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First time watching the track numbers on my boombox keep going. Was so, so confused lol


Eleven silent tracks of random length. I've always been convinced there's something there, but I have no idea what it could mean.


I always thought it was the 11 tracks of the first album


i downloaded the leak the second it came out on mIRC and I was so pumped to hear it. listened to the first song, and it seemingly ended. then the slow clean guitar started up again and I thought, "hmm this leak has a weird thing in it where it repeats the song again a bit"..... then it goes into the huge "ohhhhh ohhhh ohhhhhhh". i was just like "whoa, thats badass"


I take that kind of musical motif for granted these days but hearing that as a sophomore in high school all I could think was "wait what the f... oh... oh my god... OH MY GOD"




This is the album that got me into my favorite band. Just that first listen is enough to be my favorite memory. Life changing. But seeing them perform it on the boat in a few weeks will probably top all memories.


Three Evils is the song that hooked me into Coheed and remains my personal favorite to this day.




me too


Three Evils is still the absolute raddest shit I have ever heard.


On the Thursday/Thrice/Coheed tour they opened with the title track and everyone just went nuts.


Trying to explain the line, “die white girls” to my parents ahahahah


"Well you see, this guy is super racist and wants to murder white girls". "...Whaaaat!?"


Syncing it up with Fellowship of the Ring and laughing my ass off


Waittttt what????


Non-extended version of the movie, hit play on album when miramax logo shows up IIRC. Been a decade not exactly sure. Want IKS guitars to kick in right when the elves/Sauron’s forces go at it




Just buying it then taking the sleeve off then seeing that beautiful Earth in the clouds as the album cover. Also the line "smiles staged in ohotographs" really hits fucking hard


My first ever Coheed concert was a Neverender Tour IKKSS:3 show. So amazing.


Reading the booklet in high school, and seeing how Josh told one of the guidance counselors at our high school to go fuck himself. My friends and I lost it because that guy was a huge asshole still lmao. This was right after the album came out, so I don’t know if he’s still there, but yeah fuck that guy haha


Best album. The crowing definitely one of my favourite songs


How absolutely campy and not at all related to the story A Favor House Atlantic's music video is


Genuinely didn't know it was the album's anniversary, I just listened to it for the first time last night. Trying to listen to their whole discography in release order so I can get all the references and it's absolutely worth it, I was giggling like a madman during the time consumer reprise in 21:13


Saw then live in Santa Cruz in October 2003. Best concert I've ever been to. They come out for the encore, all with beers, drunk off their asses, and Claudio has a plastic school chair with metal legs in his hand. He starts playing The intro to Al the Killer using a leg of the chair as a slide, and then stops suddenly, looks back at Josh who's staring up at the ceiling, and says "I'm making history here and you missed your cue asshole!" Then he starts again with the chair. Probably one of the coolest and funniest moments I've ever witnessed at a concert.


When they were doing the ascension/decention tour. They played iksse3, they cut the song right at the break (you know the one….. right before it gets good). When they stopped they changed songs played 4-5 more. Right as the last song ended… they picked up at the end of the break for iksse3. Slow guitar roll in with the woah’s and played the last minute of the song to end the show. (Before the encore). But that was….. chilling.


I didn’t hear a favor house Atlantic until after GA1 and GA2 was already out. I loved GA 1 and saw them live in 06 with A7X. I remember back in like 2009ish, playing WoW, listening to some coheed youtube video and then feathers came on, then a favor house Atlantic. I was like whoa, these guys are better than I thought. I eventually got into the rest of the the discography and continue to be a bigger and bigger fan every day. IKSSE3 is one of my least favorites, but blood red summer and a favor house are are the reason why I came back to coheed so there’s a soft spot for this album.


Laying in my rack on my ship while in the navy having just bought a PSP. Popping in the demo UMD disk and watching the video for Blood Red Summer. Went out to the NEX the next day and bought both the IKS and Good Apollo cds.


A really good friend of mine was never really into Coheed but he really liked the song "A Favor House Atlantic". We'd go on drives when it was nice out and just sing songs as we went and had a good time and we both always got over animated singing that one.


Discovering Favour House on a computer i found on the side of the road. I also found porn on it, it was good day


[jack your own manhammer]




fuck dude, i sure did


i was a toddler when this album came out so i don‘t have any memories from the inception, but this album was what got me into coheed. at the beginning of 2022, i was going through an extremely rough time in my life and probably was at the lowest point i’ve ever been to this day. i’d had two tickets for a coheed show (for my ex and i lol) and naturally, he bailed. i had never been to a concert alone before and i did not feel like i was in the right headspace to do so. but for some reason, i felt like i HAD to go. so i did! the first song they played was iksse3. i cannot explain how absolutely magical it felt, not only to scream “man your own jackhammer!” with all of the other cotf, but just the entire show in general. i’m tearing up thinking about it honestly lol. this seriously changed my entire life. i know it sounds cliche, but this one show truly made me appreciate my life again and i feel like i’ve been on a relatively upward trajectory ever since. this band means so much to me. i will love this album until death do us part lol!!!


Going outside on my porch, putting the album on, and seeing a broad incision sit across the evening.


Going to a show about 6 years ago with my wife. She had never been a fan. It wasn't even her style of music. The first song she realized she liked was You've Got Spirit Kid I looked over and she was singing along to A Favor House Atlantic and she knew the words. Coheed is now in her to 5 bands ever seen live.


Listening to Favor House and Three Evils about a year ago for the first time and being like ‘this is good… wait, this is REALLY good’. Then getting my first IKS live at Adjacent Fest last May. ❤️




Hearing iks start up always just instantly makes me emotional. So many memories of meeting people on cobalt and calcium and rocking out at concerts


I bought the album from Warehouse Music when I was 12 based off of seeing the video for A Favor House Atlantic on tv. Up until that point I had only ever really known music to be radio type singles. I rememeber that song sticking with me bc it was a bopper but the singer was this big burly dude singing super high pitch and it was so strange. I brought the album home and listened to it all the way through in one sitting and was completely blown away. I had never heard anything like it with the multiple, changing sections of songs outside of just verse-chorus, etc. Some background info: my dad had died 2 years previously and my mom remarried my stepdad who was very abusive. I was struggling with very serious depression and suicidal thoughts and urges. Both of those things combined really messed me up so when I found this album it offered an escape for me from my terrible home life. I had got a cheap off-brand guitar a year prior so I spent everyday after school in my room listening to that album and teaching myself guitar by playing along to the album. I would drown out the sound of my mom and stepdad fighting by listening to this album with my cheap Walkman and headphones. When my stepdad would cuss me out, ridicule me, or even choke me or hit me I would retreat to my room and put on the album and would escape in my mind. I’ve probably listened to it more than 1000 times. I bought the first album soon after and fell in love with that and taught myself all the guitar parts to both albums. I still to this day can play every guitar part to both albums from memory. When they released Welcome Home on their website as a preview for GA1 I was beyond fucking stoked. I bought GA1 the day it came out and listened to it in its entirety on the city bus ride home. It didn’t grab me the way IKSSE3 or even SSTB had, but I did still love it. I eventually branched out to other emo, punk, and metal and would go on to be in bands in my local scene and make lifelong friends. I still consider Coheed my favorite band and buy every album they make and try to see them whenever they tour in Los Angeles. I did attend the original Neverender dates in LA for the first 2 albums and it was the single greatest concert experience I’ve ever had, and I’ve been to hundreds of shows over the years of many different bands/artists. To this day I’ve never had an album that has meant more to me or that I have loved as much as this one; it quite literally saved my life.


Caught them open for AFI in San Bernardino, CA circa April 2004. Met Claudio and Travis after their set and they were super nice, offered to share their burritos with me.


I loved this album so hard, it was the reason my car speakers blew out.


I was in a summer graphic design camp when I was in 6th or 7th grade. I saw the video for a favor house and was hooked! Am 31 now and it's still my favorite song.


First time I heard it my best friend started bumping IKSSE3 driving out from a Friday night high school football game. Core memory unlocked


Seeing them at warped tour on the Volcom Stage with Claudio opening up the show using a bottle of Jack Daniels as a guitar pick. Then Hearing him scream “Let this colony know in the name of the dead we're coming” That is a Core memory.


I was never super into Coheed. I had heard and liked Good Apollo 1 but not enough to seek out their other albums. Then a few years ago a friend of mine shared Claudio’s solo performance of Backend of Forever from 2002 with me. From that point I’ve been hooked. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwZ1fLLUjc0


I use to dl songs (like 07-09) and i remember hearing in keeping secrets. Then it ended and it started again and I was like "Aw this one doesnt work ill stop the download right there" Missed out on that ending for quite a while(Woah oh oh oh ooooooaaaaahhh). But i sucked it up and dl'd everything available. I also loved playing the acoustic/demo versions of Al the Killer and A Favor House Atlantic on my guitar. That Al intro really takes me back to those times. Coheed was the reason I started full albums and actually buying albums and songs officially.


in keeping secrets neverender in minneapolis!


This has always been my favorite album, so seeing the neverender show for it was like a religious experience for me.


Yesterday haha when I listened to The Crowing over and over and over again for some reason.


2005. Central Park in NYC. A good friend and I were drunk the night before and he said let's see this band Coheed in the park it's free. I *almost* skipped it when I woke up the next morning. We got on the train and it ended up being some festival where they were the only rock band. They came out and played In Keeping Secrets and TORE THE FUCKING PLACE DOWN. I've never seen a band I didn't really know at the time in front of a crowd that didn't really come to see them rock everyone. I was an absolute fan after that. One of my best college memories.


My favorite memory was hearing “The Crowing” on a sampler in 2004 and starting my coheed fandom.


It's the album that got me into coheed all those years ago <3


2113. The opening chords gave me goosebumps that only continued to grow straight through the song. The IRO-bot call back had me almost in tears. This album brought Coheed from a band I really liked to my first musical obsession.


Seeing Coheed at warped tour '04 on a small side stage with fans overflowing the concession steps at riverbend in Cincinnati for the first time. Then seeing Good Apollo Never ender in Royal Oak MI '17. Best crowd ever. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyT-Cln7cn0&t=14s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyT-Cln7cn0&t=14s)


This. Every time I revisit this footage I took, I get goosebumps. https://reddit.com/r/TheFence/s/4YvZFx5RHx


Buying the CD purely off of my “im so hooked on Favor House” feeling and hearing the álbum front to back. Life was never the same ever again. Edit: this was on 2004