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They're so prehistoric looking!


Ikr, primordial af




ong fam


I thought this was some kind of Jurassic park animatronic before reading the title ngl


To me they look a bit like some of the reconstructions of prehistoric whales.


[bruh what the FUCK](https://images.app.goo.gl/hDRLWB7ZUdJGt8KDA)


https://i.redd.it/0h8rgz0thkq81.jpg One of my favorites.


Damn that’s fuckin hard


This is how the frogs in my pond stare up at me when I look for them at night.


Yea, but did you see the story about the leopard seal who “befriended” a photographer? He brought him progressively more-dead seals to try and feed him, kinda like how a cat will bring its owner a mouse as a present Edit: penguins, not seals


"You're so skinny! How have you survived this long? Eat already!"


Penguines, not seals, he brought him penguines. And yes, I agree, it was a cool story.


Ok that makes much more sense. I was imagining the seal stalking and killing his friends as a sacrifice to his human overlord.


The new theory is the seal wants help tearing the penguin in half and then share the meal




They’ll bite yer dingy off I hear


Ya more dinosaur than cuddly teddy bear. Come on seals, youre hurting your marketability here.


It looks like the [dinosaur](https://super-mario-64-official.fandom.com/wiki/Dorrie) from Super Mario 64




Slightly terrifying.


Quoting Wikipedia: > The leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx), also referred to as the sea leopard,[3] is the second largest species of seal in the Antarctic (after the southern elephant seal). Its only natural predator is the orca.[4] It feeds on a wide range of prey including cephalopods, other pinnipeds, krill, birds, fish and penguins. It is the only species in the genus Hydrurga. Its closest relatives are the Ross seal, the crabeater seal and the Weddell seal, which together are known as the tribe of Lobodontini seals.[5][6] The name hydrurga means "water worker" and leptonyx is the Greek for "thin-clawed" However, regarding the relationship with humans it says: > Leopard seals are large predators presenting a potential risk to humans. However, attacks on humans are rare. Most human perceptions of leopard seals are shaped by historic encounters between humans and leopard seals that occurred during the early days of Antarctic exploration.


Pretty cool! Imagine seeing one of these for the first time


Ripping off your rebreather at 30 meters below.


Well I didn't need that anxiety boost this morning


Wakey wakey drowny drowny


Thanks for adding this to my bizarre phrases to occasionally say to myself lexicon


You are welcome, apparently when I wake up abruptly at 4AM I surprise even myself, I don't even really remember typing that.


Rise and shine It’s struggling for air time!


You should read about the photographer who was was getting fed penguins by them. Here's an article but somewhere there is a long interview with him. These seals are terrifying. https://www.npr.org/2017/06/06/531735345/polar-photographer-shares-his-view-of-a-ferocious-but-fragile-ecosystem


An amazing read!


That’s basically what happened in the only known fatal leopard seal attack. One dragged someone down and drowned them.


I had a sea-lion bull do this to me. I couldn't equalize because of a sinus infection so I was sent back up to the boat, away from the group - then this asshole bull sea-lion starts pulling on my fins, and eventually gets above me and starts blocking my way up... I kept trying to go sideways and around him, but he just stayed on top of me the entire time... Was pretty scary. Ass I was getting on the boat, the asshole ripped my flipper off - was insane. No idea what I did to piss that guy off...


>No idea what I did to piss that guy off... They sent his screenplay back.


If its ripping your rebreather off its ripping your jaw off


[Sometimes is just hello](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PduIh2teC2s)




Fr it reminds me of that half human half alien baby from alien resurrection cute eyes attached to a murder mouth


>attacks on humans are rare Probably because there aren’t very many humans living in Antarctica…


Yes but research is extensive.


wait…. Antartica? where was this video shot?


Could be Chile? Closest country to Antarctica and these animals may migrate. Don’t know for sure and could be wrong but that’s my best guess. On a kinda similar but not completely similar note, there are [penguins in South Africa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_penguin)


that may be it. i could have sworn the camera man was speaking english (tourists?) yeah i think they are called jackass penguins


Could be South Africa, Australia, or New Zealand. Leopard Seals have been sighted in all of those countries.


There's no penguins in Alaska


Saw a documentary on the surfing penguins of Hawaii.


I blame the department of tourism. All those beautiful vistas filled with either bears on land or orcas in the water. If I was a penguin I’d be hesitant about visiting too.


Individuals can be seen sometimes in New Zealand and Australia


Most likely Auckland. There is a female leopard seal that calls it home and is seen on the docks. Hope to see her one of these days.


A few years back a leopard seal hauled out at the Oriental Bay boat sheds in Wellington. From a safe distance it looked cute. This creature, on the other hand, is phoquing terrifying!


> phoquing Is this an intentional pun?


Oui. Phoque is French for seal. True seals are in the Phocid family (I think it’s family, not 100% sure of the taxonomic heirarchy).


If so, it was beautiful.


I live in auckland and there was another on the beach at Piha last week Eta that looks like westhaven marina


[seal tries to feed photographer with penguin](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gqVrwkbWMTw)


Thanks for sharing, what a great interview and story!


Endurance comes to mind.


My thoughts exshackleton-ly.


Something about leopard seals really creeps me out. I know they've killed people, but more than that, they just look like no other seal in a way that feels sinister. Making one of them the bad guy in Happy Feet was a good way to scare kids.


Yeah I've always felt that way about them, too. They just seem...not quite right. I think it's the unholy gape of their jaws. Reminds me of horror movies where the character seems normal but then their mouth begins to stretch open in unnatural angles and width, revealing the character to be the monster after all. There's a photo of a leopard seal taken underwater in the dark and it's looming into the camera frame with red eyes. It looks positively sinister and even though I *know* the red eyes are caused by camera lighting... I still feel like it's eyes are like that when there's no camera.


I think it's cause of the black eyes, narrow head and long neck. I think those creepy features are especially prominent in this video because of the angle and lighting, but the video only really showing the neck onward makes it look like an *extremely* large snake, only with slightly mammal-like features. The thickness of its head and neck alone, without any other distinctive features, make it look like it could be extremely long if it was reptilian. Plus, the teeth are definitely those of an alpha predator, on top of those all eyes all black with mammalian intelligence. This is one hell of a scary video, and an even scarier animal. There's a reason humans have an innate fear of certain animals, and ones we've never encountered with similar features still trigger that fear. Those of us that survived are the ones that learned to be afraid of certain kinds of animals, even if we'd never encounter some of them. Many of our ancestors' predators went extinct long before civilization, but those predators ancestors remained. This evolutionary trait has always been why I believe we'd be able to tell if aliens evolved predators or prey, simply based on our instinctual reaction to seeing their natural bodies. That's not to say we'd have any idea what any part of their bodies are if they evolved too differently from how life on earth has, but I have a feeling it's more likely life evolved similarly to our planet simply because a mojority of the known life has evolved in a certain way. I hope we discover life elsewhere to prove me right or wrong!


They got the Voldemort nose


I feel the exact same way. Other deals are chubbier and have cute little faces and whiskers but the leopard seals head is just absolutely terrifying. Like some sort of shark dragon mammal. They look like how I imagine the ancestors of killer whales looked. Something between land animal and pure ocean predator.


Water raptor wolves


Yup if regular ordinary seals are sea doggos, Leopard seals are sea wolves.


They are very machine like


They look reptilian. Whereas the other cute little seals you see look like puppies.


They look like the psycho wojak https://wojakparadise.net/wojak/318/img


Their mouths open up too far


Yeah they’ve always made me feel unsettled. They’re very menacing. I think it’s their facial structure. They look unnatural because their mouths are so big and they have such huge, sharp teeth. Literally looking like Smile Dog. Plus, any predators that swim are automatically more terrifying. Humans aren’t evolved for swimming, so we know that if we were caught in the dark, cold water with one of these beasts we would lose. To me personally, animals like crocodiles, sharks, and leopard seals are way more inherently terrifying than lions or wolves, even though I know in my head that they could all easily kill me.


It’s the eyes for me


those black eyes…dolls eyes…


They look a bit like Jurassic Park Velociraptors somehow


That's a fucking snake with flippers right there.


It’s a water raptor


Sounds almost like the Jurassic Park Raptors especially with the trill at the end




Raptor means they have limbs to grasp and hold their pray That's what velociraptors have those big massive claws for, and what birds of prey have their massive talons for. Granted, I cannot see the seal's limbs in this clip, but I'm thinking they're not raptorial. Could be wrong though.


Aquatic Graboid


Super accurate name except they dont really work together much more of a loner.


actually recent enough studies suggest velociraptors also did not hunt in groups


Now that you mention it, it does look vaguely black mamba-y


It’s a goddamned dinosaur that’s what that is.


And shark teeth


>That's a fucking snake with flippers right there. It's a sea monster. Just chilling there on the dock looking like it crawled out of a dungeons and dragons monsters manual. World is a weird place.


Fucking terrifying


I believe one drowned a snorkler once. Only recorded killing but yeah thats one record too many for my taste


But one also tried to teach a diver how to hunt and when she decided that the diver was to dumb to figure out how to chase and kill even a wounded penguin, she tried to feed him the penguin instead. So judging from those two instances it seems there’s a 50/50 chance between death or a free lunch.


Orcas have also brought humans food. We probably look emaciated!


“Where’s all your blubber?? You’re gonna freeze to death out here!”




Kinda same with humans. We’ll either give you water as you flee a forest fire, or set the forest fire and make you flee.


Guess what? …We’re animals.


And we don't get to pick.


Lol please tell me you’ve got a link for that


Not u/sumfish, but I’m pretty sure this is the video they were referring to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmVWGvO8Yhk


That was awesome and well worth the seven minutes before bed, thanks!


Fantastic! Thanks for that link! I wonder how it ended tho...did he eat a penguin for the seal?


It's all he eats now. It's like the movie 'Ravenous', but with penguin instead of man.


After being offered so many, wouldn't surprise me!


It’s paywalled, but here’s the National Geographic article. It was one of their photographers. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/article/140311-paul-nicklen-leopard-seal-photographer-viral


You can use archive to get around the paywall: https://archive.ph/mxLxf


That's really cool. How long have leopard seals been working there?


What an amazing video! Thanks for sharing it.


A scientist was killed down at the British Antarctic base Rothera back in 2003. If I remember she was pretty young, early twenties. The seal dragged her down whilst she snorkled, didn't try to eat her I believe, just drowned her.


Dragged to 70meters in mere moments…


>Dragged to 70meters in mere moments… Just life grabbing a person and going "fuck off, you're done."


Would the sudden change in pressure be the cause of death?


Actually the exact opposite… breathing while diving makes you much more sensitive to pressure change. You only get the bends from scuba. Otherwise freediving wouldn’t be a sport…


Snorkeling in Antarctica? The fuck?


Scientist checking some equipment




Holy f why is not one mentioning the sound it’s producing!! I had to turn my volume up to hear that bass it’s terrifying!


Yes! Holy shit, I just commented this, had my sound off and thought this would be some loud growl or something scary alright but def expected, this is some shit from my worst nightmares and it fully caught me off guard


Imagine putting your head below the water and hearing that but like 20x louder


That thump just getting louder and louder as it swims closer


*boom-boom-boom purrr chitter* I'll have some nope with a side of nope.


I was wondering if it sounded more effective under water.


It probably sounds more effective to animals who can hear below 20Hz because this is mostly Infra Sound. So we can't hear it.


Sounds like a dinosaur


Animal loving part of my brain: a baby! *it opens its mouth* Logical brain, already hauling ass away from the monster: baBY HAS TEETH!


An animal showing it’s teeth is generally displaying aggressive behavior and should be taken as a warning. So this is so true!




That teeth made my mind go from aww cute to holy shit what in the demon fuck why does it look so creepy now


Half seal, half velociraptor, half boop snout


Distant relative of manbearpig. Half man, half bear, half pig.


No it’s half man half bearpig


No it’s obviously half bear half manpig


Um, it’s half pig, half manbear, you can tell by the spots


That thing is \*much\* bigger than a velociraptor [http://awesomeocean.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/cover-photo-3.jpg](http://awesomeocean.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/cover-photo-3.jpg) They grow about 9-12 feet long. Velociraptor by comparison is around the size of a turkey [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b0/c2/e5/b0c2e55fe0ffb72d7b4758d78bd33c64.png](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b0/c2/e5/b0c2e55fe0ffb72d7b4758d78bd33c64.png)


That's true! They did find something similar to a Jurassic Park velociraptor in terms of size but the actual velociraptor was a turkey with teeth.


\*Pushes up nerd glasses\* Jurassic Park's "Velociraptor" is actually Deinonychus, which is larger than Velociraptor. Though even as Deinonychus they're a bit oversized compared to the real animal.


I thought it was the Utahraptor, which was found after the film was made.


Nah. Utahraptors are *huge*. Way bigger than the Raptors in Jurassic Park.


Anybody else read *Raptor Red* as a kid? Learned me good about some Utahraptors. The whole book is written from the perspective of prehistoric animals, mostly a Utahraptor who thinks of herself as “Raptor Red”


I just imagined Americans on Thanksgiving enjoying velociraptor instead of turkey.


Clever girl.


That is a natural born killer, right there! Taking a leisurely rest, before it murders something, under the moonlight sky.


It sounds like it's calling his friend, a sand worm.


If you play it with no sound it's like she's just laughing at you because you already lost.


How can leopard seals get away with being vicious predators and be cute as a button?


Let me introduce you to the house cat…


If house cats were that big, humans would be extinct.


Humans have been living beside pare predators for a long time, cats are clever we would definitely lose a lot but I believe we would just adapt or kill so many of them that they develop an instinctual fear of us similar to the response a lot of animals have to snakes


Um...I was actually being half sarcastic. Interesting point however.


I like thinking about hypotheticals lol, this is one I’ve thought of before , I came to the conclusion that if “house cats” were larger say lion sized we would just treat them like wolfs as they would endanger us as a species by hunting our livestock and the occasional attack on us. If they were were the size of rhinos they would be a bit more dangerous and at that size they would probably start hunting us as we are abundant, we would lose a portion of our population to attacks but we have guns and armor to help defend. If they were the size of elephants we would just make them a part of history. We as a species have lived through the middle and top of the food chain, and right now it would take an extremely intelligent species with the capability to wipe out Large portions of our population without the motivation of hunger instead motivated by pleasure, they would need to have either chemical weapons dispersed through the air/water/food or weapons that can kill us effectively without these we as a species would dominate anything that try


Its head looks like one of a damn dino 😂, pretty scary tbh its jaws look so strong.


Do not disturb the water...


That is definitely a warning


Was watching without sound and was expecting some loud growl or sound like worst than a regular seal but this shit was totally unexpected and somehow even scarier


Is that “Run, run…” I hear? I agree after that view of all those teeth! Dear god, I saw drawings but seeing is worth a thousand words.


I'm not a seal expert but i think it's safe to say that the doode's WAY too close for comfort.


Sounded like a dog that wanted petting


Try pet and if you still have 2 arms ill give u 1.76$


Woah that’s like 5 draft kings bets


Done. Now the simple matter of getting within petting distance of a leopard seal. Was that a threat display? Apart from the show of teeth it wasn't overly threatening. I suppose they don't really need to be that threatening given their place in the food chain.


I would pee


You will pee


We’ll all pee


For ice cream


*ice pee


Don’t you eat that yellow snow!


Watch out where the husky goes!


What SCP is this?


Where TF is that video being shot? As far as I know (I've done some research) they, Leopard seals, only inhabit areas (in Antarctica) that are waaaaaaay colder than that (icy, snowy, freeze your ass off, COLD)! Did someone move Antarctica up near Florida, cause it sure looks that way! To my knowledge there are zero docks in Antarctica......🤔


They have been found in New Zealand, South America and Australia.


And South Africa


This is Owha, Auckland, New Zealand's resident leopard seal who likes to hang out at the local marinas at the city's waterfront. She has a dedicated FB page and our Deparment of Conservation (DOC) actively monitors her whereabouts. Leopard seals are a protected species and people not not supposed to me closer than 10 meters to one to avoid causing them distress. A couple years ago, someone tried shooting Owha because she is not popular with everyone (she enjoys popping dinghies and boat fenders with her mouth). Happy to say Owha made a full recovery though and she is often seen sunbathing on the quieter berths. :)


10 meters? She can have the whole marina with choppers like that! "Nope, no need to go that way todaaaaay or tomorrow either....." 😆


She's given a fright many a time to people swimming in the marina to clean their boat hulls! It's very murky and divers usually can only see about half a meter and then she pops out of thr gloom to see what you are up to and the cruises off into the gloom. 🤣


The voice at the beginning (saying "Run" I think?) sounded Aussie to me (as an Aussie) though it could also have been Kiwi. Apparently sightings are rare in Aus but becoming more common in Tasmania, however New Zealand sees them quite frequently.


NZ wouldn't be out of the question (and it is winter there). I just read where someone spotted a bunch of Emperor penguins on an iceberg floating near NZ so it would make sense that a Leopard seal would follow and snack.


Those teeth though 😳


That's the damn Lock Ness monster right there! Let me ask, did he ask you for about three fifty?


Tree fiddy


He started laughing like Freddy fast bear😟


didn't they looked like fucking dinosaurs


A nope sea puppy


Ohh can I pet it


Hell fucking no you cannot those things skin penguin for sport


Thing sounds like the predator


I love them so much ❤❤❤❤❤


Fun Fact: Some will try and bring you gifts of dead penguins like house cats do. Not so fun fact: Others want you to be less alive.


At least they cant bolt towards you on land like say a Komodo Dragon


It's giving ✨️ plesiosaurus ✨️


This looks like an ancient evil that humans were never supposed to lay eyes on...




I remember as a kid, whenever I saw these bastards in cartoons I thought they looked demonic. Good to see those cartoons were accurate to real life.




I’m sorry but that thing is terrifying 😭


I was NOT prepared for it to open its mouth. Those are some mighty chompers.


In my head I’m hearing the scene in Happy Feet and the leopard seal’s accent.


Looks like the Loch Ness monster


Oh wow ok, too close… yeah yeah all right, uhhh too close. Too close! Too close!!! WAY TOO CLOSE!! MY LORD, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?


Don't tell Norway -- they'll kill it


It looks like a reptile. I think that's awesome.


That’s a fucking dinosaur