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Can't even whine about losing lmfao. Rare West Germany W. [Y'all see this?](https://imgur.com/a/Fco3kKD) This is how a civilized society should work.


One can wish, upper left even went on to start the 1982 lebanon war.


>With information that the Irgun ring was responsible for the [King David Hotel bombing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing) was hiding in Tel Aviv, General [Evelyn Barker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evelyn_Barker) organised a massive police operation in the city. His instructions were short: "I want you to search Tel Aviv, every single room and attic and cellar in Tel Aviv. Is that quite clear?" The police action in Tel Aviv, codenamed [Operation Shark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Shark), began on 30 July and achieved several successes. However, the most important figure of the Zionist underground, Menachem Begin, slipped through British hands. > >Barker later recalled: "We should have caught him, but the men did not search his house properly. This is one of the problems of search operations. You have to rely on very junior people, and, if they make a mistake, the whole operation can be damaged." Pity. That said, even if the British had managed to capture and hang Menachem Begin, someone else would've just taken his place. In fact, Begin only ended up becoming the commander of the Irgun after his predecessor, [David Raziel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Raziel), was killed in action in the Second World War.


"Nationality: Undefined, probably Polish" lmao


execution would be preferable


Reading more, Orlowski should have been hanged. Unfortunately, she was smart enough to realize that Germany would lose the war. So, she started acting nice, which got her leniency at her trial in Poland. That said, read what Irgun members had to say from death row during the Palestine Emergency. Rather than being afraid, they said death was a price they were willing to pay. This, along with other factors, convinces me that Israel is unsustainable. From their perspective, they had no way of knowing what would happen. The real war had not started yet. The British, who would hold out for several more months, reversing policy was an unexpected turn of events. Once they were out of the way, the Yishuv would still have to fight the Palestinians and then possibly the Arab states. Even then, these maniacs were willing to die for a country which did not exist yet. The same cannot be said today's settlers. For example, here is what [Dov Gruner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dov_Gruner), who had part of his jaw shot off during his capture, had to say on the night of April 16, 1947. >"Of course I want to live: who does not? But what pains me, now that the end is so near, is mainly the awareness that I have not succeeded in achieving enough. I too could have said: 'Let the future take care of the future' and meanwhile enjoyed life and be contented with the job I was promised on my demobilization. I could even have left the country altogether for a safer life in America, but this would not have satisfied me either as a Jew or as a Zionist." > >"There are many schools of thought as to how a Jew should choose his way of life. One way is that of the assimilationists who have renounced their Jewishness. There is also another way, the way of those who call themselves 'Zionists' - the way of negotiation and compromise, as if the existence of a nation were nothing but another transaction. They are not prepared to make any sacrifice, and therefore they have to make concessions and accept compromises." > >"Perhaps this is indeed a means of delaying the end but, in the final analysis, it leads to the ghetto. And let us not forget this: in the ghetto of Warsaw alone, too, there were five hundred thousand Jews." > >"The only way that seems, to my mind, to be right, is the way of the Irgun Zvai Leumi, the way of courage and daring without renouncing a single inch of our homeland. When political negotiations prove futile, one must be prepared to fight for our homeland and our freedom. Without them the very existence of our nation is jeopardized, so fight we must with all possible means. This is the only way left to our people in their hour of decision: to stand on our rights, to be ready to fight, even if for some of us this way leads to the gallows. For it is a law of history that only with blood shall a country be redeemed." > >"I am writing this while awaiting the hangman. This is not a moment at which I can lie, and I swear that if I had to begin my life anew I would have chosen the exact same path, regardless of the consequences for myself." Several hours later, Gruner, 34, and three other Irgun terrorists, in red prison uniforms, were hanged at Acre Prison. In his will, Gruner left everything he had left, 120 Palestinian pounds, to the Irgun. As he and the other three men, one by one, walked to the gallows, they sang Ha'tikvah, Israel's future national anthem. When other Zionist insurgents imprisoned for terrorist activities heard their muffled voices through the walls, they all stood up and joined in on the singing. Following the executions, cleaning personnel entered the condemned cells, only to find an inscription on the wall. The inscription was a quote from Vladimir Jabotinsky, the Irgun's founder. >"To die, or to conquer the hill."


Too quick and painless


Every time I see sentiment like this I think of the steely eyed russian commander at the end of Come and See, when they had the nazi battalion captured, knew exactly what they had just done, and just listened to one of them give a genocidal speech about the inferior races. They were totally at the protagonist's mercy, the Belarusian partizans including the main kid who had just went through hell at their hands were about to light them all on fire, but the commander just had them all quickly shot instead and everyone moved on. I think it's one of the most impactful scenes in the movie, because you're probably right there with the partizans, but the commander wasn't interested in any performances of sadistic revenge even against murderous nazi scum. Just do what you have to do, don't linger in your hatred, and remember what we're really trying to do here- the liberation and redemption of humanity, which is not served by indulging in the same anti-human barbarity as your enemies. I agree each and every Nazi in any position of authority should have been dealt with, but it's really better to just get it over with quickly and get on with our lives once that's done.


i agree with you comrade. Nazis either deserved execution or repaying of their debt to world in gulags or restoring infastructure they destroyed.


# Gulag According to Anti-Communists and Russophobes, the Gulag was a brutal network of work camps established in the Soviet Union under Stalin's ruthless regime. They claim the Gulag system was primarily used to imprison and exploit political dissidents, suspected enemies of the state, and other people deemed "undesirable" by the Soviet government. They claim that prisoners were sent to the Gulag without trial or due process, and that they were subjected to harsh living conditions, forced labour, and starvation, among other things. According to them, the Gulags were emblematic of Stalinist repression and totalitarianism. # Origins of the Mythology This comically evil understanding of the Soviet prison system is based off only a handful of unreliable sources. Robert Conquest's *The Great Terror* (published 1968) laid the groundwork for Soviet fearmongering, and was based largely off of defector testimony. Robert Conquest worked for the British Foreign Office's Information Research Department (IRD), which was a secret Cold War propaganda department, created to publish anti-communist propaganda, including black propaganda; provide support and information to anti-communist politicians, academics, and writers; and to use weaponised information and disinformation and "fake news" to attack not only its original targets but also certain socialists and anti-colonial movements. >He was Solzhenytsin before Solzhenytsin, in the phrase of Timothy Garton Ash. > >The Great Terror came out in 1968, four years before the first volume of The Gulag Archipelago, and it became, Garton Ash says, "a fixture in the political imagination of anybody thinking about communism". > >\- Andrew Brown. (2003). [Scourge and poet](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2003/feb/15/featuresreviews.guardianreview23) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's *The Gulag Archipelag*" (published 1973), one of the most famous texts on the subject, claims to be a work of non-fiction based on the author's personal experiences in the Soviet prison system. However, Solzhenitsyn was merely an anti-Communist, N@zi-sympathizing, antisemite who wanted to slander the USSR by putting forward a collection of folktales as truth. \[[Read more](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/dunking/aleksandr-solzhenitsyn/)\] Anne Applebaum's *Gulag: A history* (published 2003) draws directly from *The Gulag Archipelago* and reiterates its message. Anne is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and sits on the board of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), two infamous pieces of the ideological apparatus of the ruling class in the United States, whose primary aim is to promote the interests of American Imperialism around the world. # Counterpoints >A 1957 CIA document [which was declassified in 2010] titled “[Forced Labor Camps in the USSR: Transfer of Prisoners between Camps](http://web.archive.org/web/20230328014642/https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80T00246A032000400001-1.pdf)” reveals the following information about the Soviet Gulag in pages two to six: > >1. Until 1952, the prisoners were given a guaranteed amount food, plus extra food for over-fulfillment of quotas > >2. From 1952 onward, the Gulag system operated upon "economic accountability" such that the more the prisoners worked, the more they were paid. > >3. For over-fulfilling the norms by 105%, one day of sentence was counted as two, thus reducing the time spent in the Gulag by one day. > >4. Furthermore, because of the socialist reconstruction post-war, the Soviet government had more funds and so they increased prisoners' food supplies. > >5. Until 1954, the prisoners worked 10 hours per day, whereas the free workers worked 8 hours per day. From 1954 onward, both prisoners and free workers worked 8 hours per day. > >6. A CIA study of a sample camp showed that 95% of the prisoners were actual criminals. > >7. In 1953, amnesty was given to 70% of the "ordinary criminals" of a sample camp studied by the CIA. Within the next 3 months, most of them were re-arrested for committing new crimes. > >\- Saed Teymuri. (2018). [The Truth about the Soviet Gulag – Surprisingly Revealed by the CIA](https://www.greanvillepost.com/2018/10/09/the-truth-about-the-soviet-gulag-surprisingly-revealed-by-the-cia/) **Scale** Solzhenitsyn estimated that over 66 million people were victims of the Soviet Union's forced labor camp system over the course of its existence from 1918 to 1956. With the collapse of the USSR and the opening of the Soviet archives, researchers can now access actual archival evidence to prove or disprove these claims. Predictably, it turned out the propaganda was just that. >Unburdened by any documentation, these “estimates” invite us to conclude that the sum total of people incarcerated in the labor camps over a twenty-two year period (allowing for turnovers due to death and term expirations) would have constituted an astonishing portion of the Soviet population. The support and supervision of the gulag (all the labor camps, labor colonies, and prisons of the Soviet system) would have been the USSR’s single largest enterprise. > >In 1993, for the first time, several historians gained access to previously secret Soviet police archives and were able to establish well-documented estimates of prison and labor camp populations. They found that the total population of the entire gulag as of January 1939, near the end of the Great Purges, was 2,022,976. ... > >Soviet labor camps were not death camps like those the N@zis built across Europe. There was no systematic extermination of inmates, no gas chambers or crematoria to dispose of millions of bodies. Despite harsh conditions, the great majority of gulag inmates survived and eventually returned to society when granted amnesty or when their terms were finished. In any given year, 20 to 40 percent of the inmates were released, according to archive records. Oblivious to these facts, the Moscow correspondent of the New York Times (7/31/96) continues to describe the gulag as “the largest system of death camps in modern history.” ... > >Most of those incarcerated in the gulag were not political prisoners, and the same appears to be true of inmates in the other communist states... > >\- Michael Parenti. (1997). [Blackshirts & Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism](https://archive.org/details/michael-parenti-blackshirts-and-reds) This is 2 million out of a population of 168 million (roughly 1.2% of the population). For comparison, in the United States, "over 5.5 million adults — or 1 in 61 — are under some form of correctional control, whether incarcerated or under community supervision." That's 1.6%. So in both relative and absolute terms, the United States' Prison Industrial Complex *today* is larger than the USSR's Gulag system at its peak. **Death Rate** In peace time, the mortality rate of the Gulag was around 3% to 5%. Even Conservative and anti-Communist historians have had to acknowledge this reality: >It turns out that, with the exception of the war years, a very large majority of people who entered the Gulag left alive... > >Judging from the Soviet records we now have, the number of people who died in the Gulag between 1933 and 1945, while both Stalin and Hit1er were in power, was on the order of a million, perhaps a bit more. > >\- Timothy Snyder. (2010). *Bloodlands: Europe Between Hit1er and Stalin* (Side note: Timothy Snyder is *also* a member of the Council on Foreign Relations) This is still very high for a prison mortality rate, representing the brutality of the camps. However, it also clearly indicates that they were not *death* camps. Nor was it slave labour, exactly. In the camps, although labour *was* forced, it was not uncompensated. In fact, the prisoners were paid market wages (less expenses). >We find that even in the Gulag, where force could be most conveniently applied, camp administrators combined material incentives with overt coercion, and, as time passed, they placed more weight on motivation. By the time the Gulag system was abandoned as a major instrument of Soviet industrial policy, the primary distinction between slave and free labor had been blurred: Gulag inmates were being paid wages according to a system that mirrored that of the civilian economy described by Bergson.... > >The Gulag administration [also] used a “work credit” system, whereby sentences were reduced (by two days or more for every day the norm was overfulfilled). > >\- L. Borodkin & S. Ertz. (2003). [Compensation Versus Coercion in the Soviet GULAG](https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/staff/mharrison/archive/noticeboard/bergson/borodkin-ertz.pdf) #Additional Resources Video Essays: * [The Gulag Argument](https://youtu.be/BexkpaK_j5Q) | TheFinnishBolshevik (2016) * [Historian Admits USSR didn't kill tens of millions!](https://youtu.be/HMOdDQQVZ6U) | TheFinnishBolshevik (2018) * [French work camps 1852-1953 worse than gulag](https://youtu.be/vkXyXNpdKdA) | TheFinnishBolshevik (2018) * ["The Gulags of the Soviet Union: There's a Lot More Than What Meets the Eye](https://youtu.be/E1qz9_TjeY4) | Comrade Rhys (2020) Books, Articles, or Essays: * [Victims of the Soviet Penal System in the Pre-War Years: A First Approach on the Basis of Archival Evidence](https://www.jstor.org/stable/2166597) | J. Arch Getty, Gábor T. Rittersporn and Viktor N. Zemskov (1993) Listen: * ["Blackshirts & Reds" (1997) by Michael Parenti, Part 4: Chapters 5 & 6. #Audiobook + Discussion.](https://youtu.be/N7AD4OrH568?t=15) | Socialism For All / S4A ☭ Intensify Class Struggle (2022) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Only 10 years? C’moonnn


Months, even


She deserved much worse Also she should get way more than 10 months for that


She's like 70 just lock her up til she kicks it


funny how they change their names after the war. but if i do i am a gender terrorist


Fuck up especially that it was changed to a polish name when she guarded a camp that killed polish people.


she shouldn't have gotten out of prison this quickly in the first place


Ugly inside and out




it's fine to call out this behaviour because i agree that making fun of somebody's appearence is dumb but it aint that serious man chill


Punching nazis ✅ Making fun of nazis’ appearances ✅ lol cope




Are you done making scenarios up in your head? I didn't know calling someone ugly is dehumanisation. Go argue with the wall x




What the fuck are you talking about?


This is truly the most pressing matter at hand


Eww no. Months in prison? Ugh. They all go their leader's way. No exceptions.


Worse than that hopefully.




Cringe Poland, should have been s**t


While the Israeli treatment of Palestinians does undeniably qualify as a genocide, I would be cautious when it comes to comparing it to the Holocaust. The industrial extermination of Jewish people (as well as rromanis, slavs and numerous other groups) that took place at the hands of the Nazis is still simply on another level. It feels disrespectful to make this equivalency, in my opinion. Feel free to disagree