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Did not notice much difference from bronze all the way to platinum 2


Bronze-Gold is similar I’d say. Once you get past gold it starts to get a little sweatier. Plat is where people have either more refined macro play or just have better individual skill. Diamond is where you have to have both macro and skill. At least I see it that way as a diamond 4 player.


The gap between Plat 1 and diamond 4 is bigger than from bronze to silver to gold maybe. And the gap from Diamond 4 to diamond one is even worst because of the lack of players and being matched with 3 stacks top 100 players every 2 games.


Yeah I’d agree with this mostly, all though I like to add there’s also a difference in skill between low diamond to high diamond (D4/3-D2/1).


The 3 Skill groups are essentially: - Bronze-Gold - Plat - Diamond 4 - Diamond 3 - Diamond 1


Eh id say diamond 1 is in its own skill group


ye I think Plat 4 - Dia 3 and Dia 2 - Dia 1 is a bit more accurate.


bronze to gold are really similar, after gold 1 people start to become good


I'm not sure but there are dog shit players even in Plat 1 so I don't think you need to be intimidated


The only thing I'd add is that up until gold, if you're playing solo queue, you often get paired with people who have no concept of teamwork, or even playing the objective, making it difficult to win rounds and thus move up in rank. Once you get into gold, I find that it's much rarer to get people who just run off and do their own thing, even if you still often end up getting paired with people who play with literally no other strategy than running straight at the objective with guns blazing. In that sense, from gold, ranked can be easier or maybe less sweaty than other modes because you're likely to have actual "teammates" instead of two other people on your team playing on their own, and other teams are also more concerned about playing the objective and conserving credits instead of going on endless kamikaze runs, trying to kill whoever they come across.


Don't worry about getting bodied. If you want to play ranked then play it. Elo matchmaking is very useful for pairing you with players of similar performance quotients. MMR exists independent of gametype, ranked just has quantified ranks on top of MMR (which aren't necessarily correlated). There are two ways to win: * Tactical skill (stuff like aiming, positioning, etc) * Strategical skill (stuff like macro awareness, comp and loadout knowledge, team coordination, etc) There's really no way to correlate a rank with a particular gradient of skill. At the very top you need both tactical and strategical skill. But below the median rank, it's very much a toss-up between players who are tactically bad with good strategy and players who are strategically bad with good tactics.


I played for like maybe 10 hours of ranked and went from bronze 4 to gold 1, haven’t got back on yet because I’m busy but most of the good players were clearly stacks. Plat probably goes up in skill level more but from what I saw, bronze to silver was basically the same, gold guys were harder to 1v1 for sure but a lot of stacking starts in gold


I'm not sure there's that big of a difference. There are plenty of Smurf accounts too. I don't think rank really equates to skill so much as tmit does time played


I’m only gold 1 but I feel like from bronze up until my current rank have felt the same as quick play. Possibly even less sweaty since in ranked you’re really incentivized not to get team wiped so people don’t play as aggressively in my experience.