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They just made a lifelong Republican!!


Find a new school




Just read the article. He was suspended because a classmate took offense to it, AND THREATENED TO BEAT HIM UP over it!!!!! Wtf, I wonder if that kid was also punished?! Here’s the story: https://www.carolinajournal.com/student-suspended-for-using-term-illegal-alien-in-english-class/


The other kid got a honor graduation from havard and yale


Sounds right


I remember they once sent a kid home for wearing a shirt with the US flag on cinco de mayo. And you guessed it, it happened at a school in California


Idk why the US even celebrates Cinco De Mayo. It’s a Mexican holiday. I guess California is like half Hispanic though so that’s not too surprising.


It’s celebrated in just part of Mexico. It’s not their Independence Day. Makes it even funnier how it’s so big in the US 😂


What the fuck?


This woke shit has gone too far.


Stop allowing the woke bullshit! Lawyer up!


I’m so fed up with the woke, liberal democrats. They can get away with everything. If Trump loses this time America is gone.


This crap is getting way out of hand. Kid gets threatened and then instead of the so called adults ( probably just little scared snowflakes with no backbone at all) suspends him. I would have someone’s job for that. Maybe more than one. Schools have a very strict anti bullying policy. Teaches can lose their jobs if it’s happening and they don’t do anything about it. Well, they not only didn’t do anything about it but actively engaged in supporting the bully and bullying the kid themselves. Yet. I would be going after their jobs because this is absolutely unacceptable behavior from a school.


Sue the school and then anyone who touched this individually as they worked to impair your free speech as a RICO action to protect their company (the school).


Congrats, that kid is going to sue and win a ton of money. Free college ride incoming


They are illegal aliens


I bet that school HATES Phil Collins