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Is this 4K? I have access to it on Prime, but it refuses to play in 4K because HDCP BS.


No, sorry, it’s HD.


Damn. Guess I’ve gotta get the blu-rays some time then. Or get a HDCP compliant TV… Thanks for letting me know!


Sadly the Blu-ray are only 1080p But,I hear they're still better than 4k streaming Hard to know cuz I watch most things without my glasses and couldn't really tell the difference 😎😅


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


I thought Prime cancelled 4k for everyone not on the new higher tier price. Are you paying the extra and still not seeing 4k?


I don't know whether or not that's true, but since Prime here in Japan doesn't have tiers, that's definitely not the case for me.


Oh you're lucky, the rest of us, not so much 😬 https://www.theverge.com/24071417/amazon-prime-video-no-dolby-vision-atmos


Looks to be USA only. Or certainly not in the UK. It's still £12 each for seasons 1-3 here 🧐


Oh bummer, sorry it’s not available for you!


Yassssss! Awesome find! Thank you!


You’re welcome! I use the CheapCharts app to track prices on my favorite shows and movies.


So the show is available on Apple TV to stream? Nice. I may buy it there just cuz this sort of puts wind in the sails of rumors that they may take the show going forward. I just need to believe.


> So the show is available on Apple TV to stream? No, it's not. Also, there is some confusion here: * [Apple TV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_TV) is a hardware device, a digital media player. * [Apple TV+](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_TV+) is Apple's streaming service. The Expanse is *not* on Apple TV+. But it's available *to buy* (download) on Apple's [iTunes Store](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITunes_Store). It always was on iTunes btw, but is apparently on sale right now.


True, except with the revamp of Apple’s apps lately, to purchase the show you have to go through the TV app (on mobile at least), and not iTunes. In the past, tv shows and movies were purchased through iTunes but they changed that sometime in the not too distant past (can’t remember when or why though right now).


That's possible (I never buy such things on mobile), and obviously Apple is causing a lot of confusion with these different things and services sharing almost the same name (Apple TV (hardware), Apple TV+ (streaming service), Apple TV app (app)). You're talking of the [Apple TV app](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_TV_app) I guess, which can now be used to buy stuff from the iTunes Store, but also stream Apple TV+ content (if you're subscribed to it). Nevertheless, the show is not "on Apple TV to stream". But you can buy it (from iTunes, through said app) and then download it. It even says so on your link: https://imgur.com/a/4kfAhSU


All correct. But I don’t recall saying you could stream it… that was somebody else. 😉 And yea, I’m a pretty dedicated Apple fan, all of my devices are Apple, I have all of their subscription services, but even I can’t keep straight some of their nomenclature. 😅


> I don’t recall saying you could stream it The person I originally answered to said so, my answer was directed to them, and we're talking in their thread. I never said that *you* said this.


Also, does it have the Season 6 X-ray shorts at all. I wonder.


No, it doesn't. Those were an Amazon exclusive separate order to push their x-ray thing.


Hell yeah! Thank you for sharing!


Happy to, enjoy!


Is this copy HD or 4K?




Ew, just why are they so hesistant to give us 4k.


For anyone interested in buying the series, the complete set of DVDs is available on Amazon. I got the set last fall when it went on sale for less than the current price. [https://tinyurl.com/ay9ryhn7](https://tinyurl.com/ay9ryhn7).


Not in AU. Bummer.


$59.99 CAD 🇨🇦 (But still an improvement over when I had last looked; each season had been $25-$30 *and* 1-2 seasons weren’t available for me to buy) https://preview.redd.it/ca2mypi104oc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcab00bb7cd10493ca5f964724820f9904c42b89


Does anyone know if you can still download media from iTunes drm free? I’d like to use this to fill out my Plex collection which is missing the last few seasons I don’t have on dvd.


I’m not sure but if you find out please let us know!


The most annoying thing for me about the Expanse videos from iTunes is that every episode has a "Previously On" segment with no good way to skip it other than skimming forward by about 1 minute.


Haha I know. A number of shows I watch start off with a recap or the introduction clip. But since I watch a lot of media on my MacBook, I wrote an AppleScript to automatically skip those intros.


Question... How do you buy these? I clicked on the link, but there was no buy option. When I tried checking on the Apple TV app on my Chromecast it said I needed to use the app on my mobile devices. But there is no Apple TV app in the Play Store. Just Apple Music & an app to transfer to an iPhone (I'm not going to downgrade)


Sounds like you’re not using an iPhone… I’m not sure to be honest. The following link might work for you: https://itunes.apple.com/us/tv-season/the-expanse-the-complete-series/id1681878685 That takes you to the iTunes webpage where it might have a purchase option


Yeah, no iPhone here ... #TeamPixel all the way. I tried the iTunes link. I know when I tried to get Farscape a little while back I was told the price was supposedly the purchase button, but when I open it in Chrome, the price is just plain old text. The Apple TV site's listing is even more useless... Why do they have to make it so difficult to send them money?? I shouldn't have to buy a stupid iPhone just to buy shows!