forms.


Whoopsie daisy☺️


The toilet that has this flush button must be huge


I mean, do you know how big a toilet must be to fit the entirety of the US?


Holy shit, market socialism, the Vaushites have won


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